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不象其它肿瘤的发生常隐匿,黑素瘤的发现只需做一项简单的工作─—皮肤检查。如果能够早期发现及合理治疗,黑素瘤可以达到治愈。这里综述了发生黑素瘤的重要高危因素,包括:不典型痣及痣总数;发育不良性痣先天性痣;掌跖、甲下和粘膜色素斑;人种;黑素瘤个人史及家族史;目光敏感以及过度日晒。认识这些高危因素可发现高危人群并正确处理,从而达到预防及早期治疗的目的,减少此病的患病率及死亡率。 相似文献
皮肤恶性黑素瘤的易感基因 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
皮肤恶性黑素瘤是一种多因素相关疾病 ,遗传因素与其密切相关。目前 ,两个高风险性皮肤恶性黑素瘤易感基因%D细胞周期素依赖性激酶抑制剂 2A和细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶 4已被确认 ,而基因p14 ARF和细胞周期素D1基因也可能起一定作用。另外 ,由于发现有染色体 9p2 1不相关家族 ,故其他高风险性基因也可能存在。黑皮质素受体 - 1已确认为低风险黑素瘤易感基因。目前的研究是为了明确其他易感基因及其作用 相似文献
黑素瘤作为一种侵袭性强的皮肤恶性肿瘤,在发病率和死亡率方面都在上升,目前仍缺乏较为有效的治疗手段.近年来,随着人们对黑素瘤认识的逐渐深入,黑素瘤的表观遗传学修饰特别是在DNA甲基化方面的研究也受到广泛关注.DNA甲基化在肿瘤细胞中的改变相对较常见,包括黑素瘤细胞.因此,DNA甲基化相关基因可以作为黑素瘤早期筛查、诊断、预后、治疗分期以及治疗后监测的生物标记. 相似文献
恶性黑素瘤的诱发因素及早期诊断 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
恶性黑素瘤的诱发因素及早期诊断周云龙近年来恶性黑素瘤(Malignantmelanoma,MM)的发生率呈明显的增长趋势。据报道美国1991年皮肤癌的新诊断病例为50~60万,其中MM为32,000例,后者约为过去40年总和的3倍,其增加的速度比所有... 相似文献
BRAF基因,位于染色体7q34编码一个67 000~99 000的丝,苏氨酸蛋白激酶,其产物在丝裂原活化蛋白激酶信号途径中起重要调控作用.国内外的研究者先后发现并揭示出BRAF基因变异与皮肤恶性黑素瘤的关系.随着探索的深入,部分学者以BRAF基因作为治疗靶向进行研究,并初步取得成果.对BRAF基因及其突变的研究可能在未来恶性黑素瘤诊断、治疗以及预后等方面产生临床价值,为恶性黑素瘤的治疗开辟新的方向. 相似文献
恶性黑素瘤起源于痣细胞或黑素细胞,好发于皮肤黏膜,恶性程度高,预后差,治疗手段多样.但疗效多不确切。光动力学治疗是近20年来兴起并不断发展的新技术,光动力学治疗肿瘤具有抗瘤谱广、选择性杀伤肿瘤细胞作用强、对正常细胞器官损伤轻微等特点,现已成为治疗许多恶性肿瘤的研究热点。 相似文献
恶性黑素瘤起源于痣细胞或黑素细胞,好发于皮肤黏膜,恶性程度高,预后差,治疗手段多样,但疗效多不确切。光动力学治疗是近20年来兴起并不断发展的新技术,光动力学治疗肿瘤具有抗瘤谱广、选择性杀伤肿瘤细胞作用强、对正常细胞器官损伤轻微等特点,现已成为治疗许多恶性肿瘤的研究热点。 相似文献
BRAF基因,位于染色体7q34编码一个67 000~99 000的丝,苏氨酸蛋白激酶,其产物在丝裂原活化蛋白激酶信号途径中起重要调控作用.国内外的研究者先后发现并揭示出BRAF基因变异与皮肤恶性黑素瘤的关系.随着探索的深入,部分学者以BRAF基因作为治疗靶向进行研究,并初步取得成果.对BRAF基因及其突变的研究可能在未来恶性黑素瘤诊断、治疗以及预后等方面产生临床价值,为恶性黑素瘤的治疗开辟新的方向. 相似文献
BRAF基因,位于染色体7q34编码一个67 000~99 000的丝,苏氨酸蛋白激酶,其产物在丝裂原活化蛋白激酶信号途径中起重要调控作用.国内外的研究者先后发现并揭示出BRAF基因变异与皮肤恶性黑素瘤的关系.随着探索的深入,部分学者以BRAF基因作为治疗靶向进行研究,并初步取得成果.对BRAF基因及其突变的研究可能在未来恶性黑素瘤诊断、治疗以及预后等方面产生临床价值,为恶性黑素瘤的治疗开辟新的方向. 相似文献
AimWe aimed to investigate the incidence rate and risk factors of medical device-related pressure injuries (MDRPIs) among patients undergoing prone position spine surgery.Materials and methodsThis was a prospective observational study of 147 patients who underwent spine surgery in an orthopaedic hospital in Korea. The incidence of MDRPI according to intrinsic and extrinsic factors was assessed using the independent t-, χ2 -, or Fisher's exact tests. A logistic regression analysis was performed exclusively for MDRPI areas with an incidence rate >5%.ResultsThe mean incidence rate of overall MDRPI was 27.4%, while that of MDRPI by Wilson frame, bi-spectral index, and endotracheal tube (ETT) was 56.5%, 52.4%, and 9.5%, respectively. The risk factors under Wilson frame were operation time and body mass index classification. Compared to their normal weight counterparts, those who were underweight, overweight, and obese had a 46.57(95% CI: 6.37–340.26), 3.96 (95% CI: 1.13–13.86), and 5.60 times (95% CI: 1.62–19.28) higher risk of developing MDRPI, respectively. The risk factors by bi-spectral index were sex, operation time, and the American Society of Anaesthesiologists classification. Compared to ETT intubation of <2 h, the risk of MDRPI increased by 7.16 times (95% CI: 1.35–38.00) and 7.93 times (95% CI: 1.45–43.27) for<3 and ≥3 h’ duration, respectively.ConclusionThe difficulty of device repositioning can increase the incidence of MDRPI, and prolonged surgery was a significant risk factor. Thus, appropriate planning and correct equipment utilization is needed during prone position spine surgeries. 相似文献
《Journal of tissue viability》2020,29(4):252-257
PurposeOral-mucosal pressure injury (PI) is the most commonly encountered medical device-related PIs. This study was performed to identify risk factors and construct a risk prediction model for oral-mucosal PI development in intubated patients in the intensive care unit.MethodsThe study design was prospective, observational with medical record review. The inclusion criteria stipulated that 1) participants should be > 18 years of age, 2) there should be ETT use with holding methods including adhesive tape, gauze tying, and commercial devices. Data of 194 patient-days were analysed. The identification and validation of risk model development was performed using SPSS and the SciKit learn platform.ResultsThe risk prediction logistic models were composed of three factors (bite-block/airway, commercial ETT holder, and corticosteroid use) for lower oral-mucosal PI development and four factors (commercial ETT holder, vasopressor use, haematocrit, and serum albumin level) for upper oral-mucosal PI development among 10 significant input variables. The sensitivity and specificity for lower oral-mucosal PI development were 85.2% and 76.0%, respectively, and those for upper oral-mucosal PI development were 60.0% and 89.1%, respectively. Based on the results of the machine learning, the upper oral-mucosal PI development model had an accuracy of 79%, F1 score of 88%, precision of 86%, and recall of 91%.ConclusionsThe development of lower oral-mucosal PIs is affected by immobility-related factors and corticosteroid use, and that of upper oral-mucosal PIs by undernutrition-related factors and ETT holder use. The high sensitivities of the two logit models comprise important minimum data for positively predicting oral-mucosal PIs. 相似文献
Lucio Bakos Simona Mastroeni Renan Rangel Bonamigo Franco Melchi Paolo Pasquini Cristina Fortes 《Anais brasileiros de dermatologia》2013,88(2):226-232
Important risk factors for cutaneous melanoma (CM) are recognized, but standardized scores for individual assessment must still be developed.OBJECTIVES:
The objective of this study was to develop a risk score of CM for a Brazilian sample.METHODS:
To verify the estimates of the main risk factors for melanoma, derived from a meta-analysis (Italian-based study), and externally validate them in a population in southern Brazil by means of a case-control study. A total of 117 individuals were evaluated. Different models were constructed combining the summary coefficients of different risk factors, derived from the meta-analysis, multiplied by the corresponding category of each variable for each participant according to a mathematical expression.RESULTS:
the variable that best predicted the risk of CM in the studied population was hair color (AUC: 0.71; 95% CI: 0.62-0.79). Other important factors were freckles, sunburn episodes, and skin and eye color. Consideration of other variables such as common nevi, elastosis, family history, and premalignant lesions did not improve the predictive ability of the models.CONCLUSION:
The discriminating capacity of the proposed model proved to be superior or comparable to that of previous risk models proposed for CM. 相似文献14.
G. Li V.C Ho M.J. Trotter D.E. Horsman V.A. Tron 《Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology》1995,4(1):48-53
Background p53 mutation has been observed in many human malignancies, including skin cancers. However, the data in melanoma has been conflicting. Material and methods We have examined, by immunohistochemistry, using the DO7 and CM1 antibodies, the frequency of p53 overexpression in 14 metastatic melanomas and 61 primary melanomas, of which 30 were from sun-protected sites and 31 from sun-exposed sites. Results Ten of 14 metastatic melanomas showed p53 overexpression compared to only eight of 61 primary melanomas (P < 0.004). No significant difference in p53 expression was found between primary melanomas from sun-protected (2/30) and sun-exposed sites (6/31). We have also examined p53 mutation by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of four melanoma cell lines. One cell line established from a primary melanoma from a sun-protected site showed evidence of an altered migration pattern in exon 7. Sequencing analysis of this region confirmed a point mutation in codon 244, showing a G to C transversion. This mutation is unlikely to be due to ultraviolet (UV) radiation since mutations caused by UV radiation are predominantly CC → TT or C → T transitions. Conclusions In summary, p53 mutation in primary melanoma is uncommon and does not appear to be related to UV radiation. p53 mutation is more common in metastatic melanomas suggesting that it may be involved as a late event in melanoma progression. 相似文献
Vanessa Priscilla Martins da Silva Juliana Kida Ikino Mariana Mazzochi Sens Daniel Holthausen Nunes Gabriella Di Giunta 《Anais brasileiros de dermatologia》2013,88(5):712-717
Dermoscopy allows the early detection of melanomas. The preoperative determination of Breslow index by dermoscopy could be useful in planning the surgical approach and in selecting patients for sentinel lymph node biopsy.OBJECTIVES
This study aims at describing the dermoscopic features of thin melanomas and comparing melanomas in situ with invasive melanomas less than or equal to 1 mm thick.METHODS
This was an observational retrospective study in which the dermoscopy photographs of 41 thin melanomas were evaluated. Three observers evaluated together 14 dermoscopic criteria.RESULTS
Among thin melanomas, the most frequent criteria were presence of asymmetry in two axes in 95% of cases (39 cases), 3 or more colors in 80.4% of cases (33 cases), atypical dots or globules in 58.5% of cases (24 cases) and atypical network or streaks in 53.6% of cases (22 cases). The group of invasive melanomas presented with a higher frequency and statistical significance (p <0.05) 3 or more colors (OR: 16.1), milky red areas (OR: 4.8) and blue-white veil (OR: 20.4), and a greater tendency to have streaks or atypical network (OR: 3.66).CONCLUSIONS
Thin melanomas tend to have asymmetry in the two axes, 3 or more colors, atypical dots or globules and atypical network or streaks. Melanomas in situ tend to have up to 2 colors, no blue-white veil and no milky red area. Invasive melanomas tend to have 3 or more colors, a milky red area, blue-white veil, and atypical network or streaks. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings. 相似文献17.
恶性黑素瘤是死亡率较高的皮肤肿瘤之一,研究发现恶性黑素瘤中存在高频BRAF癌基因突变.紫外线是引起突变的高危因素,不同种族、发病部位以及病理类型的恶性黑素瘤间BRAF突变率存在差异.此突变与遗传、预先存在的色素痣、肿瘤侵袭性及预后之间的关系还存在争论.BRAF突变相关的MAPK信号传导分子是治疗恶性黑素瘤的靶点.综述近几年的研究,以认识BRAF突变与恶性黑素瘤的关系. 相似文献
Marta García-Bustínduy Francisco Guimerá-Martín-Neda Antonio Noda María Lecuona Rosalba Sánchez-González María José González de Mesa Miguel Sáez-Rodriguez Antonio Martín-Malagón Rafael García-Montelongo 《Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology》1999,12(3):258-262
Primary cutaneous mucormycosis is a deep fungal infection, mainly seen in diabetics and immunocompromised subjects. Rapid diagnosis and therapy are necessary to avoid fatal outcome. We describe the complete histopathological and microbiological studies of primary cutaneous mucormycosis in a 74-year-old man with several risk factors, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respiratory acidosis, hemolytic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome and iatrogenic diabetes, due to corticosteroid therapy. He developed two cutaneous necrotic scars on his left leg. Mucormycosis was suspected and specimens from surgical débridement were histopathologically and microbiologically studied confirming the clinical diagnosis. Amphotericin B was given topically and intravenously resulting in complete healing of the ulcer. Risk factors and microbiological studies are compared with those in the current literature. It is necessary in certain cases to suspect mucormycosis infections in diabetics, immunocompromised subjects and even in healthy individuals. Rapid diagnosis and treatment are important, but they should be based on complete histopathological and microbiological studies, to establish the genus of the causal agent. 相似文献