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Incidence of severe imported malaria increases with the multiplication of humanitarian and military missions in malarial endemic areas. The purpose of this study was to describe the demographic, clinical, therapeutic and outcome aspects of 9 cases which have been hospitalized in the intensive care unit and medecine service of the military hospital of Marrakech, between january 2001 and december 2004. Out of 68 patients admitted with symptomatic malaria during this period, 9 cases were considered as severe. All of them were male soldiers (mean age: 33,3 years), 7 of them have stayed in Democratic Republic of Congo, and 2 in Ivory Coast. Chemoprophylaxis consisted in chloroquine plus proguanil in 5 cases and mefloquine in 4 cases. The mean duration of stay in endemic area was 9,3 months. The clinical presentation was dominated by troubles of consciousness, which justified initial admission in the intensive care unit. The mean duration of hospitalization was 3,3 days in intensive care unit and 5,6 days in the medical department. Thick smear always revealed high parasitemia (5-15%) with Plasmodium falciparum, associated with Plasmodium ovale in two cases. Antimalarial treatment consisted in quinine salts administration. Evolution was favourable without recurrence in 7 cases, but 2 deaths were recorded. Severe imported malaria remains associated with bad outcome and requires early diagnosis and close monitoring of such cases.  相似文献   

For the diagnosis of imported malaria, a competitive multiplex PCR using LightCycler was developed and compared for 3 months with a traditional PCR method. Hundred eighty three patients were tested by these 2 techniques of molecular diagnosis: 60 were positive for P. falciparum, 9 were positive for other Plasmodium species and 114 were negative. The LightCycler method was found in total agreement with the traditional PCR.  相似文献   

The sensitivity and specificity of the Cell-Dyn 4000 hematology analyzer in the diagnosis of imported malaria were studied with samples from patients in an academic hospital setting. The performance of the Cell-Dyn 4000 hematology analyzer was compared with that of conventional diagnostic methods for malaria. The Cell-Dyn 4000 hematology analyzer detected hemozoin-containing depolarizing monocytes in 29 of 58 patients with malaria and 2 of 55 patients without malaria. The presence or absence of depolarizing monocytes in patients with malaria was related to duration of symptoms before presentation for malaria analysis. A second parameter, pseudoreticulocytosis due to nuclear material of intraerythrocytic malaria parasites, was detected by the Cell-Dyn 4000 hematology analyzer almost exclusively in Plasmodium falciparum malaria patients with parasitemia levels of >/=0.5%. Attention to these abnormalities in medical centers without tropical disease expertise may decrease a delay in the diagnosis of malaria.  相似文献   

There have been reports in Korea of imported malaria cases of four Plasmodium species, but there has been no report of imported Plasmodium ovale malaria confirmed by molecular biological methods. We report an imported case of that was confirmed by Wright-Giemsa-stained peripheral blood smear and nested polymerase chain reaction targeting the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene. The amplified DNA was sequenced and compared with other registered P. ovale isolates. The isolate in this study was a member of the classic type group. The patient was a 44-yr-old male who had worked as a woodcutter in Côte d''Ivoire in tropical West Africa. He was treated with hydroxychloroquine and primaquine and discharged following improvement. In conclusion, P. ovale should be considered as an etiology in the imported malaria in Korea, because the number of travelers to P. ovale endemic regions has recently increased.  相似文献   

目的掌握输入性恶性疟发病态势和处置现状,探索防控对策。方法收集2010年湖北省输入性恶性疟疫情、个案调查及疫点处置资料,对病例性别、年龄及职业分布,发病初诊及确诊时间进行计数统计与分析。结果2010年全省报告输入性恶性疟28例,比2009年上升64.71%,死亡1例,发病高峰在7月。患者均为男性,年龄在21~54岁,农民工占46.43%、工人占25.0%、工程技术人员占14.29%。输入初发11例,占39.29%,复发16例,占57.14%,健康带虫1例,占3.57%。患者发病至就诊时间平均为3.22d,至确诊时间平均为5.96d。感染地为缅甸、印尼、马里等11个国家。结论输入恶性疟呈逐年上升态势,患者多为出国务工人员,以农民工为主,患病后就医不及时,存在继发病例潜在威胁。应加强务工人员防疟知识宣传,提高医疗机构诊治能力,加强疫点控制。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Malaria had been eradicated in Taiwan since 1965, but there are currently 30 to 50 imported cases annually. The management of imported malaria continues to be challenging due to evolving drug resistance of Plasmodium parasites. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical presentations, treatment, and outcomes of all 16 adult patients (17 episodes) with imported malaria diagnosed during 1999-2005. The clinical and laboratory features were obtained from the medical records. RESULTS: Malaria was acquired in sub-Saharan Africa in 6 cases and Southeast Asia in 11 cases. The initial presentations were nonspecific, including fever (17/17 cases), headache (11/17), nausea, vomiting or diarrhea (10/17), cough (3/17), thrombocytopenia (15/17), mild hyperbilirubinemia (13/17), leukopenia (6/17) and anemia (4/17). Careful travel history led to the correct diagnosis in 16 of 17 cases. All 17 cases survived without any recrudescence. Four cases presented with hyperparasitaemia (>5%). Two patients were admitted to an intensive care unit for complicated malaria, and both were cured by artesunate plus mefloquine. Some suboptimal practices, such as non-standard therapeutic regimen and lack of daily parasitemia counting were noted. CONCLUSIONS: A differential diagnosis of malaria should be made in all patients who have fever after travel to any endemic area. To further improve the management of imported malaria, timely consultation of an experienced infectious disease specialist is necessary.  相似文献   

目的分析深圳口岸输入性疟疾病例的相关资料和追踪调查,为输入性疟疾防控工作提供依据。方法对经深圳口岸入境疑似疟疾者进行流行病学个案调查和实验室检查。结果通过现场体温监测、医学巡查、流行病学个案调查和实验室检测,从某劳务派遣入境团体人群中流行病学确诊6例输入性疟疾病例,并对确诊的病例进行了跟踪。结论深圳口岸面临输入性疟疾的威胁,需对来自疟疾流行区的人群加强检疫,以防止疟疾传入。  相似文献   

The study reported here prospectively evaluated the time-to-diagnosis of imported Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children in seven French pediatric emergency departments during a 1-week period. For the 29 patients included, the mean patient, doctor and total delays were 3.1, 1.5 and 4.7 days, respectively. The late medical diagnosis for 11 patients was mainly due to the treating physician’s failure to consider malaria, despite having been informed that the child had been in an endemic area, and erroneously making a diagnosis of viral infection. The five patients who were diagnosed correctly without delay had higher mean platelet counts than the others (206,000 vs 118,541/mm3; p=0.008). The results indicate that greater awareness of the risk of malaria in returning travelers may help reduce delays in diagnosis and its consequences.  相似文献   

Blood cell counts were performed on blood samples from 37 patients with imported malaria using three different blood analyzers (Coulter STKR, Coulter VCS and Technicon H1). Results were controlled by direct microscopic examination. Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, or abnormalities of the leukocyte differential count were found in 32, 24, 30 and 92% of patients, respectively. The automatic analyzers gave alert messages for 70 to 75% of specimens, including specimens from ten patients with low parasitemias. These abnormalities should prompt careful analysis of blood smears when drug-resistance is suspected.  相似文献   

合肥市2012年境外输入性疟疾调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解合肥市2012年境外输入性疟疾流行特征,探讨境外输入性疟疾防控策略。方法收集整理合肥市2012年境外输入性疟疾病例相关资料.对疟疾流行病学的特征进行分析。结果2012年合肥市共报告境外输入性疟疾病例41例,年发病率为0.55/10万。发病数占首位的是肥东县,占全市的65.9%;发病人群以青、中、壮年为主,均为男性境外劳务派遣人员,首位的劳务派遣国是非洲国家安哥拉。境外输入性疟疾病例的就诊及时性与有无既往史有关。不同级别医院确诊疟疾病例差异有统计学意义(X2=21.176,P=0.000)。结论随着境外输入性疟疾发生,合肥市疟疾防控形势仍然严峻.需要采取针对性的防控措施。  相似文献   

Taiwan CDC investigated four cases of recurrent imported vivax malaria during 2003-2010. Molecular genotyping results and the lack of inter-episodes travel history indicated that two of the patients, who acquired vivax malaria in Indonesia and the Solomon Islands, respectively, suffered relapses after an interval of 3-4 months, despite completing standard-dose primaquine therapy (30 mg/day for 14 days) for the first episode. Treatment with a higher dose of primaquine (60 mg/day for 14 days) prevented further relapse in both patients. This finding calls for further monitoring of the therapeutic efficacy of primaquine in treating Plasmodium vivax acquired in southeast Asia and Oceania.  相似文献   

The ambulatory management of imported Plasmodium falciparum malaria is controversial because criteria for safe selection of patients are imprecise. The aim of the present study was to investigate the evolution and outcome of patients diagnosed with Plasmodium falciparum malaria at a Belgian referral institute in order to assess the safety of the institute’s current selective ambulatory management protocol. From 2000 to 2005, all patients diagnosed with P. falciparum infection at the Institute of Tropical Medicine and the University Hospital of Antwerp were enrolled prospectively. Ambulatory treatment was offered to nonvomiting patients if they exhibited none of the 2000 World Health Organization criteria of severity and had parasitemia below 1% at the initial assessment. The treatment of choice was quinine (plus doxycycline or clindamycin) for inpatients and atovaquone-proguanil for outpatients. P. falciparum malaria was diagnosed in 387 patients, of whom 246 (64%) were Western travelers or expatriates and 117 (30%) were already on antimalarial therapy. At diagnosis, 60 (15%) patients had severe malaria. Vital organ dysfunction was initially seen in 34 and developed later in five others. Five patients died. Of the 327 patients initially assessed as having uncomplicated malaria, 113 (35%) were admitted immediately; of these, 4 developed parasitemia ≥5% at a later stage but without any clinical consequence. None of the 214 individuals initially treated as outpatients experienced any malaria-related complications, including 10 who were admitted later. Vital organ dysfunction was observed in only 2 of the 214 patients with initial parasitemia <1% who had not taken antimalarial agents (both patients had impaired consciousness at presentation). Ambulatory treatment is safe in treatment-naive malaria patients with parasitemia <1% who do not vomit and who do not exhibit any criteria of severe malaria.  相似文献   

Few data are available about pediatric imported malaria, whereas the number of cases seems in constant increase. Patients and methods: all pediatric malaria cases diagnosed by a positive thin or thick blood film at the Versailles Hospital, from January 1997 to December 2001, were studied retrospectively. Results: sixty cases of pediatric imported malaria were studied. They were 58 cases of uncomplicated malaria and 2 cases of severe malaria; 85% of the children had travelled to sub-Saharan Africa and 15% to Oceania; 90% of the children were of African origin. Plasmodium falciparum was found alone in 84% of the cases. The anti-malarial chemoprophylaxis was inappropriate in 92% of the cases. No child had profited from preventive measures against mosquitos. Fever > 37,5 degrees C was observed in 100% of the cases. The other clinical signs were present in less than 50% of the cases. The median of haemoglobin and platelet was 10.5 g/dL and 141,000/mm(3), respectively. After treatment, the evolution was good in all the cases, without relapse or any consequences. Discussion/conclusion: our study, in agreement with the national data, confirms the increase in the number of case of pediatric imported malaria, and underlines the mediocrity of the prevention, in particular in term of anti-malarial chemo-prophylaxis. These data, in a context of regular increase of international travels to endemic areas, suggest the necessity to improve the information of the general public, and the urgency of a better staff training of health care workers concerning malaria, in order to improve the prevention and the treatment of this potentially fatal disease.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Few studies have focused on severe imported malaria in patients admitted to intensive care units. We, therefore, undertook a retrospective study in the University Hospital of Montpellier. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All patients, more than 15 years-old with falciparum malaria who were admitted to intensive care units between October 1997 and April 2004 were included. Main epidemiological features, criteria of admission, treatment and outcome were investigated. RESULTS: Thirty-two patients were included, representing 9% of falciparum malaria cases diagnosed in the same period. The mean age was 44 years. All patients acquired falciparum malaria in sub-Sahara Africa and 25 patients were nonimmune. Chemoprophylaxis was absent or inadequate in 94%. The mean time from symptom onset and treatment initiation was 6 days. Mean parasitemia on admission was 15%. Criteria of admission were impaired consciousness in 69%, acute renal failure in 19% and isolated high parasitemia in 19% of the cases. All, but one received quinine therapy and a loading dose was performed in 34%. Seven patients (22%) had community-acquired coinfections and six (19%) had nosocomial infections. Mortality was 16%. Causes of death were refractory shock, cerebral edema, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. CONCLUSION: Severe imported malaria remains associated with a bad outcome. Improving chemoprophylaxis and an earlier diagnosis may reduce significantly this mortality.  相似文献   



The AIDS and Cancer Specimen Resource (ACSR) is an HIV/AIDS tissue bank consortium sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD). The ACSR offers to approved researchers HIV infected biologic samples and uninfected control tissues including tissue cores in micro-arrays (TMA) accompanied by de-identified clinical data. Researchers interested in the type and quality of TMA tissue cores and the associated clinical data need an efficient method for viewing available TMA materials. Because each of the tissue samples within a TMA has separate data including a core tissue digital image and clinical data, an organized, standard approach to producing, navigating and publishing such data is necessary.  相似文献   

People are sometimes frightened by food scares and foodstuffs are increasingly suspected of containing dangerous substances or infectious agents, as a result of the unprecedented development of the industry and food trade in the world. Rightly or wrongly, imported food is held responsible for the greatest risks. Importing an infectious disease along with food can be a source of danger, involving multiple agents, mainly bacterial (Salmonella, Campylobacter, Verotoxin producing Escherichia coli, Listeria...), but also parasitic (Toxoplasma gondii, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Trichinella spp...), and viral (Norovirus, hepatitis A virus), as well as non conventional communicable agents and mycotoxins. Prevention of food risks means enforcing international regulations on the part of the 149 member states of the WTO, increasing vigilance with regard to illegal imports of food, systematically investigating collective food-borne outbreaks, and finally implementing controls according to the hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) method.  相似文献   

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