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目的:编制用于测量识别非手机成瘾的大学生手机过当依赖量表(MEDS-C),并进行信效度检验。方法:通过综述法与访谈法编制包含30个项目的初步量表,对682名大学生进行施测。经项目分析、探索性因子分析(n=338)与验证性因子分析(n=310)进行结构效度测量,另抽取34名大学生进行间隔时长为2周的前后重测以获得重测信度。结果:通过因子分析获得4因子结构和3因子结构量表,经比较,3因子结构量表与预设结构相符且各项指标拟合度更优。3因子EDMS-C包含突显行为、低效性和安抚性3个维度共9个项目,各因子负荷在0.56~0.83,方差累计解释率为56.48%。量表结构效度良好(χ~2=49.86,df=24,χ~2/df=2.01,RMR=0.05,GFI=0.97,AGFI=0.94,CFI=0.96,RMSEA=0.06);效标效度为0.79;量表内部一致信度不低于其Cronbachα系数0.78,3个因子的系数在0.58~0.77之间;量表总重测信度为0.81,3个因子的重测信度在0.56~0.68之间。结论:本研究编制的大学生手机过当依赖量表具有较好的信效度,可用于筛别大学生中对手机过当依赖的非成瘾者。  相似文献   



To present the case of surgical treatment and rehabilitation of a midshaft clavicular fracture in a National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I football athlete.


While attempting to catch a pass during practice, the athlete jumped up and then landed on the tip of his shoulder. On-the-field evaluation was inconclusive, with a sideline evaluation diagnosis of clavicular fracture. Postinjury radiographs revealed a midshaft clavicular fracture.

Differential Diagnosis:

Spiral oblique midshaft clavicular fracture.


The sports medicine staff discussed surgical and nonsurgical options. A surgical procedure of internal fixation with an 8-hole plate was performed.


Surgical treatment for clavicular fractures is becoming increasingly common. This is the first report of an advanced rehabilitation protocol for surgical repair. We suggest that new rehabilitation protocols for clavicular repairs be investigated now that surgical treatment is being pursued more frequently.


More aggressive treatment procedures and rehabilitation protocols for clavicular fractures have evolved in recent years. With these medical advancements, athletes are able to return to play much more quickly without compromising their health and safety.  相似文献   

军人睡眠自适应量表的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:编制一个测量军人睡眠适应能力的评估工具。方法:采用文献回顾、访谈和开放式问卷等方法收集量表条目,通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析程序进行量表构建。结果:857名被试的探索性因素分析表明军人睡眠自适应量表由睡眠与生活质量、睡眠的影响因素、睡眠的积极暗示、对睡眠的重视、睡眠的抗干扰力、对睡眠的积极态度等6个因子构成,可解释总变异的45.64%;974名新样本被试的验证性因素分析发现模型拟合度指数χ2/df、GFI、AGFI、CFI、NFI、TLI、RMSEA分别为3.02、0.84、0.82、0.86、0.80、0.85、0.046;睡眠自适应量表与军人睡眠质量量表、PSQI的相关分别为0.60、-0.50,均在0.001水平上显著。结论:军人睡眠自适应量表具有较好的信、效度。  相似文献   

The Development and Validation of the Children's Hope Scale   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
Assuming that children are goal-oriented, it is suggested thattheir thoughts are related to two components-agency and pathways.Agency thoughts reflect the erception that children can initiateand sustain action toward a desired goal; pathways thoughtsreflect the children's perceived capability to produce routesto those goals. Hope reflects the combination of agentic andpathways thinking toward goals. A six-item dispositional self-reportindex called the Children's ope Scale is introduced and validatedfor use with children ages 8-16. Results suggest that the scaleevidences internal consistency, and is relatively stable overretesting. Additionally, the scale exhibits convergent, discriminant,and incremental alidity. Limitations and uses of the scale arediscussed.  相似文献   

目的:结合中国企业文化特点,区分不同来源的排斥编制工作场所排斥问卷。方法:1090位员工参与了本研究;通过开放式问卷调查和改编国外问卷建立上司和同事排斥题库,经专家评定、频次分析和探索性因素分析形成正式问卷;对多个样本施测,检验其信效度指标。结果:工作场所排斥包含上司排斥和同事排斥两个维度,各10道题目;该问卷受方法效应影响小;两个维度的单因素模型拟合指数良好,同工作场所融入和人际公平的区别效度良好,同效标归属感、抑郁、工作满意度和角色行为相关显著;上司排斥和同事排斥维度在3个样本中的内部一致性系数在0.86以上,重测信度分别为0.76和0.72。结论:本研究编制的工作场所排斥问卷具有良好的心理测量学指标,可以作为评估职场排斥的有效工具使用。  相似文献   


Two studies were conducted to develop and validate the Sense of Support Scale (SSS). Study I, which consisted of scale development and an evaluation with a sample of corporate and university employees, supported the scale's internal consistency and construct validity. Study 2, which was conducted with a sample of undergraduate students, was designed to evaluate the revised and shortened version of the SSS. The scale was found to be internally consistent and had a high test-retest reliability. Concurrent validity was supported by significant correlations to the Social Provisions Scale and the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List. Construct validity was supported by significant positive correlations to hardiness and approach-coping and significant negative correlations to avoidance-coping, stress, and symptoms of illness. The relationship between the SSS and symptoms of illness supported a main effect rather than a stress-buffering model. Implications for using the SSS to investigate the influences of social support on health are discussed.  相似文献   



‘Cyberchondria’ describes a pattern of researching health information online motivated by distress or anxiety about health, which becomes excessive and in turn increases distress. The Cyberchondria Severity Scale (CSS) assesses this construct. The aims of the present study were to validate a German version of the CSS and to propose a short form.


The CSS was translated and posted online. Inclusion criteria were fulfilled by n?=?500 participants (age 29.1?±?10.4 years, 73.6 % women). Item analyses, an exploratory factor analysis and correlations with health anxiety, somatic symptoms, health-care utilization and depression were calculated. A brief version with 15 items was developed (CSS-15) and validated in a second sample (n?=?292; age 24.2?±?4.1 years, 76.4 % women).


The internal consistency of the CSS was α?=?.93 and its split-half reliability α?=?.95. The mean item-total correlation was r itc?=?.51, the mean inter-item correlation r?=?.29 and the mean item difficulty p i?=?.36. The principal component analysis extracted five factors. The CSS score correlated highly with health anxiety and moderately with somatic symptoms and health-care utilization. The CSS-15 still had an internal consistency of α?=?.82 and the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the five factors. The correlation coefficients with health-related measures were unaffected.


The German version of the CSS possesses very good psychometric characteristics, which were preserved in a short version. The factorial structure was replicated. The correlations with health anxiety and depression for both scales underscore their validity and clinical relevance.

目的对忍耐性量表(Tolerance Scale,To)进行项目分析并研制简式量表。方法对3767名新兵同时进行To和症状自评量表(SCL-90)测试,对To各项目进行难度和鉴别度分析,各项目分与To总分的相关分析,根据分析结果筛选出部分条目组成简式量表。计算原量表及简式量表的Cronbach’sα系数,以SCL-90各因子分为效标,考察原量表及简式量表的效标效度。结果原量表的难度在0.31~0.96之间,小于0.2或大于0.8的项目有15个。鉴别度指数在0.11~0.73之间,小于0.3的项目有11个。各项目分与总分的相关系数在0.191~0.598之间,小于0.3的项目有9个。保留质量较高的19个项目组成简式量表。原量表和简式量表的Cronbach’sα系数分别为0.784和0.743。原量表总分及简式量表总分与SCL-90总分及各因子分均显著相关,相关系数的绝对值均在0.37以上(P=0.000)。简式量表总分与原量表总分显著相关,相关系数为0.968(P=0.000)。结论原量表及简式量表均具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

目的编制针对大学生群体的社会排斥问卷。方法以文献综述和结构式访谈为基础建构问卷,对我国华北、华东、华中、华南及西南等地区大学的759名大学生进行问卷调查,检验问卷的信、效度。结果探索性因素分析表明二因素结构更适合,验证性因素分析支持了这个模型(I兀=0.94,TLI=0.93,CFI=0.94,RMSEA=0.05,x。/df=1.70,P〈0.001)。直接排斥、间接排斥和总问卷的信度分别为0.88、0.82和0.90,重测信度分别为0.89、0.88和0.91,P〈0.001。问卷与效标人际关系心理诊断量表显著相关(r=0.95,P〈0.001)。结论大学生社会排斥问卷具有良好信效度,可作为一个有效的社会排斥测量工具。  相似文献   


A Web-based version of Carlson and Putnam's (1993) Dissociative Experiences Scale was piloted to establish its psychometric equivalence with the original “pen and paper” (PP) version. Forty-two Australian adult university students completed the PP DES and 293 predominantly Australian, US and UK adults completed a Web-based version of the DES via the Internet. Internet responders were significantly older, and reported higher levels of dissociation, than the PP responders, however, examination of the DES mean scores and Cronbach's alphas produced by PP and online responders provides support for the equivalence of the two versions. These findings contribute to the growing body of literature regarding the validity of online versions of traditionally paper-based psychological questionnaires. Furthermore, the Internet proved beneficial as a data collection tool in the present study as only complete data sets were collected and data collection and processing was efficient, eliminating problems common in paper-based studies. The present findings indicate that the DES can be administered online with confidence, although further investigation is needed to determine the impact of education, ethnicity and history of trauma and abuse on the scores of online responders.  相似文献   

目的:检验反刍思维反应量表(RRS)在中国职业女性群体中的信、效度。方法:首先用中文版反刍思维反应量表测量了250名职业女性(样本1);接着又用中文版反刍思维反应量表、自评抑郁量表、特质焦虑量表、生活满意度量表对427名职业女性(样本2)进行了测量,两周后对样本2中的245名被试进行了重测。结果:①中文版RRS的所有项目的决断值在3.059~12.135之间,均达到0.01及其以上水平显著。项目与量表总分的相关在0.411~0.628之间,均具有统计学意义(P<0.01);②探索性因子分析显示,RRS由三因子构成。验证性因子分析显示三因子模型拟合指数为χ2/df=2.50,RMSEA=0.061,NFI=0.93,NNFI=0.95,CFI=0.96,GFI=0.90;③RRS总分及三个因子的Cronbachα系数在0.741~0.879之间、两周后的重测信度在0.768~0.823之间;④RRS总分及三个因子均与生活满意度呈显著负相关,与抑郁、焦虑呈显著正相关。结论:RRS在中国职业女性群体具有良好的信、效度。  相似文献   



The Trust in Oncologist Scale (TiOS) was recently developed and validated in The Netherlands to assess cancer patients’ trust in their oncologist. In this study, we translated and further validated the scale amongst English-speaking Australian cancer patients, to establish cross-cultural validity.


The translated 18-item scale was administered to cancer patients (n = 175) from three Sydney hospitals. In addition to trust, we assessed patients’ satisfaction, trust in health care, and background characteristics. Dimensionality, internal consistency, and construct validity of the translated scale were assessed.


Psychometric properties of all items were acceptable. Trust scores were very high. Factor analyses indicated one-dimensionality of the scale. Internal consistency was strong. Moderate to high correlations were found between trust (TiOS) and its known correlates, i.e., satisfaction, number of previous consultations with the oncologist, and trust in health care, indicating good construct validity.


Trust is highly coherent, suggesting that cancer patients do not distinguish between separate dimensions of trust. Future research could clarify if trust is equally strong and one-dimensional among specific groups of cancer patients.

Practice implications

Both the English and the Dutch Trust in Oncologist Scales appear suitable for assessing cancer patients’ trust reliably and validly.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: With regard to sideline concussion testing, the effect of fatigue associated with different types of exercise on postural control is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of fatigue on postural control in healthy college-aged athletes performing anaerobic and aerobic exercise protocols and to establish an immediate recovery time course from each exercise protocol for postural control measures to return to baseline status. DESIGN: Counterbalanced, repeated measures. SETTING: Research laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-six collegiate athletes (18 males, 18 females; age = 19.00 +/- 1.01 years, height = 172.44 +/- 10.47 cm, mass = 69.72 +/- 12.84 kg). INTERVENTION(S): Participants completed 2 counterbalanced sessions within 7 days. Each session consisted of 1 exercise protocol followed by postexercise measures of postural control taken at 3-, 8-, 13-, and 18-minute time intervals. Baseline measures were established during the first session, before the specified exertion protocol was performed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) results, sway velocity, and elliptical sway area. RESULTS: We found a decrease in postural control after each exercise protocol for all dependent measures. An interaction was noted between exercise protocol and time for total BESS score (P = .002). For both exercise protocols, all measures of postural control returned to baseline within 13 minutes. CONCLUSIONS: Postural control was negatively affected after anaerobic and aerobic exercise protocols as measured by total BESS score, elliptical sway area, and sway velocity. The effect of exertion lasted up to 13 minutes after each exercise was completed. Certified athletic trainers and clinicians should be aware of these effects and their recovery time course when determining an appropriate time to administer sideline assessments of postural control after a suspected mild traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The EPDS is a 10-items self-report scale designed as a specific instrument to detect postnatal depression. It was validated in the UK and in other countries, but not in Spain. METHOD: We report data from all women (n=1201) attending in a routine postnatal check-up at 6 weeks postpartum during 1 year. A two-stage method was used: for the first stage, all individuals selected completed the EPDS; in the second one, 'probable cases' (n=261) with EPDS score >/=9, and a randomised sample of 10% with EPDS score less than 9 (n=126) were interviewed by a psychiatrist using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, non-patient (SCID-NP), to establish psychiatric diagnosis of major and minor depression. RESULTS: The best cut-off of the Spanish validation of the EPDS was 10/11 for combined major and minor depression, the sensitivity was 79%, and specificity was 95.5%, with a positive predictive value of 63.2% and a negative predictive value of 97.7%. At this cut-off all cases of major depression were detected. The area under the ROC curve was 0.976 (P<0.0001) with an asymptotic interval of confidence of 95% between 0.968 and 0.984. CONCLUSIONS: Our data confirm the validity of the EPDS to identify postnatal depression in its Spanish version. The cut-off 10/11 for major and minor combined depression is useful to screen for a posterior psychiatric evaluation in Spanish sample.  相似文献   


The possible role of psychosocial factors in athletics, namely football injuries, is examined. Initially Holmes and Rahe's Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) was modified to the Social and Athletic Readjustment Scale (SARRS). Additions to the scale and differences in football players from the general population are discussed. Life change scores over one- and two-year intervals were obtained for college varsity football players. Players suffering major time loss injuries had significantly higher predictive scores than noninjured players.  相似文献   

学龄期儿童适应技能评定量表的初步编制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:编制一套适用于我国6岁至14岁儿童的适应技能评定量表。方法:随机整群抽取湖南省部分地区的402名儿童,初步建立了一区域性常模。结果:项目分析结果表明本量表适应技能四大领域各项目具有较好的区分度;信度和效度检验结果均符合测量学要求。结论:学龄期儿童适应技能评定量表基本达到预期设计目的和预期水平。  相似文献   

大学生恋爱心理压力源量表的编制与检验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 为了编制并验证大学生恋爱心理压力源量表.方法 通过问卷访谈对350名大学生进行探索性因素分析,并对另一半350个样本进行量表的验证性分析.结果 ①项目分析得出大学生恋爱心理压力总量表由44项压力源构成,其主因子结构为能力相关、家庭影响、人格特质、相互感受、价值倾向和学业负担.②验证性分析表明由上述结构构成了总量表模型拟合较好.③量表和各分量表通过了信度检验且与SCL-90量表的总得分在5%水平上显著.结论 初步编制的大学生恋爱心理压力量表基本符合心理测量的要求.  相似文献   

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