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Non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice develop diabetes mediated by pathogenic T-helper type 1 (Th1) cells. V alpha 14 Natural killer (NKT) cells are a unique lymphocyte subtype implicated in the regulation of autoimmunity and a good source of protective Th2 cytokines. We recently developed a Th2-skewing NKT cell ligand, OCH. OCH, a sphingosine truncated derivative of alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GC), stimulates NKT cells to selectively produce Th2 cytokines. Here we show that OCH prevented the development of diabetes and insulitis in NOD mice. The suppression of insulitis by OCH was more profound compared to alpha-GC. Infiltration of T cells, B cells and macrophages into islets is inhibited in OCH-treated NOD mice. OCH-mediated suppression of diabetes is associated with Th2 bias of anti-islet antigen response and increased IL-10 producing cells among islet-infiltrating leukocytes. Considering the non-polymorphic and well conserved features of the CD1d molecule in mice and humans, these findings not only support the proposed role of NKT cells in the regulation of self-tolerance but also highlight the potential use of OCH for therapeutic intervention in type I diabetes.  相似文献   

NKG2D blockade prevents autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
NKG2D is an activating receptor on CD8(+) T cells and NK cells that has been implicated in immunity against tumors and microbial pathogens. Here we show that RAE-1 is present in prediabetic pancreas islets of NOD mice and that autoreactive CD8(+) T cells infiltrating the pancreas express NKG2D. Treatment with a nondepleting anti-NKG2D monoclonal antibody (mAb) during the prediabetic stage completely prevented disease by impairing the expansion and function of autoreactive CD8(+) T cells. These findings demonstrate that NKG2D is essential for disease progression and suggest a new therapeutic target for autoimmune type I diabetes.  相似文献   

The role of the basement membrane as an antigenic structure in autoimmune diseases is controversial. To determine possible structural changes in the endocrine pancreatic basement membrane (PBM) in autoimmune diabetes, we studied the expression of laminin in the islets of 42 NOD mice, aged between 4 to 42 weeks, as an animal model of spontaneous diabetes. Insular lymphocytic inflammatory infiltration of variable intensity was present in 24 of these mice. An immunohistochemical staining using the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase technique was performed on paraffin-embedded tissue sections, with a polyclonal antilaminin antibody. Staining for laminin was restricted to the basement membrane. In islets with no inflammatory infiltration, laminin was observed as a thin, continuous and uniform brown layer, covering the pericapsular basement membrane of the islets and their capillaries. The continuity of the PBM was lost in the islets with insulitis and the immunostaining showed clearcut interruption and destruction, particularly when the islets were in contact with inflammatory infiltrate. Our findings suggest that the loss of integrity of the PBM in islets with inflammatory infiltrate could facilitate antigenic exposure contributing towards the start o f autoimmune DM in NODmice.  相似文献   

We treated 2-week-old and 8-week-old non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice with 1 mg of anti-L3T4 MoAb weekly for 4 weeks. This short-term treatment of anti-L3T4 MoAb prevented the development of overt diabetes in NOD mice, in both groups, even after cessation of the therapy. However, there were overt mononuclear cell infiltrations in the majority of islets, and no appreciable differences in the degree of insulitis between treated and control mice. There were also no significant differences in the percentage of L3T4+ T cells expressing V beta 5, V beta 8 and V beta 11 antigens between the treated and the control group. In contrast, most of the male NOD mice injected with 200 mg/kg of cyclophosphamide did not become diabetic when the spleen cells from the MoAb-treated female NOD mice were transferred to these animals 48 h before the cyclophosphamide injection. Thus, the tolerance induced by the short-term administration of anti-L3T4 MoAb to NOD mice may not be due to clonal deletion, but rather to newly generated suppressor cells in the animals.  相似文献   

The nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse is a relevant model for studying human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The selective destruction of insulin-secreting cells in this model is subsequent to an autoimmune reaction directed towards the beta cells inside the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. Given the key role played by T cells in the development of IDDM, we investigated a model of IDDM prevention in NOD mice by administration of a monoclonal antibody to the alpha/beta dimer of the T cell receptor for antigen. Our data provide evidence that aiming at the T cell receptor protects against both spontaneous and cyclophosphamide-induced diabetes in the NOD mouse. Interestingly, potential clinical application is suggested by the efficient and durable reversal of recent onset diabetes in mice treated with anti-alpha/beta monoclonal antibody within 1 week following the clinical discovery of IDDM.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), unlike HSC harvested from the blood or marrow, are not contaminated by lymphocytes. We therefore evaluated whether ESC-derived HSC could produce islet cell tolerance, a phenomenon termed graft versus autoimmunity (GVA), without causing the usual allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant complication, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Herein, we demonstrate that ESC-derived HSC may be used to prevent autoimmune diabetes mellitus in NOD mice without GVHD or other adverse side effects. ESC were cultured in vitro to induce differentiation toward HSC, selected for c-kit expression, and injected either i.v. or intra-bone marrow (IBM) into sublethally irradiated NOD/LtJ mice. Nine of 10 mice from the IBM group and 5 of 8 from the i.v. group did not become hyperglycemic, in contrast to the control group, in which 8 of 9 mice developed end-stage diabetes. All mice with >5% donor chimerism remained free of diabetes and insulitis, which was confirmed by histology. Splenocytes from transplanted mice were unresponsive to glutamic acid decarboxylase isoform 65, a diabetic-specific autoantigen, but responded normally to third-party antigens. ESC-derived HSC can induce an islet cell tolerizing GVA effect without GVHD. This study represents the first instance, to our knowledge, of ESC-derived HSC cells treating disease in an animal model.  相似文献   

Non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice develop autoimmunity that destroys their native beta cells causing diabetes. Their autoimmunity will also destroy syngeneic transplanted islets and transfer both autoimmunity and diabetes via spleen cells to non-diabetic mice. In this report, we studied the effects of streptozotocin (STZ) on the autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. We transplanted NOD.SCID islets into three groups of NOD mice: (1) spontaneously diabetic NOD mice (NOD-sp.); (2) prediabetic NOD mice made diabetic by streptozotocin (NOD-stz); and (3) diabetic NOD mice also treated with streptozotocin (NOD-sp./stz). In the first group, the transplants were rejected within 3 weeks. In the second and third groups, the transplants survived indefinitely. Alloxan, a drug similar to streptozotocin, did not have the same effect as streptozotocin. The ability of streptozotocin to prevent diabetes in young NOD mice was reversed by anti-CD8 antibody treatment but not by anti-CD4 treatment. Streptozotocin also made spleen cells from diabetic NOD mice less effective transferring diabetes. These results indicate that streptozotocin treatment both prevents and reverses the islet destructive autoimmunity in NOD mice. We postulate that the effects of streptozotocin treatment may be mediated in part by regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

The effect of the immunosuppressive agent rapamycin (RAPA) was assessed in the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse which is an autoimmune model of IDDM. RAPA was prepared in a vehicle of 8% cremophor EL/2% ethanol and investigated in two studies. NOD/MrK female mice (six per group, study no. 1; 10 per group, study no. 2) were dosed three times per week p.o. by gavage from 56 to 170 days of age (study no. 1) or from 64 to 176 days of age (study no. 2). Mice treated with RAPA at 0.6 mg/kg, 6 mg/kg, or 12 mg/kg maintained normal plasma glucose through 170 or 176 days of age with 10%, 0%, and 0% incidence of diabetes respectively. In contrast, naive, vehicle-treated, or RAPA 0.06 mg/kg-treated mice exhibited elevated plasma glucose and disease incidence typical for female NOD mice. Mice which became diabetic had elevated levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate, triglycerides and cholesterol. These plasma lipid concentrations were positively correlated with the duration of hyperglycaemia (r = 0.85, 0.87 and 0.84 respectively). Outside of its ability to prevent diabetes, RAPA itself did not affect the lipid profile of the mice. Intervention therapy with RAPA was ineffective at reversing the course of disease after IDDM onset under these experimental conditions. Finally, we report here that prophylactic treatment with RAPA was able to protect against IDDM development in some RAPA-treated mice 41 weeks after cessation of treatment. These data show that orally administered RAPA is effective in preventing onset of disease in the NOD mouse, a relevant model of autoimmune type I diabetes in man.  相似文献   

In this study, we determined whether a single intraperitoneal injection of NOD islets exposed to streptozotocin (STZ; 5 mmol/l) in vitro could prevent onset of diabetes in female NOD mice. Pre-diabetic female NOD mice were injected with saline or islets exposed to either STZ or citrate buffer alone. Single injection of STZ-exposed islets significantly (P<0.03) decreased the incidence of diabetes in pre-diabetic NOD mice compared to control groups. At 40 weeks of age, the onset of diabetes in NOD mice injected with STZ-treated islets was 16% (3/19) compared to 88% (14/16) in mice that received islets exposed to citrate buffer and 84% (26/31) in those mice injected with saline. Histological examination of the pancreases from normoglycemic mice given STZ-treated islets revealed numerous intact islets devoid of mononuclear cell infiltration while pancreases from control groups contained few intact islets infiltrated with mononuclear cells. This study demonstrates that immunization of pre-diabetic female NOD mice with syngeneic islets exposed to STZ prevents insulitis and onset of autoimmune diabetes. Our data suggest that exposure of islets to STZ may possibly induce the release of soluble antigens and/or cause an antigenic change in pancreatic beta cells that subsequently results in immunization of pre-diabetic NOD mice.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that systemic and chronic administration of recombinant tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), as well as streptococcal preparation (OK-432), inhibits development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in NOD mice and BB rats, models of IDDM. In this study we examined whether serum containing endogenous TNF induced by OK-432 injection could inhibit IDDM in NOD mice. Treatment twice a week from 4 weeks of age with OK-432-injected mouse serum, which contained endogenous TNF (75U), but not IL-1, IL-2 and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) activity, reduced the intensity of insulitis and significantly inhibited the cumulative incidence of diabetes by 28 weeks of age in NOD mice, as compared with the incidence in non-treated mice (P less than 0.01) and in mice treated with control serum (P less than 0.02). This inhibitory effect of the serum was diminished, although not significantly, by neutralization of serum TNF activity with anti-mouse TNF antibody. In the mice treated with the serum from OK-432-injected mice, Thy-1.2+ or CD8+ spleen cells decreased (P less than 0.01) and surface-Ig+ (S-Ig+) cells increased (P less than 0.05), whereas the proliferative response of spleen cells to concanavalin A (P less than 0.01) and lipopolysaccharide (P less than 0.05) increased. The results indicate that the inhibition by OK-432 treatment of IDDM in NOD mice was partially mediated by serum factors including endogenous TNF.  相似文献   

To analyse the effects of TGF-beta in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), we have developed non-obese diabetic (NOD) transgenic mice expressing TGF-beta under the control of the rat insulin II promoter. Pancreata of TGF-beta transgenic mice were roughly one twentieth of the size of pancreata of wild-type NOD mice and showed small clusters of micro-islets rather than normal adult islets. However, these islets produced sufficient levels of insulin to maintain normal glucose levels and mice were protected from the diabetes, which developed in their negative littermates. A massive fibrosis was seen in the transgenic pancreata that was accompanied with infiltration of mononuclear cells that decreased with age. Interestingly, these mice showed normal anti-islet immune response in their spleens and remained susceptible to adoptive transfer of IDDM by mature cloned CD8 effector cells. TUNEL assays revealed increased apoptosis of invading cells when compared to non-transgenic NOD mice. Taken together, these results suggest that TGF-beta protects islets by a local event.  相似文献   

Cyclophosphamide (CY) accelerates autoimmune diabetes in the NOD mouse at different levels, including critical targeting of a regulatory T cell subset, exacerbation of pro-Th1 IFN-gamma production and promotion of inflammation in pancreatic islets. Here we evaluated the ability of G-CSF to antagonize the acceleration of the disease induced by CY. Human recombinant G-CSF, administered daily at 200 microg/kg by s.c. injection, protected NOD mice from CY-accelerated onset of glycosuria and insulitis. G-CSF accelerated the recovery of the T cell compartment after the depletion of the lymphoid compartment triggered by CY injection. It selectively prevented the loss of the immunoregulatory T cells expressing the CD4(+)CD25+ phenotype that also stained CD62L+ in peripancreatic lymph nodes and promoted their expansion in the spleen. In addition to this, it abrogated the robust cytokine--particularly IFN-gamma- and chemokine burst triggered in immune cells by CY. G-CSF promoted only slight changes in the inflammatory effects of CY at the target tissue site, assessed by chemokine induction within the pancreas. Thus the immunoregulatory properties of G-CSF were critical in the early control of the accelerating effects of CY on autoimmune diabetes in the NOD mouse.  相似文献   

Diabetes susceptibility in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice may involve immune dysregulation resulting from cytokine deficiencies. The cytokine IL-1 plays a role in various immune as well as endocrine responses and may be hypoexpressed in NOD mice. Treatment with low levels of exogenous IL-1 alpha for 22 weeks prevented the naturally occurring insulitis and diabetogenic process in NOD mice during and at least 33 weeks after cessation of IL-1 alpha treatment. Treatment with IL-1 alpha also inhibited insulitis and hyperglycemia induced by adoptive transfer of pathogenic, polyclonal CD4+8- T cells. Even after islet-cell destruction, IL-1 alpha injections in diabetic NOD mice normalized plasma glucose levels when administered in combination with insulin, whereas equivalent levels of IL-1 alpha alone did not. Our studies support the hypothesis that IL-1 alpha suppresses autoimmune diabetes and hyperglycemia in NOD mice by pleiotropic effects on both immune and metabolic systems. Thus, IL-1 treatment could clinically be an effective immunotherapeutic modality for autoimmune diabetes mellitus by suppressing early disease progression or normalize plasma glucose levels when insulin is present.  相似文献   

The widely used nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse model of autoimmune (Type 1) diabetes mellitus shares multiple characteristics with the human disease, and studies employing this model continue to yield clinically relevant and important information. Here, we review some of the recent key findings obtained from NOD mouse investigations that have both advanced our understanding of disease pathogenesis and suggested new therapeutic targets and approaches. Areas discussed include antigen discovery, identification of genes and pathways contributing to disease susceptibility, development of strategies to image islet inflammation and the testing of therapeutics. We also review recent technical advances that, combined with an improved understanding of the NOD mouse model’s limitations, should work to ensure its popularity, utility and relevance in the years ahead.  相似文献   

The widely used nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse model of autoimmune (Type 1) diabetes mellitus shares multiple characteristics with the human disease, and studies employing this model continue to yield clinically relevant and important information. Here, we review some of the recent key findings obtained from NOD mouse investigations that have both advanced our understanding of disease pathogenesis and suggested new therapeutic targets and approaches. Areas discussed include antigen discovery, identification of genes and pathways contributing to disease susceptibility, development of strategies to image islet inflammation and the testing of therapeutics. We also review recent technical advances that, combined with an improved understanding of the NOD mouse model's limitations, should work to ensure its popularity, utility and relevance in the years ahead.  相似文献   

DNA vaccination is an effective means of protecting experimental animals against infectious pathogens and cancer and has more recently been used to prevent autoimmune disease. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is an autoimmune disease characterized by T-cell-mediated destruction of the insulin-secreting beta cells in the pancreas. The NOD mouse is an animal model of IDDM in which several autoantigens, including insulin, have been identified. In this study we demonstrate that vaccination of NOD mice with DNA encoding an immunodominant peptide of insulin (residues 9-23 of the B chain) protects the animals from developing diabetes. Animals injected intramuscularly with a bacterial plasmid encoding the insulin B chain peptide show significantly lower disease incidence and delayed onset of disease when compared to controls. Protection appears to be mediated by insulin B (9-23)-specific down-regulation of IFN-gamma. Our results confirm that DNA vaccination has a protective effect on autoimmunity, the understanding of which will reveal new insights into the immune system and open doors for novel therapies.  相似文献   

Female nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice more frequently develop autoimmune diabetes than NOD males. Orchidectomy of the latter aggravates insulitis and diabetes. Because clear differences in immune function have not been observed between prediabetic females and males, before or after castration, we hypothesized that sex-related differences in diabetes incidence are related to target organ-specific actions of sex steroids. Previously, we showed that prediabetic NOD females develop hyperinsulinemia and subsequently mega-islets. Infiltration of the first inflammatory leukocytes is predominantly associated with these mega-islets. Here, we determined the relationship between sex hormones, mega-islet formation, and infiltrating cells in NOD and nonobese diabetic/severe combined immune-deficient (NODscid) mice. Mega-islet formation was reduced in NOD males compared with NOD females, and orchidectomy increased it, indicating a relationship between androgen levels and mega-islet formation. Moreover, enhanced mega-islet formation in castrated NOD males was associated with increased numbers of infiltrating leukocytes. Castrated NODscid males also exhibited increased mega-islet formation and dendritic cell infiltration, indicating that lymphocytes are not required for castration-induced effects. In conclusion, we show that androgens influence pancreatic islets and autoimmune infiltration in NOD and NODscid mice. This suggests that the gender difference in diabetes incidence in NOD mice is related to target organ-specific androgen effects.  相似文献   

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