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目的 探讨我国影像学研究的特点,了解我国影像学研究的现状及其与国外影像学研究特点的异同.方法 根据《2012年度中国科技核心期刊目录》,用档案学的方法回顾性统计我国15种影像学综合类核心期刊2011年10月至2012年10月发表的论著,并根据研究所使用的影像手段、研究部位、研究类型、样本量和研究设计进行论文分类.同时统计Radiology及European Radiology(ER)同期发表的论著,按以上项目进行分类,并采用x2检验比较国内外论文构成的异同.结果 国内影像学论著共2784篇,使用最多的影像手段是CT(1093篇,39.3%),其次是MRI(824篇,29.6%)和介入(402篇,14.4%);Radiology和ER中论著共560篇,使用最多的影像手段是MRI(265篇,47.3%),其次为CT(170篇,30.4%)和联合采用多种方法(63篇,11.3%).国内期刊中临床研究所占比例最大(2572篇,92.4%),基础研究类论著115篇(4.1%),基础与临床结合的论著为9篇(0.3%),其他类型论著88篇(3.2%);研究的样本量≤10、11~50和≥51者,分别为374篇(13.4%)、1448篇(52.0%)及847篇(30.4%);前瞻性研究论文339篇(12.2%),回顾性研究论文1211篇(43.5%).国外期刊临床研究型达515篇(92.0%),基础研究类论著39篇(7.0%),基础与临床结合的论著为3篇(0.5%),其他类型论著3篇(0.5%);研究的样本量≤10、11 ~50和≥51者,分别为30篇(5.4%)、225篇(40.2%)及252篇(45.0%);前瞻性研究论文230篇(41.1%),回顾性研究论文202篇(36.1%).国外论文中使用MRI较国内高(x2=666.690,P <0.01).国内外临床型研究均在90%以上,二者差异无统计学意义(x2 =0.116,P>0.05).国外论著的样本量≥51者较国内多(x2 =44.895,P <0.01),国外研究设计以前瞻性为多(x2=275.667,P<0.01),而国内以回顾性研究为主.结论 国内影像学研究需要更多的前瞻性、大样本量研究.  相似文献   

正《国际医学放射学杂志》(原《国外医学临床放射学分册》)于1978年创刊,由天津市医学科学技术信息研究所和天津市人民医院联合主办。本刊是中文核心期刊(2017年版)、中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)、中国科学论文与引文数据库统计源期刊、中国期刊全文数据库全文收录期刊。  相似文献   

正International Journal of Medical Radiology本刊为双月刊,单月15日出版,国内外公开发行单册定价23元,全年6期,定价138元全国各地邮局均可订阅,也可直接向编辑部订购邮发代号:6-21国内统一刊号:CN 12-1398/R国际标准刊号:ISSN 1674-1897期刊简介《国际医学放射学杂志》(原《国外医学临床放射学分册》)于1978年创刊,由天津市医学科学技术信息研究所和天津市人民医院联合主办。本刊是中文核心期刊(2020年版)、中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)、中国科学论文与引文数据库统计源期刊、中国期刊全文数据库全文收录期刊。  相似文献   

正《国际医学放射学杂志》(原《国外医学临床放射学分册》)于1978年创刊,由中华人民共和国卫生部主管,天津市医学科学技术信息研究所主办,主编为祁吉教授。本刊是中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)、中国科学论文与引文数据库统计源期刊、中国期刊全文数据库全文收录期刊。  相似文献   

目的:定量分析《实用放射学杂志》与《中华放射学杂志》的基金论文,探讨提升《实用放射学杂志》期刊质量和学术水平的有效途径。方法采用文献计量学方法,对2种期刊2013年基金论文的发文量、基金论文比、级别分布、地域分布、机构分布和发表时滞分布等文献计量指标进行统计分析。结果《实用放射学杂志》2013年共发表论文618篇,其中基金论文共计137篇,占论文总数的22.2%,基金论文比0.22,省市级基金项目论文占59.2%;基金论文来自全国23个地区和82个机构;基金论文平均发表时滞235.6 d。《中华放射学杂志》2013年共发表论文313篇,其中基金论文共计97篇,占论文总数的31.0%,基金论文比0.31,国家级基金项目论文占32.0%;基金论文来自全国18个地区和70个机构;基金论文平均发表时滞228.4 d。结论《实用放射学杂志》有其自身优势,对比《中华放射学杂志》也存在显著的差距和不足。该刊要在选题策划、主动约稿、优稿优用、缩短发表时滞以及建立核心作者群和核心专家库等方面有所改进和突破,可进一步提升刊物的质量内涵和学术水平。  相似文献   

正International Journal of Medical Radiology本刊为双月刊,单月15日出版,国内外公开发行大16开本,104页,铜版纸单册定价15元,全年6期,定价90元全国各地邮局均可订阅,也可直接向编辑部订购邮发代号:6-21国内统一刊号:CN 12-1398/R国际标准刊号:ISSN1674-1897期刊简介《国际医学放射学杂志》(原《国外医学临床放射学分册》)于1978年创刊,由天津市卫生和计划生育委员会主管,天津市医学科学技术信息研究所、天津市人民医院联合主办,主编为刘筠教授。本刊是中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)、中国科学论文与引  相似文献   

《国际医学放射学杂志》(原《国外医学临床放射学分册》)是中文核心期刊(2020年版)、中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊),中国科协首批认定的高质量科技期刊,并被国内多家数据库全文收录。以报道国际放射学领域的新进展、新技术、新成果和新经验为办刊宗旨,读者对象为从事临床放射学专业及相关学科的高、中级医务工作者。主要刊登介绍临床放射学领域的新进展、新技术和新经验的综述,具有创新性成果的高水平论著。  相似文献   

正International Journal of Medical Radiology本刊为双月刊,单月15日出版,国内外公开发行大16开本,104页,铜版纸单册定价15元,全年6期,定价90元全国各地邮局均可订阅,也可直接向编辑部订购邮发代号:6-21国内统一刊号:CN 12-1398/R国际标准刊号:ISSN 1674-1897期刊简介《国际医学放射学杂志》(原《国外医学临床放射学分册》)于1978年创刊,由天津市卫生和计划生育委员会主管,天津市医学科学技术信息研究所、天津市人民医院联合主办,主编为刘筠教授。本刊是中国科技论文  相似文献   

目的统计分析我院六年来护理论文产出情况,探讨护理科研进一步发展的对策。方法利用2003~2008年医院护理论文统计信息分别统计:(1)护理论文在不同期刊上的发表情况;(2)不同职称、不同职务护理人员论文发表情况;(3)发表论文科室排名情况。结果 2003~2008年期间我院护理人员共发表论文415篇,其中统计源期刊230篇(占55.4%),非统计源期刊185篇(占44.6%);高级职称122篇(占29.4%),中级职称219篇(占52.8%),初级职称74篇(占17.8%);护理部管理者50篇(占12.0%),科室护士长197篇(占47.5%),护士168篇;科室排名居前5位的科室是护理部、血液科、干部病房5区、正骨科及空勤科。结论管理者思想重视,培养护理人员科研意识,加强科研知识培训,给予鼓励政策,搭建科研平台等措施,对提高我院护理论文数量和质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

呼吸系统疾病论文写作的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
呼吸系统疾病在临床工作中占有重要比例 ,但有关影像学论文数目在影像学杂志所有论文中所占比率并不高 ,根据1996~ 1999年中华放射学杂志接收稿件的统计 (表 1) ,呼吸系统稿件占 4 77%~ 9 5 2 % ,平均为 7 19% ;发表稿件 ,占刊出总篇数的 8 82 %~ 12 4 0 % ,平均 10 2 8%。表 1  1996~ 1999年中华放射学杂志收稿、刊出总数及呼吸系统稿件数量年份 收稿总数(篇 )呼吸系统收稿数(篇 )占总数比率( % )刊出总数(篇 )呼吸系统刊出数(篇 )占总数比率( % )19961741834 773714 612 40199714 8114 19 5 2 394399 901998170 91176 85 44 2 3…  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To estimate the influence of the authors' country and collaboration on the probability of subsequent full publication of material from oral presentations at the 2000 European Congress of Radiology (ECR). MATERIALS AND METHODS: After searching the Medline database for articles published between 2000 and 2003, all articles that originated from presentations at the ECR in 2000 and were published in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report were evaluated. Relative likelihood of full publication depending on the country in which an abstract originated was compared with that of Austria, which is the host country of the ECR. The chi(2) test was used to compare publication rates according to country of origin and collaboration. The median and interquartile range of the impact factor of publications according to country of origin and collaboration in the abstract were analyzed by using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The percentage of articles published in journals ranked in the top quartile (top 25% of journals according to impact factor) was calculated. RESULTS: Of 1020 presentations, 403 articles (39%) with significant (P < .001) variations according to country of origin were identified. Studies originating from the United States had the highest percentage of full publication (62%; relative likelihood, 1.41), median impact factor (4.5), and percentage of articles in the top quartile (54%). Radiology was the top quartile journal, with the most articles published (60%). Impact factor differed according to country of origin (P < .001). Abstracts submitted with collaboration between (a) European countries and countries outside of Europe (other than the United States) and (b) different European countries had the highest publication rates (83% and 52%, respectively; P = .03). CONCLUSION: The country of origin of an abstract was useful in predicting the chances of full publication of the abstract, with the United States having the highest publication rate. Authors were more likely to publish an article if it had been prepared with international collaboration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to determine the use of advanced technology and archiving and the contribution of countries other than United States in the articles published in the American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR) and Radiology. We analyzed the association of these features with the type of research, the main technical features of the modalities used, and the countries of origin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We determined the proportion of articles published in 18 randomly selected issues of the AJR and Radiology that required advanced imaging techniques and relied on the analysis of archived data. "Advanced technology" was defined as imaging techniques that serve a purpose other than simple anatomic imaging or that are not widely available because of the high cost of the technology, such as functional imaging and computer programming designed for an individual study or simulation studies. We analyzed the association of these features with the country of origin, the topic, and the methodology used. RESULTS: Sixteen percent of the studies required advanced technology. MR imaging, CT, and sonography were the most frequently used modalities (31%, 27%, and 15% of studies, respectively). Archiving was used in 37% of the studies, and 67% of the original articles were prospective. The articles most commonly originated in North America (67%), Europe (20%), and Asia (12%). CONCLUSION: Only a small percentage of published research studies required advanced technology and approximately one third of the studies used archiving. These results may suggest that other criteria, such as the design of the study, its relevance for daily clinical use, and the originality of the paper, have a major impact on the acceptance of papers in clinically oriented radiology journals.  相似文献   

KJ Lim  DY Yoon  EJ Yun  YL Seo  S Baek  DH Gu  SJ Yoon  A Han  YJ Ku  SS Kim 《Radiology》2012,264(3):796-802
Purpose: To determine the characteristics and trends of the original articles published in two major American radiology journals, AJR American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR) and Radiology, between 2001 and 2010. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective bibliometric analysis that did not involve human subjects and was exempt from institutional review board approval. All 6542 original articles published in AJR and Radiology between 2001 and 2010 were evaluated. The following information was abstracted from each article: radiologic subspecialty, radiologic technique used, type of research, sample size, study design, statistical analysis, study outcome, declared funding, number of authors, affiliation of the first author, and country of the first author. In addition, all the variables examined were presented along with the trend over time. Results: The most common subspecialty of study was abdominal (1219 of 6542, 18.6%), followed by vascular/interventional (804 of 6542, 12.3%). A total of 3744 (57.2%) original articles used magnetic resonance (MR) imaging or computed tomography (CT), 5495 (84.1%) were clinical research articles, 3060 (46.8%) had sample size of more than 50, 4087 (62.5%) were retrospective, 4714 (72.1%) performed statistical analysis, 6225 (95.2%) showed positive study outcome, 4784 (73.1%) were not funded, 3942 (60.3%) had four to seven authors, and 5731 (87.6%) were written by the primary author who was from a department of radiology or radiology-related specialties. The United States published 45.5% (2975 of 6542) of the articles, followed by Japan (n = 525, 8.0%), Germany (n = 485, 7.4%), and South Korea (n = 455, 7.0%). In the time trend analysis, the following variables showed a significantly positive trend: cardiac subspecialty, CT and MR imaging as the radiologic techniques, type of research as other (nonbasic, nonclinical), sample size of more than 50, four to seven as the number of authors, medicine-related department of the first author, and South Korea and Italy as countries of the first author. On the other hand, pediatric subspecialty, combined (basic and clinical) type of research, and number of authors fewer than four showed a significantly negative trend. Conclusion: The bibliometric analysis of the AJR and Radiology journals with articles published between 2001 and 2010 revealed characteristics and trends of the current radiology research that may provide useful information to researchers and editorial staff in radiology. ? RSNA, 2012.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To determine different countries' trend of contribution to clinical radiology journals and its relationship with impact factor. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All the journals, which publish articles on clinical radiology, were selected from the category of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine group of journals, and articles published in these journals between 1991 and 2000 were searched for the authors' affiliation using the Medline database. Then, share of research output of the top-ranking 20 countries was determined along with the trend over time. Also, the relationship of different countries' contribution with the impact factor of journals was examined by cross-sectional time-series linear model. RESULTS: Of total articles (38,359), the United States' share for the selected journals in clinical radiology was 43.2% (16,582 articles) and ranked top in the world, followed by the United Kingdom (9.9%) and Japan (8.0%). The recent increase in the share was statistically significant for Japan, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea, Turkey, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, and China. On the other hand, the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada showed a significant negative trend. Among the top-ranking 10 countries, the US contribution was significantly higher to journals with high-impact factors, whereas the opposite was true for France. CONCLUSION: The United States, United Kingdom, and Canada showed a negative trend over the last decade in terms of proportion of contribution of articles to the clinical radiology journals. However, only the United States published more articles in high-impact factor journals.  相似文献   



To perform a systematic review of compliance with standardized terminology and reporting criteria for radiofrequency (RF) tumor ablation, proposed by the International Working Group on Image-Guided Tumor Ablation in 2003, in the published reports.

Materials and Methods

Literature search in the PubMed database was performed using index keywords, PubMed limit system, and eligibility criteria. The entire content of each article was reviewed to assess the terminology used for procedure terms, imaging findings, therapeutic efficacy, follow-up, and complications. Accuracy of the terminology and the use of alternative terms instead of standard terminology were analyzed. In addition, disparities in accuracy of terminology in articles according to the medical specialty and the type of radiology journal were evaluated.


Among the articles (n = 308) included in this study, the accuracy of the terms ''procedure or session'', ''treatment'', ''index tumor'', ''ablation zone'', ''technical success'', ''primary technique effectiveness rate'', ''secondary technique effectiveness rate'', ''local tumor progression'', ''major complication'', and ''minor complication'' was 97% (298/307), 97% (291/300), 8% (25/307), 65% (103/159), 55% (52/94), 33% (42/129), 94% (17/18), 45% (88/195), 99% (79/80), and 100% (77/77), respectively. The overall accuracy of each term showed a tendency to improve over the years. The most commonly used alternative terms for ''technical success'' and ''local tumor progression'' were ''complete ablation'' and ''local (tumor) recurrence'', respectively. The accuracy of terminology in articles published in radiology journals was significantly greater than that of terminology in articles published in non-radiology journals, especially in Radiology and The Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology.


The proposal for standardization of terminology and reporting criteria for RF tumor ablation has been gaining support according to the recently published scientific reports, especially in the field of radiology. However, more work is still needed for the complete standardization of terminology.  相似文献   

To determine the rate at which abstracts orally presented at the ECR 2000 were published between 2000–2004, and to identify predictive factors of publication and differences between abstracts and subsequently published papers. Specific search profiles were devised to retrieve items from the Medline database. From 1020 abstracts originating from 39 countries, 479 articles (publication rate 47%) were subsequently published in 139 Medline-indexed journals, most frequently in European Radiology (14%). Country of origin statistically (P<0.0001) influences the subsequent publication of the abstract, Germany having the highest number of presentations (n=343) and derived articles (publication rate 54%). Abstracts presented by authors from the USA (n=21) had the highest publication rate (76%). Most papers were published within the first 3 years after the meeting, as original articles and in English-language journals. Both the study sample size and the first author frequently changed. Chest and cardiac studies had the highest publication rates (56%, both). In summary, abstracts presented at the ECR 2000 had a high publication rate in Medline-indexed journals. Country of origin and subspecialty of presentation appeared to influence subsequent full publication. More articles were published in European Radiology than in other journal.  相似文献   

PurposeWhen deciding among imaging equipment vendors, one may use a vendor's prevalence in peer-reviewed publications as a measure of their research and development. We sought to determine which vendors, countries, and journals were dominant in hepatic imaging literature of 2018 with respect to magnetic resonance (MR), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound (US).MethodsWe recorded and analyzed the modality (MR, CT, US), journal, vendor, and authors' country for all original hepatic imaging articles published in 2018 in 29 imaging journals.ResultsOf 197 MR articles, investigators used Siemens in 98 (50%), General Electric (GE) in 65 (33%), and Philips in 63 (32%). Of 115 CT articles, investigators mentioned Siemens in 55 (48%), GE in 45 (39%), Philips in 25 (22%) and other vendors in 27 (24%). Of 68 ultrasound articles, Siemens dominated with 27 (40%), versus GE with 19 (28%), Philips with 11 (16%), and other vendors with 42 (62%). We found a significant difference in vendor usage for MR, CT, and all modalities (p < .01). The plurality of articles was written in the United States (73 [23%]) with South Korea (56 [17%]) and China (56 [17%]) following. European Radiology published the most hepatic articles. For American journals, we found a significant difference in MR (p = .02) and CT (p < .01) vendor usage, whereas non-American journals nearly reached significance in MR (p = .06) and CT (p = .06) vendor usage.ConclusionSiemens was the most cited vendor in hepatic imaging literature for all modalities. American institutions and non-American journals published the most hepatic imaging articles.  相似文献   

A review of contrast media research in 1999-2000   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Contrast media research published during the years 1999 and 2000 is reviewed in this article, in terms of relevance to developments within the field of diagnostic radiology. The primary focus is on publications from the journal Investigative Radiology, which publishes much of the clinical and laboratory research performed in this field. The journals Radiology and the American Journal of Roentgenology are dominant in the field of diagnostic radiology and together publish more than 10 times the number of articles as appear each year in Investigative Radiology. However, in 1999 for example, these two journals together published fewer articles than did Investigative Radiology alone that concerned basic (animal) research with contrast media. Thirty-six percent of the articles in Investigative Radiology in 1999 had a primary focus on contrast media and 18% on basic (animal) research with contrast media. To make this review more complete, articles from other major journals are cited and discussed, as needed, to provide supplemental information in the few areas not well covered by articles in Investigative Radiology. The safety of contrast media is always an important topic and research continues to be performed in this area, both to explore fundamental issues regarding iodinated contrast media and also to establish the overall safety profile of new magnetic resonance (MR) and ultrasound agents. In regard to preclinical investigations, most of the work performed in the last 2 years has been with MR and ultrasound. In MR, research efforts continue to be focused on the development of targeted agents. In ultrasound, research efforts are split between studies looking at new imaging methods and early studies of targeted agents. In regard to the clinical application of contrast media, the published literature continues to be dominated by MR. Investigations include the study of disease in clinical trials and in animal models. A large number of studies continue to be published in regard to new techniques and applications within the field of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography. This field represents the single, largest new clinical application of contrast media in MR to emerge in the last decade. New clinical research continues to be published regarding the use of contrast media in computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, and x-ray angiography. The introduction of spiral CT (together with the multidetector scanners) has led to greater utilization of this modality, as well as intravenous iodinated contrast media. The number of publications regarding clinical applications of intravenously injected ultrasound contrast agents remains low, with the high expectations in regard to growth (in terms of number of exams using contrast) of the last decade yet to be fulfilled.  相似文献   

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