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随着生活水平的改善和生活方式的改变,心血管代谢性疾病(cardiometabolic diseases)的发病率越来越高。心血管代谢性疾病是指代谢系统和心血管系统单一或者同时发生可相互影响的病理改变,是代谢性疾病和心血管疾病的总称。近来有研究认为,免疫信号通路不仅在免疫系统中发挥作用,而且在更为广泛的诸如心血管代谢性系统的生理功能中也发挥重要作用。Mindin是一种细胞外基质蛋白,在天然免疫和获得性免疫中具有广泛的作用。但最近一系列研究发现Mindin在心血管代谢性疾病中也发挥重要作用。本文就Mindin的结构和功能及其在心血管代谢性疾病中的重要作用进行综述,以期为防治心血管代谢性疾病提供新的思路。  相似文献   

规律的运动锻炼可改善T2DM、肥胖症和心血管疾病等代谢性疾病.Irisin是新发现的肌肉因子,无论在啮齿类动物还是人体内,运动后Irisin浓度均上升.推测Irisin可能具有促进白色脂肪棕色化、增加能量消耗、改善IR、调节糖脂平衡的作用.  相似文献   

近年来,以运动为核心的心脏康复在预防和治疗心血管疾病上具有重要作用。它能带来诸多心血管益处,越来越多证据支持运动能促进冠心病中血管的生成,但其机制尚未被完全阐明。其中,大量研究证明运动锻炼能增加内皮祖细胞(EPC)的数量及功能,促进血管生成。同时,运动能引起一些microRNA水平的变化,这些microRNA可参与血管生成过程。除此之外,有些microRNA水平的变化可能影响EPC功能而调节血管生成过程。该综述将集中讨论运动锻炼调节EPC和影响microRNA水平促进血管生成的这两条机制,为研究和治疗冠心病提供了新思路。  相似文献   

琥珀酸是细胞线粒体三羧酸循环的中心代谢产物,同时也是肠道菌群重要的代谢产物。大量证据表明琥珀酸以“信号分子”的方式参与代谢性疾病的发生、发展以及转归。肥胖、非酒精性肝炎、2型糖尿病、代谢性心血管疾病与代谢稳态失衡密切相关,本文综述了琥珀酸与这4种代谢性疾病之间的关系及其作用机制,以期为代谢性疾病的预防和治疗提供新的思路和策略。  相似文献   

代谢综合征是一组表型复杂的代谢紊乱症候群,发病率居高不下。代谢性综合征病理相关的肥胖、胰岛素抵抗、糖尿病、高血压及脂代谢异常促进心血管过早老化。自噬溶酶体途径可降解心血管老化过程中产生的功能异常的蛋白质和细胞器,参与代谢综合征相关的心血管过早老化的发生发展。为寻找各种代谢性疾病下心血管老化治疗的新策略,掌握代谢应激情况下自噬参与心血管过早老化的调节机制异常重要。本文就国际国内前沿简要综述自噬在代谢综合征相关的心血管老化中的作用机制,试图为延缓心血管过早老化及改善其功能异常提供新的理论基础。  相似文献   

心血管代谢疾病包括高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常、冠心病、脑卒中等,严重威胁我国居民健康,疾病负担持续增长。健康的生活方式是预防和管理心血管代谢疾病的重要基石。本指南主要基于中国人群的研究证据,针对膳食与饮料、身体活动、吸烟饮酒等方面提出建议,旨在促进我国居民采取健康的生活方式,预防心血管代谢疾病,推动健康中国行动的实施。  相似文献   

代谢综合征防治进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MS;又称作X-综合征,或胰岛素抵抗综合征),是一组致心血管和代谢疾病的危险因素的聚集。这些危险因素包括中心性肥胖、胰岛素抵抗、脂代谢紊乱、高血压。上述危险因素不但可导致心血管的动脉粥样硬化性疾病,同时也是脑血管疾病、代谢性疾病的重要  相似文献   

运动锻炼对心血管的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运动锻炼曾长期被认为是心脏科的“禁区”,心脏科医生主张病人延长休息。近 30年特别是近几年来这种观点发生了彻底的改变。目前认为中度到剧烈的运动不但可预防缺血性心脏病 ,而且是心肌梗塞、PTCA、冠脉搭桥、心脏移植后、先天性心脏病和充血性心力衰竭的主要治疗措施之一。本文就运动锻炼对心血管的影响及其可能的机制作一简单综述。1 运动锻炼的生理效应从心脏生理、病理角度讲 ,经常的运动锻炼对心血管系统有直接和间接双重作用。运动锻炼达到一定强度其间接作用即可表现出来 ,但对心肌的直接效应则较小。1.1 运动的间接效应1.1.1…  相似文献   

运动是糖尿病治疗的基石之一,也是心血管疾病和其他代谢性疾病非药物治疗的重要手段,但运动改善人体代谢的机制一直不甚明了。  相似文献   

自主神经系统在调节心血管与代谢的机制中具有重要作用,近年来交感神经过度激活与神经再平衡治疗也逐渐成为研究热点。目前有关心脏交感神经活性评估的方法具有不同的特异性与局限性,在临床研究与应用中开展常需要综合考虑。本文介绍相关评估方法的研究进展,包括神经电生理、血清学、免疫组化分析、心率变异性等。通过结合临床常用方法与新兴技术,为研究心血管与代谢性疾病的发病机制及指导相关疾病的治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

The regular practice of physical activity is a well-recommended strategy for the prevention and treatment of several cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Physical exercise prevents the progression of vascular diseases and reduces cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Exercise training also ameliorates vascular changes including endothelial dysfunction and arterial remodeling and stiffness, usually present in type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. Common to these diseases is excessive oxidative stress, which plays an important role in the processes underlying vascular changes. At the vascular level, exercise training improves the redox state and consequently NO availability. Moreover, growing evidence indicates that other mediators such as prostanoids might be involved in the beneficial effects of exercise. The purpose of this review is to update recent findings describing the adaptation response induced by exercise in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, focusing more specifically on the beneficial effects of exercise in the vasculature and the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

张正斌  孙阳 《心脏杂志》2018,30(1):5-008
生理状况下,运动训练可显著提高机体代谢水平,发挥抗炎、抗衰老、调节血压和抗抑郁的功能,长期规律的运动训练有助于增加心排出量,促进生理性心肌重构,增强机体对心血管疾病的耐受性,对心血管疾病一级预防作用显著,已被多个指南推荐用于心血管疾病及代谢相关疾病的预防和治疗。运动发挥心血管保护作用的机制较为复杂,包括改善心肌能量代谢,促进冠脉循环,延缓病理性心肌重构等,本文将综述近年来运动对于心肌梗死前后的心肌保护作用相关进展,为深入探讨运动发挥心血管保护作用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease is a major health problem in developed countries. A sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet increase cardiovascular risk factors, such as dyslipidemia, hypertension and insulin resistance. Life style modification is strongly recommended for prevention and therapy of cardiometabolic diseases and dyslipidemia. Regular physical activity can positively influence the lipoprotein profile by reducing triglycerides and increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Exercise seems to have little effect on total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) but improves LDL subfractions by reducing small dense -LDL particles and increases the average size of LDL particles. The beneficial effect of physical activity on the lipoprotein profile seems to be more dependent on the amount of exercise than on the intensity. High-intensity training seems to have less effect than moderate aerobic exercise training on lipoproteins but is superior or equal in improving other metabolic risk factors.  相似文献   

Although the role of psychological risk factors has been underemphasized, considerable evidence indicates the adverse effects of various psychosocial stressors in the pathogenesis and recovery from cardiovascular diseases. Substantial data, especially from cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training programs, have demonstrated the role of physical activity, exercise training, and cardiorespiratory fitness, to improve psychological risk factors, including depression, anxiety, hostility, and total psychological stress, as well as stress-related mortality.  相似文献   

随着医疗技术进步、心血管发病率逐年增加和世界人口老龄化进程的推进,心力衰竭的患病率逐年攀升,且存在5年存活率低、再入院率高及预后不良等严重问题.随着以运动为主的心脏康复的快速发展,心力衰竭患者采用运动训练作为非药物治疗手段显得尤为重要.心力衰竭患者的运动训练方式包括有氧训练、阻抗训练、呼吸肌训练及神经肌肉电刺激等.但临...  相似文献   

Patients with stroke are severely deconditioned, leading to metabolic abnormalities that significantly increase risk for myocardial infarction and recurrent stroke. This review characterizes the nature of the metabolic decline, the underlying causes, and the potential for progressive aerobic exercise to address metabolic impairment following disabling stroke. Although exercise training has previously been shown to improve peak aerobic capacity and sensorimotor function after stroke, establishing safe and effective exercise programs in this population presents unique challenges stemming from neurological deficit complexities and comorbid conditions. Thus, recommendations for application to practice are provided that include proper preexercise evaluation, guidelines for symptom-limited maximal effort exercise testing, as well as evidence-based suggestions for initiation and progression of an exercise program. Implementing regular, progressive exercise therapy is critical on the basis of the devastating impact of physical inactivity on overall metabolic heath. Prevalence of impaired or diabetic glucose metabolism may be as high as 80% in chronic stroke, predicting 2- and 3-fold increased risk for recurrent stroke, respectively. Tragically, nearly one third of patients with stroke experience recurrent stroke within 5 years, and comorbid cardiovascular conditions represent the leading cause of death in this population. Recent evidence showing the positive impact of exercise training on hyperinsulinemia and glucose tolerance in survivors of stroke is presented, given the central importance of these factors to overall cardiovascular risk. On the basis of these and other findings, structured exercise programs should be considered for all survivors of stroke.  相似文献   

Oxidative and nitrative changes seen in lipoproteins following exercise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxidative damage to lipoproteins, in particular low density lipoprotein (LDL), is known to play a role in a number of diseases associated with ageing such as cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, arthritis, dementia and the metabolic syndrome. Physical activity or exercise can alter the balance of oxidative and anti-oxidative species within the human body. A number of studies have assessed the effect of exercise training or a single exercise bout on plasma lipid oxidation or nitration, protein oxidation and circulating lipoprotein oxidation, but results are extremely mixed and the message arising from current literature in regard to exercise and its effect upon the oxidative status of lipoproteins is somewhat confusing. This review aims to summarise the studies investigating the effect of exercise on lipoprotein oxidation and nitration, and highlight areas in need of future research.  相似文献   

Exercise plays a central role in the management and treatment of common metabolic diseases, but modern society presents many barriers to exercise. Over the past decade there has been considerable interest surrounding high-intensity interval training (HIIT), with advocates claiming it can induce health benefits of similar, if not superior magnitude to moderate-intensity continuous exercise, despite reduced time commitment. As the safety of HIIT becomes clearer, focus has shifted away from using HIIT in healthy individuals towards using this form of training in clinical populations. The continued growth of metabolic disease and reduced physical activity presents a global health challenge and effective therapies are urgently required. The aim of this review is to explore whether the acclaim surrounding HIIT is justified by examining the effect of HIIT on glucose control, its ability to affect cardiovascular function and the underlying mechanisms of the changes observed in those with common metabolic diseases. It also explores translation of the research into clinical practice.  相似文献   

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