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Liver resection for bile duct cancer 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Hilar cholangiocarcinoma is now diagnosed more frequently, and modern diagnostic methods allow a much more precise definition of the extent of disease, which assists in planning the therapeutic approach. Resection of tumors at the confluence of the bile ducts is possible in 20 per cent of patients. When the tumor extends along the hepatic ducts into the right or the left side of the liver, excision may be combined with partial hepatectomy. Involvement of the portal vein and hepatic artery do not necessarily preclude resection. The operative mortality rate of partial hepatectomy for hilar cholangiocarcinoma is about 10 per cent, and median survival after operation is approximately 22 months, with a few long-term cures reported. The quality of survival after the excision of tumor and biliary-enteric reconstruction is very good and indeed appears to be better than that after palliation by biliary decompression alone. 相似文献
Surgical resection of intrahepatic bile duct cancer 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Extended right hepatic lobectomy,left hepatic lobectomy,and skeletonization resection for proximal bile duct cancer 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Tumors in the proximal third of the bile duct are associated with the lowest rates of resectability and poorest survival of tumors in all locations in the duct. Of 25 patients who underwent resection for tumors located proximally, 3 had extended right hepatic lobectomy, 6 had left hepatic lobectomy, and 16 had skeletonization resection. The operative mortality rate was 4% overall and 0 for patients undergoing hepatic resection. Actuarial survival at 1, 3, and 5 years was 84%, 44%, and 35%, respectively, with almost all patients dying with disease. Survival was longer for patients who had curative resection than for those who had palliative resection. Survival was longer after hepatic lobectomy than after skeletonization resection but was not statistically significant. Survival for the 25 patients who underwent resection compared favorably with the survival of 131 patients treated by strictly palliative procedures, and the quality of life for patients with resection was also improved.
We conclude that aggressive resection for cure is the procedure of choice in selected patients with proximal bile duct cancer, but that it must be performed with low operative mortality. Current patient selection and operative techniques are described.
Resumen Los tumores del tercio proximal del canal biliar están asociados con las tasas más bajas de resectabilidad y la más pobre supervivencia entre todos los tumores de la vía biliar. De 25 pacientes que fueron sometidos a resección por tumores de localización proximal, se realizó lobectomía derecha ampliada en 3, lobectomía izquierda en 6, y resección por esqueletización en 16. La mortalidad operatoria global fue de 4% y de 0 para la resección hepática. La supervivencia actuarial a 1, 3, y 5 años fue de 84%, 44%, y 35%, respectivamente, y casi todos los pacientes murieron con enfermedad presente. La supervivencia fue más prolongada en los pacientes con resección curativa que en los pacientes con resección paliativa. La supervivencia fue más prolongada después de lobectomía hepática que de resección por esqueletización, pero la diferencia no llegó a tener significancia estadística. La supervivencia de los 25 pacientes que fueron sometidos a resección se compara favorablemente con la supervivencia de 131 pacientes tratados estrictamente con procedimientos paliativos y la calidad de la vida de los pacientes con resección también fue mejor.Nuestra conclusión es que la resección agresiva para curación es el procedimiento de elección en pacientes seleccionados con cáncer de la vía biliar proximal, pero que ésta debe ser realizada con una baja mortalidad operatoria para que tenga justificación. Se describen los criterios actuales de selección junto con las técnicas operatorias.
Résumé Les tumeurs de la partie supérieure de l'abre biliaire vont de pair avec un taux de résection très faible et une survie de courte durée par rapport aux autres localisations tumorales biliaires. Des 25 malades qui subirent une résection pour ce type de lésion, 3 ont été traités par une hépatectomie droite étendue, 6 par une hépatectomie gauche, et 16 par une résection après dissection des éléments de la triade portale. Le taux global de mortalité fut de 4%, aucun opéré n'étant décédé après résection hépatique. La survie actuarielle à 1, 3, et 5 ans fut respectivement de 84%, de 44%, et de 35%, tous les décès survenant au decours de l'intervention étant le fait du processus néoplasique. La survie fut plus longue chez les malades opérés à titre curatif que les malades opérés à titre palliatif. La survie fut plus longue après lobectomie hépatique qu'après résection-squelettisation, ce fait ne revÊtant pas de signification statistique. Le taux de survie après résection hépatique fut meilleur que le taux de survie après les différentes interventions palliatives; la qualité de la vie après résection fut également supérieure.Les auteurs aboutissent à la conclusion que la résection représente l'opération de choix pour tenter de guérir ce type de cancer mais elle n'est justifiée que si la mortalité post-opératoire est faible. Les méthodes de sélection des malades susceptibles de la subir sont exposées comme sont décrites les techniques opératoires pratiquées.相似文献
肝叶切除术在肝门部胆管癌治疗中的作用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
目的探讨肝叶切除术在肝门部胆管癌治疗中的作用。方法回顾性分析了1991年1月~1995年12月间收治的52例肝门部胆管癌的临床资料。结果52例中手术切除17例,切除率327%,手术死亡率为59%。切除组中14例兼行不同范围的肝叶切除,其中8例为治愈性切除,治愈性切除组与姑息性切除组平均生存期为211个月和75个月(P<0.05)。切除组与引流组疗效有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论联合肝叶切除术可提高肝门部胆管癌的治愈性切除率,改善术后病人的预后。 相似文献
胆道内支架治疗肝门部胆管狭窄九例 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
肝门部胆管狭窄的处理是肝胆外科手术难题之一,尤其是恶性肿瘤所致的狭窄,过去常常因无法处理而放弃手术。1995年4月至1998年9月我们用胆道内支架治疗了9例,效果满意,现报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组9例,其中男6例,女3例,年龄51~71岁。包括肝门部胆管癌6例(均为晚期患者),胆内胆管结石手术后肝门部胆管狭窄2例,肝门部胆管炎性狭窄1例。所有病人均经PTC检查确诊。血清总胆红素84.6~530μmmol/L,平均341.5μmol/L.1.2 材料与方法 选用镍钛形状记忆合金胆道内支架6例,硅胶塑料胆道内支架3例。切开胆总管后,向上插入胆道探条… 相似文献
Miyazaki M Kimura F Shimizu H Yoshidome H Otsuka M Kato A Hideyuki Y Nozawa S Furukawa K Mituhashi N Takeuchi D Suda K Takano S 《American journal of surgery》2008,196(1):125-129
BACKGROUND: Extensive hilar bile duct resection beyond the second- or third-order intrahepatic biliary radicals is usually required for patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma as well as those with benign inflammatory stricture. Most hilar cholangiocarcinoma is resected with combined major hepatectomy to obtain free surgical margins. The purpose of this study was to show the surgical procedure and the usefulness of extensive hilar bile duct resection using a transhepatic approach for patients with hilar bile duct diseases. METHODS: Five patients with hepatic hilar bile duct disease and who were unfit for major hepatectomy for several reasons underwent extensive hilar bile duct resection by way of a transhepatic approach. Four of the patients had hilar bile duct cancer, including 1 with mucous-producing bile duct cancer of low-grade malignancy and 1 with a postsurgical benign bile duct stricture. RESULTS: After extensive hilar bile duct resection, bile duct stumps ranged in number from 3 to 7 mm (mean 4.4). Surgical margins at bile duct stump were free of cancer in all 4 cancer patients. The long-term outcomes were as follows: 3 patients are alive at the time of publication, and 2 patients have died. CONCLUSIONS: A transhepatic approach may be useful when performing extensive hilar bile duct resection bile duct stricture of biliary disease at the hepatic hilus, especially in high-risk patients who are unfit for major hepatectomy as well as in those having benign bile duct stricture and low-grade malignancy. 相似文献
上世纪后叶由于分子生物学、基因工程、影像技术及新材料学等的进步,促进了整个生命科学的发展。胆道外科以腹腔镜胆囊切除为契机逐渐发展成的胆道微创外科已成为胆道结石病治疗方法的主流。其他胆道外科也均有长足的进步。但在发展过程中,必然会出现一些值得思考的新问题。由于胆道外科学组的努力调研及影像学的进步带来胆道恶性肿瘤的发现率呈逐渐增多之势。胆道恶性肿瘤因早期症状隐匿,一旦具有主要临床表现——梗阻性黄疸发生时,多数已属晚期,预后很差。胆囊癌发展较快,经诊断手术的病例(除外“偶然癌”),病变常已侵犯邻近的肝脏、肝十… 相似文献
Research into the results of resection of hilar bile duct cancer 总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31
E J Boerma 《Surgery》1990,108(3):572-580
We found mentions of 581 resections of hilar bile duct cancer in the literature to January 1989. Resection in 499 patients, reported or updated since 1980, resulted in an operative mortality of 12% and a 5-year survival rate of 13%. Resections confined to the hepatic duct confluence or extended to the quadrate lobe led to an 8% operative mortality and a 7% 5-year survival rate, although resections combined with major liver resection gave a 15% operative mortality and a 17% 5-year survival rate. Despite the best treatments available, present-day resection modalities are usually still not radical. Extension of resection in the retrohilar and hepatoduodenal direction might further improve the long-term surgical results. 相似文献
创伤性肝门部胆管损伤的诊断与治疗 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
目的 探讨创伤性肝门部胆管损伤的诊断与治疗。方法 回顾性总结肝门部胆管损伤8例,近期裂口全部使用修补 支撑管引流术,7例合并2个以上脏器损伤,术中同时作了处理,远期并发胆管狭窄行胆肠内引流术。结果 8例胆管损伤中,5例是在手术探查时发现,其中损伤裂口<周径50%者3例,行修补术,1例死亡,2例良好;>周径50%者2例,修补术后1例死亡,1例并发胆管狭窄,行二次手术。另3例是因术后胆漏而发现,胆管狭窄后行胆肠内引流术,均恢复良好。结论 创伤性胆管损伤极易漏诊,术中细致探查、彻底清除局部积血和坏死组织是避免得诊的关键。治疗上应因伤而异,一般可采用修补 支撑管引流术;损伤范围>胆管周径50%、炎症较重者应行胆肠内引流术。并发胆管狭窄后可采用手术或内镜及介入治疗。 相似文献
An 81-year-old man who had suffered from hypertension for the preceding three years was admitted as an emergency to the department of neurology of our hospital with the chief complaint of dysarthria. He was diagnosed to have multiple lacunar cerebral infarcts by cranial CT, while the laboratory data showed liver dysfunction characteristic of cholestasis. Mild respiratory insufficiency and renal dysfunction were also found. Further radiological examinations on the liver and biliary tree (US, CT and ERC) were performed, and they revealed that the common bile duct was dilated due to two stone-like masses. He was referred to our department of surgery and underwent laparotomy. Intraoperative endoscopy disclosed intraductal papillomatous lesions. Because of the multiple complications of the patient, resection of the entire common bile duct including the gallbladder and the papilla of Vater without any resection of the pancreas was performed instead of pancreatoduodenectomy. The postoperative course was uneventful and he was discharged on the 31st POD. One year after operation, there is no sign of recurrence either clinically or radiologically. The potentially curative operation for cancer of the distal bile duct is pancreatoduodenectomy, but this is of so great a surgical stress that such a high risk case as described above might be unable to survive it. Even if he survived the perioperative period, he might have a poor quality of life due to postoperative complications. The macroscopic appearance of bile duct cancer is correlated to its invasive spread and prognosis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
J C Emond J T Mayes D A Rouch J R Thistlethwaite C E Broelsch 《HPB surgery》1989,1(4):297-305; discussion 305-7
Multiple surgical and nonsurgical approaches have been advocated for the treatment of proximal bile duct cancer. However, survival appears longest when a resection can be performed. Fifteen patients treated at a university center were managed with an aggressive surgical approach. Resection of the tumor was performed in 13 of 15 patients (87%). Of the patients undergoing resection, major hepatic resection was performed in 8 (62%), while excision of vessels with reconstruction was performed in 5 (38%). Eleven of the 13 resected patients (85%) were discharged from the hospital. Clinical symptoms of recurrent disease occurred between 3 and 36 months after surgery in 7 patients, 6 of whom have died. Three other patients are alive at 5, 21, and 36 months without clinical evidence of recurrence. There was no correlation between the completeness of resection 'and the duration of disease-free survival. These results demonstrate that radical resection of high bile duct tumors can be accomplished with an acceptable early mortality rate, thereby extending the benefits of resection to a higher proportion of patients. While resection is clearly effective at controlling local disease and providing palliation of jaundice, surgical cure remains exceptional. Further improvement in the therapy of bile duct cancer must await development of more effective multi-modality approaches. 相似文献
目的 探讨肝叶切除治疗肝内胆管结石的方法及疗效。方法 回顾性总结 1982年 1月 -2 0 0 2年 6月间肝叶切除治疗 487例肝内胆管结石的经验与体会。结果 肝左 (外 )叶切除 415例(占肝叶切除的 85 .2 % ) ;肝方叶切除 3 1例 ( 6.4% ) ;肝右叶切除 41例 ( 8.4% )。术后并发症 5 3例( 10 .9% ) ,包括隔下感染、胆道出血等。死亡 5例 ,死亡率 1.0 %。结论 肝叶切除是治疗部分肝内胆管结石的较好方法 ,但对肝右叶及左右肝胆管结石病例仍有扩大适应证之可能。 相似文献
�ε��ܽ�ʯ�ϲ������ҹ��쳣��������� 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
目的 注意肝胆管结石合并胆管变异,提高肝内胆管结石的诊断治疗水平。方法 总结2001-2002年来手术治疗的5例肝胆管结石合并无肝右管或肝左管病例的诊断治疗过程和治疗方法。结果 5例病人都是手术中被发现肝胆管结石合并胆管变异,其中4例为无肝右管,1例为无肝左管,均行不同部位的肝切除和胆管空肠吻合,术后无残石,治疗效果良好。结论 对肝胆管结石需警惕合并胆管异常,治疗应争取切除结石并胆管异常的肝叶。 相似文献
目的 总结肝切除在肝门部胆管癌根治术中应用经验.方法 回顾分析1993年1月至2007年12月手术切除的肝门部胆管癌病人临床资料及随访结果.结果 全组共有69例肝门胆管癌,切除率66.4%(69/104).其中局部切除31例;合并肝叶部分切除38例;合并胰头十二指肠切除3例;合并门静脉壁部分切除2例.根治手术为44例.手术根治切除率由28.2%(2000年以前)提高到50.8%(2000年后),肝功能衰竭、感染等严重并发症以及围术期死亡率均控制较好.总体1,2,3年生存率为73.9%,38.4%和14.9%,根治手术1,2,3年生存率分别为87.1%,58.2%和23.6%,非根治切除1,2,3年生存率分别为44.0%,21.6%和11.4%.结论 根治性切除的生存率比非根治切除显著提高,联合肝部分切除能明显提高根治性手术的切除率,可考虑为首要的治疗选择. 相似文献
Masato Nagino Yuji Nimura Junichi Kamiya Takeo Kawamura Shunsuke Ohta Tetsuya Tajika Nobuki Kameoka Toshikazu Ohnuma Ryoto Hirao 《Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery》1995,2(1):72-76
A case of cholangiocellular carcinoma, involving the hepatic hilus, radically resected by central hepatic bisegmentectomy
with en bloc resection of the caudate lobe and extrahepatic bile duct is presented. Preoperative surgical planning was carried
out on the basis of an evaluation of the findings of ultrasonography, computed tomography, angiography, percutaneous transhepatic
portography, and tube cholangiography. The operation lasted for 16 h and 15 min, with 5700 g blood loss. Postoperative recovery
was very good and the patient has now been well for 26 months after surgery. Although the surgical technique of central hepatic
bisegmentectomy with en bloc resection of the caudate lobe and extrahepatic bile duct is very difficult, this procedure should
be indicated for selected cases of cholangiocellular carcinoma involving the hepatic hilus. 相似文献