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BackgroundIt is important for people with disabilities to be vaccinated against COVID-19 because, as a group, they are at increased risk of severe outcomes. While there are multiple vaccines available to prevent COVID-19, a considerable proportion of Americans report some hesitancy to becoming vaccinated, including people with disabilities.ObjectiveWe conducted a study to explore what factors may contribute to COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy among Americans with disabilities.MethodsWe used Amazon's Mechanical Turk to survey 439 people with disabilities (ages 18+) about their concerns of the COVID-19 disease, vaccines, and hesitancy toward vaccination to learn more about factors that influence vaccination hesitancy. Concerns about vaccines were analyzed as a composite variable representing different dimensions such as: side effects, too new, developed too quickly, influenced by politics, and effectiveness.ResultsResults from a logistic regression indicate that concern about vaccines was the most significant predictor of hesitancy, even after considering demographic, economic, and geographic factors. Concerns about getting COVID-19, getting tested for COVID-19, trust in experts, education, and being a Democrat were negatively associated with hesitancy.ConclusionsThese findings indicate that some groups of individuals may be more vaccination hesitant because they are more concerned about vaccine safety than COVID-19 infection. Public health messaging that focuses on the risks of vaccines relative to the risks of COVID-19 might be one strategy to reduce hesitancy and increase vaccination uptake. Messaging should also be tailored to specific disabilities (i.e. physical, mental, sensory), written in plain language, and disseminated in accessible formats.  相似文献   

Numerous countries and jurisdictions have implemented differential COVID-19 public health restrictions based on individual vaccination status to mitigate the public health risks posed by unvaccinated individuals. Although it is scientifically and ethically justifiable to introduce such vaccination-based differentiated measures as a risk-based approach to resume high-risk activities in an ongoing pandemic, their justification is weakened by lack of clarity on their intended goals and the specific risks or potential harms they intend to mitigate. Furthermore, the criteria for the removal of differentiated measures may not be clear, which raises the possibility of shifting goalposts without clear justification and with potential for unfairly discriminatory consequences. This paper seeks to clarify the ethical justification of COVID-19 vaccination-based differentiated measures based on a public health risk-based approach, with focus on their deployment in domestic settings. We argue that such measures should be consistent with the principal goal of COVID-19 vaccination programmes, which is to reduce the incidence of severely ill patients and associated healthcare burdens so as to protect a health system. We provide some considerations for the removal of vaccination-based differentiated measures based on this goal.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情后公共卫生展望   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(新冠疫情)使全社会认识到公共卫生的重要性。公共卫生关系到公众健康和社会行为规范、公共安全和社会稳定、社会经济发展、国际政治格局和国际关系以及社会治理和精细化管理等。新冠疫情使人们对公共卫生有了新启示和新定位,要改革与完善公共卫生体系,强化病原的变异监测及预警,加强传染源的早期识别与发现,关注传播途...  相似文献   

The Vaccination Calendar for Life is an alliance of scientific and professional societies of public health physicians, paediatricians and general practitioners in Italy which provides a periodical update on the ideal, scientifically driven vaccination calendar throughout lifetime. Since 2012, the Lifetime Immunization Schedule has represented a benchmark for Regional and National Authorities to set up the updated list of vaccines provided actively and free of charge to infants, children, adolescents, adults and the elderly by inclusion in the Triennial National Vaccination Plan (TNVP), and in the Essential Levels of Care (LEA). The impact of the different editions of the Lifetime Immunization Schedule on the TNVP was deep, representing the inspiring source for the present vaccination policy. The 2019 edition called for more attention to pregnant women immunization; risk groups vaccination; uniform high coverage with the MMRV vaccine; extension of Meningococcal B vaccination also at adolescent age; use of quadrivalent conjugate meningococcal vaccine also at 1 year of life; progressive decrease of the age of free-of-charge offer of influenza to ≥ 60 and then to ≥ 50 year-old population; implementation of flu immunization ages 6 months-6 years; HPV vaccination also offered to 25-year old women at the time of the first screening (gender neutral immunization already offered); sequential PCV13-PPV23 pneumococcal vaccination in 65 year-old subjects; increased coverage with rotavirus vaccine in infants and zoster vaccine in the elderly.  相似文献   

目的 掌握新型冠状病毒(新冠)肺炎国内本地疫情阶段广州市白云区疫情流行病学特征.方法 从中国疾控中心传染病信息系统及病例流行病学调查资料获取白云区截至2020年2月29日的新冠病例疾病报告和流行病学信息进行分析.结果 国内本地疫情阶段白云区累计报告新冠病例74例.首例报告于1月21日,报告数高峰在1月29日,末例报告于...  相似文献   

BackgroundThe success of current and prospective COVID-19 vaccine campaigns for children and adolescents will in part depend on the willingness of parents to accept vaccination. This study examined social determinants of parental COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and uptake for children and adolescents.MethodsWe used cross-sectional data from an ongoing COVID-19 cohort study in Montreal, Canada and included all parents of 2 to 18-year-olds who completed an online questionnaire between May 18 and June 26, 2021 (n = 809). We calculated child age-adjusted prevalence estimates of vaccine acceptance by parental education, race/ethnicity, birthplace, household income, and neighbourhood, and used multinomial logistic regression to estimate adjusted prevalence differences (aPD) and ratios (aPR). Social determinants of vaccine uptake were examined for the vaccine-eligible sample of 12 to 18 year-olds (n = 306).ResultsIntention to vaccinate children against COVID-19 was high, with only 12.4% of parents unlikely to have their child vaccinated. Parents with younger children were less likely to accept vaccination, as were those from lower-income households, racialized groups, and those born outside Canada. Children from households with annual incomes <$100,000 had 18.4 percent lower prevalence of being vaccinated/very likely vaccinated compared to household incomes ≥$150,000 (95% CI: 10.1 to 26.7). Racialized parents reported greater unwillingness to vaccinate vs. White parents (aPD = 10.3; 95% CI: 1.5, 19.1). Vaccine-eligible adolescents from the most deprived neighbourhood were half as likely to be vaccinated compared to those from the least deprived neighbourhood (aPR = 0.48; 95% CI: 0.18 to 0.77).Interpretation.This study identified marked social inequalities in COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and uptake for children and adolescents. Efforts are needed to reach disadvantaged and marginalized populations with tailored strategies that promote informed decision making and facilitate access to vaccination.  相似文献   

BackgroundStarting in spring 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic markedly impacted the French healthcare system. Lockdown and risks of exposure to the coronavirus induced patients to modify their ways of use. The objective of this article was to share feedback on the implementation of a real-time monitoring system concerning (a) the activity of private practitioners in southeastern France, and (b) the evolution of reimbursements for drugs prescribed to persons with diabetes, for treatment of mental health disorders, and for performance of some vaccines.MethodsData regarding 2019 and 2020 were extracted from regional health insurance databases. They were used to elaborate several indicators relative to the general health insurance scheme, which were calculated and updated each week, starting with week 2.ResultsWe observed a drop in private physician activity during the lockdown (?23% for general practitioners; ?46% for specialist doctors), followed by a return to a semblance of normalcy. Concomitantly, a boom in teleconsultations occurred: at the height of the crisis they represented 30% of medical acts. The initial stage of the lockdown was characterized by peak provisioning for drugs, whereas vaccination strongly declined (?39% regarding measles, mumps and rubella vaccine among children aged less than 5 years; ?54% regarding human papillomavirus vaccine among girls aged 10 to 14 years).ConclusionThe COVID-19 pandemic could lead to health effects other than those directly attributable to the coronavirus itself. Renouncing care may result in healthcare delays highly deleterious for people and society. Public authorities are preoccupied with these questions; they have set up action plans aimed at encouraging patients to seek treatment without delay. That said, the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has also created opportunities, such as the expansion of telemedicine. Although partial, these indicators can provide useful information enabling public decision makers to be reactive and to implement specific actions to meet the health needs of the population.  相似文献   

Despite evidence suggesting that vaccines offer protection against COVID-19, the uptake rates of COVID-19 vaccines have been low in some high-income regions. Support for vaccination program is important to fight the pandemic. This study aimed at exploring two research questions: first, to what extent political attitudes are associated with support for COVID-19 vaccination program; and second, whether health expert communication is effective in increasing the support. An online survey was undertaken by 1079 Hong Kong residents aged 18–77 years from May 26 to June 3, 2021. The survey found higher support in pro-government respondents, and lower support in political opposition. A strategy of positive communication by health experts could increase support in the opposition and politically attentive respondents. Other variables that were positively related to program support were quarantine experience, trust in government, preference for pandemic control over freedom, political attentiveness, and disagreement with China’s influence on Hong Kong’s COVID-19 policymaking. This study contributes to understanding the relationship between political attitudes and support for vaccination program and provides empirical evidence of the efficacy of health expert communication strategy in improving support for vaccination program for people with certain political attitudes.  相似文献   

甘肃省新型冠状病毒肺炎流行病学特征分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
目的 对甘肃省确诊的新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)病例进行流行病学特征分析,探索疫情流行的阶段性特征。方法 通过流行病学调查收集甘肃省COVID-19病例资料,包括基本资料、流行病学史、发病、就诊和确诊时间、临床表现等信息。结果 截至2020年2月25日,甘肃省共报告91例确诊病例,COVID-19流行分为输入病例期、输入病例与本地病例并存期、本地病例为主期3个阶段。聚集性疫情病例共63例(69.23%)。医务人员有3例,均为非职业暴露感染。首发症状为发热、咳嗽和乏力的比例分别为54.95%(50/91)、52.75%(48/91)和28.57%(26/91),且在3个阶段中的比例呈下降趋势,但只有发热与乏力症状的差异有统计学意义(趋势χ2值分别为2.20和3.18,P<0.05);3个阶段的重型/危重型病例比例分别为42.86%(6/14)、23.73%(14/59)和16.67%(3/18),呈下降趋势(H=6.40,P<0.05);潜伏期随着疫情的3个阶段有延长的趋势(F=51.65,P<0.01);发病到就诊、发病到确诊的时间间隔随着疫情进展有缩短的趋势(F值分别为5.32和5.25,P<0.01);基本再生数(R0)从输入病例期的2.61降至本地病例为主期的0.66。结论 甘肃省COVID-19流行早期均为湖北省输入,聚集性疫情占三分之二,未发现医务人员职业性暴露感染。总体流行呈阶段性变化特征,随着疫情进展有首发症状不明显和潜伏期延长的特点,并提示体温监测不能作为单一的早期筛查手段。  相似文献   

目的分析采取不同免疫策略的地区流行性腮腺炎(流腮)疫情趋势,探讨不同免疫策略下流腮的流行病学特征。方法利用描述流行病学分析方法,对常规免疫实施两剂含流腮成分疫苗(Mumps-containing Vaccine,Mu CV)免疫策略的北京、天津、上海三个市和全国其他地区流腮疫情资料以及突发公共卫生事件信息进行分析。结果2004-2011年,全国流腮报告发病率呈逐年上升趋势。2008年以来,三个市流腮报告发病率呈下降趋势。全国流腮疫情呈规律的季节分布,每年存在冬季和夏季两个发病高峰,北京和上海市仅夏季高发。流腮报告发病率最高为5-9岁儿童,2008-2011年三个市5-9岁儿童流腮发病率较2004-2007年平均水平大幅下降,全国5-9岁儿童流腮发病率呈逐年上升趋势。2009年以来,三个市报告流腮突发公共卫生事件起数大幅下降并维持在低水平。结论实行两剂Mu CV常规免疫,有助于降低流腮高发人群发病率,有效地控制爆发疫情的发生。  相似文献   

Background: Many people are reluctant to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Aim: To determine the intention to accept COVID19 vaccine and its associated factors among Tunisians. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study among Tunisians from December 2020 to January 2021 using an online questionnaire. Factors associated with intention to accept coronavirus vaccine were analysed using multinomial logistic regression. Results: In total, 169 Tunisians participated in our study. The majority were female (85.2%). The mean age was 48.3 ± 11.8 years. Only 33.1% intended to accept to be vaccinated when COVID-19 vaccine will be available in Tunisia and 22.5% were still hesitant. In multinomial logistic regression, participants having high or very high perceived personal risk of COVID-19 infection (aOR:3.257, 95% CI :1.204 – 8.815) were more prone to hesitate to accept COVID-19 vaccine rather than those being willing to accept it. Respondents undergoing seasonal influenza vaccination (aOR: 0.091, 95% CI : 0.019 – 0.433)were less prone to refuse COVID-19 vaccine rather than those being willing to accept it. Young ones aged less than 40 years (aOR: 4.324, 95% CI: 1.180 – 15.843) were more prone to refuse COVID-19 vaccine rather than those being willing to accept it. Conclusion: The acceptance rate of coronavirus vaccination was moderate. Therefore, a good communication and health education at a community level are needed.  相似文献   

目的:了解高校教职工新冠肺炎疫情防控相关知识知晓情况,为加强高校教职工突发公共卫生事件应急处理综合能力培养提供依据。方法:于2020年5月13日—6月13日,采用问卷星制作电子问卷并通过微信推送,随机抽取全国165所高校的438名高校教职工突发公共卫生事件相关知识知晓情况。结果:研究发现,新冠肺炎疫情发生前有49.54%的高校教职工从没学习过《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》《传染病防治法》等相关法律法规;对新冠肺炎防控相关知识总体知晓率为79.59%;高校突发公共卫生事件健康教育开展情况不容乐观;有医学专业的高校或有医学专业背景的教职工相关调查项目反应结果较好。结论:高校教职工传染病及突发公共卫生事件相关知识水平不高,应加强学习,并做到学以致用,培养人才,服务社会。  相似文献   

Demarcating childhood into two distinct and broad 10-year age bands of over and under age 10 is a disservice to our tween population (9–12 years), and may be overlooking our role in understanding the negative impacts of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) during a formative period of development. In this commentary, we discuss the importance of considering tweens as a unique population of youth who are differentially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We first describe the distinctive progress of tweens across various facets of developmental health, followed by recommendations to improve understanding and address impact of the pandemic and its restrictions on tweens. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a large impact on the day-to-day lives of tweens and what we do now will have long-lasting effects on their lifelong trajectories.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo identify the perception of the availability of community support and the support needs of autistic people and people with disabilities, from their own perspectives and from those of their caregivers at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic in Quebec, to assess the association between the available support and the perceived stress levels to evaluate the role of perceived social support as a potential buffer of this association.MethodsA total of 315 respondents participated in a 4-min online survey across the province of Quebec by snowball sampling. Community support was defined as availability of adapted healthcare, adapted information, adapted educational services and community services.ResultsThe community support and services during the COVID-19 pandemic were not available or were not sufficiently adapted to their needs. About 40% of autistic people or people with disabilities and 44% of their caregivers perceived their days as being quite stressful or extremely stressful. This is twice the rate of that of the general population in non-pandemic time. Nevertheless, social supports can play a mediating role in attenuating the effects of the absence of adapted services on the stress level of this vulnerable population.ConclusionThe non-availability of adapted services was related to an increase in the stress level in this population. Our study adds that other than social support, adapted healthcare/tele-healthcare and in-home support services could reduce the impact of the pandemic on the stress level of autistic people and people with disabilities. Adapted educational services and necessary equipment for online education for people without resources could reduce the impact on the stress level in caregivers. People with disabilities and their caregivers are one of the most vulnerable groups in our society. Public health measures of containment and mitigation need to consider more their specific needs.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between preferences for being informed about the COVID-19 vaccine and where to receive it with vaccination intent and race/ethnicity. We conducted an online survey, oversampling Black and Latino panel members. The 1668 participants were 53.2% female, 34.8% White, 33.3% Black, and 31.8% Latino. Participants who were vaccine hesitant (answered “not sure” or “no” to vaccination intent) were more likely to prefer a conversation with their doctor compared to those who answered “yes” (25.0% and 23.4% vs 7.8%, P < .001, respectively). Among participants who responded “not sure”, 61.8% prefer to be vaccinated at a doctor’s office, compared with 35.2% of those who responded “yes” (P < .001). Preferred location differed by race/ethnicity (P < .001) with 67.6% of Black “not sure” participants preferring a doctor’s office compared to 60.2% of Latino and 54.9% of White “not sure” participants. These findings underscore the need to integrate healthcare providers into COVID-19 vaccination programs.  相似文献   

The initial case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in India was reported on January 30, 2020, and subsequently, the number of COVID-19-infected patients surged during the first wave of April 2020 and the second wave in the same month of 2021. The government of India imposed a strict nationwide lockdown in April 2020 and extended it until May 2020. The second wave of COVID-19 in India overwhelmed the country’s health facilities and exhausted its medical and paramedical workforce. This narrative review was conducted with the aim of summarizing the evidence drawn from policy documents of governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as capturing India''s COVID-19 vaccination efforts. The findings from this review cover the Indian government''s vaccination initiatives, which ranged from steps taken to combat vaccine hesitancy to vaccination roadmaps, deployment plans, the use of digital health technology, vaccination monitoring, adverse effects, and innovative strategies such as Har Ghar Dastak and Jan Bhagidari Andolan (people’s participation). These efforts collectively culminated in the successful administration of more than 1.8 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines in India. This review also provides insights into other countries’ responses to COVID-19 and guidance for future pandemics.  相似文献   

BackgroundMandating vaccination against COVID-19 is often discussed as a means to counter low vaccine uptake. Beyond the potential legal, ethical, and psychological concerns, a successful implementation also needs to consider citizens’ support for such a policy. Public attitudes toward vaccination mandates and their determinants might differ over time and, hence, should be monitored.MethodsBetween April 2020 and April 2021, we investigated public support for mandatory vaccination policies in Germany and examined individual correlates, such as vaccination intentions, confidence in vaccine safety, and perceived collective responsibility, using a series of cross-sectional, quota-representative surveys (overall N = 27,509).ResultsSupport for a vaccination mandate declined before the approval of the first vaccine against COVID-19 in December 2020 and increased afterwards. However, at the end of April 2021, only half of respondents were in favor of mandatory regulations. In general, mandates were endorsed by those who considered the vaccines to be safe, anticipated practical barriers, and felt responsible for the collective. On the contrary, perceiving vaccination as unnecessary and weighing the benefits and risks of vaccination was related to lower support. Older individuals and males more often endorsed vaccination mandates than did younger participants and females. Interestingly, there was a gap between vaccination intentions and support for mandates, showing that the attitude toward mandatory vaccination was not only determined by vaccination-related factors such as vaccine safety or prosocial considerations.ConclusionsBecause of low public support, mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 should be considered a measure of last resort in Germany. However, if removing barriers to vaccination and educational campaigns about vaccine safety and the societal benefits of high vaccination uptake are not sufficient for increasing vaccination uptake to the required levels, mandates could be introduced. In this case, measures to ensure and increase acceptance and adherence should be taken.  相似文献   

We studied 2780 adults in Hong Kong who received CoronaVac inactivated virus vaccine (Sinovac) and BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (“Comirnaty”, BioNTech/Fosun Pharma). We compared rates of antibody waning over time using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for spike receptor binding domain and a surrogate virus neutralization test. We found stronger and more durable antibody responses to two doses of the mRNA vaccine, and slightly stronger initial antibody responses to each vaccine in younger adults and women. The weaker and less durable responses following CoronaVac support earlier provision of third doses to persons who previously received two doses of this vaccine.  相似文献   

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