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1. The absorption, distribution and excretion of lacidipine have been studied in rat and dog after i.v. (0.05 mg/kg for rat; 0.5 mg/kg for dog) and oral dosage (2.5 mg/kg for rat; 2.0 mg/kg for dog).

2. Lacidipine was rapidly and extensively absorbed after oral dosing, in both species. Oral bioavailability was up to 26% in rat and up to 32% in dog, due to extensive first-pass metabolism.

3. After oral administration, peak levels of radioactivity were reached at 4-8 h in rat and 1-2 h in dog. Unchanged lacidipine peaked at 1-2 h in both species. Plasma levels of radioactivity were higher in female rats than in males but there was no difference in levels of unchanged drug.

4. After i.v. dosing the terminal half-life of unchanged drug was 2.9 h in rat and 8.2 h in dog. The half-life of radioactivity in plasma was longer in both species.

5. After both routes of administration, radioactivity was rapidly distributed in rat tissues with the highest concentration in liver, fat and gastrointestinal tract. Only traces of radioactivity were detected in the CNS and in rat foetuses.

6. Extensive biliary elimination occurred, and most of the radioactivity (73-95%) was excreted in the faeces after i.v. or oral administration.

7. The compound was extensively metabolized, no significant amount of unchanged drug was excreted in bile or urine.  相似文献   

1. The absorption, distribution and excretion of lacidipine have been studied in rat and dog after i.v. (0.05 mg/kg for rat; 0.5 mg/kg for dog) and oral dosage (2.5 mg/kg for rat; 2.0 mg/kg for dog). 2. Lacidipine was rapidly and extensively absorbed after oral dosing, in both species. Oral bioavailability was up to 26% in rat and up to 32% in dog, due to extensive first-pass metabolism. 3. After oral administration, peak levels of radioactivity were reached at 4-8 h in rat and 1-2 h in dog. Unchanged lacidipine peaked at 1-2 h in both species. Plasma levels of radioactivity were higher in female rats than in males but there was no difference in levels of unchanged drug. 4. After i.v. dosing the terminal half-life of unchanged drug was 2.9 h in rat and 8.2 h in dog. The half-life of radioactivity in plasma was longer in both species. 5. After both routes of administration, radioactivity was rapidly distributed in rat tissues with the highest concentration in liver, fat and gastrointestinal tract. Only traces of radioactivity were detected in the CNS and in rat foetuses. 6. Extensive biliary elimination occurred, and most of the radioactivity (73-95%) was excreted in the faeces after i.v. or oral administration. 7. The compound was extensively metabolized, no significant amount of unchanged drug was excreted in bile or urine.  相似文献   

1. The absorption, distribution and excretion of nilvadipine have been studied in male rats and dogs after an i.v. (1 mg/kg for rats, 0.1 mg/kg for dogs) and oral dose (10 mg/kg for rats, 1 mg/kg for dogs) of 14C-nilvadipine.

2. Nilvadipine was rapidly and almost completely absorbed after oral dosing in both species; oral bioavailability was 4.3% in rats and 37.0% in dogs due to extensive first-pass metabolism. The ratios of unchanged drug to radioactivity in plasma after oral dosing were 0.4–3.5% in rats and 10.4–22.6% in dogs. The half-lives of radioactivity in plasma after i.v. and oral dosing were similar, i.e. 8–10h in rats, estimated from 2 to 24 h after dosing and 1.5 d in dogs, estimated from 1 to 3 d. In contrast, plasma concentrations of unchanged drug after i.v. dosing declined biexponentially with terminal phase half-lives of 1.2 h in rats and 4.4 h in dogs.

3. After i.v. dosing to rats, radioactivity was rapidly distributed to various tissues, and maintained in high concentrations in the liver and kidneys. In contrast, after oral dosing to rats, radioactivity was distributed mainly in liver and kidneys.

4. With both routes of dosing, urinary excretion of radioactivity was 21–24% dose in rats and 56–61% in dogs, mainly in 24 h. After i.v. dosing to bile duct-cannulated rats, 75% of the radioactive dose was excreted in the bile. Only traces of unchanged drug were excreted in urine and bile.  相似文献   

1. We have studied the pharmacokinetics of stable strontium in 10 healthy male volunteers. We gave each volunteer 5 mmol strontium gluconate by intravenous infusion over 1 h and measured strontium concentrations in plasma and urine samples for 20 days. The plasma strontium concentration vs time data for each volunteer were fitted by a triexponential function using NONLIN. Compartmental model-dependent and model-independent pharmacokinetic variables were then calculated. 2. The mean half-life we report (5.4 days) is longer than that previously reported (about 2 days), since we continued sampling for 20 days. However, the rates of clearance (CL 9.4 ml min-1. CLR 5.4 ml min-1, and CLNR 4.0 ml min-1) are similar to those previously reported, and the apparent volume of distribution at steady state (64 l) is similar to the values previously reported for the size of the exchangeable pool of both strontium and calcium. 3. The similarities in the pharmacokinetic behavior of strontium and calcium suggest that the in vivo disposition of strontium may be used as a marker of calcium disposition and for studying the effects of drugs such as the calcium antagonists.  相似文献   

1. The metabolic profiles of nilvadipine in the urine and bile of male and female rats were studied after i.v. dosing with 1?mg/kg of the 14C-labelled compound.

2. Excretion rates of the dosed radioactivity in male and female rats, respectively, in the first 48?h were 8.41% and 59.1% in bile, 12.0% and 36.9% in urine, and 2.5% and 3.6% in faeces.

3. Comparison of biliary and urinary excretion for each radioactive metabolite after dosing with 14C-nilvadipine, showed marked sex-related differences in the excretion routes of several metabolites. In male rats, metabolite M3, having a free 3-carboxyl group on the pyridine ring, was not excreted in urine, but in female rats urinary excretion of M3 accounted for 4.7% of the dose. One reason for the lower urinary excretion of radioactivity by males than by females was that the main metabolite, M3, was not excreted in the urine of the male rats.

4. To clarify the sex difference in the route of excretion of M3, this metabolite (M3) was given i.v. to rats. No excretion of the metabolite was observed in urine of male rats within 24?h but, in marked contrast, 41.5% of the dose was excreted in urine of females in the same period.  相似文献   

Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) caused a dose-dependent increase in urinary taurine which correlated with both the histological and biochemical assessment of liver damage. The peak elevation in urinary taurine occurred within the first 48 h after dosing but there was still significant taurinuria 72 and 96 h after the intermediate dose (1 ml.kg–1) and highest dose (2 ml.kg–1), respectively. Levels of taurine in serum were also elevated over the 24 h period following a hepatotoxic dose (2 ml.kg–1) of CCl4. In contrast, although initially elevated, levels of taurine in the liver declined over the 24 h period following dosing and were significantly lower 96 h after a hepatotoxic dose of CCl4 (2 ml.kg–1). Male rats showed a different urinary profile for taurine than female rats after dosing with CCl4. A reduction in food intake seemed to lower urinary taurine levels although these changes were not statistically significant. There was a significant correlation between the level of urinary taurine and the level of serum AST for individual animals given a hepatotoxic dose of CCl4 (2 ml.kg–1). The data presented suggest that: i) taurine is produced by the liver in response to a toxic insult and subsequent leakage from damaged cells leads to increased levels in the urine; ii) the urinary taurine level may be a useful non-invasive marker of liver damage.  相似文献   

1. The metabolic profiles of nilvadipine in the urine and bile of male and female rats were studied after i.v. dosing with 1 mg/kg of the 14C-labelled compound. 2. Excretion rates of the dosed radioactivity in male and female rats, respectively, in the first 48 h were 84.1% and 59.1% in bile, 12.0% and 36.9% in urine, and 2.5% and 3.6% in faeces. 3. Comparison of biliary and urinary excretion for each radioactive metabolite after dosing with 14C-nilvadipine, showed marked sex-related differences in the excretion routes of several metabolites. In male rats, metabolite M3, having a free 3-carboxyl group on the pyridine ring, was not excreted in urine, but in female rats urinary excretion of M3 accounted for 4.7% of the dose. One reason for the lower urinary excretion of radioactivity by males than by females was that the main metabolite, M3, was not excreted in the urine of the male rats. 4. To clarify the sex difference in the route of excretion of M3, this metabolite (M3) was given i.v. to rats. No excretion of the metabolite was observed in urine of male rats within 24 h but, in marked contrast, 41.5% of the dose was excreted in urine of females in the same period.  相似文献   

Effect of frusemide on calcium excretion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cadmium exposure is known to induce hypertension, but development of hypertension is not universal in exposed animals. However, the cellular uptake of cadmium could also exert renal cytotoxic effects which have been, until now, essentially only studied at the proximal tubule level. Kallikrein is an enzyme synthetized in renal cortex and excreted in the urine in the distal tubule. Therefore, to evaluate the distal renal effect of cadmium, we studied the daily urinary kallikrein excretion (UKE) in conscious unrestrained female Brown Norway rats during long-term chronic exposure to 2 dosages of cadmium given subcutaneously 3 times a week, a low dose (LD): 0.25 mg/kg and a high dose (HD): 1 mg/kg. Neither dose of cadmium was able to induce significant hypertension in the treated animals. HD administration for 24 weeks resulted in a decreased UKE associated with an increase in plasma renin activity and sodium and potassium excretions. LD administration had no significant effect on UKE. Twenty weeks after stopping cadmium administration, a persistent reduction in UKE was still observed; furthermore, the group which had been previously administered a LD of cadmium, now also exhibited a reduced UKE. During this re-examination period in both groups, the UKE reductions were associated with normal systolic blood pressure, glycosuria, natriuresis. Our data show that cadmium administration can influence UKE, plasma renin activity, plasma aldosterone concentration and electrolyte excretion without inducing any variation of blood pressure. This may reflect a nephrotoxic, non-hypertensive effect. Since this effect persisted after stopping cadmium administration, it may indicate a prolonged irreversible nephrotoxic effect at the distal nephron level. Thus, UKE may be a useful non-invasive index to evaluate distal nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

HIV RNA is an acknowledged marker of disease activity and predictive of progression, while the p24 antigen is considered unsuitable. This is at odds with the fact that viral pathogenesis is usually mediated by proteins. One might expect that p24, if analyzed properly, might even be superior to RNA. This hypothesis was investigated in clinical studies using a sensitive and precise p24 test (heat-mediated immune complex dissociation with signal amplification-boosted ELISA). This test was as sensitive and specific as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for viral RNA (200–400 copy detection), an overall better predictor of CD4 decline and survival, while RNA prevailed in predicting AIDS. The lower costs of p24 testing also permit a closer monitoring of patients with an earlier detection of anti-retroviral treatment failures.  相似文献   

Acylpeptide hydrolase (APH) unblocks N-acetyl peptides. It is a major serine hydrolase in rat blood, brain, and liver detected by derivatization with (3)H-diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) or a biotinylated fluorophosphonate. Although APH does not appear to be a primary target of acute poisoning by organophosphorus (OP) compounds, the inhibitor specificity of this secondary target is largely unknown. This study fills the gap and emphasizes blood APH as a potential marker of OP exposure. The most potent in vitro inhibitors for human erythrocyte and mouse brain APH are DFP (IC(50) 11-17 nM), chlorpyrifos oxon (IC(50) 21-71 nM), dichlorvos (IC(50) 230-560 nM), naled (IC(50) 370-870 nM), and their analogs with modified alkyl substituents. (3)H-diisopropyl fluorophosphate is a potent inhibitor of mouse blood and brain APH in vivo (ED(50) 0.09-0.2 mg/kg and 0.02-0.03 mg/l for ip and vapor exposure, respectively). Mouse blood and brain APH and blood butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) are of similar sensitivity to DFP in vitro and in vivo (ip and vapor exposure), but APH inhibition is much more persistent in vivo (still >80% inhibition after 4 days). The inhibitory potency of OP pesticides in vivo in mice varies from APH selective (dichlorvos, naled, and trichlorfon), to APH and BChE selective (profenofos and tribufos), to ChE selective or nonselective (many commercial insecticides). Sarin administered ip at a lethal dose to guinea pigs inhibits blood acetylcholinesterase and BChE completely but erythrocyte APH only partially. Blood APH activity is therefore a sensitive marker for exposure to some but not all OP pesticides and chemical warfare agents.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the benchmark dose (BMD) for pancreas dysfunction caused by cadmium (Cd) exposure in smelters. Smelter workers who had been exposed to Cd for more than 1 year and matching nonoccupationally exposed subjects were asked to participate in this study. Urinary cadmium (UCd) was used as a biomarker for exposure, serum insulin and amylase were used as biomarkers for pancreatic effects. In this study, serum insulin and amylase were lower in the smelter workers than in the nonoccupationally exposed subjects. A significant dose-response relationship with UCd was displayed. BMDs in terms of urinary Cd corrected for creatinine were calculated by use of BMDS (version 1.3.2). The benchmark dose lower limit of a one-sided 95% confidence interval (BMDL) for 10% excess risk was also determined. It was found that the BMDL10 for serum insulin and serum amylase was 3.7 and 5.3 microg/g Cr, respectively. Compared to the BMDL for renal damage caused by Cd exposure, identified by the effect biomarkers urinary beta2-microglobulin, urinary N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, and urinary albumin (UALB), it was shown that BMDL10 for serum insulin is the lowest among all values and UALB gave the highest value (5.8 microg/g Cr). This study indicates that Cd exposure can result in pancreatic dysfunction and the effect appears at lower urinary Cd level than renal dysfunction. The endocrine function of the pancreas was affected at lower urinary levels of Cd, compared to the exocrine function, which was seen at higher urinary levels of Cd than those giving rise to renal tubular dysfunction.  相似文献   

Renal excretion of magnesium and calcium was investigated in a group of Nigerian diabetic patients. Urinary excretion rates, clearances and excretion fractions of magnesium and calcium were significantly increased in the diabetic group compared with controls. Urinary excretion rate of sodium was also significantly increased in the diabetics. Furthermore, significant positive correlations were observed between magnesium and calcium with respect to their urinary excretion rates, clearances and excretion fractions in the diabetic patients. The results of this study suggest that the renal tubular reabsorption of magnesium and calcium is reduced in diabetic patients resulting in increased urinary losses of the two divalent cations. Moreover, the renal excretion of magnesium remains intimately related to that of calcium in the diabetic state.  相似文献   

The behaviour of gamma-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) in rat liver, serum and intestinal mucosa under the effect of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) was studied. The investigation was carried out in order to evaluate γ-GT as a biological parameter in experimental HCB porphyria. HCB was administered by gavage at daily doses of 3.5 mmol/kg body wt for 60 days or 90 days.γ-GT in liver homogenate progressively increased during the treatment. Following a 60-day exposure the enzymatic activity exceeded the values of the controls by more than 60 times. The rise of serum γ-GT was more moderately expressed (5–6-fold).γ-GT in jejunal mucosa was elevated 2-fold after a 90-day treatment. The termination of the daily intoxication reduced back to normal values the enzymatic activity in liver and in intestine as measured after 60 days from the cessation of HCB application.It can be pointed out, that γ-GT is a sensitive and valuable marker for experimental HCB intoxication.  相似文献   

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