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目的 完善人才培养体系,促进和提高临床药学专业硕士研究生培养质量.方法 通过查找文献,结合国内临床药学发展的现状和需求,探索适合我国临床药学专业硕士研究生培养的方法和途径.结果 拥有明确培养目标与要求、优化导师队伍、分专业培养、优化课程体系、培养临床思维、提高科研能力、注重实践技能及建立合理考核标准,是构建临床药学专业...  相似文献   

本文就当前我国三年制临床药学硕士研究生教育所处的社会环境、存在的问题进行了初步分析,并提出了改革我校三年制临床药学硕士研究生教育的一些建议。  相似文献   

目的 探讨Journal Club教学法在临床药学专业硕士研究生理论教学中的应用效果。方法 选取重庆医科大学2022年的2020级(4名)、2021级(6名)临床药学专业硕士研究生为研究对象。课前,2个年级的学生分别以小组为单位,围绕与“临床药物治疗学前沿”授课内容相关的2个临床用药问题,通过设定关键词、检索文献、分析评价、证据分级,制订最优用药方案;课中以幻灯片形式分享经典文献,并对最优用药方案进行循证药学证据分析。采用匿名问卷调查法统计对该教学法8个条目完全赞同、基本同意及否定的人数,并计算占比;授课教师对学生撰写的综述进行评分(90~100分、80~89分、70~79分、60~69分分别为优、良、中、及格);统计学生通过本轮教学的论文发表情况。结果 2020级、2021级分别发放调查问卷4份、6份,均全部回收,有效回收率均为100.00%;对所有调查项目均完全赞同或基本同意的分别有29人次、47人次。期末考试成绩为优、良、中的,2020级分别有2名(50.00%)、1名(25.00%)、1名(25.00%),优良率为75.00%;2021级分别有2名(33.33%)、3名(50....  相似文献   

浅谈临床药学专业硕士研究生的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙淑娟 《中国药房》2007,18(35):2794-2796
目的:探讨我国临床药学专业硕士研究生的培养方法。方法:回顾我国临床药学的发展,参考国外临床药学研究生培养模式,结合临床需求,阐述我国临床药学专业硕士研究生的培养方法与途径。结果与结论:只有明确培养目标、优化生源、细化专业、合理安排培养内容与时间,才能达到临床药学专业硕士研究生科研能力与临床实践能力兼顾培养的目标。  相似文献   

何玲 《药学教育》2003,19(3):34-35
国际药学交流与合作的日趋频繁要求药学教育与国际接轨,专业英语课成为药学院校研究生的重要必修课。要适时调整、改进研究生专业英语教学的内容和方法,依据不同的教学对象精心选材,以专题和讲座的形式灵活机动地进行教学。  相似文献   

完善的统计学思维体系是药学研究生必不可少的专业素养.针对部分药学研究生存在的夸大P值意义、误用多重比较方法和忽视均值比较的应用前提等统计学思维误区或缺陷,本文提出以案例导向教学模式(Case-based learning,CBL)为主导,问题导向教学模式(Problem-based learning,PBL)/研究型教...  相似文献   

目的为培养临床药学专业学生的实践能力提供参考。方法结合我国临床药学专业学生轻实践重就业的现状,提出培养临床药学专业学生实践能力的方法。结果经过医院药学实践阶段、临床轮转阶段、毕业论文撰写阶段的实践,本院实习生达到临床药学的实践要求,基本独立完成医院的工作任务。结论重视临床药学专业实习生的实践,适应医院发展的要求。  相似文献   

结合国内临床药学发展趋势与多年带教心得,分析临床药学硕士研究生教育模式的现状与不足,探讨适合临床药学工作需求的培养模式。提出临床药学硕士研究生的培养应该以临床实践和科研能力的培养为核心,通过多样化的培养手段,提高其综合素质与能力,培养应用型和科研型的复合临床药学人才。  相似文献   

当前药学研究生教育中存在基础理论知识与药物研究实际相脱节的问题,导致药学专业研究生对新药研发认识不足。针对这一现状,探讨药学研究生教学的新思路势在必行。转化医学是一个药学、医学、生命科学交叉融合和飞速发展的领域,对药学研究生而言,开展基于转化医学发展原则和实践理念的药学教育,无疑是优化药学研究生培养模式的重要途径,将帮助学生更加深刻地理解即将从事的新药研发工作,培养有能力将基础研究成果向临床应用转化的人才。  相似文献   

高等临床药学人才教育模式与培养课程设置的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着我国经济的迅速发展和医疗体制改革的深化,临床药师的需求将会不断增长。现阶段可采用培养药学博士、临床药学硕士和在职培训等多种方式来改善临床药师短缺的状况。长期来看,应在我国的主要医药高等院校建立完善的药学博士教育体系,建立安全合理用药的人才体系。药学博士的课程应包括生物医学、药学、临床医药学、中医药学和社会管理科学等几方面的内容,教学中应加强临床医药学、药物基因组学、药物经济学和医药信息检索知识的学习,并注重临床药学实践、与人沟通能力和获取新知识能力的培养,以使其能适应将来临床药师工作的需要。  相似文献   

临床药学教育刍议   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文对美国、日本、中国的临床药学教育作一简介,并对我国发展临床药学教育试作一讨论。  相似文献   

This paper describes the goals of the American Society of Health‐System Pharmacists' Pharmacy Practice Model Initiative (PPMI) and its recommendations for health‐system pharmacy practice transformation to meet future patient care needs and elevate the role of pharmacists as patient care providers. PPMI envisions a future in which pharmacists have greater responsibility for medication‐related outcomes and technicians assume greater responsibility for product‐related activities. Although the PPMI recommendations have elevated the level of practice in many settings, they also potentially affect existing clinical pharmacists, in general, and clinical pharmacy specialists, in particular. Moreover, although more consistent patient care can be achieved with an expanded team of pharmacist providers, the role of clinical pharmacy specialists must not be diminished, especially in the care of complex patients and populations. Specialist practitioners with advanced training and credentials must be available to model and train pharmacists in generalist positions, residents, and students. Indeed, specialist practitioners are often the innovators and practice leaders. Negotiation between hospitals and pharmacy schools is needed to ensure a continuing role for academic clinical pharmacists and their contributions as educators and researchers. Lessons can be applied from disciplines such as nursing and medicine, which have developed new models of care involving effective collaboration between generalists and specialists. Several different pharmacy practice models have been described to meet the PPMI goals, based on available personnel and local goals. Studies measuring the impact of these new practice models are needed.  相似文献   

Pharmacy education in India traditionally has been industry and product oriented. In contrast to the situation in developed nations, graduate pharmacists prefer placements in the pharmaceutical industry. To practice as a pharmacist in India, one needs at least a diploma in pharmacy, which is awarded after only 2 years and 3 months of pharmacy studies. These diploma-trained pharmacists are the mainstay of pharmacy practice. The pharmacy practice curriculum has not received much attention. In India, there has been a surge in the number of institutions offering pharmacy degrees at various levels and a practice-based doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) degree program was started in some private institutions in 2008. However, relatively little information has been published describing the current status of complex pharmacy education of India. In this paper we describe pharmacy education in India and highlight major issues in pharmacy practice including deficiencies in curriculum. The changing face of the profession is discussed, including the establishment of the PharmD program. The information presented in this paper may stimulate discussion and critical analysis and planning, and will be of value in further adaptation of the pharmacy education to desired educational outcomes.  相似文献   

Pharmacy education programs in Vietnam are complex and offer various career pathways. All include theory and laboratory modules in general, foundation, and pharmaceutical knowledge; placements in health facilities; and a final examination. The various pharmacy degree programs allow specialization in 1 or more of 5 main fields: (1) drug management and supply, (2) drug development and production, (3) pharmacology and clinical pharmacy, (4) traditional medicine and pharmacognosy, and (5) drug quality control, which are offered as main specialization options during the reformed undergraduate and postgraduate programs. However, pharmacy education in Vietnam in general remains product oriented and clinical pharmacy training has not received adequate attention. Only students who have obtained the bachelor of pharmacy degree, which requires a minimum of 5 years of study, are considered as fully qualified pharmacists. In contrast, an elementary diploma in pharmacy awarded after 1 year of pharmacy study permits entry into more junior pharmacy positions. Since the 2000s, there has been a surge in the number and types of schools offering pharmacy qualifications at various levels.  相似文献   

关于药事管理学科建设和研究生培养的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常云成  叶桦 《中国药事》2007,21(5):351-355
通过对我国药事管理研究生专业设置的现状分析,借鉴美国的有关实践,结合我国的国情,提出药事管理学科建设和药事管理研究生培养的一些建议。  相似文献   

Objectives. To identify reasons for inclusion of international practice experiences in pharmacy curricula and to understand the related structure, benefits, and challenges related to the programs.Methods. A convenience sample of 20 colleges and schools of pharmacy in the United States with international pharmacy education programs was used. Telephone interviews were conducted by 2 study investigators.Results. University values and strategic planning were among key driving forces in the development of programs. Global awareness and cultural competency requirements added impetus to program development. Participants’ advice for creating an international practice experience program included an emphasis on the value of working with university health professions programs and established travel programs.Conclusion. Despite challenges, colleges and schools of pharmacy value the importance of international pharmacy education for pharmacy students as it increases global awareness of health needs and cultural competencies.  相似文献   

通过文献梳理及网络调研回顾我国高等临床中药学教育发展,了解我国高等中医药院校临床中药学教育体系,掌握当前临床中药学专业方向的设置、招生就业以及课程设置等情况,剖析当前临床中药学教育存在的问题。在此基础上结合临床药学服务的需求,借鉴国内外临床药学教育经验,提出临床中药学教育改进措施。  相似文献   

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