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目的  了解献县住区蝇类种群分布和季节消长规律,为蝇类防制提供科学依据。 方法  采用笼诱法,在每年4~11月份中旬开展监测一次。 结果  2009~2014年间共捕获蝇类14 812只,分3科6属10种,家蝇属占64.19%,绿蝇属占24.52%;2009~2014年年平均密度分别为24.98只/笼、63.25只/笼、55.07只/笼、8.05只/笼、9.06只/笼、9.28只/笼;蝇密度高峰在7、8月。 结论  家蝇属和绿蝇属为献县住区蝇类优势种群,通过化学杀虫及控制蝇类孳生地等综合防治措施,蝇年平均密度指数呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

总结40多年来的新疆蝇类生态学调查资料。1964年沙湾县厩腐蝇、家蝇分别为2095、1254只/小时·笼;13种常见蝇类主要孳生场所调查.人畜粪便中主要为家蝇、尾蛆蝇,垃圾中主要是厩腐蝇;胃蝇、皮蝇和狂蝇科的某些常见种分布很广,其垂直分布高度,从海拔-155~5700m均可见到;葱地种蝇是产蒜区危害较重的蝇种,侵害率高达88.75%,大都以蛹越冬。  相似文献   

总结40多年来的新疆蝇类生态学调查资料.1964年沙湾县厩腐蝇、家蝇分别为2 095、1 254只/小时·笼;13种常见蝇类主要孳生场所调查,人畜粪便中主要为家蝇、尾蛆蝇,垃圾中主要是厩腐蝇;胃蝇、皮蝇和狂蝇科的某些常见种分布很广,其垂直分布高度,从海拔-155~5 700m均可见到;葱地种蝇是产蒜区危害较重的蝇种,侵害率高达88.75%,大都以蛹越冬.  相似文献   

新疆蝇类研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
总结40多年来的新疆蝇类生态学调查资料。1964年沙湾县厩腐蝇、分别为2095、1254只/小时.笼;13种常见蝇类主要孳生场所调查,人畜粪便中主要为家蝇、尾蛆蝇,垃圾中主要是厩腐;胃蝇、皮蝇和狂蝇科的某些常见种分布很广,其垂直分布高度,从海拨-155 ̄570m均可见到;葱地种蝇是产蒜区危害较重的蝇种,侵害率高达88.75%,大都以蛹越冬。  相似文献   

目的掌握甘肃省武威市凉州区鼠、蚊、蝇和蟑螂密度,种类构成及季节消长规律,为病媒生物防控提供基础数据与科学依据。方法鼠密度监测采用夹夜法,蚊采用诱蚊灯法,蝇采用诱蝇笼法,蟑螂采用粘蟑纸法。结果全年累计捕鼠27只,平均鼠密度0.79%,小家鼠为优势种;诱获蚊类582只,均为淡色库蚊,平均蚊密度4.85只/笼;捕获蝇类6种241只,平均6.03只/笼,优势种为家蝇、巨尾阿丽蝇、麻蝇;诱获蟑螂331只,均为德国小蠊,侵害率7.08%,平均密度0.50只/张。结论凉州区病媒生物密度处于较低水平,但部分行业、局部地区病媒生物密度高,群众缺乏病媒生物防控知识,应加大防控力度。  相似文献   

从1989年6月至1991年11月对曲阜孔林进行了蝇种及其主要生态习性的调查研究。共捕蝇类12903只,隶属9科58属111种。其中4科18属48种是山东省首次发现的蝇种;双鬃树棘蝇为待发表的新种;奥米伽芒蝇为国内新记录种。其它如红角溜芒蝇主要分布于北方;密胡邻种蝇主要分布于我国西部高原及山区,孔林可能是目前所知该种在黄河流域最东的分布点。孔林内优势种为亮绿蝇,其次为大头金蝇、丝光绿蝇与狭额腐蝇,约占总量的75%。季节消长呈单峰型,7月份达到高峰。对蝇类的孳生场所以及不同类型的模拟孳生习性进行了较系统研究,并于1991年对孔林内蝇类进行综合防制,使平均密度下降了14.56%。  相似文献   

蝇类是一种变温的节肢动物,蝇的生长发育受温度、湿度、食物、种群密度等多种自然因素和生物因素影响,其中温度对蝇幼虫、蛹的生长及成蝇的羽化有着非常重要的作用[1],而且成蝇对温度也十分敏感,温度影响成蝇的寿命、活动能力、繁殖能力及季节分布等,本研究观察了21℃、28℃恒温条件下雌、雄丝光绿蝇成蝇的寿命。1材料与方法丝光绿蝇为河北医科大学校园内以家兔内脏诱捕获得,在实验室内连续饲养3代,第3代成蝇作为实验蝇。收集24h内羽化的成蝇600只,分为2笼,每笼雌雄之比为1∶1。其中一笼放入21以℃恒温箱培养,另外一笼放入28℃恒温箱培养,相…  相似文献   

目的通过对甘肃省武威市凉州区病媒生物的监测,了解病媒生物的种群构成和季节消长,为本地区有效预防控制病媒生物性传染病的发生与流行提供行之有效的防治措施。方法鼠密度监测采用粉迹法,蚊密度监测采用人工小时法,蝇类监测采用诱蝇笼,蟑螂监测用粘捕法,各监测点每月监测2次。结果鼠密度阳性率为5.5%,蚊虫年平均密度为2.98只/灯.h-1,蝇类平均密度为8.56只/笼;蟑螂密度年平均密度为1.03只/张。结论甘肃省武威市凉州区鼠、蚊、蝇密度均超过甘肃省卫生城市考核标准,若不采取积极、有效的防治措施,可能会引起病媒生物性传染病的发生。  相似文献   

摘要:目的  了解洪涝灾害期间马鞍山市主要病媒生物的密度及分布,为采取有效应对措施提供科学依据。方法  2020年在马鞍山市洪涝灾害较为严重的含山县、和县,选择洪涝灾害居民临时安置点或自然村作为调查实施区域,开展蚊、蝇和鼠类调查,计算媒介密度、路径指数等。结果  蚊类平均密度为34.27只/(台·夜),其中三带喙库蚊为优势蚊种,占总捕获蚊数的67.11%(253/377),蚊类路径指数为2.40处/km;蝇类平均密度为6.40只/笼,其中农贸市场蝇密度最高,为11.33只/笼;夹夜法未捕获鼠类,路径法发现鼠迹数9处,路径指数为7.8处/km。结论  洪涝灾害期间马鞍山市病媒生物密度处于较高水平,需重视洪涝灾害期间的病媒生物防制工作,维护灾后环境卫生。  相似文献   

目的 了解甘肃省平凉市主要病媒生物密度、种类构成和季节消长趋势,为科学有效地开展病媒生物监测与控制工作提供参考依据。方法 2018—2020年按照《全国病媒生物监测方案》和《甘肃省病媒生物监测方案(试行)》,在各县(区)开展鼠类、蚊类、蜱类、蝇类和蟑螂监测;采用描述流行病学方法统计分析不同生境的病媒生物密度、种类构成和季节消长趋势。结果 2018—2020年平均鼠密度0.23%,褐家鼠为优势种,农村自然村鼠密度最高,高峰在3—7月;平均蚊密度14.87只/(灯·夜),淡色库蚊为优势种,牲畜棚的蚊密度最高,高峰在6—9月;平均蝇密度1.80只/笼,农贸市场的蝇密度最高,高峰在6—9月;平均蟑螂密度1.16只/张,蟑螂侵害率为12.22%,捕获蟑螂均为德国小蠊,农贸市场的蟑螂密度最高,高峰多在1月、7月和11月。结论 平凉市不同生境病媒生物密度及季节消长趋势不同,病媒生物防控形势依然严峻;应以全国文明城市创建为契机,加强各县(区)病媒防制工作,开展以环境治理为主的爱国卫生运动,从而高效开展病媒生物监测及防制工作。  相似文献   

In some areas of endemic trachoma, muscoid flies may play a significant role in transmission of this serious eye infection. A simple and practical method of quantifying the relative household density of synanthropic flies has been developed for use in epidemiological field surveys. The method uses two boards moistened with a 10% sucrose solution. The fly scores showed good reproducibility at the same sampling site during the day and on different days. The only flies identified were Musca sorbens, showing their local density and a significant association of this fly with the presence of inflammatory trachoma in children.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the role of non-biting cyclorrhaphan flies as carriers of intestinal parasites in slum areas of Addis Ababa from January 2004 to June 2004. A total of 9550 flies, comprising of at least seven species were collected from four selected sites and examined for human intestinal parasites using the formol-ether concentration method. The dominant fly species was Chrysomya rufifacies (34.9%) followed by Musca domestica (31%), Musca sorbens (20.5.%), Lucina cuprina (6.8%), Sarcophaga sp. (2.8%), Calliphora vicina (2.2%) and Wohlfahrtia sp. (1.8%). Six intestinal helminths (Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, hookworms, Hymenolepis nana, Taenia spp. and Strongyloides stercoralis) and at least four protozoan parasites (Entamoeba histolytica/dispar, Entamoeba coli, Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium sp.) were isolated from both the external and gut contents of the flies. A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura among the helminths and E. histolytica/dispar and E. coli among the protozoans were the dominant parasites detected both on the external and in the gut contents of the flies, but occurring more in the latter. Among the flies, C. rufifacies and M. sorbens were the highest carriers of the helminth and protozoan parasites, respectively. The public health significance of these findings is highlighted.  相似文献   

The surveillance of prevalent Leishmania and sand fly species in endemic areas is important for prediction of the risk and expansion of leishmaniasis. In this study, we developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method for detection of Leishmania minicircle DNA within individual sand flies. Using this method, we detected minicircle DNA in 6 (3.3%) of 183 sand flies, while 5 (3.5%) of 143 were positive for Leishmania promastigotes in the same areas by microscopic examination. The species were identified as Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana by nucleotide sequencing of the cytochrome b gene. Additionally, all the Leishmania-positive sand flies were identified as Lutzomyia ayacuchensis by the restriction enzyme digestion of the PCR-amplified 18S ribosomal RNA gene fragments. Since this combined method is relatively easy and can process a large number of samples, it will be a powerful tool for the rapid identification of prevalent sand fly and Leishmania species as well as monitoring the infection rate in sand fly populations in endemic areas.  相似文献   

Sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) are responsible for the transmission of protozoan parasites that cause leishmaniases. They are found predominantly in forests, but some species exploit environments that have been subject to deforestation and subsequent human colonization. Studies conducted in Brazil over the past 30 years show that some species are adapting to peri-urban and urban settings. We evaluated sand fly diversity and abundance in the rural settlement of Rio Pardo, Presidente Figueiredo Municipality, Amazonas State, Brazil. Settlement households were divided into four categories. These categories were determined by the human population density and the degree of deforestation in the immediate area. We used CDC light traps to sample the area surrounding 24 households (6 households in each category). Samples were taken on six occasions during September–November 2009 and June–August 2010. A total of 3074 sand fly specimens were collected, including 1163 females and 1911 males. These were classified into 13 genera and 52 species. The greatest abundance of sand flies and the greatest richness of species were observed in areas where human population density was highest. Our results show that changes in the human occupancy and vegetation management in rural settlements may affect the population dynamics and distribution of sand fly species, thereby affecting the local transmission of cutaneous leishmaniases.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken in three districts in south eastern Uganda endemic for human and animal trypanosomiasis, to investigate the status of the vector tsetse fly population. Apparent density (AD) of tsetse was between 2 and 21 flies/trap/day across the three districts, with Glossinia fuscipes fuscipes identified as the predominant species. Trypanosomes were observed in G.f. fuscipes with an infection rate, as determined by microscopy, of 1.55% across the three studied areas. However, trypanosome infections were only identified in female flies giving an infection rate of 2.39% for the female tsetse when this sex was considered in isolation; no male flies were found to be infected. Bloodmeal analysis highlighted 3 principal vertebrate hosts, namely cattle, pigs and monitor lizards (Varanus niloticus). The implication of this, in relation to the cycle of transmission for human infective trypanosomes between domestic animals and man, is discussed.  相似文献   

An entomological survey of sand flies was conducted in Naresuan Cave in Noen Maprang District, Phitsanulok Province, during November 2009 to December 2010. A total of 10,115 cave-dwelling sand flies were collected with CDC light traps nocturnally (06:00 AM and 06:00 PM) and diurnally (06:00 PM and 06:00 AM). The ratio between male and female sand flies was 1:1.3 (4,363:5,752). The ratio between the number of sand flies caught nocturnally and diurnally was 2.6:1 (7,268:2,847). In this study, 13 species belonging to 4 genera were identified, of which 4 belonged to the genus Phlebotomus, 7 to Sergentomyia, 1 to Nemopalpus and 1 to Chinius. An abundance of species were observed: Nemopalpus vietnamensis (49.15%), P. argentipes (20.15%), C. barbazani (15.79%), P. teshi (9.53%), and S. anodontis (3.21%). Less common species (<1%) were S. barraudi (0.63%), P. stantoni (0.57%), S. dentata (0.49%), S.quatei (0.17%), P. philippinensis gouldi (0.12%), S.silvatica (0.10%), S. gemmea (0.05%), and S. iyengari (0.04%). The predominant species in the Naresuan Cave was Nemopalpus vietnamensis (49.15%). The data demonstrates variability in sand fly prevalence, species composition, and relative abundance in caves. P. argentipes was found throughout the day in the caves, which is important because it is believed to be the Leishmania spp vector. This study highlights the diurnal activity of the sand fly and the day-time risk of leishmaniasis. In conclusion, although leishmaniasis has not been reported in Phitsanulok, there should be heightened awareness of infection in these areas with vectors of the protozoa.  相似文献   

In order to determine the vectors of leishmaniasis in Ecuador, 1,054 man biting sand flies from the Department of Ca?ar were dissected and examined for promastigotes. There were 2 man-biting species, Lu. trapidoi and Lu. hartmanni in this endemic area of the disease. The infection rates were 7.7% in the former and 3.9% in the latter species, demonstrating the different rates in various localities and altitudes of the study areas. There was an association between infection rates and the time of day, suggesting some connection with biting activity of sand fly species. In collections using human bait at 7 study areas in 5 Departments, 6 man-biting species were recognized, indicating different dominant species in each area. It was assumed that the dominant species would play an important role as the principal vector of leishmaniasis in each endemic area. As to species determination of the present Leishmania promastigotes, suffice it to say that the parasites are Leishmania sp., presumably L. braziliensis s.l., until the isolates have been typed.  相似文献   

Sand flies from the Andean areas of Ecuador and Peru were examined for Leishmania infections by using our recently established molecular mass screening method. Leishmanial minicircle DNA-positive sand flies were detected in 3 of 192 and 1 of 462 samples from Ecuador and Peru, respectively. Sand fly species were identified by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) of the 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene, and the positive flies were Lutzomyia (Lu.) ayacuchensis and Lu. peruensis, respectively. Furthermore, cytochrome b and mannose-phosphate isomerase gene sequence analyses identified the parasites from Ecuador and Peru as Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana and L. (Viannia) peruviana, respectively. Thus, the mass screening method was confirmed to be a powerful tool for sand fly research.  相似文献   

Surveillance of the prevalence of Leishmania and its vector, sand fly species, in endemic and surrounding areas is important for prediction of the risk and expansion of leishmaniasis. In this study, a method for the mass screening of sand flies for Leishmania infection was established. This method was applied to 319 field-captured specimens, and 5 positive sand flies were detected. Sand fly species were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the18S rRNA gene, and all the positive flies were Lu. hartmanni. Furthermore, cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene sequence analyses identified all the parasites as Endotrypanum species including a probable novel species. Because the method requires minimum effort and can process a large number of samples at once, it will be a powerful tool for studying the epidemiology of leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Since circumstantial evidence suggests that flies are vectors of diarrheal diseases, a randomized study of the effect of insecticide spraying upon the incidence of diarrhea was conducted near the town of Peshawar, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan. 6 study villages were randomly assigned to 2 groups, with flies controlled through the twice weekly application of ultra low volume space spraying with insecticide in group A in 1995 and in group B in 1996. The insecticide used was Aqua K-Othrine, a water-based formulation of deltamethrin, applied at a dose of 0.5-1.0 g of active ingredient per hectare by Porta-Pak sprayers. In 1997, the effectiveness of baited fly traps was tested in group A villages. The incidence of diarrhea episodes was monitored in children under age 5 years through mothers' reports during weekly visits by a health worker, and fly density was monitored using sticky fly-papers hung in sentinel compounds. During the fly seasons of March-June in 1995 and 1996, the application of insecticide almost eliminated the fly population in the treated villages. The incidence of diarrhea was lower in the sprayed villages than in the unsprayed villages in both 1995 and 1996, for an overall 23% reduction in incidence. At times other than the fly season, no evidence was observed of a difference in diarrhea morbidity between sprayed and unsprayed villages. Fly density data for 1997 found the baited traps to be ineffective.  相似文献   

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