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The lateral septum (LS) has been shown to have a key role in emotional processes and stress responses. However, the exact role of the LS on stress modulation is not clear, as previous lesion studies mostly used electrolytic lesions, thereby destroying the whole septal area, including medial components and/or fibers of passage. The aim of the present study was therefore, to investigate the effects of selective excitotoxic ablation of the LS on neuroendocrine and behavioral stress responses in rats. Bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the LS increased hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenocortical (HPA) axis responses to forced swim stress indicated by enhanced plasma ACTH and corticosterone responses and higher stress-induced c-Fos-like immunoreactivity in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus. Moreover, LS-lesioned animals showed a more passive coping style in the forced swim test indicated by increased floating and reduced struggling/swimming behavior compared with sham-lesioned controls. Interestingly, intraseptal corticosteroid receptor blockade modulated behavioral stress coping but failed to change HPA axis stress responses. Further experiments aimed at elucidating underlying neurochemical mechanisms revealed that intraseptal administration of the selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY-100635 increased and prolonged stress-induced ACTH and corticosterone levels mimicking lesion effects, while the agonist 8-OH-DPAT suppressed HPA axis activity facilitating the inhibitory role of the LS. In addition, 8-OH-DPAT-injected animals showed increased active and decreased passive coping strategies during forced swimming suggesting antidepressant efficacy. Taken together, our data suggest that the LS promotes active stress coping behavior and is involved in a HPA-inhibitory mechanism that is at least in part mediated by septal 5-HT1A receptors and does not involve a glucocorticoid mediated feedback mechanism.  相似文献   

Pathological fear and anxiety can be studied, in rodents, with fear conditioning and exposure to reminder cues. These paradigms are thought to critically involve the ventral hippocampus, which also serves as key site of glucocorticoid action in the brain. Here, we demonstrate a long-lasting reduction of kainate-induced gamma oscillations in slice preparations of the ventral hippocampal area CA3, 30 days after a single fear conditioning training. Reduction of gamma power was sensitive to corticosterone application and associated with a decrease in glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor mRNA expression across strata of the ventral hippocampal CA3. A fear reactivation session 24 h after the initial conditioning normalized receptor expression levels and attenuated the corticosterone-mediated recovery of gamma oscillations. It moreover increased both baseline and stimulus-induced corticosterone plasma levels and evoked a generalization of fear memory to the background context. Reduced ventral hippocampal gamma oscillation in both fear reactivated and non-reactivated mice were associated with a decrease of anxiety-like behavior in an elevated plus maze. Taking advantage of the circadian fluctuation in corticosterone, we demonstrated the association of high endogenous basal corticosterone plasma concentrations during morning hours with reduced anxiety-like behavior in fear reactivated mice. The anxiolytic effect of the hormone was verified with local applications to the ventral hippocampus. Our data suggest that corticosterone acting on ventral hippocampal network activity has anxiolytic-like effects following fear exposure, highlighting its potential therapeutic value for anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Various clinical studies have identified FK506-binding protein 51 (FKBP51) as a target gene involved in the development of psychiatric disorders such as depression. Furthermore, FKBP51 has been shown to affect glucocorticoid receptor signaling by sensitivity modulation and it is implicated in stress reactivity as well as in molecular mechanisms of stress vulnerability and resilience. We investigated the physiological, behavioral, and neuroendocrine parameters in an established chronic stress model both directly after stress and after a recovery period of 3 weeks and also studied the efficacy of paroxetine in this model. We then examined FKBP51 mRNA levels in the dorsal and ventral part of the hippocampus and correlated the expression to behavioral and endocrine parameters. We show robust chronic stress effects in physiological, behavioral, and neuroendocrine parameters, which were only slightly affected by paroxetine treatment. On the contrary, paroxetine led to a disruption of the neuroendocrine system. FKBP51 expression was significantly increased directly after the stress period and correlated with behavioral and neuroendocrine parameters. Taken together, we were able to further elucidate the role of FKBP51 in the mechanisms of stress resilience and vulnerability, especially with respect to behavioral and neuroendocrine parameters. These findings strongly support the concept of FKBP51 as a marker for glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity and its involvement in the development of psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: Both chronic smoking and trait anxiety have been associated with dysregulations in psychobiological stress response systems. However, these factors have not been studied in conjunction. We expected trait anxiety and smoking status to attenuate stress reactivity. Furthermore, we expected an allostatic load effect resulting in particularly attenuated stress reactivity in high-anxious smokers. In addition, high-anxious smokers were expected to exhibit increased urges to smoke in response to stress. Methods: 115 smokers and 37 nonsmokers, aged 18–64 years, completed a laboratory session including mental stressors such as evaluated public speaking and mental arithmetic. Trait anxiety was assessed using Spielberger's State–Trait Anxiety Inventory. Cardiovascular autonomic indices, salivary cortisol, and the desire to smoke were measured at baseline, during stressors, and at recovery. Results: Regression analyses showed that smokers exhibited attenuated cardiovascular stress responses in comparison to nonsmokers. Higher trait anxiety predicted attenuated systolic blood pressure responses to stress. No interaction effect of smoking status and trait anxiety was found in stress response measures. Higher trait anxiety predicted an increased desire to smoke in response to stress among smokers. Conclusion: Results indicate that both smoking status and trait anxiety are associated with blunted sympatho-adrenal cardiovascular stress reactivity. Elevated urges to smoke in response to stress found among smokers with high trait anxiety suggest an important role of anxiety in smoking propensity and relapse.  相似文献   

Elevated lead (Pb) burden and high stress levels are co-occurring risk factors in low socioeconomic status (SES) children. Our previous work demonstrated that maternal Pb exposure can permanently alter hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function and responsivity to stress challenges in offspring. The current study sought to determine the consequences of chronic Pb exposures initiated later in development combined with variable intermittent stress challenges. Male rats were exposed chronically from weaning to 0, 50, or 150 ppm Pb acetate drinking solutions (producing blood Pb levels of <5, 9-15, and 23-27 mug/dl, respectively). Pb itself decreased basal plasma corticosterone, with greater effects at 50 than 150 ppm; 150 ppm reduced both cytosolic and nuclear glucocorticoid receptor binding. Responsivity to stress challenges including novelty, cold, and restraint, was measured as changes in Fixed Interval (FI) schedule-controlled behavior in a subset of rats within each group. FI performance was modified by novelty stress only in Pb-treated rats, whereas cold and restraint stress effects were comparable across groups. Novelty elevated corticosterone equivalently across groups, but cold stress markedly increased corticosterone only in Pb-treated groups. The pattern of Pb-induced changes in serotonin (5-HT) or its metabolite 5-HIAA in frontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, striatum, and hypothalamus resembled that observed for basal corticosterone levels indicating a relationship between these variables. In addition to suggesting the potential for HPA axis-mediated effects of Pb on the central nervous system, these findings also raise questions about whether single chemicals studied in isolation from other relevant risk factors can adequately identify neurotoxic hazards.  相似文献   

The cold pressor test (CPT) and Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) have been shown to reliably increase HPA activity; however, little research has compared responses to these stressors. In this study, biological (plasma cortisol and ACTH levels) and subjective (e.g., stress and mood) responses were compared in 31 subjects administered both the CPT and TSST. Subjects were diagnosed with alcohol dependence and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (n = 11), alcohol dependence without PTSD (n = 10), PTSD without alcohol use disorder (n = 4), and neither PTSD nor alcohol use disorder (n = 6). All subjects completed both the CPT and TSST. In all groups, the TSST elicited higher levels of ACTH and cortisol than the CPT, and the response time course differed between tasks. The TSST also produced lower mood ratings than the CPT. A comparison of all diagnosed groups with normal controls revealed group differences in ACTH responding for the CPT but not the TSST. The results suggest that the TSST results in a greater HPA response than the CPT; however, the CPT may have utility in diagnostically heterogeneous patients.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of resistance exercise on the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA) response to mental challenge, withdrawal symptoms, urge to smoke, and cognitive stress during 24-hour smoking abstinence.


8 sedentary smokers (mean ± SD age: 20.1 ± 1.7 y; height: 171.6 ± 10.8 cm; body mass: 70.4 ± 12.0 kg; smoking history: 2.9 ± 0.8 y) completed a 24-hour ad libitum smoking trial (SMO) followed by two 24-hour smoking abstinence trials. During abstinence trials, participants performed six whole body resistance exercises (EX) or a control condition (CON) in the morning, followed by mental challenge tasks in the afternoon. Plasma adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH), and salivary and serum cortisol were measured during each visit at rest (REST), and then before (PRE-EX), immediately after (IP-EX), and 30 min after exercise (30-EX); and before (PRE-MC), immediately after (IP-MC), and 30 min after mental challenge (30-MC).


Resistance exercise significantly (p ≤ 0.05) elevated plasma ACTH and serum cortisol at IP-EX during EX compared with SMO and CON trials. Resting ACTH, salivary and serum cortisol concentrations at Pre-MC did not differ between EX and CON trials. The HPA axis response to mental challenge was similar after EX and CON trials. Finally, resistance exercise did not reduce withdrawal symptoms, urge to smoke, or stress.


Resistance exercise did not substantially alter resting HPA hormones or the HPA response to mental challenge tasks during 24 h of smoking abstinence.  相似文献   

Alcohol (EtOH) intoxication and burn injury independently activate hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, and glucocorticoids, the end product of the HPA axis, play a role in shaping the immune response under those conditions. By utilizing a rat model of acute EtOH intoxication and burn injury, studies in our laboratory have investigated the role of corticosterone (i.e., glucocorticoids in rodents) in altered intestinal immunity and barrier function following a combined insult of EtOH and burn injury. Results from these studies suggest that EtOH intoxication prior to burn injury augments corticosterone release, which in turn suppresses intestinal T cell function by inhibiting mitogen-activated protein kinase (i.e., p38 and ERK) pathway. Furthermore, we found that corticosterone does not directly alter the intestinal barrier function; rather, it up-regulates interleukin-18, which then directly or indirectly contributes to impaired intestinal barrier function. The loss of intestinal immunity/barrier function may result in increased bacterial translocation and thereby contribute to postinjury pathogenesis, leading to sepsis and organ dysfunction in burn patients as well as in patients with a history of EtOH intoxication.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress caused by reactive species, including reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, and unbound, adventitious metal ions (e.g., iron [Fe] and copper [Cu]), is an underlying cause of various neurodegenerative diseases. These reactive species are an inevitable by-product of cellular respiration or other metabolic processes that may cause the oxidation of lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. Oxidative stress has recently been implicated in depression and anxiety-related disorders. Furthermore, the manifestation of anxiety in numerous psychiatric disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder, depressive disorder, panic disorder, phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder, highlights the importance of studying the underlying biology of these disorders to gain a better understanding of the disease and to identify common biomarkers for these disorders. Most recently, the expression of glutathione reductase 1 and glyoxalase 1, which are genes involved in antioxidative metabolism, were reported to be correlated with anxiety-related phenotypes. This review focuses on direct and indirect evidence of the potential involvement of oxidative stress in the genesis of anxiety and discusses different opinions that exist in this field. Antioxidant therapeutic strategies are also discussed, highlighting the importance of oxidative stress in the etiology, incidence, progression, and prevention of psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Increased production of peripheral cytokines and other pro-inflammatory markers has been linked to psychiatric disorders such as major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Recent research has pointed to early-life stress, particularly childhood maltreatment, as an independent and preventable risk factor for systemic inflammation in adulthood. Some data suggest that adults with a history of childhood maltreatment exhibit a heightened inflammatory response to acute stress challenge. To further elucidate the relationship between childhood maltreatment and pro-inflammatory cytokine production, we examined plasma IL-6 response to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) in 69 healthy adult subjects without depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Serial plasma IL-6 concentrations were measured during a standardized psychosocial stressor in n=19 subjects with moderate–severe childhood maltreatment (MAL), and n=50 controls without maltreatment (CTL), as indicated by self-ratings on the childhood trauma questionnaire (CTQ). CTQ total scores were positively correlated with overall change in IL-6 response, as well as the maximum IL-6 concentration during the TSST. Greater acute IL-6 release and higher IL-6 concentrations over time were observed for the MAL group relative to the CTL group. Inflammation may be an important developmental mediator linking adverse experiences in early life to poor adult physical and mental health. The results of this preliminary study warrant further investigation in a larger sample.  相似文献   



Alterations in the innate immune/inflammatory system have been proposed to underlie the pathophysiology of psychotic disease, but the mechanisms implicated remain elusive. The main agents of the innate immunity are the family of toll-like receptors (TLRs), which detect circulating pathogen-associated molecular patterns and endogenous damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPS). Current antipsychotics are able to modulate pro- and anti-inflammatory pathways, but their actions on TLRs remain unexplored.


This study was conducted to elucidate the effects of paliperidone (1mg/Kg i.p.) on acute (6 hours) and chronic (6 hours/day during 21 consecutive days) restraint stress–induced TLR-4 pathway activation and neuroinflammation, and the possible mechanism(s) related (bacterial translocation and/or DAMPs activation). The expression of the elements of a TLR-4-dependent proinflammatory pathway was analyzed at the mRNA and protein levels in prefrontal cortex samples.


Paliperidone pre-treatment prevented TLR-4 activation and neuroinflammation in the prefrontal cortices of stressed rats. Regarding the possible mechanisms implicated, paliperidone regulated stress-induced increased intestinal inflammation and plasma lipopolysaccharide levels. In addition, paliperidone also prevented the activation of the endogenous activators of TLR-4 HSP70 and HGMB-1.


Our results showed a regulatory role of paliperidone on brain TLR-4, which could explain the therapeutic benefits of its use for the treatment of psychotic diseases beyond its effects on dopamine and serotonin neurotransmission. The study of the mechanisms implicated suggests that gut-increased permeability, inflammation, and bacterial translocation of Gram-negative microflora and HSP70 and HGMB1 expression could be potential adjuvant therapeutic targets for the treatment of psychotic and other stress-related psychiatric pathologies.  相似文献   

Stress plays an important role in psychiatric disorders, and preclinical evidence indicates that the central endocannabinoid system modulates endocrine and neuronal responses to stress. This study aimed to investigate the effect of acute stress on circulating concentrations of endocannabinoids (eCBs) in healthy humans. A total of 71 adults participated in two sessions in which they were exposed to either a standardized psychosocial stress procedure (Trier Social Stress Test) or a control task. Blood samples for eCB and cortisol assays and cardiovascular and subjective measures were obtained before and at regular intervals after the tasks. Serum concentrations of the eCBs, N-arachidonylethanolamine (anandamide, AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), as well as of the N-acylethanolamides (NAEs), N-palmitoylethanolamine (PEA) and N-oleoylethanolamine (OEA), and of the O-acylglycerol, 2-oleoylglycerol (2-OG), were determined. Compared with the control condition, stress increased serum concentrations of AEA and the other NAEs immediately after the stress period. Increases in PEA were positively correlated with increases in serum cortisol after stress. Furthermore, anxiety ratings at baseline were negatively correlated with baseline concentrations of AEA. The sex and menstrual cycle status of the subject affected the NAE responses to stress. Interestingly, subjects of Asian and African-American races exhibited different patterns of stress responses compared with the Caucasian subjects. These results indicate that stress increases circulating NAEs in healthy human volunteers. This finding supports a protective role for eCBs in anxiety. Further research is needed to elucidate the function of these lipid mediators, and to determine the mechanisms that regulate their appearance in the circulation.  相似文献   

Chronic stress during adolescence is associated with an increased risk for alcoholism and addictive disorders. Addiction is also associated with increased impulsivity, and stress during adolescence could alter cortical circuits responsible for response inhibition. Therefore, the present study determined the effect of chronic exposure to the stress hormone corticosterone (CORT) during adolescence on tests of impulsivity in adulthood and examined possible biochemical mechanisms. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to CORT by their drinking water during adolescence (post-natal day 30–50). The rats were then tested in adulthood to assess behavior on the 5-choice serial reaction time task (5CSRTT), stop-signal reaction time task (SSRTT), and the delay-discounting task, which differentially assess attention, impulsive action, and impulsive choice. Yohimbine-induced impulsivity on the 5CSRTT and biochemical analysis of the lateral orbital frontal cortex (lOFC) was also assessed owing to the ability of yohimbine to activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and influence impulsivity. Adolescent CORT-treated rats were found to behave largely like controls on the 5CSRTT, but did show reduced premature responses when the intertrial interval was increased. Nevertheless, the CORT-treated rats tended to have more yohimbine-induced impulsive responses at low doses on this task, which was not found to be due to increased pCREB in the lOFC, but could be related to a higher expression/activity of the AMPA receptor subunit GluR1. Adolescent CORT-treated rats performed more accurately on the SSRTT, but showed greater impulsivity on the delay-discounting task, as indicated by steeper discounting functions. Therefore, adolescent CORT exposure reduced impulsive action but increased impulsive choice, indicating that chronic stress hormone exposure in adolescence can have long-term consequences on behavior.  相似文献   

The adrenal is the most common toxicological target organ in the endocrine system in vivo and yet it is neglected in regulatory endocrine disruption screening and testing. There has been a recent marked increase in interest in adrenal toxicity, but there are no standardised approaches for assessment. Consequently, a strategy is proposed to evaluate adrenocortical toxicity. Human adrenal conditions are reviewed and adrenocortical suppression, known to have been iatrogenically induced leading to Addisonian crisis and death, is identified as the toxicological hazard of most concern. The consequences of inhibition of key steroidogenic enzymes and the possible toxicological modulation of other adrenal conditions are also highlighted. The proposed strategy involves an in vivo rodent adrenal competency test based on ACTH challenge to specifically examine adrenocortical suppression. The H295R human adrenocortical carcinoma cell line is also proposed to identify molecular targets, and is useful for measuring steroids, enzymes or gene expression. Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal endocrinology relevant to rodent and human toxicology is reviewed (with an emphasis on multi-endocrine axis effects on the adrenal and also how the adrenal affects a variety of other hormones) and the endocrinology of the H295R cell line is also described. Chemicals known to induce adrenocortical toxicity are reviewed and over 60 examples of compounds and their confirmed steroidogenic targets are presented, with much of this work published very recently using H295R cell systems. In proposing a strategy for adrenocortical toxicity assessment, the outlined techniques will provide hazard assessment data but it will be regulatory agencies that must consider the significance of such data in risk extrapolation models. The cases of etomindate and aminoglutethimide induced adrenal suppression are clearly documented examples of iatrogenic adrenal toxicity in humans. Environmentally, sentinel species, such as fish, have also shown evidence of adrenal endocrine disruption attributed to exposure to chemicals. The extent of human sub-clinical adrenal effects from environmental chemical exposures is unknown, and the extent to which environmental chemicals may act as a contributory factor to human adrenal conditions following chronic low-level exposures will remain unknown unless purposefully studied.  相似文献   



Acute stress triggers transient alterations in the synaptic release and metabolism of brain monoamine neurotransmitters. These rapid changes are essential to activate neuroplastic processes aimed at the appraisal of the stressor and enactment of commensurate defensive behaviors. Threat evaluation has been recently associated with the dendritic morphology of pyramidal cells in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and basolateral amygdala (BLA); thus, we examined the rapid effects of restraint stress on anxiety-like behavior and dendritic morphology in the BLA and OFC of mice. Furthermore, we tested whether these processes may be affected by deficiency of monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), the primary enzyme catalyzing monoamine metabolism.


Following a short-term (1–4h) restraint schedule, MAO-A knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice were sacrificed, and histological analyses of dendrites in pyramidal neurons of the BLA and OFC of the animals were performed. Anxiety-like behaviors were examined in a separate cohort of animals subjected to the same experimental conditions.


In WT mice, short-term restraint stress significantly enhanced anxiety-like responses, as well as a time-dependent proliferation of apical (but not basilar) dendrites of the OFC neurons; conversely, a retraction in BLA dendrites was observed. None of these behavioral and morphological changes were observed in MAO-A KO mice.


These findings suggest that acute stress induces anxiety-like responses by affecting rapid dendritic remodeling in the pyramidal cells of OFC and BLA; furthermore, our data show that MAO-A and monoamine metabolism are required for these phenomena.  相似文献   

Inhalation of subclinical doses of sarin suppresses the antibody-forming cell (AFC) response, T-cell mitogenesis, and serum corticosterone (CORT) levels, and high doses of sarin cause lung inflammation. However, the duration of these changes is not known. In these studies, rats were exposed to a subclinical dose of sarin (0.4 mg/m3/h/day) for 1 or 5 days, and immune and inflammatory parameters were assayed up to 8 weeks before sarin exposure. Our results showed that the effects of a 5-day sarin exposure on the AFC response and T-cell receptor (TCR)-mediated Ca2+ response disappeared within 2-4 weeks after sarin exposure, whereas the CORT and adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) levels remained significantly decreased. Pretreatment of rats with chlorisondamine attenuated the effects of sarin on the AFC and the TCR-mediated Ca2+ response, implicating the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the sarin-induced changes in T-cell function. Moreover, exposure to a single or five repeated subclinical doses of sarin upregulated the mRNA expression of proinflammatory cytokines in the lung, which is associated with the activation of NFkappaB in bronchoalveolar lavage cells. These effects were lost within 2 weeks of sarin inhalation. Our results suggest that while sarin-induced changes in T cells and cytokine gene expression were short lived, suppression of CORT and ACTH levels were relatively long lived and might represent biomarkers of sarin exposure. Moreover, while the effects of sarin on T-cell function were regulated by the ANS, the decreased CORT levels by sarin might result from its effects on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis.  相似文献   

Modulated fluorometry has opened new possibilities for the interpretation of photosynthetic parameters concerning the physiological state of plants. By exposing plant to continuous actinic light and to pulses of saturating light, it is possible to calculate from the Kautsky fluorescence transient four important values: M, the maximum quantum yield as a measure of the maximum photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry; M, the steady state quantum yield as a real PSII photochemistry at the equilibrium state of electron transport; QP, the photochemical quenching as a measure of light-energy dissipation via photosynthetic electron transport; and QN, the non-photochemical quenching as a measure of dissipation of the absorbed light energy via non-photochemical processes. The change of these PAM-fluorescence parameters is related to the physiological state of the plant and therefore they can be used as reliable indicators of different environmental stress effects. However, these parameters have never been seen as useful standard tools for toxicological monitoring of ecosystems. Highly sensitive modulated fluorometers are today available which allow to measure the fluorescence parameters either in the lab or in the field. In this report we evaluate the use of these parameters in assessing the rapid environmental impact of mercury toxicity on Selenastrum capricornutum and of temperature stress on tomato plants. In interpreting our results, we suggest the utility of some of these parameters as technologically advanced tools in future bioassays.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the GABAergic drug sodium valproate (SV) on the exercise-induced release of growth hormone (GH) was investigated in 10 healthy males. The exercise test consisted of using a stationary bicycle ergometer at 450 kg/min for 20 min. SV 600 mg blunted the increase in GH induced by the exercise, suggesting GABAergic regulation of GH secretion in man, at least under certain physiological conditions.  相似文献   

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