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《Public Health Forum》2014,22(3):10.e1-10.e3
Infancy and early childhood represent the most sensitive period of life with respect to both, development of the immune system and exposure to infectious diseases. Therefore, numerous efforts have been and are being taken to study the associations between infections, immune response and long-term outcomes. New findings are expected from birth cohorts dedicated to infection research.  相似文献   

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz - Für die Beschreibung der aktuellen epidemiologischen Trends der Karieserfahrung bei Kindern in Deutschland wurden die...  相似文献   

IgE-mediated immediate type reactions are the most common form of food allergy in childhood. Primary (often in early childhood) and secondary (often pollen-associated) allergies can be distinguished by their level of severity. Hen’s egg, cow’s milk and peanut are the most common elicitors of primary food allergy. Tolerance development in hen’s egg and cow’s milk allergy happens frequently whereas peanut allergy tends toward a lifelong disease. For the diagnostic patient history, detection of sensitization and (in many cases) oral food challenges are necessary. Especially in peanut and hazelnut allergy component-resolves diagnostic (measurement of specific IgE to individual allergens, e.?g. Ara h 2) seem to be helpful. In regard to therapy elimination diet is still the only approved approach. Patient education through dieticians is extremely helpful in this regard. Patients at risk for anaphylactic reactions need to carry emergency medications including an adrenaline auto-injector. Instruction on the usage of the adrenaline auto-injector should take place and a written management plan handed to the patient. Moreover, patients or caregivers should be encouraged to attending a structured educational intervention on knowledge and emergency management. In parallel, causal therapeutic options such as oral, sublingual or epicutaneous immunotherapies are currently under development. In regard to prevention of food allergy current guidelines no longer advise to avoid highly allergenic foods. Current intervention studies are investigating wether early introduction of highly allergic foods is effective and safe to prevent food allergy. It was recently shown that peanut introduction between 4 and 11  months of age in infants with severe atopic dermatitis and/or hen’s egg allergy (if they are not already peanut allergic) prevents peanut allergy in a country with high prevalence.  相似文献   

The factors causally related to the worldwide increase in allergies are largely unknown. This is also true for the observed differences in allergy prevalences between different countries. Factors possibly influencing the increase in allergies are environmental exposure with either an adjuvant and/or a triggering effect, as well as lifestyle factors, with the consequence that changes may occur in the stimulation of the immune system. Based on all of the potential interference mechanisms of xenobiotics on immune reactions, three studies are presented in this paper which may contribute to the determination of possible risk factors. These studies take into consideration the temporal changes as well as the special sensitivity of the studied populations. Compared to exposures allocated to the outdoors, the indoor associated exposures appear to be the important ones. Chemical substances such as volatile organic compounds as well as biological components (e. g. moulds and their metabolic products) are examples for exposures that are of allergic relevance. These appear to be able to predispose the immune system towards the expression of allergic disorders. The developmental phase of early childhood is therefore an especially sensitive one.  相似文献   

During recent years increasing research has been conducted on casual treatment options for food allergy, with focus on oral immunotherapy (OIT) for hen’s egg, cow’s milk and peanut allergy. Several studies could show that OIT leads to desensitization or an increase of threshold. However, severe adverse events during this treatment are not uncommon. Whether OIT leads to a sustained, ‘robust’ development of tolerance in patients has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Besides OIT, some studies on sublingual (SLIT) and epicutaneous immunotherapy (EPIT) were performed, aiming to improve the safety profile. Furthermore, there are some pilot studies investigating a combined treatment of SLIT and OIT or a combined use of anti-IgE treatment or probiotic supplementation with OIT. Further placebo-controlled trials with larger sample size are needed in order to develop standardized protocols before immunotherapy may be used as a therapeutic option for food allergy outside of clinical trials.  相似文献   

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz - Erkrankungen, die auf eine Einwirkung von Stoffen von außerhalb des Körpers auf den Menschen zurückgeführt...  相似文献   

Cases of poisoning account for a distinct share of accidents in Germany, which is particularly high for accidents involving children. Cases of poisoning resulting from suicidal intent or abuse are not counted as accidents. Compared to other cases of disease and accidents, the numerical documentation of cases of poisoning is inadequate. Presently, there is no institution in Germany that could make available representative and meaningful data on the current state of poisoning. Owing to intensive scientific cooperation between the poison information centers (funded by the federal states) and the Poison and Product Documentation Center at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR DocCenter) as well as to international cooperation, harmonized and standardized tools have been developed for the appropriate documentation and reporting of procedures to account for poisoning accidents. The first evaluation for 2005–2012 based on published and processed figures for the Federal Republic of Germany yielded the following results: Of approximately 230,000 telephone inquiries received in 2012, about 207,000 involved exposure of humans to different noxae. An annual increase of 3–5?% was recorded. For 2011, analyses of subsets processed by means of standardized methods yielded the following results: Medicines were involved in about 39?% of the cases recorded (of these, medicinal products for humans in 99?%); chemical/physicochemical agents in about 26?% (of these, cleaning and maintenance products in 46?%); products of daily use in about 14?% (of these, cosmetics in 40?%); and plants in about 10?%. More than 90?% of cases were acute poisoning and less than 5?%, chronic poisoning. Regarding the degree of severity of poisoning, an asymptomatic course was reported for 44?% of the cases; minor manifestations were experienced in 30?%, moderate ones in 6?%, and severe manifestations in 2?% of the cases recorded. Fatal cases were rare (<?0.1?%). The majority of cases (67?%) were caused by poisoning accidents, followed by suicidal action (20?%), with abuse and industrial poisoning (4?%) in third position; 1?% of the cases of poisoning were attributed to adverse drug reactions (ADR) and mistaking a medicinal product for another one. Infants aged 1–2 years have the highest risk of poisoning. A panel of the BfR Committee for the Assessment of Poisonings has already developed proposals for a national monitoring scheme of poisoning incidents. The aim is to prepare annual reports similar to the report of the National Poison Data System (NPDS) maintained by the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) in the USA.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die eingehende Beschäftigung mit der Spezialfrage der Porphyrine und ihrer Bedeutung bei gewerblichen Vergiftungen zeigt, daß die Prozesse außerordentlich komplex und sehr diffizil sind, und daß vielfach noch unzutreffende und überholte Anschauungen zu finden sind. So erschien es notwendig, den modernen Stand der Dinge aufzuzeigen, soweit das bei solchen im Fluß der Forschung befindlichen Gegenständen möglich ist. Es war daher notwendig, zunächst auf die Chemie der Porphyrine einzugehen, ihre endogene und exogene Entstehung aufzuzeigen und ihre physiologische Bedeutung zu schildern, um dann auf die Pathologie des Porphyrinstoffwechsels einzugehen. Den Porphyrien (kongenital, akut, toxisch) wurden die Porphyrinurien gegenübergestellt, die als toxische Porphyrinurien gewerbemedizinisch von Bedeutung sind und im einzelnen dargestellt werden. Hierbei wird auf den vermutlichen, außerordentlich komplexen und keineswegs einheitlichen Mechanismus eingegangen, kurz zu den Nachweismethoden Stellung genommen und auf praktische, sich daraus ergebende Schlußfolgerungen hingewiesen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ein tödlicher Betriebsunfall beim Umgang mit Acetoncyanhydrin gab Anlaß, die percutane Toxicität des Mittels zu prüfen. Wie Tierversuche (Meerschweinchen) aufzeigten, wird Acetoncyanhydrin durch die intakte Haut resorbiert und kann bei entsprechender Dosierung und Einwirkungsdauer zu tödlichen Vergiftungen führen. Infolge der Lipoidlöslichkeit ist die percutane Resorptionsgeschwindigkeit des Acetoncyanhydrins gegenüber einer wäßrigen Blausäurelösung größer. Der Vergiftungsablauf ähnelt einer verzögerten Blausäurevergiftung (innere Erstickung). Die pathologisch-anatomischen und chemisch-toxikologischen Befunde stimmen mit der Blausäurevergiftung weitgehend überein.Arbeitsschutzbestimmungen über den Umgang mit Acetoncyanhydrin fehlen zur Zeit. Über die Notwendigkeit wird noch an anderer Stelle berichtet.  相似文献   

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz - Seltene neuromuskuläre Erkrankungen, wie spinale Muskelatrophie und Muskeldystrophie Duchenne, sind Erbkrankheiten, die sich...  相似文献   

In Germany, the database on falls among children (<15 years) is insufficient because there is no systematic, population-based monitoring of injuries according to location, type and mechanism. This analysis will compile relevant data on fall injuries among children in Germany and define risk groups, risk factors and typical accident mechanisms according to the frequency and severity of fall injuries. Results: In 1998, 31 children (<15 years) (N=655) died through falls, in most cases by falling from a building (n=8). Around 700,000 children are estimated to have required medical treatment for falls, approx. 120,000 of them being hospitalized. Fall injuries show an age- and environment-specific accident pattern. Most of the falls among infants and toddlers are from changing tables, children's beds, high chairs and stairs. Among school-age children, falls occur most frequently at school (during break and physical education lessons) and during leisure activities (skating, cycling). These facts should form the basis for prevention measures targeting behaviour and health conditions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Dietödliche Vergiftung eines mit Reinigungsarbeiten in einem Schwefelsäuretank beschäftigten Arbeiters konnte auf dieEinwirkung von Schwefelwasserstoff zurückgeführt werden. Damit zeigte sich, da\ beim Befahren von Schwefelsäurebehältern au\er derbekannten Gefährdung durch Arsenwasserstoff oder Kohlensäure auf die möglicheSchädigung durch ein weiteres Giftgas geachtet werden mu\, mit dessenAuftreten man bisher im allgemeinennicht gerechnet hatte. Die Bildung von Schwefelwasserstoff war dadurch möglich, da\ von den Wandungen abgefegter Schwefeleisenschmutz mit sauren Schlammresten verrührt wurde. Für die Reduktion von Eisensulfat zu Schwefeleisen waren die in hohem Anteil nachgewiesenen organischen Beimengungen (Kohlenstoff, Kohlenwasserstoffe) verantwortlich zu machen.Die zukünftig zu beachtenden Vorsichtsmaregeln wurden besprochen.Eine Zusammenfassung über das gleiche Thema erschien im Reichsarbeitsblatt 1939, Nr. 20 (Arbeitsschutz Nr. 7), III, S. 241.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei 25 Patienten mit akuter Vergiftung durch Carbaryl und phosphorhaltige Pesticide, die meistens beruflich, in einigen FÄllen akzidentell bedingt war, wurde eine kausale Behandlung mit verschiedenen Corticoiden vorgenommen.Mit Ausnahme eines Patienten, der 11 Std nach Beginn der Therapie infolge eines Lungenödems und Kreislaufversagens verstarb, trat bei allen Patienten eine vollkommene Heilung selbst nach schwerer Intoxikation innerhalb von maximal 19 Std ein. Die Wirksamkeit von Corticoiden als kausales Therapeuticum bei Vergiftungen durch Carbaryl und phosphorhaltige Pesticide wird durch die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung dargelegt.
Therapy with corticosteroid compounds in acute poisoning with carbamate and organophosphate pesticide
Summary Twenty five cases of poisoning with organophosphate and Carbamate (Sevin®) compounds treated with different Corticosteroids are described. Most of the patients suffered from professional intoxications and some other cases had accidental poisoning.With the exception of one patient who died with pulmonary edema and circulatory disturbances all the other cases had an uncomplicated restitution ad integrum.The efficiency of corticoids as causal treatment in poisoning with organophosphates and Carbamate (Sevin®) is discussed with the particular symptomatology of the kind of intoxication.

Herrn Privatdozent Dr. H. Drasche danke ich für seine Hilfe bei der redak-tionellen Bearbeitung des deutschen Textes.  相似文献   

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