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青海省中小学生肠道寄生虫感染的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 明确我省中小学生肠道寄生虫病的分布流行现状,为制定防治措施提供科学依据。方法 采用卢戈氏碘液片法检查肠道原虫;改良加藤氏厚涂片法检查蠕虫卵;肛周透明胶纸肛拭法检查蛲虫卵(12岁以下儿童);试管滤纸培养法检查线虫幼虫。结果 调查20个县(市)32个调查点中的3485名中小学生,寄生虫总感染率为58.77%。男、女感染率分别为59.24%,蛲虫25.04%,鞭虫0.92%,结肠内阿米巴7.12%。蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫5.65%,溶组织内阿米巴0.52%,哈氏内阿米巴0.34%,微小内蜒阿米巴3.53%,布氏嗜碘阿米巴0.89%,人芽囊原3.07%。海东农业区学生感染最高(69.53%),青南牧区最低(37.40%)。感染2种以上寄生虫者占22.95%。  相似文献   

目的 了解百色市人体重点寄生虫病的流行现状和态势。方法 按照《广西人体重点寄生虫病现状调查实施细则》的要求,选取百色市2个县的3 个调查点开展土源性线虫病( 包括钩虫病、蛔虫病、鞭虫病、蛲虫病) 、带绦虫病、华支睾吸虫病和肠道原虫病的调查。每个调查点调查不少于250 人,共调查800 人。采集监测对象粪便标本,采用改良加藤厚涂片(Kato-Katz法),对受检者进行粪检(一粪两检),检查土源性线虫、带绦虫、华支睾吸虫等蠕虫虫卵并计数;土源性线虫调查点加做钩蚴试管滤纸培养法,检查并鉴定粪样中的十二指肠钩虫和美洲钩虫;采用碘液涂片法查肠道原虫包囊或滋养体;透明胶纸肛拭法查蛲虫卵。结果 百色市肠道寄生虫感染者130人,总感染率为16.25%,共检出肠道寄生虫7 种,包括线虫4 种,吸虫1 种,原虫2 种。其中钩虫、蛔虫、鞭虫、蛲虫、华支睾吸虫、结肠内阿米巴、蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫感染率分别为5.38%、3.13%、6.75%、0.50%、0.25%、0.38%、0.38%。土源性线虫占肠道寄生虫感染人数的93.85%。结论 相比百色市第1次、第2次全国人体寄生虫调查和广西少数民族地区寄生虫感染调查的结果,百色市人群寄生虫感染率呈下降趋势。感染人群的分布存在地区间的差异。土源性线虫病是防治的重点,特别是农村地区,少数民族居住地,经济欠发达地区,中小学生和学龄前儿童是以后宣传教育工作的主要对象。  相似文献   

目的:了解开封市郊居民肠道寄生虫感染现状并与1988年全国调查结果作对比。方法:采用碘液直接涂片法和改良抗酸染色法查肠道原虫;改良加藤法查肠道蠕虫。结果:调查居民912人中,查出肠道寄生虫感染者316人,感染率为34.65%。查出寄生虫11种,其中原虫8种,线虫3种。人群各种寄生虫感染率为:溶组织内阿米巴0.55%、结肠内阿米巴0.88%、哈氏内阿米巴0.11%、微小内蜒阿米巴0.99%、布氏嗜碘阿米巴0.22%、贾第虫7.24%、人芽囊原虫2.52%、隐孢子虫0.22%、蛔虫21.60%、钩虫1.32%和鞭虫0.77%。结论:该地人群肠道寄生虫感染率由1988年的64.97%下降为34.65%,可见人群寄生虫病调查和防治工作的开展,为控制寄生虫病的流行起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

目的 了解云南省人体肠道原虫感染现状。方法 采用分层整群随机抽样方法,选取10个调查县20个调查点5 067人进行调查。采集粪便标本,使用卢戈氏碘液涂片法检查肠道原虫包囊,生理盐水涂片法检查滋养体。应用SPSS 22.0 软件进行统计学分析, 感染率通过χ2检验进行比较。结果 肠道原虫感染率为3.37%(171例)。共检出7种肠道原虫,分别是人芽囊原虫(1.76%)、哈门氏内阿米巴(0.77%)、微小内蜓阿米巴(0.32%)、溶组织内阿米巴(0.26%)、结肠内阿米巴(0.16%)、布氏嗜碘阿米巴(0.08%)、蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫(0.02%),混合感染率为0.12%(6例)。男、女性感染率分别为3.10%和3.63%,差异无统计学意义(P=0.294)。感染者中以医务人员感染率(20.83%)最高,其次为待业人员(9.30%),不同职业人群肠道原虫感染率差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。独龙族人群肠道原虫感染率(8.21%),纳西族次之(7.69%),不同民族肠道原虫感染率差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。最高感染率主要分布于藏东-川西生态区(5.90%)和藏东南-滇桂粤南部生态区(5.01%),不同生态区肠道原虫感染率差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。香格里拉县最高(10.02%),其次为麻栗坡县(5.74%),不同县(市、区)原虫感染率差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。中等经济水平感染率最高(4.50%),不同经济水平类型地区肠道原虫感染率差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论 云南省人体肠道原虫感染率较高,建议有计划的开展健康教育,加强防治知识的宣传,提高群众自我健康保护意识。  相似文献   

In a controlled study 67.5% of 200 homosexual men but only 16% of 100 heterosexual men were found to be infected with intestinal parasites. Entamoeba histolytica was isolated from 27% of the homosexual and 1% of the heterosexual men, and Giardia lamblia was isolated from 13% of the homosexual and 3% of the heterosexual men. The presence of symptoms could not be correlated with infection except when the infection was caused by more than one organism, including G. lamblia. Symptoms were much more common in both infected and uninfected homosexuals than in heterosexuals. Among the homosexual men recent foreign travel, living in a homosexual household and promiscuity were not correlated with intestinal parasitic infection, but cleansing of the anus before and sex was associated with a significantly lower prevalence of infection. These findings suggest that the male homosexual community may be an important reservoir of potentially pathogenic protozoa.  相似文献   

胡缨  卢作超  石焕焕 《中国热带医学》2012,12(11):1382-1383,1395
目的 了解医院就诊患者肠道寄生虫感染情况及临床特点,为健康状态的评估和采取有效防控措施提供依据.方法 对2010~2011年39 671例在广西医科大学第一附属医院就诊患者进行肠道寄生虫的病原学检查,并分析阳性患者的感染情况.结果 共查出感染者5 751例,总感染率为14.50%.检出8种寄生虫,感染率分别为华支睾吸虫5.96%、蛔虫0.45%、鞭虫0.24%、钩虫2.46%、溶组织内阿米巴0.82%、人芽囊原虫3.91%、蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫0.65%、人毛滴虫0.09%.男性感染率为16.78%,女性为10.77%,男性显著高于女性(P<0.001); 30~岁组感染率最高,为24.19%;感染者大多有不良饮食习惯和或卫生习惯;感染者临床表现复杂多样、无特异性.结论 医院就诊患者土源性线虫感染率较低,但华支睾吸虫和人芽囊原虫感染率较高,是今后防治的重点,除早期诊断和药物治疗患者外,还应加强宣教工作力度,提高人群的疾病预防意识.  相似文献   

目的 通过分析肠道原虫感染资料,了解济市宁儿童肠道原虫感染现状,探讨肠道原虫感染率的变化趋势。方法 采用回顾性研究方法,数据统计处理采用计算相对比和x^2检验分析。结果 (1)108795例受检中,肠道原虫感染8920例,感染率为8.21%;(2)共发现肠道原虫8种,其中蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫、人毛滴虫、结肠内阿米巴、溶组织内阿米巴为主要感染虫种,占原虫总感染人数的96.06%,其感染率依次为5.15%、1.25%、0.9%、0.5%;(3)肠道原虫感染率总体呈逐年递增趋势,由1981—1982年的5.31%增至1999~2000年的12.2%,其中蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫增幅最大,结肠内阿米巴和溶组织内阿米巴次之,但近5年来递增速度明显变缓,并且原虫多重感染的数量明显减少;(4)肠道原虫感染率夏秋季明显高于冬春季。结论 肠道原虫感染率呈逐年递增趋势,虽近年来增势趋缓,但感染率仍居高不下。  相似文献   

河南省人体肠道原虫感染状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解河南省人体肠道寄生原虫的防治效果,掌握其流行现状,为全省下一步防治规划的制定提供科学依据。方法按照《全国人体重要寄生虫病现状调查方案》的要求,抽取16个县(市)48个调查点进行肠道寄生原虫调查。结果全省调查24348人,发现肠道原虫感染者1609人,阳性率6.61%(1609/24348),低于10年前调查的感染率20.43%。检出人体肠道原虫11种,其中兰氏贾第鞭毛虫感染率最高,为2.55%(620/24348),迈氏唇鞭毛虫感染率最低,为0.004%(1/24348);10~年龄组感染率最高,为7.95%(277/3485);豫南丘陵片区感染率最高为15.88%(483/3042),南阳盆地感染率最低为2.67%(81/3038)。结论河南省肠道寄生原虫感染率较10年前显著下降,应继续开展以驱治肠道寄生虫感染为主的防治工作。  相似文献   

闫涵  刘晴  堵舒桐  李海龙 《中国热带医学》2021,21(12):1154-1159
目的 了解云南大理在校大学生蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫、人芽囊原虫、毕氏微孢子虫的感染情况,为青少年肠道寄生原虫病的防治工作提供参考依据。方法 采集426份云南大理在校大学生粪便样本,提取DNA,根据设计的引物序列进行PCR扩增,通过测序和序列比对,确定其基因型并构建遗传进化树。应用软件SPSS 19.0进行统计学分析。结果 426份在校大学生粪便样本中PCR扩增出25份阳性样本,3种原虫感染率分别为:蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫4.23%(18/426)、人芽囊原虫1.41%(6/426)、毕氏微孢子虫0.23%(1/426);蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫感染率在不同性别、民族之间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),来自农村的学生感染率5.57%显著高于城镇学生0.83%(P<0.05);人芽囊原虫感染率在不同性别之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),少数民族感染率1.99%略高于汉族感染率0.57%,但不同民族、生源地之间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。经鉴定蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫、人芽囊原虫、毕氏微孢子虫的基因型分别为AⅠ亚型、ST1型、EbpC型,且均为人兽共患基因型。结论 大理在校大学生存在蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫、人芽囊原虫、毕氏微孢子虫感染,具备潜在的传播风险。学校应加强对青少年学生的卫生宣传教育,培养学生养成良好卫生习惯,提高学生自我保健能力。  相似文献   

目的 为建立清洁级子午沙鼠种群奠定基础,为制定子午沙鼠寄生虫检测标准提供参考依据。方法 对封闭群子午沙鼠寄生虫感染情况进行调查研究,选择胺菊·氯菊酯、吡喹酮、替硝唑三种药物,分为高、中、低剂量对子午沙鼠用药,观察子午沙鼠体内外寄生虫驱除情况。结果 在子午沙鼠体内检出鼠三毛滴虫和短膜壳绦虫两种体内寄生虫,体外寄生虫有鼠肉螨。高、中、低剂量组能不同程度杀死子午沙鼠体表食肉螨,鼠肉螨用1%的胺菊·氯菊酯药浴子午沙鼠三次即可驱除子午沙鼠体表的鼠肉螨,有螨动物只数为零。吡喹酮中剂量组(31 mg/kg)有完全杀死子午沙鼠体内短膜壳绦虫的作用,且为最佳给药剂量。替硝唑中剂量组(42 mg/kg)为净化子午沙鼠体内鼠三毛滴虫的最佳剂量。结论 现有的子午沙鼠体内有鼠三毛滴虫和短膜壳绦虫感染,体外有鼠肉螨寄生,三种抗寄生虫药物具有选择性驱除这些寄生虫的作用。  相似文献   

目的了解小白鼠体内寄生虫感染情况以及寄生关系。方法采用解剖法取小白鼠肠道内容物于光镜下检测。结果共检出肠道寄生虫4种:微小膜壳绦虫、管状线虫、四翼无刺线虫和鼠贾弟鞭毛虫,并且以混合感染为主。结论贾弟鞭毛虫与其它3种寄生虫之间共生;微小膜壳绦虫与管状线虫之间竞争;微小膜壳绦虫与四翼无刺线虫之间竞争;管状线虫与四翼无刺线虫之间共栖。  相似文献   

Information about intestinal parasites in Hawaii and the Pacific is not current. We reviewed reports on fecal samples obtained from two laboratories and found recovery rates of 9.3% in Hawaii, 14.2% in Saipan, 18% in Rota and 9.5% in Guam. The most frequently identified parasites were Blastocystis hominis (7.6%), Giardia lamblia (1.2%), and Entamoeba coli (0.7%). Although the incidence and types of organisms have changed with time, physicians in Hawaii should continue looking for intestinal parasites.  相似文献   

A random survey of 680 dwellings was undertaken to determine the prevalence and mode of transmission of Giardia intestinalis in Mount Isa. Of the population, 4.5% were shown to have cysts in their stools; the highest prevalence rate of 12.0% occurred in children aged one to five years. Epidemiological studies strongly suggest that the disease, which is endemic in the city, is being transmitted by hand-to-mouth contamination; schools, preschools, kindergartens and play groups are important foci of transmission. No evidence was found that the parasite was being brought into the city from outside, or that people were acquiring it from water or domestic pets. Symptoms consistent with giardiasis were more commonly present in children than in adults. Approximately two-thirds of infected persons were asymptomatic. The diagnosis of giardiasis as based on symptoms alone was inadequate, although more likely to be correct in children than in adults.  相似文献   

Etiology of diarrhea among travelers and foreign residents in Nepal   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A bacterial pathogen was isolated from 47% of 328 expatriate patients with diarrhea seen at two medical clinics in Nepal in 1986. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (24%), Shigella (14%), and Campylobacter species (9%) were isolated most frequently. Enteroinvasive and adherence factor-positive E coli were isolated from 2% and 1% of patients, respectively. Giardia lamblia was detected in 12% of patients, rotavirus in 8%, and Cryptosporidium and Entamoeba histolytica each in 5%. Blastocystis hominis was present in 33% of patients but in only 9% of those who took trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. More than one enteropathogen was detected in 17% of patients. Patients with prolonged symptoms (longer than two weeks) were more likely to have Giardia (27%) and less likely to have Shigella (5%) than were patients with acute symptoms. The isolation rates of bacterial pathogens decreased with length of stay in Nepal. A wide variety of enteropathogens were detected in travelers to Nepal, and Shigella and protozoa were particularly important. Length of time abroad and duration of symptoms were important diagnostic considerations.  相似文献   

目的 掌握青海省回族人群肠道寄生虫分布状况,为防治计划的制订提供依据。方法按全国人体寄生虫分布调查实施细则的要求和方法进行抽样和调查。结果 在青海省西宁市、化隆县、民和县和平安县的7个调查点共检2035人,人群肠道寄生虫总感染率为58.72%;检出寄生虫13种,其中蠕虫5种,原虫8种,以蛔虫、蛲虫和贾第虫流行为主。结论 青海省回族人群肠道寄生虫感染十分严重,其分布随性别、年龄和职业各不相同,以女性、5~14岁儿童和学生感染为重;地区分布中三个农业县的感染率显著高于西宁市。  相似文献   

目的:了解海口市部分小学生肠道寄生虫的感染状况.方法:用一次性粪盒收集受检查的新鲜粪便,依次用生理盐水直接涂片法、饱和盐水和碘液染色法制片、光学显微镜下镜检.结果:共检查粪便标本535份,有315份粪便阳性,阳性率为58.88%;线虫3种,原虫4种,即鞭片、蛔虫、钩虫、结肠内阿米巴、蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫、溶组织内阿米巴、人芽囊原虫、检出率依次为47.48%、23.55%、0.56%、1.50%、1.50%、0.75%、0.37%,其中男性检出率为59.59%,女性检出率为58.02%,无显著性差异(P>0.05);城、乡检出率依次为51.28%、69.51%,有高度显著性差异(P<0.01);学前班、一年级、二年级、三年级、四年级、五年级、六年级检出率依次为75.00%、60.94%、71.74%、54.76%、63.22%、44.90%、44.83%,有高度显著性差异(P<0.01).结论:海口市小学生肠道寄生虫感染率较高,多见于农村,多寄生现象较为普遍,有随年级增长检出率降低趋势.  相似文献   

A case of severely symptomatic giardiasis in a school for the mentally retarded prompted an epidemiologic survey of the institution. The rate of parasitic infection in the children were just under 50%. Multiple infections were common and one child harboured five different protozoa. The yield included known pathogens (Giardia lamblia, Metorchis conjunctus and Diphyllobothrium sp.), protozoa of potential pathogenicity (Dientamoeba fragilis) and other protozoa, the significance of which has yet to be determined. The prevalence of G. lamblia in the index ward was significantly higher than in a control ward matched for age and mobility of the children. The epidemiologic data suggested person-to-person transmission of G. lamblia within the institution. Recommendations for the control of protozoal intestinal infections in custodial institutions are presented.  相似文献   

Intestinal parasites of importance to man are Enterobius vermicularis, the soil-transmitted helminthes (STH)--Ascaris lumbricoides Tricburis trichiura, bookworms (Necator americans/Ancylostoma duodenale) and Strongyloides stercoralis and the protozoa Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia duodenalis. Other protozoa such as Cryptosporidium sp. and Isopora sp. are becoming important in causing prolonged diarrhea in immunocompromised patients. It is estimated that almost 1 billion, 500 million and 900 million people worldwide are infected by the major nematode species--A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura and hookworms respectively. Most of the infections are endemic and widely distributed throughout poor and socio-economically deprived communities in the tropics and subtropics. Environmental, socio-economic, demographic and health-related behavior is known to influence the transmission and distribution of these infections. In giardiasis, one study indicates that age < or = 12 years and the presence of family members infected with Giardia were risk factors for infection. Most of the infections occur in children and both genders are equally affected. Epidemiological studies of STH infections have shown that the prevalence and intensity of infection are highest among children 4-15 years of age. The frequency of distribution of STH infections is over-dispersed and highly aggregated. areas reinfection can occur as early as 2 months post-treatment, and by 4 months, almost half of the population treated become reinfected. By 6 months the intensity of infection was similar to pretreatment level.  相似文献   

目的:了解本市副县级以上领导干部所患心血管疾病现状及有关危险因素。方法:646例干部作观察组,71例教师为对照组,通过病史、物理检查及必要的实验室检查,最后进行综合分析、诊断及统计学处理。结果:观察组与对照组比较,高血压病(包括临界高血压)、超体重、高脂血症明显高于教师组,两组比较有差异及显著差异。结论:观察组的高血压病(包括临界高血压)及冠心病患病率远远超出近年来国人统计的118%及6%左右的标准。超体重及高脂血症已超出被检人员的二分之一及接近二分之一。糖尿病也已超出我国新近报道的国人25%~3%范围。观察组之患病率较高可能与生活方式有关。  相似文献   

Value of stool examination in patients with diarrhoea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Findings of stool examinations in 1593 patients with diarrhoea due to a single enteric pathogen--enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli rotavirus, Shigella, Campylobacter jejuni, Vibrio cholerae 0:1, Entamoeba histolytica, or Giardia lamblia--were reviewed to determine how well they predicted the agent associated with the diarrhoea. Specimens were examined visually for blood and mucus, tested for pH, and examined under a microscope for the presence of red and white blood cells, parasites, and stool fat. Although visible blood was more common in specimens from patients infected with Shigella (51%) and Ent histolytica (39%) than in those from patients infected with other agents (6%; p less than 0.01), patients infected with Shigella were most likely to have numerous faecal leucocytes (greater than 50/high power field: 39% v 8% of all patients and 7% of patients infected with Ent histolytica, p less than 0.01 in both cases). Patients infected with enterotoxigenic E coli, rotavirus, V cholerae 0:1, or C jejuni had loose stools with fewer red or white cells. Patients infected with rotavirus and C jejuni were more likely to have acid stools with 3 to 4+ fat, but these findings were related to young age and breast feeding. Stool examination is most useful in establishing a diagnosis of dysentery and in helping to distinguish between patients infected with Shigella and Ent histolytica; it is of limited usefulness in discriminating between pathogens causing watery diarrhoea.  相似文献   

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