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目的了解贵州省普安县村医工作满意度水平,分析影响因素。方法 2010年1月对贵州省黔西南布依族苗族自治州普安县149名村医进行工作满意度自填式问卷调查。结果村医工作总满意度得分(3.44±0.62)分;福利与收入、工作条件、工作本身得分分别为(2.76±0.76)、(2.92±0.80)、(3.32±0.70)分,低于总满意度得分(P<0.01);医疗服务工作负担、在岗培训机会、获奖励晋升、医疗服务劳务补偿标准、村医医疗保险、医疗药品、工作成效等单项满意度能预测总满意度,偏回归系数分別为0.16、0.21、0.19、0.12、0.12、0.08、0.09(P<0.01);在岗培训机会、领导肯定村医工作、社会福利、完成工作任务、月收入和性别对总满意度有影响,OR值分别为32.48、31.70、8.20、5.72、5.55、4.32;卡克斯-史奈尔决定系数为0.53;模型χ2检验值为112.36(P<0.01)。结论村医工作总满意度水平较低;在岗培训机会对总满意度影响最大,其他依次为领导肯定村医工作、社会福利、完成工作任务、月收入和性別。 相似文献
S H Lee M C Lee M S Lee 《Asia-Pacific journal of public health / Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health》1991,5(4):331-338
This study sought to examine job and life satisfaction among rural public health nurses in Taiwan. All 339 public health nurses working in 31 aboriginal townships and on three offshore Islands were surveyed through a malled questionnaire to them. The survey results showed that the public health nurses were moderately satisfied with jobs and lives in general. Areas of greatest job satisfaction included relationships with community residents and with coworkers. Areas of least job satisfaction included salary and benefits, health resources available to them, and their abilities to remain knowledgeable. It is suggested that public health administrators and government legislators take immediate and effective actions to increase the economic incentives and to provide more on the job training programs for rural public health nurses. 相似文献
This study reports on job satisfaction from a survey of 132 home health aides using Locke's Action Tendency Interview Schedule. The major findings were that respondents who had been employed in home health care for five years or less were more satisfied than those who had been working in the area for a longer period and that there were no differences in job satisfaction by age. 相似文献
目的了解基层公共卫生人员心身健康状况及影响因素,为提高其健康水平和工作质量提供科学依据。方法应用中国心身健康量表,采用分层整群抽样的方式,抽取胶州、嘉祥、兖州和邹城疾病预防控制中心及下属防保站的公共卫生人员584名进行问卷调查。结果基层公共卫生人员心身障碍发生率为39.43%,其中最高为骨骼系统14.17%,其次为神经系统12.73%;呼吸系统、心血管系统、焦虑、抑郁、精神病性5项因子评分小于全国常模;运用二分类Logistic逐步回归分析显示,从事本行业年限的增加是引起眼和耳疾病的危险性因素(OR=1.067),职务的增高是导致心血管系统(OR=1.878)、消化系统(OR=1.675)、精神病性(OR=1.841)疾患的危险性因素;核心家庭(OR=0.136)、扩展家庭(OR=0.143)是降低抑郁发生的保护性因素。结论相关部门应采取综合措施,从工作和家庭环境等方面入手,提高基层公共卫生人员的心身健康水平。 相似文献
David Armstrong MB MSc PhD FFPHM FRCGP Abdollah Tavabie MD MRCGP Sandra Johnston RGN SEN 《Health & social care in the community》1994,2(5):279-282
A questionaire survey of practice nurses was carried out in a health district. Sixty-three out of 86 nurses responded. In choosing a job in general practice, nurses were leaving the hierarchy of hospital nursing and looking forward to more autonomy and teamwork. However, the latter aspiration did not seem to be realized and a considerable proportion of nurses perceived poor support from their general practitioner (GP) colleagues. This study suggests that practice nurses seem to be involved more in task substitution rather than teamwork, despite conventional GP rhetoric in support of the latter. 相似文献
目的 调查四川省公共卫生机构高层次卫生技术人员工作满意度现况,了解其工作现况的评价和诉求,为高层次卫技人员政策的制定调整提供参考。方法 根据分层抽样原则,选取四川省内9个地市州中的89家公共卫生机构的309名高层次卫生技术人员,进行问卷调查与现场访谈。结果 四川省公共卫生机构高层次人员工作满意度总体一般,得分为39.01±6.79分,博士学历、中级职称、31~40岁与工作年限10年以下四类人群工作满意度欠佳。各维度中工作成就满意度最高,薪酬水平满意度最低。结论 四川省公共卫生机构高层次卫生技术人员工作满意度总体尚可,薪酬待遇是影响工作积极性的重要因素,今后应当在薪酬福利和人员配套政策上应当给予高层次骨干人员更多照顾与关注,以求提高他们的工作热情,保障高层次卫技人员队伍稳定性。 相似文献
J L Brown P A Adams D L Kaltreider L S Sims 《Journal of the American Dietetic Association》1990,90(1):59-64
We surveyed 218 county extension agents, 75 state extension specialists, 163 public health nutritionists, and 87 public health administrators in 16 states to compare the nutrition program characteristics of extension personnel with public health personnel. Public health personnel were most strongly influenced by funding regulations--more than 80% of public health nutritionists cited infant/preschool nutrition and nutrition for pregnant/lactating women as program topics. About half of the extension agents listed food preservation and preparation as the dominant topics provided. Public health personnel most frequently designed programs for pregnant and lactating women and low-income clientele; 91% of the nutritionists ranked one-to-one counseling as one of their three most important delivery methods. Extension personnel designed programs more often for homemakers/adults and youth and ranked a combination of group and media delivery methods as most important. Public health personnel use anthropometric measures and food intake records to evaluate their programs; extension personnel use written questionnaires and program records. More than 50% of the nutritionists ranked improving the health of their clients as one of the three most important impacts of their programs; more than 50% of the extension agents ranked increasing knowledge and improving skills as their most important impacts. 相似文献
A postal questionnaire was sent to a stratified random sample of 33.6% (556 out of 1655) of health workers representing five occupational groups in the Ratnapura Health Region, Sri Lanka, to discover their intensity of job satisfaction. The overall response rate was 60.3% (335 out of 556), being highest among the nurses (P < 0.01) and lowest among the medical practitioners (P < 0.001). Of the respondents, 70.0% (237 out of 335) were generally satisfied with the occupational environment. For 14.8% (26 out of 175) of the minor employees it was ‘excellent most of the time’ and for 19.6% (11 out of 56) of midwives it was extremely uncongenial. The immediate supervisor was described as ‘fair at all times’ by 50.4% (169 out of 335); being 61.7% (108 out of 175) among the minor employees and 21.4% (8 out of 37) among the nurses. Community relationships were described as ‘satisfactory’ by 46.5% (156 out of 335); this being 26.3% (88 out of 175) among the minor employees and 56.2% (18 out of 32) among the middle technical officers. The fellow workers were described as co-operative by 34.1% (114 out of 335) and as ‘all right’ by 34.9% (117 out of 335). Thirty seven per cent (124 out of 335) declared that their personal problems were not affecting their work and 20% (67 out of 335) gave the reply as ‘absolutely no’. The latter reply was highest among the medical practitioners (28.6% or 10 out of 35) and nurses (27.0% or 10 out of 37) respectively. About the factors affecting work, more medical practitioners (57.1% or 20 out of 35) and nurses (67.6% or 25 out of 37) were concerned about staff shortages; more middle technical officers (40.6% or 13 out of 32) and minor employees (37.7% or 66 out of 175) were worried about inadequate incentives and more midwives (50.0% or 28 out of 56) and minor employees (34.8% or 61 out of 175) were not happy with their poor pay. The health department was described as ‘decidedly the best of all government departments’ by 43.3% (76 out of 175) of the minor employees and as ‘better than most other government departments’ by 56.8% (21 out of 37) of the nurses, while 54.4% (19 out of 35) of the medical practitioners failed to find any differences between the health sector and other government sectors. The majority (62.1%) have expressed job satisfaction. Respondents' views on occupational environment, immediate supervisor, community relationships, personal problems and key factors affecting work performance were very significantly diverse among the difference occupations (P < 0.001). 相似文献
The study examined the effects of occupational stressors, perceived locus of control, Type A behaviour pattern and use of coping strategies on well-being and job satisfaction of 1,176 health service employees. Several stressors were identified as having a negative impact on health and job satisfaction although these differed between the various occupational groups included in the study. The interactionist model of stress used in the study, and the diagnostic tool used (the Occupational Stress Indicator) proved to be useful in suggesting means of intervening to reduce ill health and increase job satisfaction among health service employees. 相似文献
Few data exist about perceptions regarding the etiology of foodborne illness. Among public health staff throughout Tennessee, the three pathogens most commonly believed to cause foodborne illness in the United States actually account for only 12% of disease. Fewer than 3% of respondents correctly identified the leading cause of foodborne illness. 相似文献
Despite the growing literature on health care quality, few patient satisfaction studies have focused upon the public health setting; where many Hispanic patients receive care. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in satisfaction between English and Spanish-speaking patients in a local health department clinical setting. We conducted a paper-based satisfaction survey of patients that visited any of the seven Jefferson County Department of Health primary care centers from March 19 to April 19, 2008. Using Chi-squared analyses we found 25% of the Spanish-speaking patients reported regularly having problems getting an appointment compared to 16.8% among English-speakers (p < .001). Results of logistic regression analyses indicated that, despite the availability of interpreters at all JCDH primary care centers, differences in satisfaction existed between Spanish and English speaking patients controlling for center location, purpose of visit, and time spent waiting. Specifically, Spanish speaking patients were more likely to report problems getting an appointment and less likely to report having their medical problems resolved when leaving their visit as compared to those who spoke English. Findings presented herein may provide insight regarding the quality of care received, specifically regarding patient satisfaction in the public health setting. 相似文献
J A Vermeersch M J Feeney K M Wesner T Dahl 《Journal of the American Dietetic Association》1979,75(6):637-640
A workshop for public health nutritionists which scrutinized ways to improve productivity and job satisfaction is reported. Participants believed that productivity could be improved most by improving the execution of tasks, followed by better planning of programs, office management, and skills in group education, and by delegation of non-professional activities to lesser-trained personnel. Job satisfaction of public health nutritionists could be increased by reducing stress and discomfort and promoting feelings of personal effectiveness and efficiency through role clarification and by management training. There is a large potential for greater productivity in the profession. Realization of this potential will contribute measurably to the cost-effectiveness of nutritional services. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to identify the contributors to job satisfaction of hospital chief executive officers (CEOs) using a multidimensional approach of demographic characteristics. environmental traits, and person environment fit traits. By analyzing the concept of hospital executive job satisfaction in a multidimensional approach, a more comprehensive model of the most salient determinants of job satisfaction was developed. CEOs ranked their performance highest on employee and staff relations and managerial team building and lowest on information management systems. The results of this study can be used to better understand the intricacies and uniqueness of being a hospital CEO as well as the professional and personal requirements of success. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To assess job satisfaction and work impact among providers of a mental health service and their potential association with sociodemographic and job-related variables. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 321 employees of a long-stay mental health service in Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, in 2005. The following instruments were applied: the WHO Mental Health Services Satisfaction and Work Impact scales, and a questionnaire on sociodemographic and job features. Variable associations were analysed using the Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Chi-square tests and multiple linear regression. RESULTS: The mean score of satisfaction was 3.29 (SD=0.64) and the mean score for work impact was 1.77 (SD=0.62). Of all respondents, 61.8% reported a moderate level of satisfaction. Job satisfaction was positively associated with increasing age, lower schooling, being a non-governmental organization employee, developing non-patient-related activities, being involved in an innovative project. The highest levels of work impact were observed among civil servants, young people and females. CONCLUSIONS: Most features associated to the lowest levels of job satisfaction were associated to the highest levels of work impact. Despite the moderate level of satisfaction among providers, there is an evident need for policy changes, mainly those related to increasing availability of supplies and human resources and building restoration. 相似文献
L M Randall J W Bryce M J Bertler R S Pope D W Lawrenchuk 《Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)》1993,108(1):127-131
Knowledge and attitudes related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the use of the universal precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were investigated among 807 State and 2,797 local public health personnel in Michigan in September 1989. Survey results indicated that the majority of respondents were well-informed regarding the major routes of HIV transmission, but many respondents hold misconceptions regarding nonviable routes of transmission and about policies on HIV counseling and testing. Respondents reporting occupational exposure to blood or semen reported inconsistent use of universal precautions. Most respondents believed in providing the same quality of care for those with HIV infection as for noninfected persons. However, 32.4 percent believed that they should have the right to refuse treatment, and 9.4 percent reported that they would not be willing to provide routine public health services to an HIV-infected client. The results of this research suggest that in Michigan, public health personnel are in need of HIV education that focuses on the correction of misconceptions about HIV transmission, counseling, and testing policies; the development of appropriate attitudes toward persons infected with HIV; and the appropriate use of universal precautions. Findings also suggest that inadequate protective equipment is an important barrier to the consistent use of universal precautions. 相似文献