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The influence of a wet environment on the fatigue behaviour of high-strength concrete has become more important in recent years with the expansion of offshore wind energy systems. According to the few investigations documented in the literature, the fatigue resistance of specimens submerged in water is significantly lower compared to that of specimens in dry conditions. However, it is still not clear how the wet environment and the moisture content in concrete influence its fatigue behaviour and which damage mechanisms are involved in the deterioration process. Here the results of a joint project are reported, in which the impact of moisture content in concrete on fatigue deterioration are investigated experimentally and numerically. Aside from the number of cycles to failure, the development of stiffness and acoustic emission (AE) hits are analysed as damage inductors and discussed along with results of microstructural investigations to provide insights into the degradation mechanisms. Subsequently, an efficient numeric modelling approach to water-induced fatigue damage is presented. The results of the fatigue tests show an accelerated degradation behaviour with increasing moisture content of the concrete. Further, it was found that the AE hits of specimens submerged in water occur exclusively close to the minimum stress level in contrast to specimens subjected to dry conditions, which means that additional damage mechanisms are acting with increasing moisture content in the concrete.  相似文献   

The influence of the compressive strength of concrete on fatigue resistance has not been investigated thoroughly and contradictory results can be found in the literature. To date, the focus of concrete fatigue research has been on the determination of the numbers of cycles to failure. Concerning the fatigue behaviour of high-strength concrete (HPC) and, especially, ultra-high-strength concrete (UHPC), which is described by damage indicators such as strain and stiffness development, little knowledge is available, as well as with respect to the underlying damage mechanisms. This lack of knowledge has led to uncertainties concerning the treatment of high-strength and ultra-high-strength concretes in the fatigue design rules. This paper aims to decrease the lack of knowledge concerning the fatigue behaviour of concrete compositions characterised by a very high strength. Within the priority programme SPP 2020, one HPC and one UHPC subjected to monotonically increasing and cyclic loading were investigated comparatively in terms of their numbers of cycles to failure, as well as the damage indicators strain and stiffness. The results show that the UHPC reaches a higher stiffness and a higher ultimate strain and strength than the HPC. The fatigue investigations reveal that the UHPC can resist a higher number of cycles to failure than the HPC and the damage indicators show an improved fatigue behaviour of the UHPC compared to the HPC.  相似文献   

Water-foamed asphalt is capable of improving the workability of asphalt mixture. It has been extensively used for its energy-saving and emission-reducing features. Water plays an essential part in improving the workability of water-foamed asphalt mixture. However, there is still lack in profound studies of moisture dissipation of the water-foamed asphalt over time and its influence on workability. In this study, the evolutions of residual water content and rotational viscosity of the water-foamed asphalt with time were respectively measured by the analytical balance and modified rotational viscometer (RV). The atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis was conducted to discuss the mechanism of viscosity reduction of water-foamed asphalt. The results showed that moisture evaporation is significantly influenced by the foaming water content and ambient temperature, which results in the different stabilizing time of water-foamed asphalt. When water-foamed asphalt was stabilized, the residual water inside the asphalt was less than 0.01% relative to the asphalt mass. The AFM analysis showed that the foaming process changed the distribution of wax in the water-foamed asphalt resulting in reduction of viscosity. The viscosity reduction of asphalt is highly related to the initial foaming water content. After the foaming process, the viscosity keeps stable and is independent of moisture dissipation.  相似文献   

The following paper presents the results of tests on samples made of P91 steel under the conditions of simultaneously occurring fatigue and creep at a temperature of 600 °C. The load program consisted of symmetrical fatigue cycles with tensile dwell times to introduce creep. Static load (creep) was carried out by stopping the alternating load at the maximum value of the alternating stress. The tests were carried out for two load dwell times, 5 s and 30 s. A comparative analysis of the test results of fatigue load with a dwell time on each cycle confirmed that creep accompanying the variable load causes a significant reduction in sample durability. It was shown in the paper that regarding the creep influence in the linear fatigue damage summation approach, it is possible to improve the compliance of the fatigue life predictions with the experimental results.  相似文献   

Asphalt mixture is a typical viscoelastic material, and its road performance will change with the action of environment and load during actual service. This study conducted experimental research on the surface course asphalt mixture of three categories and six typical structures of RIOHTrack based on the Dynamic Mechanical Analysis method. Moreover, this study explored the performance evolution law of asphalt mixture under the coupling action of load and environment in the process of loading from 0 million to 54 million standard axle times. Results demonstrated that the phase transition characteristic temperature of the surface course materials of the three types of typical structures showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing with the accumulation of load and environmental effects, indicating the presence of two stages of the dual coupling effect of environmental aging and load rolling on the asphalt mixture during service. In addition, the results suggested that the phase transition characteristic temperature, modulus, and phase angle of the surface layer materials have obvious material differences and structure dependencies.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how the strain gradient influences the fatigue life of carbon steel in the low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue regimes. To obtain fatigue data under different strain distributions, cyclic alternating bending tests using specimens with different thicknesses and cyclic tension–compression tests were conducted on carbon steel for pressure vessels (SPV235). The crack initiation life and total failure life were evaluated via the strain-based approach. The experimental results showed that the crack initiation life became short with decreasing strain gradient from 102 to 106 cycles in fatigue life. On the other hand, the influence of the strain gradient on the total failure life was different from that on the crack initiation life: although the total failure life of the specimen subjected to cyclic tension–compression was also the shortest, the strain gradient did not affect the total failure life of the specimen subjected to cyclic bending from 102 to 106 cycles in fatigue life. This was because the crack propagation life became longer in a thicker specimen. Hence, these experimental results implied that the fatigue crack initiation life could be characterized by not only strain but also the strain gradient in the low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue regimes.  相似文献   

The fatigue behavior of a filled non-crystallizing elastomer was investigated on axisymmetric dumbbell specimens. By plotting relevant Wöhler curves, a power law behavior was found. In addition, temperature increases due to heat build-up were monitored. In order to distinguish between initiation and crack growth regimes, hysteresis curves, secant and dynamic moduli, dissipated and stored energies, and normalized minimum and maximum forces were analyzed. Even though indications related to material damaging were observed, a clear trend to recognize the initiation was not evident. Further details were revealed by considering a fracture mechanics. The analysis of the fracture surfaces evidenced the presence of three regions, associated to initiation, fatigue striation, and catastrophic failure. Additional fatigue tests were performed with samples in which a radial notch was introduced. This resulted in a reduction in lifetime by four orders of magnitude; nevertheless, the fracture surfaces revealed similar failure mechanisms. A fracture mechanics approach, which considered the effect of temperature, was adopted to calculate the critical defect size for fatigue, which was found to be approximately 9 μm. This value was then compared with the particle size distribution obtained through X-ray microcomputed tomography (μ-CT) of undamaged samples and it was found that the majority of the initial defects were indeed smaller than the calculated one. Finally, the evaluation of J-integral for both unnotched and notched dumbbells enabled the assessment of a geometry-independent correlation with fatigue life.  相似文献   

Asphalt mortar is a typical temperature-sensitive material that plays a crucial role in the performance of asphalt mixture. This study evaluates the high- and low-temperature performance of asphalt mortar based on the dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) method. Temperature-sweep tests of asphalt mortars were conducted using the DMA method under fixed strain level, frequency, and heating rate conditions. The dynamic mechanical response curves, characteristic temperature, and other indices were obtained and used to investigate the high- and low-temperature performance of asphalt mortar. The results showed that the phase transition temperatures T1, T0, and Tg can be used to evaluate the low-temperature performance of asphalt mortar. Additionally, they had a good linear relationship, and the evaluation results were consistent. Meanwhile, T2, E60, and tan(δ)max indicators can effectively evaluate the high-temperature performance of asphalt mortar. Asphalt plays a key role in the performance of asphalt mortar. Mortars with neat asphalt A70 and modified asphalt AR had the worst and best high- and low-temperature performances, respectively. Furthermore, the finer gradation improved the low-temperature performance of asphalt mortar, while the coarser gradation improved the high-temperature properties of modified asphalt mortars but had the opposite effect on neat asphalt A70.  相似文献   

The Smith-Watson-Topper parameter (SWT) in its original form was designed to estimate the fatigue life of metal materials in a uniaxial load state (tension–compression) in the range up to fatigue crack initiation, with non-zero mean values. This parameter is based on the analysis of both stress and strain. Therefore, the stress–strain criterion is the focus, rather than the energy criterion. This paper presents the original SWT model and its numerous modifications. The first part presents different versions of this parameter defined by the normal parameters. Then, it presents versions defined through the tangent parameter and the most promising parameter defined through the tangent and normal parameters. It was noted that the final form of the equivalent value is defined either by stress or by an energy parameter. Therefore, the possible characteristics from which the fatigue life can be determined are also presented.  相似文献   

Reinforced concrete is used worldwide in the construction industry. In past eras, extensive research has been conducted and has clearly shown the performance of stress–strain behaviour and ductility design for high-, standard-, and normal-strength concrete (NSC) in axial compression. Limited research has been conducted on the experimental and analytical investigation of low-strength concrete (LSC) confinement behaviour under axial compression and relative ductility. Meanwhile, analytical equations are not investigated experimentally for the confinement behaviour of LSC by transverse reinforcement. The current study experimentally investigates the concrete confinement behaviour under axial compression and relative ductility of NSC and LSC using volumetric transverse reinforcement (VTR), and comparison with several analytical models such as Mander, Kent, and Park, and Saatcioglu. In this study, a total of 44 reinforced-column specimens at a length of 18 in with a cross-section of 7 in × 7 in were used for uniaxial monotonic loading of NSC and LSC. Three columns of each set were confined with 2 in, 4 in, 6 in, and 8 in c/c lateral ties spacing. The experimental results show that the central concrete stresses are significantly affected by decreasing the spacing between the transverse steel. In the case of the LSC, the core stresses are double the central stress of NSC. However, increasing the VTR, the capacity and the ductility of NSC and LSC increases. Reducing the spacing between the ties from 8 in to 2 in center to center can affect the concrete column’s strength by 60% in LSC, but 25% in the NSC. The VTR and the spacing between the ties greatly affected the LSC compared to NSC. It was found that the relative ductility of the confined column samples was almost twice that of the unrestrained column samples. Regarding different models, the Manders model best represents the performance before the ultimate strength, whereas Kent and Park represents post-peak behaviour.  相似文献   

The application of DCSBD (Diffuse Coplanar Surface Barrier Discharge) plasma is referred to as the surface modification/activation of materials. The exposure of material surfaces to DCSBD plasma is initiated by changes in their chemical composition, surface wettability and roughness. The given study presents the mentioned plasma application in the context of the modification of the material viscoelastic properties, namely the PVC polymer film. The measurement of viscoelastic properties changes of PVC was primarily examined by a sensitive thermal method of dynamic-mechanical analysis. This analysis allows identifying changes in the glass transition temperature of PVC, before and after DCSBD plasma application, Tangens Delta, supported by glass transition temperatures of Elastic and Loss modulus. The results of the present study prove that DCSBD plasma applied on both sides to PVC surfaces causes changes in its viscoelastic properties. In addition, these changes are presented depending on the variability of the material position, with respect to the winding of the electrodes in the ceramic dielectric generating the DCSBD plasma during modification. The variability of the PVC position holds an important role, as it determines the proportion of filamentous and diffuse components of the plasma that will interact with the material surface during modification. The application of DCSBD plasma must, therefore, be considered a complex modification of the material, and as a result, non-surface changes must also be considered.  相似文献   

The existing methods of assessing the fatigue life of welded joints fail to consider local strain ranges and mean stress at the weld toe. The present work proposes a novel approach to assessing the fatigue life of welded joints by conducting measurements with digital image correlation (DIC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) in combination. Local strain ranges at the weld toe of gusset welded joints were measured by DIC. Hammer peening was conducted on the welded joints to introduce different initial stresses. The influence of mean stress was investigated by considering initial residual stress measured by XRD and a perfect plastic material model. The fatigue experiment was carried out on specimens with and without hammer peening. The results showed that hammer peening could offset adverse welding deformation effectively, and introduce significant residual compressive stress. The fatigue failure life increased by more than 15 times due to hammer peening. The fatigue initiation life assessed by the proposed method was close to that based on nominal stress, indicating that the proposed method is reliable for predicting the fatigue initiation life of welded joints.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing of Alloy 718 has become a popular subject of research in recent years. Understanding the process-microstructure-property relationship of additively manufactured Alloy 718 is crucial for maturing the technology to manufacture critical components. Fatigue behaviour is a key mechanical property that is required in applications such as gas turbines. Therefore, in the present work, low cycle fatigue behaviour of Alloy 718 manufactured by laser beam powder bed fusion process has been investigated. The material was tested in as-built condition as well as after two different thermal post-treatments. Three orientations with respect to the building direction were tested to evaluate the anisotropy. Testing was performed at room temperature under controlled amplitudes of strain. It was found that defects, inclusions, strengthening precipitates, and Young’s modulus influence the fatigue behaviour under strain-controlled conditions. The strengthening precipitates affected the deformation mechanism as well as the cycle-dependent hardening/softening behaviour. The defects and the inclusions had a detrimental effect on fatigue life. The presence of Laves phase in LB-PBF Alloy 718 did not have a detrimental effect on fatigue life. Young’s modulus was anisotropic and it contributed to the anisotropy in strain-life relationship. Pseudo-elastic stress vs. fatigue life approach could be used to handle the modulus-induced anisotropy in the strain-life relationship.  相似文献   

The main objective of this contribution was to determine the impact of magnesium (Mg) concentration and solidification rate (about 800 °C/s) on the mechanical properties of commercial A380.1 die-cast alloy. Respective amounts of 0.10%, 0.30%, and 0.50% Mg were used to establish their influence on the main tensile properties, namely, the ultimate limit, the elastic limit, and the percentage of elongation to fracture. The study also focused on the effect of magnesium on the fatigue behavior of A380.1 alloy where the role of surface defects and internal defects (porosity, oxide films, and inclusions) on the alloy fatigue life was also determined. The tensile properties were analyzed in order to optimize the heat treatments of T6 (under-aging) and T7 (over-aging). Consequently, the influence of several parameters was evaluated using tensile testing and optical and scanning electron micrography. Fatigue strength was investigated by performing rotational bending tests. The results show that the alloy tensile strength parameters improve with up to 0.3% Mg. Further addition of Mg, i.e., 0.5%, does not produce any significant improvement with respect to either traction or fatigue. It is observed that the tensile properties fluctuate according to the Guinier–Preston zones which occur during heat treatment, while the fatigue properties decrease as the Mg content increases. In contrast to a mechanical fatigue failure mechanism, in the present study, cracks were initiated at the sample’s outer surface and then propagated toward the center.  相似文献   

A cable-stiffened steel column (CSSC) possesses superior stability behaviour compared to ordinary compression columns. In the past, the research emphasis has focused on the behaviours of stiffened columns under axial compression; investigations into their behaviour under eccentric loading is scant. This study aims to examine the buckling behaviour of CSSCs under eccentric loading using experimental and numerical investigations. The effects of pretension in cables and eccentricity on stability behaviours were studied. According to the current investigation, it can be demonstrated that the capacities of CSSCs are higher than those of ordinary compression columns. It has also been illustrated that both the buckling loads and modes of CSSCs can be changed by changing the load eccentricity; however, the modes of ordinary columns cannot be changed. These results could be of theoretical and engineering significance in the exploration of the behaviours of cable-stiffened columns.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of the fatigue testing of heat-treated and thermochemically treated C75 steel with different process parameters in terms of working medium (gas, salt bath), temperature, and time. The experimental program aims to analyze the changes in microstructure under the influence of heat treatment and fatigue resistance. The relationships between the structural changes, the internal stress, and the heat-treated material’s mechanical and physical properties can determine the first nano cracks leading to rupture propagation. Based on the experimental values of this paper, we highlight the dependence between the nature of the cracks and the stress to which the specimen was subjected. The paper presents a brief introduction to the fatigue test and the experimental tests performed to determine the fatigue resistance characteristics, the macroscopic analysis of the material, and the crystallographic analysis. The results obtained allow a comparison between the fatigue limits of heat-treated and thermochemically treated C75 steel in gas and salt baths.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of static tests on bolted connections in squared and round timber with inserted steel plates. The experiment evaluates structural timber connections with different distances between the fastener and the loaded end at different moisture contents. Specimens were loaded by tension parallel to the grain and load–deformation diagrams were recorded. Fifty-six specimens with three different distances between the fastener and the loaded end, at different moisture contents, were tested. The results were statistically evaluated using regression analysis, complemented with load–deformation curves, and compared with calculations according to the valid standard for design of timber structures. A decrease in the evaluated load-carrying capacity with increasing moisture content was confirmed experimentally. A slight increase in the evaluated load-carrying capacity with increasing fastener distance from the loaded end was found.  相似文献   

In order to enhance the corrosion resistance of concrete to chloride salt, 5% NaCl solution was used to corrode ordinary concrete (OC) and rubber concrete (RC) with 5%, 10%, and 15% rubber content, respectively. By testing the compressive strength, mass, chloride ion concentration at different depths and relative dynamic elastic modulus, the erosion mechanism was analyzed by means of SEM scanning and EDS patterns, and the mechanical properties and deterioration degree of ordinary concrete (OC) and rubber concrete (RC) under the corrosion environment of chloride salt were studied. The results show that: the quality of rubber mixed into concrete increases first and then decreases, and rubber can increase the compressive strength of concrete, improve its internal structure. At the same time, the mechanical properties of concrete in the corrosion environment of chloride salt are improved to a certain extent, and the deterioration degree is reduced. Considering the comprehensive performance of OC and RC in the dry–wet alternation mechanism under chloride salt corrosion, the best content of rubber is 10%.  相似文献   

Cold spray technique has been major improved in the last decades, for studying new properties for metals and alloys of aluminum, copper, nickel, and titanium, as well as steels, stainless steel and other types of alloys. Cold sprayed Ni/CrC coatings have the potential to provide a barrier as well as improved protection to steels. Fatigue characteristics of 52100 steel coated with Ni/Chrome-Carbide (Ni/CrC) powder mixture by using cold gas dynamic spray are investigated. Fatigue samples were subjected to symmetrically alternating, axially applied cyclic fatigue loading until failure. The test was stopped if a sample survived more than 5 × 106 cycles at the applied stress. Fracture surfaces for each sample were examined to investigate the behaviour of the coating both at high stress levels and at a high number of stress cycles. Scanning electron microscopy was used to assess the damage in the interface of the two materials. Good fatigue behaviour of the coating material was observed, especially at low stresses and a high number of cycles. Details of the crack initiation region, the stable crack propagation region and the sudden crack expansion region are identified for each sample. In most of the samples, the initiation of the crack occurred on the surface of the base material and propagated into the coating material. The possible effects of coatings on the initial deterioration of the base material and the reduction of the lifespan of the coated system were also investigated. The aim of the paper was to study the interface between the base material and the coating material at the fatigue analysis for different stresses, highlighting the appearance of cracks and the number of breaking cycles required for each sample.  相似文献   

The different creep-aging forming processes of 2524 aluminum alloy were taken as the research object, and the effects of creep-aging temperature and creep stress on the fatigue-crack propagation properties of the alloy were studied. The research results showed the following under the same sintering time of 9 h, at creep-aging temperatures of 100 °C, 130 °C, 160 °C, and 180 °C, respectively, with an increase in creep-aging temperature: the fatigue-crack propagation rate was promoted, the spacing of fatigue striations increased, and the sizes of dimples decreased while the number was enlarged; this proves that the fatigue property of the alloy was weakened. Compared with the specimens with creep deformation radii of 1000 mm and 1500 mm, the creep deformation stress was the smallest when the forming radius was 1800 mm, with a higher threshold value of fatigue-crack growth in the near-threshold region of fatigue-crack propagation (ΔK ≤ 8 MPa·m1/2). Under the same fatigue cycle, the specimens under the action of larger creep stress endured a longer fatigue stable-propagation time and a faster fracture speed. Comparing the effect of creep-aging temperature and creep stress, the creep-aging temperature plays a dominant role in the fatigue-crack propagation of creep-aged 2524 aluminum alloy.  相似文献   

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