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目的:探讨帕金森病(PD)患者的足底压力分布特点和步态特点及针对性康复训练的治疗效果。方法:原发性PD患者50例纳入PD组,健康中老年人50例纳入对照组。采用Gaitview足底压力测量仪检测2组的静态和动态足底压力。结果:静态足底压力测定中,PD组左、右足足底5区(第5跖骨)压力分别为(40.41±22.46)kPa和(30.42±13.14)kPa,明显高于对照组的(21.60±10.39)kPa和(20.79±9.10)kPa(均P0.001)。2组行走时足底各区域的压力差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);PD组的左、右足足跟着地时间分别为(0.84±2.05)s和(1.64±3.17)s,均明显短于对照组的(4.72±2.96)s和(6.33±6.27)s(均P0.001)。结论:足底压力测定可分析PD患者步态障碍的特点和程度,针对性康复训练需强调后跟先落地。  相似文献   

步态适应性是指通过改变步行方式来满足任务目标和环境需求的能力,该能力对人们在家庭和社区环境中安全地行走至关重要。帕金森病患者的步态适应性通常严重受损,但是临床上鲜少关注帕金森病步态适应性的量化评估。本文从帕金森病的步态适应性障碍、评估方法和步态适应性的康复策略等方面进行了综述,旨在呼吁早期关注帕金森病患者步行功能障碍,...  相似文献   

摘要 目的:提取帕金森病患者步态运动学和时空参数,通过实验分析找到可以作为步态量化评估的特征参数,为医生提供康复评估的依据。 方法:本文采用基于刚体的虚拟标识点方法在受试者下肢解剖学关键点设置标识点获取其步态信息。受试者被分为开机组(DBS ON),关机组(DBS OFF)和对照组(Control),运动捕捉仪记录受试者多个步态周期的虚拟标识点三维坐标。提取包括关节角度、支撑相比率、双支撑相比率、步态周期时间、步频、步长和步速等在内的步态运动学及时空参数。对三组步态特征参数进行单因素一元方差分析。 结果:各组间下肢各关节角度变化范围、支撑相比率、双支撑相比率、步长和步速差异均有显著性(P<0.01),且随受试者症状的减轻,关节角度变化范围、步长和步速有显著递增趋势 (DBS OFFDBS ON>Control)。 结论:基于刚体的虚拟标识点可以准确测量人体步态。提取出的关节角度变化范围、支撑相比率、双支撑相比率,步长和步速均可作为帕金森病患者康复评估的依据。  相似文献   

目的:研究八段锦训练对帕金森病(PD)患者步态和平衡功能的影响,探讨将八段锦训练作为PD患者进行运动干预的有效手段。方法:将符合纳入标准的63例轻中度PD患者按照随机数字表法分为对照组32例和治疗组31例。对照组给予维持既往常规药物治疗方案,治疗组在常规药物治疗基础上接受3周八段锦训练。采用步态指标、平衡指标对2组患者分别于治疗前、治疗3周后进行评估和分析比较。结果:(1)IDEEA步态指标:治疗前2组患者步态指标比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗3周后与治疗前比较,治疗组周期时间、步幅持续时间2项步态指标改善,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),而对照组步态指标治疗前后比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗组治疗后周期时间、步幅持续时间分别为(1.30±0.32)s、(645.90±156.65)ms,均优于对照组的(1.56±0.38)s、(765.05±158.93)ms,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(2)平衡指标:治疗前2组患者平衡指标比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗3周后与治疗前比较,治疗组平衡得分和等级均改善,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),而对照组平衡指标治疗前后比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗组治疗后平衡测试等级为1.00(1.00,2.20)级,优于对照组的2.15(1.00,3.83)级,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:八段锦训练对轻、中度PD患者步态及平衡能力均具有显著的改善作用。  相似文献   

目的:验证功能性步态评价(FGA)在帕金森病(PD)患者中的组间信度、重测信度、内部一致性及分半信度,为临床提供评价工具.方法:121例住院帕金森病患者(平均年龄61.9岁)入选.两名评价者同时评定PD患者的FGA表现,进行组间信度分析.评价过程同时记录为视频资料,4周后其中一名评定者对视频资料进行二次评价,进行重测信度分析.内部一致性信度采用克朗巴赫α系数来评价.分半信度:将FGA各单项以奇数项、偶数项分为两半,计算其分半信度.结果:FGA总分的组间信度和重测信度均为0.99,各单项组间信度波动于0.49-0.98之间,重测信度波动于0.91-0.99之间.FGA内部一致性Cronbach α为0.94,分半信度为0.97.结论:FGA用于评价PD患者的平衡及步态障碍,其组间信度、重测信度、内部一致性及分半信度极佳.  相似文献   

目的:通过可穿戴设备分析双脚运动参数,评估光线视觉提示对帕金森病患者冻结步态的影响。方法:选择10例表现冻结步态症状的帕金森病患者,其中男性5例,女性5例,平均年龄(62.3±7.8)岁,HY评分为3级。患者穿戴便携式设备在引导光线开和关两种状态下直线行走,并记录步长、步频、步速、最大冻结指数(FImax)和平均FI(FIavr)等步态特征参数。结果:引导光线开时,有冻结步态的帕金森病患者步长、步频、步速、FImax和FIavr等特征参数较引导光线关时有明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论:可穿戴设备可用于评估冻结步态,光线视觉提示可显著改善帕金森病患者的冻结步态。  相似文献   

先前的研究曾发现动作分析对于步态的改变是敏感的 ,并提示帕金森病 (Parkinson’sdisease ,PD)患者经专门的指导能成功地改变时间及空间的步态变数 (即步速、步长 )并达到较正常的步行。现在 ,我们开展了资料分析来检验Tinetti步态评价 (tinettigaitassessment ,TGA)是否是能提供临床可行的替代动作分析的评价方法及其检查PD患者的步行能力的敏感性。资料与方法 选择社区成年居民 ,10例PD患者作为PD组 ,另 10例年龄和性别上相匹配的作为对照组 ,参与者无其它影响步行的神经、躯体疾病或精神障碍。当参与者走过室内 7 4m的地板 ,侧方…  相似文献   

目的:探讨减重步行训练对帕金森病(PD)患者步态的影响。方法:PD患者50例随机分为对照组和训练组,各25例。对照组采用常规药物治疗,训练组在常规药物治疗基础上,加用减重步行训练。于治疗前及治疗4周后,监测2组步行参数(步频、步长、步速),采用PD统一评分量表(UPDRS)评估患者运动功能受损程度,采用Berg平衡量表(BBS)评价患者平衡功能,6min步行测试(6minwT)评价患者的步行运动功能。结果:训练组治疗后步长大于对照组(P<0.05),步频小于对照组(P<0.05)。训练组UPDRS II、UPDRS III、6minwT及BBS治疗后的评分与本组治疗前及对照组治疗后的评分相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:减重步行训练可改善PD患者的步态运动功能。  相似文献   

认知负荷任务对帕金森病患者步态的干扰效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨认知负荷任务对帕金森病患者步态的影响。方法:8例帕金森病患者和6例健康对照受试者参与本研究。要求受试者完成以下2种条件下的步行:一是以自己感觉最舒适的速度自由步行2min;二是步行的同时执行一个计算任务。采用三维运动分析仪记录2种条件下的步态参数。此外,要求两组受试者在安静坐位条件下完成2min的计算任务,记录2种条件下的计算完成数和错误率。结果:自由步行条件下,帕金森病组的步幅、步长和步速低于对照组。计算负荷条件下,帕金森病组的步长、步幅、步速、步频、摆动相和单支撑相均显著减低,双支撑相和总支撑相时间显著延长。在加载计算任务后,帕金森病组的步速和步幅变异较其自由步行时显著增加,且步幅变异亦明显高于对照组。帕金森病组安静坐位时计算完成数显著低于对照组,在步行的同时加载计算任务后其计算完成数显著高于对照组。结论:健康老年人的步态对认知调控的依赖程度不高,帕金森病患者的步态明显受认知负荷的干扰,并存在认知资源配置的不合理。  相似文献   

冻结步态是帕金森病患者常见的一种步态障碍,我国帕金森病患者冻结步态的发生率接近50%。为有效应对和控制帕金森病患者的冻结步态,选择科学有效的评估工具对其进行客观、准确的评估十分重要。该文介绍了帕金森病患者冻结步态常见评估工具的应用现状及特点,并探讨各工具应用的优势与不足,为正确地评估帕金森病患者冻结步态提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:观察Lokomat下肢康复机器人对改善帕金森疾病患者步行能力的临床疗效。方法:将40例帕金森疾病患者随机分成对照组和观察组各20例。2组均接受常规康复训练,观察组在此基础上进行Lokomat下肢康复机器人步行训练,步行持续时间30min/次,1次/d,5次/周。在治疗前后分别采用Berg平衡量表(BBS)评定平衡功能、计时起立-行走测试(TUGT)评定功能性步行能力及预测跌倒风险、6min步行测试(6MWT)评价步行耐力。结果:治疗10周后,观察组BBS、6MWT较治疗前及对照组明显提高(P0.05),TUGT较治疗前及对照组明显降低(P0.05);对照组BBS评分较治疗前提高(P0.05),6MWT及TUGT评分治疗前后比较差异无统计学意义。结论:Lokomat下肢康复机器人辅助步行训练可提高帕金森疾病患者平衡能力和提高步行能力,是治疗帕金森病患者步行障碍的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的:观察电针联合康复训练治疗帕金森病(PD)患者的疗效.方法:PD患者87例,随机分为3组各29例,A组采用康复训练联合电针治疗;B组仅接受康复训练;C组仅接受电针治疗.结果:治疗60d后,3组患者韦氏综合评定量表中肌强直、姿势、步态、协同动作评分均较治疗前降低,且A组更低于B、C组(均P<0.05);3组Bl评分均较治疗前明显提高,且A组更高于B组,B组更高于C组(均P<0.05);3组UPDRSⅢ评分均较治疗前明显降低,且A组更低于B组,B组更低于C组(均P<0.05);3组运动总有效率比较,A组>B组>C组(均P<0.05).结论:电针联合康复训练能一定程度地改善PD患者的临床症状,提高患者的日常生活活动能力、生活质量及临床疗效,其疗效优于单独使用康复训练或者电针治疗.  相似文献   

A single‐subject, time‐series design was used to describe a female with young‐onset Parkinson's disease who, after a period of 15 years, was demonstrating long term side effects of medication in addition to the progression of Parkinson's disease. She underwent a bilateral pallidotomy to address these problems. Prior to her surgery, her spatiotemporal gait kinematics were measured at intervals before and after medication ingestion. The identical procedures were undertaken one month and at four months post‐pallidotomy. In all three sessions, the Webster Scale scored her symptoms while her medication was not working (Off) and again when effective (On). After surgery, she was interviewed to obtain a qualitative impression of the outcome. Before the surgery, the gait parameters demonstrated a fluctuating profile. Forty‐five minutes post‐medication, her gait parameters approached normal levels but significant dyskinetic movements were evident. Her Webster Scale scores indicated advanced Parkinson's disease particularly when Off. One‐month post‐pallidotomy, her gait parameters were more consistent with dyskinesias mildly present. Her Webster Scale scores were reduced while both Off and On. Four months post‐pallidotomy her gait parameters were entirely consistent and within normal limits. Her Webster Scale scores were the same Off and On and no dyskinesias were detectable. The excellent result was probably enhanced by the patient's dedication to regular exercise designed to minimize secondary physical complications. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   



Gait disorders are common in individuals with Parkinson''s Disease (PD) and the concurrent performance of motor and cognitive tasks can have marked effects on gait. The Gait Profile Score (GPS) and the Movement Analysis Profile (MAP) were developed in order to summarize the data of kinematics and facilitate understanding of the results of gait analysis.


To investigate the effectiveness of the GPS and MAP in the quantification of changes in gait during a concurrent cognitive load while walking in adults with and without PD.


Fourteen patients with idiopathic PD and nine healthy subjects participated in the study. All subjects performed single and dual walking tasks. The GPS/MAP was computed from three-dimensional gait analysis data.


Differences were found between tasks for GPS (P<0.05) and Gait Variable Score (GVS) (pelvic rotation, knee flexion-extension and ankle dorsiflexion-plantarflexion) (P<0.05) in the PD group. An interaction between task and group was observed for GPS (P<0.01) for the right side (Cohen''s ¯d=0.99), left side (Cohen''s ¯d=0.91), and overall (Cohen''s ¯d=0.88). No interaction was observed only for hip internal-external rotation and foot internal-external progression GVS variables in the PD group.


The results showed gait impairment during the dual task and suggest that GPS/MAP may be used to evaluate the effects of concurrent cognitive load while walking in patients with PD.  相似文献   

Purpose. To study the effect of rhythmic auditory cues on gait in Parkinson's disease subjects with and without freezing and in controls.

Method. A volunteer sample of 20 patients (10 freezers, 10 non-freezers) and 10 age-matched controls performed five randomized cued walking conditions in a gait-laboratory. Auditory cues were administered at baseline frequency, at an increased step frequency of 10 and 20% above baseline and at a decreased step frequency of 10 and 20% below baseline. Mean step frequency, walking speed, stride length and double support duration were collected.

Results. Rhythmical auditory cueing induced speed changes in all subjects. Stride length was not influenced by rhythmical auditory cues in controls, whereas patients showed a larger stride length in the ?10% condition (p < 0.01). Freezers and non-freezers showed the same response to rhythmical auditory cues. Within group analysis for stride length showed different cueing effects. Stride length decreased at the +10% condition for freezers (p < 0.05), whereas it increased for non-freezers.

Conclusions. This study points to fact that physiotherapists might need to carefully adjust the cueing frequency to the needs of patients with and without freezing. On the basis of the present results we recommend to lower the frequency setting for freezers, whereas for non-freezers an increase of up to +10% may have potential therapeutic use.  相似文献   

Purpose.?To investigate the effect of red and green light beams on gait and freezing of gait (FOG) in persons with Parkinson's disease (PD).

Methods.?Seven persons with PD who experienced FOG participated in the study. Gait and turning performances were studied while walking with canes with red, green, and no light beams while ‘off’ and ‘on’ anti-Parkinsonian medications. Gait speed, cadence, and stride were recorded. Time and number of freezing episodes were recorded during a 50-foot walk and a 360° turn.

Results.?During ‘off’ medication, compared to no light, stride length improved when using the green light, but not the red. During the 50-foot walk, freezing episodes were reduced when using the green light compared to both the red and no light. During the 360° turn, time, number of steps and number of freezing episodes were reduced using the green light compared to the red and no light. During ‘on’ medication, gait speed and stride length improved more with the green light compared to the red. Neither color showed any effect on cadence during either medication state.

Conclusion.?A green light improved gait and alleviate FOG in persons with PD better than a red light or no light.  相似文献   


Background and Purpose

To improve existing clinical assessments for freezing of gait (FOG) severity, a new clinician-rated tool which integrates the varied types of freezing (FOG Severity Tool-Revised) was developed. This cross-sectional study investigated its validity and reliability.


People with Parkinson's disease who were able to independently ambulate eight-metres and understand study instructions were consecutively recruited from outpatient clinics of a tertiary hospital. Those with co-morbidities severely affecting gait were excluded. Participants were assessed with the FOG Severity Tool-Revised, three functional performance tests, the FOG Questionnaire, and outcomes measuring anxiety, cognition, and disability. The FOG Severity Tool-Revised was repeated for test-retest reliability. Exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha were computed for structural validity and internal consistency. Reliability and measurement error were estimated with ICC (two-way, random), standard error of measurement, and smallest detectable change (SDC95). Criterion-related and construct validity were calculated with Spearman's correlations.


Thirty-nine participants were enrolled [79.5% (n = 31) male; Median (IQR): age–73.0 (9.0) years; disease duration–4.0 (5.8) years], with fifteen (38.5%) who reported no medication state change contributing a second assessment for reliability estimation. The FOG Severity Tool-Revised demonstrated sufficient structural validity and internal consistency (α = 0.89–0.93), and adequate criterion-related validity compared to the FOG Questionnaire (ρ = 0.73, 95% CI 0.54–0.85). Test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.96, 95%CI 0.86–0.99) and random measurement error (%SDC95 = 10.4%) was acceptable in this limited sample.

Discussion and Conclusions

The FOG Severity Tool-Revised appeared valid in this initial sample of people with Parkinson's. While its psychometric properties remain to be confirmed in a larger sample, it may be considered for use in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

Purpose.?The purpose was to test the effect of robot-assisted gait therapy with the Lokomat system in one representative individual with Parkinson's disease (PD).

Methods.?The patient was a 67-year-old female with more than an 8-year history of PD. The manifestations of the disease included depressive mood with lack of motivation, moderate bradykinesia, rigidity and resting tremor, both involving more the right side of the body, slow and shuffling gait with episodes of freezing and risk of falling. The patient underwent six sessions of robot-assisted gait training. The practice included treadmill walking at variable speed for 25–40?min with a partial body weight support and assistance from the Lokomat orthosis.

Results.?After the therapy, the patient increased the gait speed, stride length and foot clearance during over ground walking. She reduced the time required to complete a 180° turn and the latency of gait initiation. Improvements were observed in some items of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale including motivation, bradykinesia, rigidity, freezing, leg agility, gait and posture.

Conclusions.?Although the results supported the feasibility of using robot-assisted gait therapy in the rehabilitation an individual with PD, further studies are needed to assess a potential advantage of the Lokomat system over conventional locomotor training for this population.  相似文献   

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