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Autogenous bone grafting of uncontained tibial bony defects was carried out in 18 patients during a cemented total knee arthroplasty. American Knee Society scores were used to compare the results of the grafted group with those of a control group of 132 total knee arthroplasty patients without a significant tibial bony defect. The patients were followed up for 10 years. There was a statistically significant difference in the mean knee scores of the 2 groups at the preoperative assessment. Postoperative results were comparable between the 2 groups, indicating a significant and similar improvement in the knee scores of the grafted and control groups. Autogenous bone grafting is an easy and reproducible method of dealing with uncontained tibial bony defects during a total knee arthroplasty.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨初次全膝关节置换术(TKA)中滑膜切除对围手术期失血量及膝关节功能恢复的影响。[方法]回顾分析2012年3月~2013年2月初次接受TKA治疗且符合选择标准的膝骨关节炎患者205例,其中102例患者术中切除滑膜(试验组),103例患者术中保留滑膜(对照组)。两组患者基本资料差异无统计学意义,具有可比性。记录并比较两组患者术后红细胞压积(hematocrit,Hct)、Hb、隐性失血量、显性失血量及理论总失血量,以及两组手术时间、住院时间、患肢膝上10 cm周径增加率、VAS评分、关节活动度、HSS评分、WOMAC评分等指标。[结果]术后3 d试验组Hb及Hct低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。试验组显性失血量、隐性失血量及理论总失血量均多于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。试验组手术时间长于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。术后3 d两组VAS评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P﹥0.05)。术后3 d及7d,试验组患肢肿胀程度较对照组严重,膝上10 cm周径增加率比较差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。术后患者均获随访,两组患者膝关节功能均有明显改善,术后4周及12个月两组患者的HSS评分较术前提高,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05),组间比较差异无统计学意义(P﹥0.05)。术后4周及12个月两组患者的WOMAC评分较术前减低,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05),但组间比较差异无统计学意义(P﹥0.05)。所有患者术后切口均一期愈合,未出现脂肪液化、切口裂开及感染等并发症。两组均没有发生有临床症状的肺栓塞、深静脉血栓形成以及相关并发症。[结论]TKA术中同时行滑膜切除术延长了手术时间及增加了术后出血量,而对患者术后疼痛的缓解和功能的恢复并无明显作用。  相似文献   

目的对应用单一翻修假体系统行膝关节置换翻修术的骨性关节炎与炎症性关节炎的临床材料进行汇总分析、对比。方法1994至2000年间,共69例患者71膝在芬兰坦配雷大学医学院医院应用翻修假体TCⅢ行全膝关节置换翻修术。56膝为女性,16膝为男性,平均年龄69.1岁(36~85岁),平均随访时间为5.9年(3.0—10.2年);16膝为炎症性关节炎,55膝为骨性关节炎,初次手术和翻修术的时间间隔平均为6.8年。临床评估参照KSS评分系统,再次翻修、截肢和死亡视为随访终止。结果所有患者术后1年和最终随访时的膝关节总评分、功能评分、活动范围、疼痛评分、行走评分及上楼评分等与术前相比差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。尽管23例假体周围有无症状性骨吸收线,但是关节均无明显结构上的松脱。并发症包括4例术后感染,1例髌骨疼痛综合症,1例髌腱断裂。以再次翻修作为终点,假体5年生存率为95%,8年生存率为94%。最终随访时,骨性关节炎患者的各项数据比炎症性关节炎患者稍好,但统计学分析结果示两组之间的差异无统计学意义。结论尽管炎症性关节炎会导致患者韧带松弛,容易感染,骨质破坏,一般情况较差,但是其行全膝关节置换翻修术的疗效与骨关节炎相接近。  相似文献   



After total knee arthroplasty (TKA) only 75-89% of patients are satisfied. Because patient satisfaction is a prime goal of all orthopaedic procedures, optimization of patient satisfaction is of major importance. Factors related to patient satisfaction after TKA have been explored, but no studies have included two potentially relevant factors, i.e. the functional capacity of daily activities and actual daily activity. This present prospective study examines whether functional capacity and actual daily activity (in addition to an extensive set of potential factors) contribute to patient satisfaction six months after TKA.  相似文献   

Supracondylar fracture of the femur occurred in a patient with a well-fixed constrained condylar total knee arthroplasty and an 8-in total hip femoral revision component. This unusual fracture was treated with a novel interpositional femoral intramedullary device that connected the total knee to total hip arthroplasty. The result was good at 5 years, with healed fracture and no loosening or osteolysis of either component.  相似文献   

Range of motion (ROM) is an important outcome variable after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). This may be compounded by a pre-existing fixed flexion deformity (FFD). We therefore examined the long-term outcomes of patients with a flexion deformity undergoing TKA compared to those without a preoperative fixed flexion deformity. Participants who had undergone TKA at our centre between 1989 and 2002 were examined preoperatively, one, five and ten years after TKA (Kinemax PS; Howmedica, Rutherford, NJ, USA). Examining those with a preoperative FFD of greater than ten degrees with complete ten year follow-up data revealed 77 individuals. Seventy seven age, sex and body mass index matched patients were identified and the effect of TKA on indices of knee function (fixed flexion, maximum flexion, total ROM and Knee Society score (KSS) in both groups were analysed using repeated measures ANOVA. A significant difference between the groups with respect to fixed flexion (p < 0.001), total ROM (p = 0.001) and KSS (p < 0.001) was observed between baseline and year one suggesting that those with a preoperative FFD improved more than those without. A significant difference with regard to fixed flexion was also observed between years one to five (p = 0.001) and just failed to reach statistical significance between five to ten years (p = 0.052) between the groups. This study demonstrates that patients with a preoperative fixed flexion deformity show continued improvement in their fixed flexion up to ten years post arthroplasty and have similar outcomes to those with no preoperative fixed flexion.  相似文献   

ResultsAdjusted for sex, age, preoperative scores, BMI, and Charnley score, radiographic severity of OA in THA was associated with improvement in HOOS “Activities of daily living”, “Pain”, and “Symptoms”, and SF36 physical component summary (“PCS”) scale. In TKA, we found no such associations.InterpretationThe decrease in pain and improvement in function in THA patients, but not in TKA patients, was positively associated with the preoperative radiographic severity of OA.DiscussionThis prospective study in patients undergoing THA and TKA showed that changes in scores over time were greater in patients with more severe radiographic OA. The difference was statistically significant for a number of clinical outcomes in THA patients, but not in TKA patients.Overall, our results are in line with the literature, with the majority of studies concluding that more severe radiographic OA preoperatively is associated with better outcomes in THA or TKA (Dowsey et al. 2012, Valdes et al. 2012, Keurentjes et al. 2013). Concerning THA specifically, similar to the present study, Valdes et al. (2012) reported greater improvements in pain 3 years after surgery in patients with severe radiographic OA preoperatively. Greater improvements in the SF subscale and summary scale scores were seen in patients with higher KL scores in a study by Keurentjes et al. (2013), but the differences were not statisticaly significant.Regarding TKA, our study did not show any statistically significant differences between the outcomes in patients with different grades of radiographic severity, although—as in the study by Cushnaghan et al. (2009)—greater improvements were generally seen in patients with higher KL grades. In contrast, Valdes et al. (2012) and Keurentjes et al. (2013) found statistically significantly better outcomes in TKA patients with severe radiographic OA, and similar results were seen in some of the analyses in the study by Dowsey et al. (2012). Comparisons with the literature are, however, hampered by the large diversity in study designs and analyses.It is difficult to draw conclusions about the clinical relevance of the results of our study and of previous ones. Firstly, there are several factors associated with worse outcomes after THA/TKA, such as older age, female sex, obesity, worse general health, involvement of other joints, and a lower level of education (Dieppe et al. 2009, Gossec et al. 2011). Only from large, prospective studies using a standardized set of preoperative characteristics and outcome assessments done at fixed time points can true prediction models including all potentially relevant determinants be derived, which afterwards need to be validated in multiple settings and countries. However, we can interpret the absolute change scores as observed in the different groups according to radiographic severity. A recent systematic review by Keurentjes et al. (2012) found that overall minimally clinically important differences (MICDs) in HRQoL in THA/TKA have limited precision and are not validated using external criteria. The study which is most comparable to our study is that from Clement et al. (2014). In that study, the MCID in OKS for the difference between preoperatively and 1 year postoperatively was 15.5 (95% CI: 14.7–16.4). In our study, generally patients in both the mild and severe OA groups achieved this improvement, indicating that the clinical relevance of a statistically significant difference may be limited.A main strength of our study was the inclusion of a wide range of validated PROMs, covering all items of disease-specific outcome measures in functioning, pain, and health-related quality of life. Using all these outcome measures, both measures of pain and daily activities, we observed differences between groups according to radiographic severity. Another strength was that all radiographs were read by a single observer with extensive experience, who was blinded regarding patient data. In addition, this was a prospective study with a relatively large cohort with only 20% loss to follow-up in the THA group and only 23% loss to follow-up in the TKA group.Our study also had a number of limitations. It only included KL grading applied to the anteroposterior and posteranterior radiographs from the preoperative hip and knee.In the study by Dowsey et al. (2012), not only KL grading but also the severity of joint space narrowing (JSN; 0–3) and osteophyte formation (0–3) using the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) atlas, and the degree of bone attrition, were taken into account. In that study, radiographs showing advanced OA (KL 3–4) were further subdivided by including data from the individual score of JSN and bone attrition.In addition, the patients included in the present study were a selection of all patients who underwent THA or TKA and it was carried out in 1 center in 1 country. However, the preoperative characteristics of the patients and their change scores over time are well in line with those observed in other large cohorts (Nilsdotter et al. 2003, Dieppe et al. 2009, Beswick et al. 2012).In conclusion, this study shows that in patients who underwent THA, but not TKA, more severe radiographic OA preoperatively was associated with a better outcome regarding pain and function.

Supplementary data

Tables 1 and 2 are available on the Acta Orthopaedica website, www.actaorthopaedica.org, identification number 8277.CT, MF, and TPMVV: conception and design, analysis and interpretation of the data, drafting of the article, provision of study materials or patients, statistical expertise, and collection and assembly of data. MJH, RLT, HMK, CSL, and SHM: provision of study materials or patients, administrative, technical, or logistic support, and collection and assembly of data. HMK and RGHHN: critical revision of the article, statistical expertise.This study was supported by the Dutch Arthritis Association (grant number LLP13).No competing interests declared.  相似文献   



Due to the controversial information about postural stability in patients with lower limb joints osteoarthritis (OA), the following main questions are raised: how serious is the postural stability disturbance and which factors have an impact on postural stability before and after total knee arthroplasty (TKA).

Materials and methods

Force plate was used to assess postural stability and custom-made dynamometer was used to assess isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force of leg extensor muscles; besides, knee pain and knee range of motion (ROM) was evaluated in 14 female patients (aged 46–68 years) with knee OA 1 day before, and 3 and 6 months following TKA and once in healthy controls (aged 48–70). Relationship between postural stability during standing and selected anthropometric and functional characteristics were investigated with Spearman’s correlation coefficients.


Remarkable reduction of knee pain and improvement in active ROM for the operated leg were shown after unilateral TKA. MVC force of leg extensor muscles achieved the preoperative level half a year after TKA. The centre of pressure (COP) of sway displacement in anterioposterior (AP) and mediolateral direction and the equivalent area of COP sway for the operated leg did not differ before, 3 and 6 months after TKA and compared to the non-operated leg. The trace speed was 6 months after TKA equal to the preoperative level. Only the COP of sway displacement in AP direction is significantly greater in knee OA patients both before and after TKA compared with healthy controls.


Knee OA patients’ postural stability characteristics did not differ significantly both before and after TKA. Compared to healthy controls, the COP of sway displacement in AP direction is mostly disturbed. Correlation analysis confirms that increased postural sway is associated with an increased equivalent area of COP. In knee OA patients higher body mass index ensures reduced trace speed and lower knee ROM.

Level of evidence

Prospective comparative study, Level II.  相似文献   

目的探讨膝关节骨性关节炎(OA)患者行单侧全膝关节置换术(TKA)后躯体重心位置(GCP)在水平方向上转移情况,并判断其转移程度与患肢功能恢复情况是否存在相关性。方法用重心测量仪对176例接受单侧TKA的膝关节OA患者进行GCP测定,根据HSS评分标准对患者术前1周、术后6个月、术后1年的患肢功能情况进行评估;同时记录患者GCP,量化GCP转移程度,并与术侧膝关节HSS评分变化程度进行Pearson分析。结果 176例患者在TKA术后6个月和术后1年时HSS功能评分均较术前有明显改善,且随着术侧关节功能进一步恢复,患者GCP由起初的位置逐渐向术侧方向移动。结论术后GCP转移程度与同一时期患者HSS评分变化程度呈线性相关,患者GCP转移程度与同一时期HSS评分变化相关系数R2分别为0.584和0.498。  相似文献   

Background and purpose — Instability following primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is, according to all national registries, one of the major failure mechanisms leading to revision surgery. However, the range of soft-tissue laxity that favors both pain relief and optimal knee function following TKA remains unclear. We reviewed current evidence on the relationship between instrumented knee laxity measured postoperatively and outcome scores following primary TKA.

Patients and methods — We conducted a systematic search of PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane databases to identify relevant studies, which were cross-referenced using Web of Science.

Results — 14 eligible studies were identified; all were methodologically similar. Both sagittal and coronal laxity measurement were reported; 6 studies reported on measurement in both extension and flexion. In knee extension from 0° to 30° none of 11 studies could establish statistically significant association between laxity and outcome scores. In flexion from 60° to 90° 6 of 9 studies found statistically significant association. Favorable results were reported for posterior cruciate retaining (CR) knees with sagittal laxity between 5 and 10?mm at 75–80° and for knees with medial coronal laxity below 4° in 80–90° of flexion.

Interpretation — In order to improve outcome following TKA careful measuring and adjusting of ligament laxity intraoperatively seems important. Future studies using newer outcome scores supplemented by performance-based scores may complement current evidence.  相似文献   

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