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患者,男,36岁,住院号155860,因反复发作腰痛伴左下肢放射痛五年余,加重四个月,于1990年11月5号入院。患者五年前 相似文献
患者女,55岁。于2007年5月23日入院。患者4个月前出现劳累后右下肢放射性疼痛,伴麻木、无力。休息后可完全缓解,无腰痛,大小便正常,未系统诊治。4d前患者从事重体力劳动后上述症状明显加重且左下肢也出现相应症状。双下肢症状交替出现,以右下肢为重,症状持续不缓解.以致影响到睡眠及活动,在当地医院行腰椎CT检查示腰椎间盘突出及椎管内占位.建议手术治疗。 相似文献
例 1:女 ,35岁 ,1996年 6月因腰部痛伴右腿酸痛 ,夜卧尤甚 ,15个月来诊 ,在县医院诊治 ,经 CT及 X线检查 ,诊断 :L4,5椎间盘突出症 ,行腰椎牵引 ,按摩 ,服消炎镇痛药治疗 ,症状未减 ,近 1个月来加剧 ,常在凌晨 3点左右痛醒 ,但白天活动反而减轻。查体 :腰曲存在 ,双侧腰背肌张力增加 ,压痛 (++) ,无放射痛 ,脊柱重压痛 (+++) ,可向右腿放射 ,直腿抬高右 6 5°,左 70°,右下肢皮肤浅感觉略过敏 ,肌力肌张力正常 ,腱反射对称 ,病理征 (- ) ,血沉正常 ,MRI检查、报告 :T1 2 L1 段神经鞘膜瘤 ,行手术治疗后症状消失 ,半年复访无再发。例 2 :… 相似文献
本文报告颈椎间盘突出症80例,术前经MRI检查,突出椎间盘共154个,其中突出椎间盘明显压迫硬膜囊126个.根据MRI影像学改变,结合临床表现及X线颈椎常规片综合分析,施行颈前路突出椎间盘髓核摘除减压64例(91个椎间盘),优良46例(71.87%),好转14例(21.88%).认为MRI矢状切面可显示突出及脱出影像特点,并可直观脊髓受压节段,根据脊髓信号强弱判断其受损程度.横切面可观察到椎间盘突出类型及神经根脊髓受累情况. 相似文献
例 1,患者 ,男 ,2 6岁 ,安阳市开发区干部 ,于 1996 - 0 8- 12以“腰痛伴右下肢疼痛三月”为主诉入院。查体 :一般情况可 ,肺心正常 ,直腿抬高试验 :左 90°右6 0°,椎旁压痛 (+) ,腹枕试验 (+) ,膝腱跟腱反射存在 ,腰椎 CT示“L4- 5间盘轻度突出”,诊断为“椎间盘突出症”给予牵引治疗。经全自动牵引机牵引加手法复位治疗后 ,患者临床症状减轻 ;三日后手动牵引患者症状明显加重 ,三次牵引后疼痛更加明显。根据病情建议进一步检查。后在河南医科大学一附院做核磁共振检查 ,为腰 4水平有一 5 m m× 4m m×0 .8mm神经纤维瘤 ,随在一附院行纤… 相似文献
顾×,男,50岁,干部,住院号7167。患者右腰腿痛8个月,2个月前疼痛突然加重,入夜尤甚,不能平卧,翻身困难,咳嗽时腰痛加剧,并沿着腰、右臀、右大腿后侧向右小腿后外侧放射。 相似文献
本文回顾 2 5年来在腰椎间盘手术中遇到的 7例由于神经根变异或特殊类型椎间盘突出引起的腰腿痛病人 ,其解剖的变异及椎间盘病变的特殊性给临床诊断与手术带来一定困难 ,特报告如下。1 临床资料本组 7例 ,男 5例 ,女 2例 ,年龄 35~ 5 5岁。其中S1,2 椎间盘突出压迫S1神经根 2例 ,L5神经根走行变异 ,L5S1椎间盘突出压迫L5神经根 2例。L5神经节位于侧隐窝内被L4 ,5椎间盘隆突压迫 1例。术中错位切除椎间盘隆突 ,而遗漏极外侧椎间盘突出 1例 ,第一次手术仅摘除突入椎管内部分间盘组织 ,而漏切大块游离远处髓核 1例。2 典型病例报告… 相似文献
Alkaptonuria with lumbar disc herniation: a report of two cases 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
STUDY DESIGN: Two cases of lumbar disc herniation with alkaptonuria are presented. OBJECTIVES: To present a probable clinical course of lumbar disc herniation with alkaptonuria, a rare metabolic disease. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Although lumbar disc disease is a common clinical occurrence in alkaptonuria, lumbar disc surgery is needed rarely in this disease. A patient with alkaptonuria without ochronotic signs is also rarely seen. METHODS: The cause, clinical presentation, diagnostic techniques and treatment of alkaptonuria with lumbar disc disease are reviewed. RESULTS: The symptoms of the patients disappeared after surgery, and there were no symptoms on follow-up. CONCLUSION: Alkaptonuria frequently occurs in association with lumbar disc disease. In patients with no other signs of alkaptonuria or ochronosis, early detection of the disease is important to treat involvement of other systems (e.g., cardiovascular and urinary). 相似文献
Intradural lumbar disc herniation: report of two cases 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Intradural lumbar disc herniation (ILDH) is a rare pathology. The pathogenesis of ILDH is not known with certainty. Adhesions
between the ventral wall of the dura and the posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL) could act as a preconditioning factor.
Diagnosis of ILDH is difficult and seldom suspected preoperatively. Prompt surgery is necessary because the neurologic prognosis
appears to be closely linked to preoperative duration of neurologic symptoms. Despite preoperatively significant neurological
deficits, the prognosis following surgery is good. We report on two new cases of ILDH of high lumbar locations L1–2 and L2–3
with difficult differential diagnoses, and the possible pathogenic factors are discussed.
Received: 25 June 1998 / Accepted: 15 April 1999 相似文献
STUDY DESIGN: A case report. OBJECTIVES: To report two cases of intra-radicular disc herniation. SETTING: Kocatepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Afyon, Turkey, Vakif Gureba Training Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul, Turkey and Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul, Turkey. METHODS: Two cases with intra-radicular disc herniation at L2-3 level in one, and at L5-S1 level in the other were presented. Both patients were admitted with complaints of severe leg pain and motor weakness. In both cases, intra-radicular disc herniation was diagnosed during surgery. RESULTS: The patients had uneventful recovery. They had no complaints or neurological deficits 6 and 3 months after surgery, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The possibility of an intradural disc herniation should be kept in mind for the success of the management of lumbar disc herniation. In some patients who did not benefit from surgery, intra-radicular or intradural disc herniations may be the cause of failure. 相似文献
<正>发生于椎间盘的囊肿是一种少见的脊柱疾病,2001年日本学者Chiba等[1]将其命名为椎间盘囊肿(discal cyst)。目前国内外报道案例不多,多以个案方式报道,且均为腰椎间盘囊肿。由于本病发病率低,临床医师认识不足,容易误诊。我们收治2例腰椎间盘囊肿伴突出的患者,报告如下。病例1男,27岁,因"腰痛6个月伴左下肢放射痛3 相似文献
The reported complication rate of provocative lumbar discography is low, ranging from 0-2.5%. We report five cases of acute lumbar disc herniation precipitated by discography, a previously unreported complication. The cases reported comprise of four men and one woman with ages ranging from 23-45 years. All developed an acute exacerbation of radicular leg pain following multilevel provocative lumbar discography. One patient developed an acute foot drop. Comparison of lumbar MRI scans before and after discography demonstrated either a new herniated disc fragment or an increase in size of a preexisting herniation in all cases. On review of each discogram study and pre-discogram MRI an annular tear or small disc herniation was noted in all cases. In each case the patients' symptoms failed to resolve necessitating surgical intervention in all cases. In conclusion, annular deficiency is an obvious predisposing factor to discogram related disc herniation. New onset or a persistent exacerbation of radicular symptoms following provocative discography merits further investigation. 相似文献
目的探讨经皮激光椎间盘减压术(percutaneous laser disc decompression,PLDD)治疗颈椎间盘突出症的优越性。方法通过C形臂X线机监视进行椎间盘穿刺,应用Nd:YAG激光进行多点髓核照射气化19例,共29节段,通过3个月以上随诊,对疗效进行评价。结果本组PLDD治疗共19例,应用日本矫形外科学会颈椎病疗效判定标准(JOAScore),改善率为60%~87%,平均75.23%。结论PLDD治疗颈椎间盘突出症的疗效明显,避免了开放手术及其造成的痛苦,提高了手术的安全性,大大降低了手术和住院的费用,是适合我国国情的颈椎间盘突出症的微创手术方法。 相似文献