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目的:研究汉语听写障碍儿童在形音跨通道捆绑过程中的视觉和听觉跨通道优势。方法:以听写障碍儿童21名,正常发展儿童21名为被试。采用变化检测范式,以几何图形为视觉刺激材料,以单音节男声为听觉刺激材料,通过考察两组儿童在探测形音跨通道不一致、视觉单通道不一致、听觉单通道不一致三种条件下的正确率,探索听写障碍儿童与正常发展儿童在形音捆绑过程中的跨通道整合优势以及视觉或听觉单通道的优势效应。结果:听写障碍儿童在视听跨通道加工条件下显著地低于正常发展儿童,在视觉单通道条件下两者差异不显著,在听觉单通道条件下两者差异达到边缘显著。结论:听写障碍儿童的形音捆绑缺陷来自于跨通道本身的缺陷。正常听写儿童可能具有听觉单通道加工优势。听写障碍儿童在形音捆绑加工中有和正常听写儿童相同的视觉通道优势,但有可能在听觉通道中不占优势。  相似文献   

注意缺陷多动障碍儿童持续性注意测验的对照研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
目的:了解不同持续性注意测验对注意缺陷多动障碍儿童注意障碍的评定。方法:符合DSM-Ⅳ注意缺陷多动障碍的113名男性儿童与83名正常对照儿童分别采用视觉单目标持续性注意测验、视觉连续目标持续性注意测验和听觉持续性注意测验进行对照研究。结果:混合型儿童的视觉单目标持续性注意测验的击中率低于对照组,听觉持续注意测验的ADHD各亚型的击中率,d‘值、β值均低于对照组儿童,ADHD各亚型的虚报率高于对照组。结论:ADHD各亚型儿童存在明显的听觉持续性注意能力损害。  相似文献   

整合视听连续执行测试与儿童感觉统合能力的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过整合视听连续执行测试和儿童感觉统合能力评定,探讨二者之间的相关性及各亚型ADHD儿童的感觉统合能力的差异。方法:根据整合视听连续执行测试结果将170名儿童分成4组,对各组儿童进行感觉统合能力评定。结果:注意缺陷为主型儿童的视觉反应控制商数与本体感及身体协调因子分呈负相关;多动-冲动为主型儿童的综合尺度反应控制商数、视觉反应控制商数、综合尺度注意力商数、听觉注意力商数与学习能力发展因子分呈正相关;混合型儿童的综合尺度注意力商数、视觉注意力商数与学习能力发展因子分呈正相关;注意缺陷为主型和混合型儿童的大肌肉及平衡感、学习能力发展因子分低于临界值;多动-冲动为主型儿童的学习能力发展因子分低于临界值.触觉防御及情绪因子分高于临界值;其他各项因子分接近临界值。结论:根据整合视听连续执行测试结果诊断的ADHD各亚型的综合商数与感觉统合能力发展评定量表因子分的相关性是不同的;各亚型ADHD儿童的感觉统合能力均较低,且都存在着学习能力发展不足问题;注意缺陷为主型和混合型儿童的大肌肉及平衡感失调比多动-冲动为主型儿童更明显。  相似文献   

利用行为学和EEG频谱能量分析方法,考察大脑对视、听和体感单通道靶刺激探测的频段和空间半球分布.采集14位健康受试者的64导联脑电数据,实验材料分为视觉、听觉和体感觉的靶刺激和非靶刺激.分析了3个感觉通道下所有受试者靶刺激EEG Power显著强于非靶刺激的频谱和脑区分布,还比较了3个感觉通道靶刺激的行为学数据.结果表明,体感觉靶刺激探测的难度显著大于听觉和视觉靶刺激探测.delta和theta频段在三感觉通道靶刺激探测过程中都发挥主要作用,印证ERPs成份中的P300在三感觉通道靶刺激探测过程中发挥主要作用.大脑对近点靶刺激的探测具有明显的左半球优势.三感觉通道靶刺激探测的行为学结果(错误率)与EEGPower结果(显著性差异电极统计)趋于一致,表明EEG Power分析可作为视、听、体三通道认知任务难度分类的潜在电生理学参数.  相似文献   

目的:探讨先天性失歌症,这种由神经功能缺陷所致音乐能力不足的特殊听觉失认症,是否存在视觉情绪信息加工的异常特征。方法:对20例先天性失歌症,20例正常对照被试进行面孔表情识别任务(FAIT)测试,同时测量情绪智力、音乐情感反应倾向指标。结果:失歌症组的情绪智力得分与音乐情感反应强度均低于正常被试组;在控制了情绪智力得分后,两组对负性悲伤表情识别的正确率与正确反应时仍存在显著差异,具体而言,失歌症对负性悲伤表情识别的正确率低于正常组,正确反应时高于正常组;而在愉快、中性表情条件下两组不存在这种差异。结论:失歌症在听觉情绪信息加工存在缺陷外,视觉情绪信息加工上也存在一定困难,并且在控制情绪智力后,这一视觉情绪信息加工异常依然存在。  相似文献   

立体视觉及其研究发展概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
立体视觉及其研究发展概况杨怀洲,华蕴博,程荔铭,叶志前(浙江医科大学生物医学工程研究所杭州310006)引言:在所有的感觉中,视觉确定物体的精确位置,嗅觉、听觉等其它感觉在速度与精度方面都无法与之相比.这是视觉独特的生理价值。双眼视觉不同于单眼视觉,...  相似文献   

注意缺陷多动障碍临床亚型持续性注意力的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:比较注意缺陷多动障碍不同临床亚型儿童持续性注意力的差异。方法:符合DSM—Ⅳ注意缺陷多动障碍的90名儿童,分为注意缺陷为主型(ADHD—PI;44例)、多动-冲动为主型(ADHD—HI;14例)、混合型(ADHD—CT;36例),对3组患儿进行视听整合持续性操作测试,对视觉和听觉持续性注意力进行组间比较。结果:混合型和注意缺陷为主型的持续性注意力低于多动-冲动型,差异有统计学意义。结论:持续性注意力的损害以混合型最重,多动-冲动为主型最轻。  相似文献   

优化信息输入通道改进解剖学课堂教学   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
外界信息必须由感觉器官收集并传入大脑,大脑对输入的信息进行加工,形成人对世界的认识和看法。根据感觉器官的不同,可将信息输入通道具体分为视觉通道,听觉通道,触觉通道,嗅觉通道,味觉通道等。对信息输入通道进行充分优化,是提高课堂教学效果的重要环节。1美化视觉信息激发学生兴趣在所有信息通道中,通过视觉输入的信息量最大。外部世界的信息有83%是通过视觉进入大脑的,11%通过听觉,3.5%通过嗅觉,1.5%通过触觉,1%通过味觉[1-2]。可见视觉通道的输入效率将直接影响课堂教学的质量。人体解剖学作为一门重要的医学基础形态学科,其教学内容具…  相似文献   

音乐治疗对眼底手术病人焦虑的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
目的:在于观察经听觉通道输入音乐对眼底手术病人焦虑状态的影响。方法:实验对象为39名择期进行眼底手术的男性病人,他们被随机地分为实验和对照两组,其中实验组19人,对照组20人,在手术过程中通过耳机给患者输入他们自己选定的音乐、观察焦虑(STAI),抑郁(SDS),视觉模拟焦虑(VAS)和脑电(BI)的变化。结果:实验组STAI,SDS,VAS值与对照组比明显降低,病人的焦虑、抑郁情绪有了明显改善,而脑电的变化没有显著性的差异。结论:音乐治疗可降低择期眼底手术男性病人的焦虑、抑郁与视觉模拟焦虑水平。  相似文献   

诱发电位(EP)是继脑电图和肌电图之后临床神经电生理的第三大进展,在检测神经系统的状态和变化上有重要意义,常常用来协助确定神经系统的可疑病变,检出亚临床病灶,帮助病损定位,监护感觉系统的功能状态.其中,视觉、听觉和部分体感诱发电位已得到广泛应用.本文介绍了外阴诱发电位的相关原理及其应用等.  相似文献   

Both a neuropsychological syndrome (unilateral spatial neglect) and a visual illusion of length (the Brentano version of the Müller-Lyer illusion) bring about a misjudgement of the subjective centre of a horizontal line, with a unilateral shift. In experiment 1 we investigated, in patients with left unilateral neglect, illusory effects of horizontal length, with the aim of exploring the functional and neural basis of horizontal space perception, and the role of visual processing in shaping the patients' bisection performance. Fourteen right-brain-damaged patients with left spatial unilateral neglect, seven with and seven without left visual half-field deficits (assessed by confrontation, perimetry, and visual event-related potentials), entered this study. Two conditions of manual line bisection were assessed: setting the mid-point of a horizontal line, and of the shaft of the Brentano-Müller-Lyer illusion, with either a left- or a right-sided expansion. Both groups of patients set the subjective midpoint to the right of the objective centre of the line, consistent with the presence of left neglect. Patients with neglect and left hemianopia showed no illusory effects and a greater bisection error. The effects of the illusion, by contrast, were fully present in neglect patients without hemianopia, in both illusory conditions, adding to, or subtracting from, the rightward bisection bias. Anatomoclinical correlations revealed an association of damage to the occipital regions with the lack of illusory effects. Conversely, more anterior damage, sparing these regions, did not disrupt the illusion, revealing a dissociation between visual and spatial processing of extension. These findings suggest that processing of the Müller-Lyer illusion of length is likely to occur in the occipital cortex, at a retinotopic level of representation. In neglect patients with left homonymous hemianopia the visual deficit adds to the spatial bias, yielding a greater error in line bisection, but not in other visual exploratory tasks, such as cancellation, where the contribution of retinotopic frames is likely to be comparatively minor. Experiment 2 showed preserved illusory effects in patients with homonymous visual field defects without spatial unilateral neglect, suggesting that preserved spatial processing may compensate for unilateral visual field defects.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, many studies have demonstrated that visuospatial working memory (VSWM) can be divided into separate subsystems dedicated to the retention of visual patterns and their serial order. Impaired VSWM has been suggested to exacerbate left visual neglect in right-brain-damaged individuals. The aim of this study was to investigate the segregation between spatial–sequential and spatial–simultaneous working memory in individuals with neglect. We demonstrated that patterns of results on these VSWM tasks can be dissociated. Spatial–simultaneous and sequential aspects of VSWM can be selectively impaired in unilateral neglect. Our results support the hypothesis of multiple VSWM subsystems, which should be taken into account to better understand neglect-related deficits.  相似文献   

Ko MH  Han SH  Park SH  Seo JH  Kim YH 《Neuroscience letters》2008,448(2):171-174
Previous studies have demonstrated that transcranial direct current (DC) brain polarization can modulate cortical excitability in the human brain. We investigated the effect of anodal DC brain polarization of right parietal cortex on visuospatial scanning in subacute stroke patients with spatial neglect. The patients underwent two neglect tests - figure cancellation and line bisection - before and immediately after anodal DC or sham in a double-blind protocol. Anodal DC was applied to the scalp over the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) with an intensity of 2.0 mA for 20 min. Anodal DC brain polarization, but not sham, led to significant improvement in the both neglect tests. These results document a beneficial effect of DC brain polarization on neglect.  相似文献   

 A previous study on neglect suggested that at least two hand parameters are crucial in producing an amelioration of neglect: the hand (left or right) and the spatial position of the hand (left or right). The improvement observed in perceiving left targets when the left hand acts in the left space can be due either to proprioceptive or to visual cuing. The stimulated left hand located in the left space may act as a powerful visual cue for the enhancement of the left visuo-spatial representation, in the same way as any other visual stimulus presented in the periphery of the visual field. Alternatively, it may be that the perceived hand location (due to the activation of the proprioceptive system) acts as an attentional field able to enhance the representation of the left space. In order to disentangle these two hypotheses, in the present study a naming task was executed by a group of neglect patients and by a control group. The subjects had to name all the objects depicted on a sheet of paper which were reflected on a mirror that inverted right and left space. While doing the naming performance, the subjects passively moved either the right or the left hand, in the left or right space. Stimuli and hand were reflected in the mirror that inverted right and left space and direct view of the stimuli and of the stimulated hand was prevented by a board. The results show that patients were more accurate at naming stimuli reflected in the left side of the mirror when the left hand was located and moved on the left side. In this condition, however, the left hand was seen in the right side of the mirror. It is therefore clear that the better performance was not due to visuo-spatial cuing but to a proprioceptive cuing effect. The results are discussed in terms of the relevance of personal and peripersonal spatial activation in the modulation of extrapersonal visual neglect. The coactivation of different spatial representations seems to be very influential on stimulus coding, thus confirming that spatial awareness is strictly related to the joint activity of multiple brain maps. Received: 14 October 1996 / Accepted: 21 March 1997  相似文献   

Individuals with eating disorders (EDs) often report a history of early traumatization. Although great attention has been paid to certain types of trauma, such as sexual and emotional abuse, less is known about the occurrence of childhood neglect in individuals with EDs. The aim of the present meta-analysis was to provide an estimate of the prevalence of childhood emotional neglect (EN) and physical neglect (PN) in individuals with EDs. A systematic literature search, a critical appraisal of the collected studies, and a meta-analysis were conducted. An electronic search of EMBASE, PsycINFO, PubMed, and the Cochrane Library from the inception of these databases up to July 2015 was performed. The final meta-analyzed data set included 7 studies focusing on EN in EDs (N = 963) and 6 on PN in EDs (N = 665). Our meta-analytic data showed that among individuals with EDs, the prevalence of childhood EN is 53.3%, whereas 45.4% reported experience of childhood PN. These preliminary findings confirm the high prevalence of childhood EN and PN in ED samples compared to the general population and underline the importance of systematically screening for the presence of neglect as a possible traumatic experience in individuals with EDs, as its presence may have important consequences for the therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

We report here on a single neuropsychological case study of a young girl, KH, who presented with Wilson's Disease (WD) associated with a peripheral spatial neglect dysgraphia without major problems in the standard clinical tests of spatial neglect. Few studies have demonstrated a visuospatial deficit in WD and to date there has been no report of neglect syndrome arising from WD. However, recent studies have demonstrated that neglect is frequently associated with brain damage including the primary site of WD, the basal ganglia. KHs writing abilities were evaluated just after her admission to the rehabilitation department and 6 months later. The baseline evaluation demonstrated that KH had neglect dysgraphia with verbal stimuli (e.g., words or sentences) although her deficit was less evident in drawing multiple geometric shapes. Six months after the initial evaluation, KH showed evidence of neglect dysgraphia only when writing was associated with a secondary memory task. KHs writing performance is discussed with reference to previous cases of spatial neglect dysgraphia and in the context of spatial neglect. We suggest that the asymmetry between verbal writing and nonverbal drawing disturbances was caused by different attentional loads.  相似文献   

Effects of illusory spatial anisometry in unilateral neglect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patients with visuospatial neglect tend to underestimate horizontal magnitudes in contralesional space. It has been recently hypothesised that this behaviour might be due to anisometry of space perception, by which horizontal stimuli would be progressively underestimated proceeding from the ipsi towards the contralesional side of space. We investigated the effects of modulating space perception through the Oppel-Kundt illusion (i.e. a filled space is perceived as more expanded than an empty space) on the behaviour of 28 neglect patients and 28 normal subjects. The two groups bisected lines on backgrounds of vertical lines evenly spaced or unevenly spaced, with distances which decreased progressively from one side of the page to the other. On the same backgrounds, they extended segments to the left or to the right so as to double them. Patients also had to cancel targets, the density of which was evenly distributed or horizontally increased from one side of the page to the other. Both groups were prone to the illusion. Neglect bias was modulated by the illusion in the expected direction. It was reduced when the illusion induced a perceptual distortion opposite to that thought to underlie neglect. On bisection and cancellation tasks, illusory effects were greater in patients with higher values of response bias on the Milner Landmark task. These findings, taken together with patients anatomical data, suggest that a modulation of neglect through a visual illusion can normally be induced in patients with relatively intact visual input processes.  相似文献   

Despite decades of research, the question of whether the rapid eye movements (REMs) of paradoxical sleep (PS) are equivalent to waking saccades and whether their direction is congruent with visual spatial events in the dream scene is still very controversial. We gained an insight into these questions through the study of a right brain damaged patient suffering attentional neglect for the left side of space and drop of the optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) with alternating rightward slow/leftward fast phases evoked by rightward optic flow. During PS the patient had frequent Nystagmoid REMs with alternating leftward slow/rightward fast phases and reported dreams with visual events evoking corresponding OKN such as a train running leftward. By contrast, just as in waking OKN, Nystagmoid REMs with alternating rightward slow/leftward fast phases were virtually absent. REMs followed by staring eye position or by consecutive REMs were also observed: these showed no asymmetry comparable to that of Nystagmoid ones. The selective disappearance of Nystagmoid REMs in one horizontal direction proves, for the first time, that in humans different types of REMs exists and that these are driven by different premotor mechanisms. Concomitant drop of OKN and Nystagmoid REMs toward the same horizontal direction demonstrates that phylogenetically ancient oculomotor mechanisms, such as the OKN, are shared by waking and PS. On this evidence and converging findings from animal, neuropsychological and brain imaging studies, a new evolutionary account of dream bizarreness is proposed. Classification and labelling of the different types of REMs are also provided.  相似文献   

Left unilateral neglect is a neurological condition characterized by an impairment in orienting and responding to events occurring on the left side. To gain insight into the brain mechanisms of space processing and to provide theoretical foundations for patient rehabilitation, it is important to explore the attentional bias shown by neglect patients in the light of existing models of normal attentional orienting. Three experiments tested the hypothesis that attentional bias in neglect involves primarily exogenous, or stimulus-based, orienting of attention, with relatively preserved endogenous, or voluntary, orienting. Six patients with right hemisphere damage and left unilateral neglect and 18 age-matched participants without brain damage performed a cued reaction time (RT) task to targets which could appear in one of two lateral boxes. Cues consisted of a brief brightening of the contour of one of the boxes. The target followed the cue at 150, 550, or 1000 ms stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA). In experiment 1, the cues were not informative about the future location of the target, and thus elicited a purely exogenous orienting of attention. Controls showed slowed RTs to the cued locations at SOAs > 150 ms, consistent with the notion of inhibition of return (IOR). Neglect patients had no evidence of IOR for right targets; they showed a disproportionate cost for left targets preceded by right (invalid) cues; this cost was maximal at the shortest SOA, consistent with the idea of a biased exogenous orienting in neglect. In experiment 2, 80% of the cues were valid (i.e., they correctly predicted the location of the impending target), thus inducing an initially exogenous, and later endogenous, attentional shift toward the cued box. Neglect patients showed again a cost for left invalidly cued targets, which this time persisted at SOAs > 150 ms, as if patients' attention had been cued to the right side not only exogenously, but also endogenously, thus rendering more difficult an endogenous reorienting toward the left. In experiment 3, only 20% of the cues were valid, so that the best response strategy was to endogenously orient attention toward the box opposite to the cued one. Controls were able to take advantage of invalid cues to rapidly respond to targets. In this condition, neglect patients were able to nullify their spatial bias; they achieved their fastest RTs to left targets, which were in the range of their RTs to right targets. However, for neglect patients fast responses to left targets occurred only at 1000 ms SOA, while controls were able to redirect their attention to the uncued box already at 550 ms SOA. Altogether, these results suggest that endogenous orienting is relatively spared, if slowed, in unilateral neglect. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

To investigate whether the expression of visual extinction is dependent upon the contralesional low saliency existing in neglect, we tested stroke patients with neglect and extinction, as well as normal controls, on detection of a peripheral Gabor patch, while a competing patch was presented simultaneously on the other side. To compensate for uneven saliency we set the contrast level relative to the detection threshold on each side. Patients showed contralesional extinction even for stimuli set at threshold level. They differed from controls in their sensitivity to changes in relative contrast between sides, showing stronger tendency for extinction and requiring much higher contrast increments in the target patch in order to eliminate extinction. The differences between normal and pathological extinction, shown despite compensation for contralesional perceptual attenuation due to neglect, suggest an additional extinction-specific deficit related to an abnormal interplay between the bilaterally presented stimuli. These findings have important theoretical implications concerning the relationship between neglect and extinction. They demonstrate that the hypothetical ‘attentional gradient’, taken to explain reduced saliency of stimuli in the neglected side, cannot fully account for the phenomenon of extinction.  相似文献   

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