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“5+3冶一体化培养模式是为加快构建标准化规范化临床医学人才培养体系,而设立的新型培养方式,其培养目标是使学生具备较强的临床思维、临床实践能力,以及一定的临床科学研究和临床教学能力,能独立、规范地承担本专业和相关专业的常见多发病的预防和诊治工作的高水平高素质临床医师。为此,我们以学生的总体培养目标为导向,在" 医学免疫学"理论课教学中设计和尝试了以“免疫疾病机制分析冶为中心的教学模式,旨在提高学生的临床思维、自我学习和团队协作能力。  相似文献   

医学免疫学是基础医学的主干课程之一,与临床关系密切。医学免疫学实验教学遵循“健康中国”战略对高等医学教育的要求,以临床能力为导向,互联网信息技术为工具,建立混合式免疫学实验教学模式。录制SPOC课程帮助学生夯实基础知识,通过“线上+线下”临床案例学习进行医德培育和临床思维能力培养,开发虚拟仿真实验启迪学生临床研究意识,进而达到培养德才兼备的高等医学人才的目的。  相似文献   

《关于医教协同深化临床医学人才培养改革的意见》中提出要加快构建以"5+3"为主体的医学人才培养体系。人才培养体系的改变势必导致培养方式随之改变,医学教育的核心在于能力培养,而能力培养则需要对传统教学法进行改革,以素质教育为核心,弥补传统教学模式的弊端。医学免疫学作为沟通临床医学和基础医学的前沿学科之一,其理论和技术发展迅速,如何在医学免疫学教学实践中加强对学生能力锻炼、培养学生的创新性思维是目前免疫学教学工作者应该思考的问题。  相似文献   

分子生物学检验是医学检验专业课程之一,也是一门实践性、应用性很强的课程。但是该课程内容繁多,部分教学内容理论性强,当前高职医学检验专业文理兼招,学生基础薄弱,普遍对分子生物学检验课程的学习觉得很困难,产生了厌学。为此在分子生物学检验课程教学中,以分子生物检验岗位工作任务为引领,以强化技能训练为主导,课程设计了基础知识、基本技能和技术应用三大模块,将分子生物学理论知识融合于技能训练项目之中,构建“串行体系冶结构的课程体系,部分实验内容采用同学自主设计,并且教学方法多措并举,考核方式多元化。结果表明:通过课程改革与实践,激发了学生学习兴趣,培养了学生的创新能力和实践动手能力,教学效果明显。  相似文献   

医学七年制学生的教育具有独特的特点,七年制学生不仅要成为一名合格的医生,还要具备独立进行科研工作的能力.因此,在基础学科的学习过程中,培养学生科研思维、科研实践能力是基础医学各学科的必须工作.免疫学应用的广泛性、多学科的交叉性和进展的飞速性决定了以免疫学实验课为切入点来培养具有科研能力的高素质医学人才具有独特的优势.  相似文献   

教育部明确提出"科研素质和能力训练要贯穿在各个教学阶段,在基础教学阶段着重培养学生掌握医学科学研究的基本方法和技术;在临床教学阶段,着重培养学生的临床思维方法和能力"[1]。医学免疫学是基础医学重要课程,因此针对医学免疫  相似文献   

高职班组织学教学与能力培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在三年制医学高职生首先接触的专业课之一组织胚胎学 ,它是一门重要的基础医学课、从应试教育到职业教育 ,学生学习内容巨大变化 ,教学方式显著不同的新情况 ,迫切需要入门引导 ,与医学科学特点相适应的思维能力 ,学习能力是非常重要的。组织学的教学特点是 :知识的传授与能力培养密不可分的。只有同时加强能力的培养才能保证完整准确的把知识传授给学生。促进学习能力向应用的转换。1 建立立体空想象力 ,提高理解能力组织学和解剖学同时是形态学科 ,空间想象力在教学过程中有突出的地位 ,组织学教学目标是让学生掌握人体的组织结构及相应的…  相似文献   

医学免疫学是一门实验科学,广泛应用于医学研究和临床诊断。在理论教学中,以实践应用为导向,结合学生的知识结构做到理论联系实践,科普阅读帮助学生把握免疫学知识框架和主要线索,培养学生自主学习的能力。在临床免疫教学中,引导学生文献检索和课堂讨论,启蒙科学思维,激励学生的探索创新精神,有利于培养高素质创新型临床人才。  相似文献   

随着当代医学教育改革的不断深入以及大学生毕业后将走向社会,服务于社会,要有较强的实践动手能力和应变能力。创新更是建立在实践的基础上,加强实践教学是培养医学创新人才的主要途径。作为重要基础医学课程之一的解剖学,其实践性很强,能很好地培养和训练学生的实践动手能力和创新精神。因此,在解剖学的教学中,我们不仅要重视理论知识的传授,更注重对学生实践动手能力的培养,把传授知识和能力培养紧密结合在一起,在教学实践中进行了一些有益的探索和实践,并取得了一定的成绩。1在教学过程中加强对学生实践动手能力的培养解剖学是一门实践性…  相似文献   

<正>医学免疫学是一门重要的基础医学课程,作为生命科学的前沿学科,与基础医学以及临床医学的各个学科相互交叉和渗透,是沟通基础医学和临床医学的重要桥梁。同时,免疫学作为一门实验学科,其知识更新迅速,且理论知识密切联系实际应用。因此,医学免疫学教学不仅要培养学生对免疫学理论的认知能力,更重要的是培养学生严谨的逻辑思维能力及独立的实践操作能力。这就要求我们教学过程中不仅要重视理论教学,同时要加强实践教  相似文献   

A series of polynorbornene homo‐ and copolymers containing aryl‐ and/or hetaryl‐azo dyes were prepared through ring‐opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP). Thermal studies indicated that the polymers were thermally stable up to 250 °C, and possessed glass transition temperatures ranging from 93 to 133 °C. In THF solutions, the aryl‐azo dye containing homopolymers, displayed λmax = 417 nm while the hetaryl‐azo dye containing homopolymers displayed λmax = 495 nm. The copolymers displayed a λmax that encompassed both the aryl‐ and hetaryl‐azo dye range. The monomers and polymers showed bathochromic shifts in solution when acidified. The polymers were cast into films that changed colour in the presence of both aqueous 1.2 M HCl or HCl(g). The colour change reverses when exposed to aqueous 1.2 M NaOH or NH3(g). This process was repeated several times without disintegration of the polymer film, indicating that these polymers may be useful as reusable acid sensors.


AIMS: To study the postmortem pathology associated with ring substituted amphetamine (amphetamine derivatives) misuse. METHODS: The postmortem findings in deaths associated with the ring substituted amphetamines 3,4-methylenedioxymethyl-amphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) and 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA, eve) were studied in seven young white men aged between 20 and 25 years. RESULTS: Striking changes were identified in the liver, which varied from foci of individual cell necrosis to centrilobular necrosis. In one case there was massive hepatic necrosis. Changes consistent with catecholamine induced myocardial damage were seen in five cases. In the brain perivascular haemorrhagic and hypoxic changes were identified in four cases. Overall, the changes in four cases were the same as those reported in heart stroke, although only two cases had a documented history of hyperthermia. Of these four cases, all had changes in their liver, three had changes in their brains, and three in their heart. Of the other three cases, one man died of fulminant liver failure, one of water intoxication and one probably from a cardiac arrhythmia associated with myocardial fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that there is more than one mechanism of damage in ring substituted amphetamine misuse, injury being caused by hyperthermia in some cases, but with ring substituted amphetamines also possibly having a toxic effect on the liver and other organs in the absence of hyperthermia.  相似文献   

The functional activity of serotonin 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors and the expression of the genes encoding them were studied in Norway rats bred for 60 generations for the presence and absence of high levels of stress-evoked aggression to humans. There were no significant differences in the levels of 5-HT2A receptor mRNA in the midbrain, frontal cortex, and hippocampus and the extents of head twitching evoked by the 5-HT2A agonist DOI in rats with and without genetically determined high levels of aggression. Administration of the selective 5-HT2C agonist MK-212 weakened reflex startle in response to an acoustic signal (the acoustic startle response) in non-aggressive animals but had no significant effects on the response in aggressive animals. Increases in the level of 5-HT2C receptor mRNA were seen in the frontal cortex and hippocampus in non-aggressive rats as compared with aggressive animals. Increases in the expression of the 5-HT2C receptor gene and the functional state of 5-HT2C receptors were seen in the brains of non-aggressive rats, without any changes in the 5-HT2A receptor mRNA level or receptor sensitivity; this is evidence for the involvement of 5-HT2C receptors in the mechanisms inhibiting fear-evoked aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

In the present study, we analyzed 1,686 samples from 31 tribal populations of India for the mitochondrial DNA 9‐base‐pair deletion/insertion polymorphism, and characterized them based on the relevant mitochondrial DNA coding‐region single nucleotide polymorphisms and hypervariable region I motifs, to test the genetic origins of the ethnically and linguistically heterogeneous Austro‐Asiatic tribes of India. A comparative analysis of our results with the existing data suggests multiple origins of Austro‐Asiatic tribes in India, and particularly the Asian and non‐Asian origins of the Mon‐Khmer and the Mundari populations. We also identified a novel subclade of haplogroup B in the Mon‐Khmer Khasi tribes that distinguishes them from the Nicobarese, indicating two different waves of migration of the Mon‐Khmer tribes in India. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 18:461–469, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We developed a method for gene transfer into mesenchymal stromal cells. Lentivirus vector containing green fluorescent protein gene for labeling stromal and hemopoietic precursor cells was obtained using two plasmid sets from different sources. The vector was injected into the femur of mice in vivo and added into culture medium for in vitro infection of the stromal sublayer of long-term bone marrow culture. From 25 to 80% hemopoietic stem cells forming colonies in the spleen were infected with lentivirus vector in vivo and in vitro. Fibroblast colony-forming cells from the femoral bones of mice injected with the lentivirus vector carried no marker gene. The marker gene was detected in differentiated descendants from mesenchymal stem cells (bone cavity cells from the focus of ectopic hemopoiesis formed after implantation of the femoral bone marrow cylinder infected with lentivirus vector under the renal capsule of syngeneic recipient). In in vitro experiments, the marker gene was detected in sublayers of long-term bone marrow cultures infected after preliminary 28-week culturing, when hemopoiesis was completely exhausted. The efficiency of infection of stromal precursor cells depended on the source of lentivirus. The possibility of transfering the target gene into hemopoietic precursor cells in vivo is demonstrated. Stromal precursor cells can incorporate the provirus in vivo and in vitro, but conditions and infection system for effective infection should be thoroughly selected. __________ Translated from Kletochnye Tehnologii v Biologii i Meditsine, No. 1, pp. 25–28, January, 2007  相似文献   

目的:比较α和β亚基不同配比形成α3β2和α3β4烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nAChR)敏感性的差异。方法:体外转录获得α和β亚基的cRNA,采用显微注射将3种不同配比(α∶β分别为1∶10、1∶1和10∶1)的cRNA注入非洲爪蟾卵母细胞,利用双电极电压钳检测受体表达情况。利用激动剂乙酰胆碱(ACh)和拮抗剂α-芋螺毒素Reg IIA(α-CTx Reg IIA)检测在3种配比条件下形成受体药理活性的差异。结果:对于α3β2 nAChR亚型,在3种配比情况下,ACh的半数有效浓度(EC50)分别为91.2μmol/L、104.4μmol/L和130.6μmol/L,α-CTx Reg IIA的半数抑制浓度(IC50)分别为40.2 nmol/L、36.4 nmol/L和42.3 nmol/L。对于α3β4 nAChR亚型,在3种配比情况下,ACh的EC50分别为44.0μmol/L、110.0μmol/L和230.0μmol/L,α-CTx Reg IIA的IC50分别为226.8 nmol/L、71.5 nmol/L和49.4 nmol/L。结论:α3和β4亚基比例的改变会导致α3β4 nAChR结构和药理活性的改变。α3和β2亚基比例的改变对α3β2 nAChR结构和活性没有影响。  相似文献   

The stability of the maximal muscle response (Mmax) is critical to H reflex methodology. It has previously been reported that the amplitude of Mmax declines over time. If reproducible, this finding would have implications for all experimental studies that normalise the output of the motoneurone pool against the M wave. We investigated the effect of time on changes in Mmax and the maximal H reflex (Hmax) evoked at 4-s intervals over 60 min. To identify an influence of homosynaptic depression, we extended the interstimulus interval to 10 s and the time to 100 min. Two recording montages over soleus were used to ensure that interelectrode distance was not a critical factor. The soleus Mmax and H reflex were evoked by stimulation of the tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa in 7 subjects who sat with the knee flexed to 30° and the ankle plantar flexed by ~30°. We found no change in the pooled data for Mmax, Hmax, a reflex 50% of maximal, or the current required to produce it. However, one subject had a statistically significant increase in Mmax and a concurrent decrease in Hmax regardless of the interstimulus interval. On average, there was no change in the Hmax/Mmax ratio over time. While both Mmax and Hmax may change in response to many factors, these results suggest that, typically, time is not one of them.  相似文献   

In this work, identification and analyses of 48 full-length sequences of the ospA gene isolates of Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii from Western Siberia and Mongolia has been made. It was shown that B. garinii isolates was of its high genetic heterogeneity of the ospA gene. Four genetic groups of the ospA gene from the Ixodes persulcatus tick collected in of Western Siberia and Mongolia were defined. The basic differences in the genetic variants of the ospA gene considered are seen in regions which code for antibody determinants of thhe OspA protein.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of calcitonin, parathyrin, and Ca2+ channel antagonist isoptin and agonist Bay-K-8644 on glucose consumption by muscle (diaphragm) and adipose (epididymal) tissues and insulin-stimulated glucose consumption in vivo and in vitro. Calcitonin and parathyrin did not alter glucose consumption; parathyrin did not affect, while calcitonin completely abolished the stimulating effect of insulin in vivo and in vitro. Isoptin signifi cantly increased glucose consumption in vivo and in vitro, while Bay-K-8644 in vitro had no effect glucose consumption. Isoptin did not affect, while Bay-K-8644 signifi cantly reduced the stimulating effect of insulin on glucose consumption by the muscle and adipose tissues. Isoptin did not affect the stimulating effect of insulin against the background of parathyrin administration and completely blocked the inhibitory effect of calcitonin on insulin-stimulated glucose consumption by the muscle and adipose tissues in vivo and in vitro, while Bay-K-8644 potentiated this effect of calcitonin in vitro.  相似文献   

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