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Identifying effective alternative strategies for training staff and implementing culture change can be useful to nursing facilities striving to provide optimal resident-centered care. This study assessed the perceptions of nearly 400 nursing facility staff experiencing organizational culture change. Formal and informal training methods were used. We used a pre- and post-test to evaluate leadership practices and 6 subscales related to culture change (systemwide culture change, resident choice, organization design, empowering supervision, job design, decision making, and permanent assignments). Staff of formally trained facilities perceived improvements in all subscales; 2 were statistically significant (resident choice and organization design). Respondents for informally trained facilities identified improvement in decision making, although this was not statistically significant. Formalized culture-change training produced better outcomes than did the informal strategy. Culture change is a complex process and may continue to evolve over time. A 3-year evaluation period may be insufficient to demonstrate the full extent of these changes.  相似文献   


This study examines the effects on nursing home nurses of a two-day training program concerned with nurses and their response to the dying patient. Utilizing the Solomon four-group design, the study investigates whether exposure to information on death and dying (a) results in the acquisition of greater knowledge about death and dying, (b) is accompanied by a more positive attitude toward the elderly, and (c) is accompanied by a change in anxiety about death. Based on t tests and one-way analyses of covariance, the results point up the mixed nature of short-term training programs. It was found that there was a significant increase in the nurses' knowledge about death and dying, there was no change in their attitudes toward the elderly, and there was a significant increase among the nurses in the death anxiety experienced. This is not to suggest that training programs of this sort should not be conducted with nursing home staff. On the one hand such programs provide information useful for job performance. On the other hand they create some sensitization to death, which at the very least could give nurses greater insights into the concerns of the patients and perhaps stimulate empathetic responses.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects on nursing home nurses of a two-day training program concerned with nurses and their response to the dying patient. Utilizing the Solomon four-group design, the study investigates whether exposure to information on death and dying (a) results in the acquisition of greater knowledge about death and dying, (b) is accompanied by a more positive attitude toward the elderly, and (c) is accompanied by a change in anxiety about death. Based on t tests and one-way analyses of covariance, the results point up the mixed nature of short-term training programs. It was found that there was a significant increase in the nurses' knowledge about death and dying, there was no change in their attitudes toward the elderly, and there was a significant increase among the nurses in the death anxiety experienced. This is not to suggest that training programs of this sort should not be conducted with nursing home staff. On the one hand such programs provide information useful for job performance. On the other hand they create some sensitization to death, which at the very least could give nurses greater insights into the concerns of the patients and perhaps stimulate empathetic responses.  相似文献   

目的探讨对护理人员进行患者安全培训的方法及效果。方法成立培训小组,构建患者安全文化氛围,制订不良事件上报制度及安全管理制度,对典型案例进行全院护理安全大讨论,开展安全护理技能培训及加强新护士岗前培训。结果实行患者安全护理培训后4年护士在口服给药、静脉给药、静脉采血、输血、患者身份辨识等安全操作评分较培训前4年均显著提高(P<0.05或P<0.01);建立护理不良事件报告系统前后4年,护理不良事件发生例次、护士对不良事件报告制度的知晓率、护理缺陷例次较实施前有所增加(P<0.05或P<0.01),护理差错例次较前降低(P<0.05)。结论加强护理人员的患者安全培训,有利于提高患者满意度,规范护士的安全护理行为,降低护理差错的发生,保障患者安全,提升护理服务质量。  相似文献   

护士对地震灾害护理培训的需求   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 了解护士对灾害护理培训的需求,为组织和开展灾害护理教育和培训提供参考.方法 采用方便抽样调查护士对灾害护理培训的需求,包括灾害护理基本知识、灾害过程护理、脆弱人群护理、灾害护理管理和专业发展5个方面.结果 护士灾害护理培训总需求得分(中位数)为4.29,78.9%的护士得分达到"需要"的赋值4分;5个方面的得分(中位数)均达到或超过4;不同年龄、职务、学历、职称、专业发展方向的护士灾害护理培训需求得分不同,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 护士对灾害护理培训需求较高,应对灾害护理教育和培训进行整体规划,以满足护士应对灾害的护理需要.  相似文献   

Nursing facility administrators must find new and innovative ways to meet the training needs of their staff. The authors faced the challenge of teaching nursing facility staff about fire safety using computer-based training that had been adapted from a print-based/instructor-led (IL) program. This article discusses the effectiveness of the computer-based (CB) training as compared to the effectiveness of the traditional IL format. The CB and IL versions of a fire safety training program were presented to staff of a nursing facility. The 141 participants were randomly assigned to the CB, IL, or control groups. The control group completed a pretest and posttest, but received no training until the study was completed. Both the CB and IL groups significantly increased their knowledge scores from pretest to posttest and both significantly outperformed the control group. How the participants responded to the CB training was also important. Staff reported they enjoyed the CB training and had no difficulty using the computers. Computer-based training can be an effective alternative training technique for this population.  相似文献   

海上护理人员的培训体会   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
针对海上救护特点,对护理人员进行培训。制定切实可行的训练计划;强化战备意识教育;加强海上模拟训练;培养一专多能的护理骨干队伍。通过培训提高了护理人员海上救护的快速反应能力、整体配合能力和救治水平。正规、严格的训练加强了护理人员的职业道德建设,培养了过硬的军人素质,扩大了医院在军内外的影响。  相似文献   

护理人员开展针对性科研培训的可行性探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨提高临床护理人员科研能力的可行性方法和途径。方法通过问卷调查临床护理人员的科研水平和对科研知识的需求。针对需求开展针对性培训,于培训后再次进行科研水平调查,比较针对性开展护理科研培训的可行性。结果培训前后两组护理人员的一般情况无显著差异,具有可比性(P>0.05),培训前后护理人员的科研知识有了显著提高(P<0.01)。结论在临床护理人员中开展针对性护理科研培训,加强创新意识和科研技能的培养,可提高其创造性思维能力以及独立分析和解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

  • ? Attitudes towards patient suicide, and the effects that this has on nursing staff are rather complex, and should not be viewed on a simple negative/positive continuum.
  • ? Suicide is a difficult but inevitable incident that affects psychiatric units, and the limited literature on nurses' attitudes to suicide, and the effects that patient suicide has on them has highlighted the need for emotional and professional support from their colleagues, including senior nurses, psychiatrists and managers, to cope better after a patient has committed suicide. Furthermore, the importance of regular meetings and reviews of assessment and prevention policies has also been emphasized.
  • ? The present study looked at the effects that suicide has on nursing staff, their attitudes, and ways of improving their coping skills. Major findings include the lack of emotional support, the need for training, formal assessment of patients at risk, regular multidisciplinary meetings following a suicide and nursing staff's acceptance of suicide as the patient's personal choice.
  • ? Recommendations for helping nursing staff during the post-suicide period are suggested.

目的 探讨难度自适应计算机认知训练对社区老年人的干预效果,旨在为在社区针对认知健康老年人开展难度自适应计算机认知训练提供依据。 方法 在北京市4个社区中便利选取74名60岁及以上认知健康的老年人。先入组的37名老年人为试验组,后入组的37名老年人为对照组。试验组和对照组分别进行难度自适应和固定难度的计算机认知训练,训练时间共6周,每周5次,每次20 min。通过一般资料调查问卷获得老年人的一般人口学资料,通过北京版蒙特利尔认知评估量表、听觉词语学习测验、Stroop色词测验、连线测验和数字广度测验评估研究对象干预前后的总体认知功能、记忆力、执行功能和注意力。结果 干预前两组的一般人口学资料、总体认知功能得分、记忆力得分、执行功能得分和注意力得分均具有可比性。干预后:①总体认知功能,两组的北京版蒙特利尔认知评估量表总分均较干预前提高(P<0.05),试验组总分高于对照组(P<0.05);②记忆力,干预后试验组记忆功能得分较干预前提高(P<0.05),对照组干预前后比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);③执行功能,干预后试验组色词测验3和连线测验A、B耗时较干预前缩短(P<0.05),对照组干预前后比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);④注意力,两组数字倒背得分干预前后比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 计算机认知训练对社区认知健康老年人的认知功能有积极效果,难度自适应计算机认知训练的效果更好。  相似文献   

This study offers evidence that computer-based training is an effective tool for teaching nursing facility managers about ergonomics and increasing their awareness of potential problems. Study participants (N = 45) were randomly assigned into a treatment or control group. The treatment group completed the ergonomics training and a pre- and posttest. The control group completed the pre- and posttests without training. Treatment group participants improved significantly from 67% on the pretest to 91% on the posttest, a gain of 24%. Differences between mean scores for the control group were not significant for the total score or for any of the subtests.  相似文献   

Computer-based (CB) instruction offers an alternative method for healthcare facilities to provide in service training to the staff. The authors investigated CB instruction as a way to provide information on preventing suicide and depression, adverse medication events, foodborne illness, and burns and scalds to people who care for older adults. The study compared the effects of CB instruction with those of equivalent instructor-led (IL) workshops. Each group of learners significantly improved knowledge related to the topic presented. The CB and IL versions of the modules produced similar results. The participants enjoyed using the computers and found the program easy to use. The authors concluded that CB instruction can be an effective alternative method of providing educational opportunities and is a convenient and cost-effective way to provide those opportunities to nursing staff.  相似文献   

目的通过对护理科研知识的系统培训,提高护理人员的科研能力与积极性。方法对护理科研内容进行系统、有针对性的培训,并进行考核与调查,对数据结果进行统计分析。结果培训前后护理人员对护理论文的立题、文献检索、科研相关概念及统计方法的掌握,科研能力与积极性方面差异具有统计学意义。结论科研培训内容必须符合本单位实际,并设法调动护理人员的积极性;必要的考核起到督促学习的作用;科研水平的提高是个长期的过程,需要进行反复培训。  相似文献   

目的调查护理人员对质性研究方法的学习需求,探讨改进质性研究培训的策略。方法采用自设问卷,对参加某省级质性研究学习班的88名护理人员进行调查。结果 75名(85.2%)护理人员对质性研究感兴趣,56名(63.7%)迫切期望学习质性研究方法。最期待的学习内容是扎根理论研究法(78.4%)和现象学研究法(70.5%)。53名(60.2%)未做过质性研究,没有专人指导(79.5%)和不了解质性研究知识(53.4%)是其开展质性研究的主要障碍。在培训时间上,85名(96.6%)希望培训时间不少于2d,认为规模以中小为佳(98.8%),并最好能分初、中、高级分别授课(89.8%)。结论护理人员对质性研究法培训需求较大,应根据其实际情况和需求,有针对性地举办质性研究学习班,为促进质性研究的开展打下基础。  相似文献   

目的:调查医院护理管理人员培训需求及其对医院管理机制评价,为护理管理工作改进提供依据。方法:采用自行设计的调查问卷对某医院74名护理管理人员进行调查。结果:医院在文化制度建设方面存在不足,护理管理人员缺乏现代化的医院管理知识。结论:管理部门应加强医院文化建设及护理管理培训工作。  相似文献   

目的 探讨社区护理人员在职培训的方式、时间、影响因素及培训内容.方法 通过调查和访谈在职护理人员,采用描述性研究方法和秩和检验对资料进行处理.结果 社区护理人员愿意培训人数达90.2%.57.1%为提高工作能力,37.0%为更新专业知识.培训时间最佳为3个月达30%.培训方式首选短期培训.影响培训的因素首要是经费不足.培训内容前3位分别是健康教育、心理学、人际沟通.结论 通过对社区护理人员在职培训方式、时间、影响因素及培训内容进行分析,为领导决策提供依据.  相似文献   

齐玉梅  毛宗福  王生锋 《现代护理》2007,13(6):1519-1521
目的探讨社区护理人员在职培训的方式、时间、影响因素及培训内容。方法通过调查和访谈在职护理人员,采用描述性研究方法和秩和检验对资料进行处理。结果社区护理人员愿意培训人数达90.2%。57.1%为提高工作能力,37.0%为更新专业知识。培训时间最佳为3个月达30%。培训方式首选短期培训。影响培训的因素首要是经费不足。培训内容前3位分别是健康教育、心理学、人际沟通。结论通过对社区护理人员在职培训方式、时间、影响因素及培训内容进行分析,为领导决策提供依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨社区护理人员在职培训的方式、时间、影响因素及培训内容。方法通过调查和访谈在职护理人员,采用描述性研究方法和秩和检验对资料进行处理。结果社区护理人员愿意培训人数达90.2%。57.1%为提高工作能力,37.0%为更新专业知识。培训时间最佳为3个月达30%。培训方式首选短期培训。影响培训的因素首要是经费不足。培训内容前3位分别是健康教育、心理学、人际沟通。结论通过对社区护理人员在职培训方式、时间、影响因素及培训内容进行分析,为领导决策提供依据。  相似文献   

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