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目的对颈动脉内膜剥脱术预防和治疗缺血性脑卒中的临床疗效进行评价。方法对30例经检查确诊为脑卒中患者,行颈动脉内膜剥脱术,剥离颈动脉斑块。结果30例患者术后恢复良好,脑缺血症状有明显改善,围手术期内未出现死亡及脑卒中事件。随访6-24个月未出现脑卒中,未出现严重并发症,且病人的生活质量有明显改善。结论颈动脉内膜剥脱术对预防和治疗缺血性脑卒中是安全有效的。  相似文献   

目的:颈动脉内膜剥脱术治疗颈动脉硬化性狭窄引起的缺血性脑卒中的临床应用,探讨其防治措施。方法回顾性分析青海大学附属医院心胸血管外科自2009年至今收治的因严重颈动脉硬化性狭窄行颈动脉内膜剥脱术的20例患者临床的临床资料。结果本组中20例患者均采用气管插管静脉复合麻醉,20例患者的均采用外翻式颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA)。术后轻度神经损伤1例,占5%;1例于术后3d出现偏瘫,占5%;全组无围术期死亡病例。临床随访16例,随访率为80%,平均随访(12±4)月。术后患者脑缺血症状消失或明显改善14例,占70%;症状改善、好转者3例,占15%;术后颈动脉再狭窄发生1例(均<50%),占5%。结论颈动脉内膜剥脱术疗效肯定,远期症状性再狭窄未见发生,适合狭窄程度超过50%有症状的患者及狭窄程度在70%~99%的近6个月有短暂脑缺血发作或缺血发作的颈动脉狭窄患者。  相似文献   

目的:探析颈动脉内膜剥脱术的手术配合及护理要点。方法回顾性分析我院曾收治的7例行颈动脉内膜剥脱术的颅外颈动脉狭窄患者的临床资料及手术配合过程,总结手术配合及护理要点。结果所有患者均顺利完成手术,周围神经损伤1例(14.3%),切口血肿1例(14.3%);其余几例术后疗效佳,无其他并发症。结论充分的术前准备和术中配合,能够有效地提升手术的成功率和治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈动脉内膜剥脱术后脑过度灌注综合征围手术期干预。方法 回顾性分析2017年1月~11月我院57例患者因颈动脉狭窄行颈动脉内膜剥脱术后完整病例资料,围手术期监测头颈部CTA或DSA、经TCD、头部MRI,并动态监测患者收缩压,实现围手术期脑过度灌注综合征监测和有效干预。结果 57例患者经术后CTA/DSA证实颈动脉狭窄斑块完整切除,1例(1.75%)患者经临床症状及TCD、MRI影像学证实存在脑过度灌注综合征,出现头痛,手术对侧肢体肌力下降及认知功能下降,经积极控制血压及TCD动态监测,患者于术后7 d恢复正常。所有患者术后7 d无颈部血肿、声音嘶哑、颅内出血、脑缺血发作、植物生存及死亡患者。结论 围手术期加强监测是防治颈动脉内膜剥脱术后脑过度灌注综合征的重要方法,而控制血压是治疗脑过度灌注综合征的有效干预手段。  相似文献   

背景:解剖测量是临床医学的基础,可为临床影像学诊断与外科手术提供依据与参考。利用三维CT血管成像技术进行相关解剖测量具有明显的技术优势与很好的应用前景。 目的:应用64排螺旋CT血管成像对颈动脉分叉部的形态结构进行测量,为相关研究提供解剖基础。 方法:查阅2008年6月至2010年6月于厦门大学附属中山医院影像科行头颈部64排螺旋CT血管成像受检者的扫描图像,随机选取颈动脉分叉部无明显病变者92例。其中男45例,女47例;≤40岁者40例,> 40岁者52例。利用其断面图像进行三维成像处理,获得满意的三维图像后,对颈动脉分叉部相关结构进行解剖学测量。 结果与结论:三维图像可清晰显示颈动脉分叉部结构,实现其结构的单独和多结构、多方向观察及测量。测量结果显示受试者颈动脉分叉角为(43.5±12.3)°,颈总动脉远端内径(6.83±0.65) mm,颈内动脉膨大区近端内径(7.25±1.04) mm,颈内动脉膨大区最大内径(8.15±1.35) mm,颈内动脉膨大区远端内径(5.03± 0.55) mm,颈外动脉内径(4.22±0.60) mm。与≤40岁组比较,>40岁组颈动脉分叉角度、颈内动脉膨大区近端内径、颈内动脉膨大区最大内径、颈内动脉膨大区远端内径均明显粗大,颈外动脉内径明显细小(P < 0.05),而颈总动脉内径差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05)。与男性组比较,女性组颈动脉分叉部各测量指标均显著细小(P < 0.05)。左、右侧组测量值比较,除颈动脉分叉角左侧明显大于右侧外,其他测量指标差异均无显著性意义(P > 0.05)。三维CT可客观、准确测量颈动脉分叉部相关解剖值,具有个体化特征,可为相关应用解剖、疾病诊断及介入或手术治疗提供客观依据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨甲状腺上动脉的起始情况及其临床意义。 方法 解剖118具用福尔马林固定的尸体的双侧颈区,观察甲状腺上动脉的起始情况以及起始部位到颈总动脉分叉处的距离,并进行统计学分析。 结果 甲状腺上动脉的起始情况可分为颈总动脉分叉处(A)、颈外动脉(B)和颈总动脉(C)三种,所占比例分别为30.93%,37.71%和30.51%;左右两侧甲状腺上动脉起始情况分布有显著差异(P<0.05);起始于颈外动脉的甲状腺上动脉起始处距颈总动脉分叉处的距离小于起始于颈总动脉的甲状腺上动脉起始处距颈总动脉分叉处的距离。 结论 甲状腺上动脉是头颈部外科手术中具有重要临床意义的动脉,其回顾性分析将为临床应用提供解剖学依据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA)中行多模态监测预测术后脑卒中的应用价值。方法 回顾性分析聊城市人民医院在2020年1月至2021年12月行CEA手术患者58例,其中男41例,女17例;年龄(65.1±8.7)岁,均经DSA检查证实存在颈动脉狭窄,术中均行多模态神经电生理监测。观察术后疗效及术后并发症,比较术中不同监测模式对于预测术后脑卒中发生的效能。结果 患者CEA术后1周内复查CTA或DSA显示颈动脉狭窄均消失。发生围术期卒中患者7例。单一TCD监测的灵敏度为71.43%,高于SEP+MEP监测的57.14%,低于多模态监测的85.71%;SEP+MEP监测的特异度为82.35%,高于单一TCD监测的78.43%,低于多模态监测的92.16%。结论 多模态监测在颈动脉内膜剥脱术中有重要意义,可以更好地指导手术进程,评估患者预后。  相似文献   

目的 通过对颈动脉鞘与颈筋膜关系的解剖观察,探讨对颈动脉鞘的正确认识。 方法 福尔马林处理的成人尸体标本20具(40侧)。解剖观察构成胸锁乳突肌筋膜后鞘的颈筋膜浅层与颈动脉鞘是否联结、联结的紧密程度;解剖观察颈动脉鞘与颈筋膜中层、椎前筋膜浅层、深层之间的关系、联结的质地与紧密程度。 结果 颈筋膜浅层与颈动脉鞘相联结,但较疏松,钝性分离可将二者分开;颈筋膜中层由舌骨下肌群各肌肉筋膜鞘汇合后向外侧续行汇入颈动脉鞘前部;椎前筋膜浅层向外侧分为浅、深两层,浅层包绕颈总动脉、颈内静脉和迷走神经,深层不参与构成颈动脉鞘。颈筋膜中层和椎前筋膜浅层与颈动脉鞘的联结质地韧厚,联结紧密。 结论 颈动脉鞘与颈筋膜各层存在密切的联系,颈筋膜中层和椎前筋膜浅层是构成颈动脉鞘的主体。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经颅彩色超声多普勒系统(TCD)监测脑血流在颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA)中指导血压个体化调控的作用。方法 选择2018年12月至2020年12月在邢台市第三医院收治的140例拟行CEA治疗的颈动脉狭窄患者,其中男性74例,女性66例;年龄45~65岁,平均年龄57.41岁;糖尿病10例,高血压12例;美国麻醉师协会(ASA)分级:Ⅱ级30例,Ⅲ级110例。采用随机数字表法分为研究组和对照组,每组分为70例。对照组采用传统手段控制血压,研究组根据TCD脑血流参数指导调节血压。术中连续监测两组患者的有创动脉压力并对大脑中动脉平均血流速度进行监测。记录两组各个时刻点大脑中动脉血流速度(Vm)及外周有创动脉收缩压,比较两组患者围术期相关指标,统计术中心动过速/心动过缓发生次数及术后心脑血管事件发生情况。结果 研究组术中硝酸甘油、去甲肾上腺素用量低于对照组[(34.87±10.27)μg vs (48.56±6.92)μg、(15.97±4.54)μg vs (24.15±3.99)μg。P <0.05],心动过缓发生率明显少于对照组(2.86%vs 19.4...  相似文献   

目的探讨血管平滑肌细胞(VSMCs)在颈动脉粥样斑块中的数量与分布,为临床分析颈动脉粥样硬化斑块的稳定性提供理论依据。方法对68例颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA)患者的斑块,采用Movat染色和免疫组化方法检测斑块中VSMCs,镜下分别统计VSMCs平均积分吸光度值(MA)、单位面积的MA和纤维帽厚度。结果无症状组稳定性和不稳定性斑块发生率为87.5%和12.5%(P0.001);症状组为25.0%和75.0%(P0.001)。VSMCs在无症状组和症状组中的MA值分别为1 650±58和1 343±54(P0.001);在稳定和不稳定性斑块中分别为1 506±59和1 312±58(P0.05)。无症状组和症状组中VSMCs分布单位面积的MA分别为:基底部1 664±73(MA/mm~2)、1 112±69(MA/mm~2)(P0.001);肩部1 697±76(MA/mm~2)、1 412±81(MA/mm~2)(P0.05);纤维帽1 620±65(MA/mm~2)、1 321±66(MA/mm~2)(P0.01)。随着纤维帽的增厚,VSMCs的单位面积的MA也随之增加,呈正相关性(P0.001)。结论症状组和不稳定性斑块中VSMCs的数量、密度均少于无症状组和稳定斑块。纤维帽的厚度与VSMCs的密度呈正相关性。  相似文献   

Knowledge of carotid bifurcation (CB), common carotid artery (CCA) and its branches and their recognition during diagnostic imaging are also important for vascular surgical procedures in the region, such as carotid endarterectomy or radical neck dissection, catheterization and aneurysms. The surgical anatomy of the carotid arteries was studied in 20 cadavers. Micrometric values of the CB and its relation with surrounding structures, measurements belonging to the external carotid artery (ECA) and internal carotid artery (ICA), and metric data, such as lower face including the greater horn, laryngeal prominence have been evaluated by making linear measures. The diameter of the CCA at the CB under 2 cm and CB diameter was measured as 8.1 +/- 2.24 mm and 12.79 +/- 2.87 mm, respectively. Evaluating data related to the ICA and the ECA in samples, the aspect was measured the ICA and the ECA in the CB discrimination point as 21.52 +/- 20.53 degrees . In the most location of the ECA origin according to the ICA has been determined as medial position in 35 specimens. The origin of the superior thyroid artery (STA) was found to be at the same level with the CB in 40% and below it in 25% specimens. This study has provided measured objective criteria for the arterial features of the neck region, which are crucial during surgery. The origins of the branches of the CCA act as key landmarks for adequate and appropriate placement of the cross-clamp on the carotid arteries.  相似文献   

Clinical examination and surgical procedures require the knowledge of anatomical structures of such a complex area as neck, especially the developmental anomalies in vascular drainage may occur. The aim of this study was to describe the common carotid artery bifurcation to its surrounding structures to locate it properly by using external and internal landmarks. Measurements were performed on 43 Thai cadavers by the direct inspection method. Carotid bifurcation level was compared to the level of cervical vertebra, isthmus of thyroid cartilage, angle of mandible and origins of superior thyroid artery, and lingual artery. Most of carotid bifurcations were found at the level of C3, between C3 and C4, and C4 vertebra, as well as the tendency to lower position in men was noted. Measurements to the angle of mandible on the left sides were significantly different in studied groups (P = 0.02), also with lower position of bifurcation in men. The mean level of carotid bifurcation was approximately 6 mm above ITC, which literally is at the level of the superior border of thyroid cartilage. Moreover, in four cases, common carotid artery did not bifurcate bilaterally, and in four cases, no bifurcations were found at the right side of neck. Further, many superior thyroid arteries originated from common carotid artery. To sum up, during the clinical procedures, the level of thyroid cartilage is mostly advised to follow to locate the carotid sinus. Further, the described variations in topography of carotid bifurcation and arteries origins may have important clinical implications.  相似文献   

目的研究颈动脉的形态与动脉粥样硬化的情况,为颈总、颈内动脉狭窄的诊治提供形态学基础。方法解剖观测成尸30(男24、女6)侧颈动脉,观测颈动脉的形态及动脉粥样硬化情况。结果①颈总动脉中段外径,左侧(8.75±1.56)mm;右侧(8.31±0.99)mm。②颈内动脉根部外径,左侧(8.15±1.42)mm;右侧(7.51±1.63)mm。③颈外动脉中段外径,左侧(4.87±1.09)mm;右侧(4.39±0.89)mm。④颈动脉粥样硬化发生率占60%(18侧),其中颈内动脉根部四壁明显动脉硬化,内腔直径1.6mm严重狭窄1侧,占总数的3.33%。结论颈动脉粥样硬化发生率最高为颈动脉窦,占颈动脉硬化标本的100%,可致颈内动脉内腔狭窄。  相似文献   

目的 利用血管铸型标本和三维重建血管技术探讨胎儿甲状腺动脉的解剖结构及其应用价值。 方法 经颈总动脉和锁骨下动脉灌注填充剂,解剖观察及测量17例18~37周胎儿的甲状腺动脉;将CT扫描铸型标本数据导入Mimics 21.0软件进行甲状腺动脉三维重建。 结果 胎儿甲状腺上动脉可起源于颈外动脉第1分支(79.4%),或起源于颈总动脉(14.7%),或起源于颈总动脉分叉处(5.9%);胎儿甲状腺下动脉可起源于甲状颈干(76.5%),或起源于锁骨下动脉(23.5%)。胎儿甲状腺动脉分支及分布恒定。与成人甲状腺动脉相比,胎儿甲状腺动脉起始位置无明显差异;其分支及分布存在明显差异。 结论 了解胎儿甲状腺动脉的起始位置及分支分布特点,对宫内胎儿发育研究或新生儿临床手术具有指导实践基础。  相似文献   

The glycocalyx contributes to the barrier properties of vascular endothelium, and recently, we reported using electron microscopy that glycocalyx is diminished at lesion prone sites in arterial bifurcations in mice. In the present study, we examined using confocal microscopy the dimension and composition of the endothelial glycocalyx at low- and high-risk atherogenic regions within the common carotid (common) and internal carotid branch (sinus) of C57BL/6J mice and compared dimensional variations with its ability to limit transendothelial leakage of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Confocal laser scanning microscopy of arterial surfaces stained for heparan sulfate and hyaluronan revealed thinner glycocalyces at the sinus region (2.2 +/- 0.7 and 2.3 +/- 0.7 mum, respectively; P < 0.05) than the glycocalyx thickness at the common region (4.3 +/- 1.6 and 4.3 +/- 1.6 mum, respectively). This thinner glycocalyx was associated with impaired LDL retention by the glycocalyx resulting in a two to three times increase in intimal accumulation of LDL 15 min after i.v. bolus administration: 10.8 +/- 5.6 vs. 4.0 +/- 1.9 x 10,000 a.u. (sinus vs. common, P < 0.05). These results indicate that impaired glycocalyx barrier properties may contribute to transendothelial leakage of atherogenic LDL at lesion prone arterial sites.  相似文献   

The common carotid artery (CCA) bifurcation is of clinical importance due to its vascular access site for intravascular intervention. Additionally, it is also one of the most common sites of atherosclerotic plaque formation. There are numerous studies on the diameters of CCA, internal carotid artery (ICA), and external carotid artery (ECA) in adults, but few studies on newborns. Cadaver and angiographic studies have shown dimensional variations in the carotid arteries within/between individuals and also between different sexes. It is well known that the initial lesions of atherosclerosis begin very early in fetal life. Therefore, it is important to know the anatomical details of the CCA and its branches. In the present study, the neck regions of 20 (11 males and 9 females) fixed newborn cadavers were dissected. The CCAs were cut below the bulb of the carotid bifurcation further; ICA and ECA were cut above the bulb of the carotid bifurcation. The internal diameters of the CCA, ICA, and ECA were measured using a light microscopy. ECA/CCA, ICA/CCA, ICA/ECA ratios, and outflow to inflow area ratio were calculated. The mean outflow to inflow area ratio was 1.14±0.28. Our results highly correlated with the defined optimal ratio (1.15). The ECA/CCA, ICA/CCA, and ICA/ECA ratios were 0.78±0.12, 0.71±0.13, and 0.93±0.16, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between male and female and also between right and left sides. These findings are of importance in understanding the anatomy of carotid artery during newborn period.  相似文献   

小鼠颈动脉系解剖与测量在局灶性脑缺血模型中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 系统解剖与测量小鼠颈动脉系统 ,为小鼠局灶性脑缺血模型的制作提供参数。方法 在手术显微镜下 ,解剖小鼠颈动脉系后 ,用油标卡尺测定从颈总动脉分叉至各部的长度 ,结果以均数表示。并对尼龙单丝线末端的处理进行了较详细的研究。结果 小鼠颈总动脉分叉至大脑前中动脉分叉处的长度较恒定 ,具体为 (8 2 9± 0 5 4 )mm。尼龙单丝线末端经高温处理后 ,缩短的距离不同 ,所形成的球径不同 ,以缩短 1mm效果较好。结论 小鼠局灶性脑缺血模型制作时 ,从颈总动脉分叉至大脑前中动脉分叉处插线的深度不能超过 8 2 9mm。  相似文献   

目的 研究喉罩对颈总动脉(CCA)和颈内动脉(ICA)内径、血流速率和血流量等血流动力学参数的影响.方法 随机选择择期全麻下行腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者60例,为美国麻醉医师协会(ASA)Ⅰ~Ⅲ级.根据不同年龄分为中青年组(A组,20~59岁)和老年组(B组,60~85岁).按不同的喉罩套囊内压力将A组和B组分为4个亚组,即A1、B1(套囊内压为20~30 cm H2O)(1 cm H2O=0.098 kPa)和A2、B2(套囊内压为40~50 cm H2O),每组15例.所有患者术毕后送入ICU复苏,尚未清醒时拔除气管导管,而后置入喉罩.记录置入喉罩前(T0),置入喉罩后3 min(T1)、10 min(T2)和拔除喉罩后(T3)各时点CCA和ICA的内径、血流速率和血流量等血流动力学参数以及生命体征参数.结果 CCA、ICA的内径和CCA血流量的基础值B组比A组要大(P<0.05).与T0比较,在T1和T2时点,A组和B组CCA内径分别减少9.5%~12.9%和14.5%~24.3%(P<0.05或P<0.01),其中以B2组减少最为显著,A2组和B2组ICA内径分别减少10.9%和16.3%(P<0.05).CCA和ICA的血流速率无明显变化(P>0.05).与T0比较,A组和B组,T1和T2时CCA的血流量分别减少9.3%~10.7%和12.2%~19.1%(P<0.05),其中以B2组减少最为显著,A组和B组ICA血流量分别减少10.0%~13.5%和13.9%~16.6%(P<0.05).在T3时点各观察指标均恢复至T0水平.结论 喉罩通气时,CCA和ICA的内径有所缩小,其血流量相应减少,老年患者减少更为明显,而其血流速率则无明显改变.  相似文献   

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