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现在很多家长喜欢宅家,机不离手,很多孩子缺少玩伴,孤单无聊.父母为了省事,直接让他们看电视、玩平板.如何让家长转变陪伴方式?如何让家长掌握方式、方法,有效开展家庭亲子体育游戏呢?是本文探究的重点内容.我们将通过场地布局、器材使用、内容选择等多方面,让家长了解体育游戏的价值、掌握体育游戏的组织与实施,为和谐、亲密...  相似文献   

马宏霞 《中国妇幼保健》2012,27(17):2643-2645
目的:了解郑州市学龄前儿童家庭亲子体育活动的状况。方法:采用问卷调查等方法对郑州市976个家庭的亲子体育活动状况开展调查。结果:郑州市绝大多数的学龄前儿童喜欢亲子体育活动,多数家庭能够每周进行一次亲子体育活动。结论:积极更新教育理念,大力倡导亲子教育,通过和谐互动的亲子体育活动,给学龄前儿童营造一个身心健康发展的成长环境。  相似文献   

家长文化水平对学龄前儿童健康行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范晓晔 《中国校医》2002,16(5):463-464
为了解家长文化水平对学龄前儿童健康行为形成的影响 ,我们于 2 0 0 1年 10月对 2 14名 3~ 6岁托幼儿童进行了调查 ,现将结果报告如下。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 在 5所幼儿园中随机抽取 2 14名托幼儿童 ,其中 3~ 4岁占 35 .4% ,4~ 5岁占 30 .7% ,5~ 6岁占 33.9% ,男女性别比为 1:1.2。父母大学占 2 8.0 %、中专高中占 45 .8%、初中及以下占 2 6 .2 % ,各年龄组儿童的家长文化构成差异无显著性意义(P >0 .0 5 )。家长文化水平依儿童父母中文化水平高的一人为标准。1.2 方法 采用问卷调查 ,问卷自行设计 ,经预试验修改而成 ,具有一定…  相似文献   

目的 了解家长对学龄前儿童情感暴力行为的发生情况,探讨家长对学龄前儿童情感暴力行为的影响因素。方法 采用无记名自填式问卷方法,对北京市西城区5所幼儿园842名学龄前儿童家长进行了问卷调查。结果 被调查的842名学龄前儿童家长中,在最近一年里, 15.9%的家长对子女实施过至少一项情感暴力;有童年期受虐待经历的父母对子女的情感暴力行为明显高于童年期无受虐待经历的父母(P<0.001)。结论 被调查地区家长对学龄前儿童情感暴力行为存在一定比例;父母童年期受过虐待可能为学龄前儿童情感暴力的危险因素。  相似文献   

儿童的心理问题的发生与家庭教育方式以及亲子关系密切相关,大量实践表明亲子游戏治疗是一种有效的治疗儿童心理障碍的干预手段,亲子游戏治疗主要运用于治疗儿童攻击性问题行为、情感调整障碍和家庭暴力和性虐待等心理障碍.  相似文献   

随着人民生活和卫生知识水平的提高,儿童龋病的预防和保健越来越被重视,儿童龋病与其饮食有密切的关系。笔者通过对861例学龄前儿童家长口腔卫生知识水平的调查,对今后采取针对性的口腔卫生知识健康教育有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

学龄前儿童行为问题及其影响基因研究   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
目的 了解太原市学龄前儿童行为问题发生的情况及其特点,并探讨其影响因素,方法 采用Achenbachs儿童行为量表(CBCL)中国标准化版本及自拟的家庭情况调查表,对太原市5所幼儿园共444名儿童家长进行问卷调查。结果 儿童行为问题检出率为10.36%,无性别差异,各问题行为检出率男童以性问题和违纪因子最高,女童以多动,性问题,分裂样,肥胖因子较高,分裂样因子女童高于男童(P<0.05),男女行为总分差异无显性,但内向分女童高于男童,负向分男童显高于女童;与儿童行为问题有关的因素有父亲吸烟时间,母亲孕期总分,母亲情绪,儿童个人卫生习惯,喜吹零食等。结论 学龄前儿童行为存在性别特点,儿童行为问题可能与教育教养环境有关。  相似文献   

目的研究沙盘游戏应用于学龄前儿童的注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)治疗中的有效性及可行性。方法选取2018年1月-2019年1月惠州市妇幼保健计划生育服务中心就诊的学龄前儿童ADHD患者50例,随机分为观察组和对照组各25例。不刻意改变学龄前儿童患者的生活习惯和方式,对照组患儿接受常规治疗,观察组治疗时加入沙盘游戏。分别对两组患儿治疗前后的PSQ量表评分进行比较。结果使用了沙盘游戏治疗的观察组儿童,其多动指数、品行问题、学习问题、心身障碍、冲动-多动及焦虑评分均明显低于治疗前及对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在学龄前儿童ADHD治疗时加入沙盘游戏进行治疗,取得了较好效果,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童和家长行为和认知情况对学龄前儿童营养发育状况影响。方法随机选取辽宁省沈阳市2所幼儿园2~6岁学龄前儿童,对其进行体格检查以及营养发育等级评价;问卷调查儿童及家长日常行为习惯及相关知识认知情况;分析相关因素对学龄前儿童营养状况的影响。结果进食速度快(15 min)的儿童中有26.8%(15/56)营养发育水平为上等,高于进食速度一般(15~30 min)的11.0%(23/209)和进食速度慢(30min)的6.9%(11/159),差异有统计学意义(2χ=38.02,P0.01);有93.9%(46/49)营养发育水平为上等的儿童家长知晓2类不健康食物,知晓率高于中等和中下等组的80.3%(237/295)和60.0%(9/15),差异有统计学意义(2χ=10.62,P0.05)。结论进食速度过快、家长对不健康食物知晓率较高、父亲体质指数(BM I)过大和近3年由祖父母照顾的学龄前儿童营养状况相对较好。  相似文献   

学龄前儿童家长营养知识调查及幼儿膳食建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解北京市郊学龄前儿童饮食习惯及幼儿家长相关营养知识水平 ,以便提出膳食建议。方法 特选取北京顺义区建新幼儿园中班全体幼儿家长进行统一问卷调查 ,同时采用计帐法对幼儿园膳食进行了统计。结果 参与问卷调查的家长共 97人 ,涉及 4~ 6岁男童 5 3人 ,女童 4 4人。儿童蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物供能比例基本适宜 ,儿童膳食中动物性铁和视黄醇摄入比例较少 ,钙、锌、硒的摄入量不足 ,偏食现象的儿童占 34 0 % ,儿童最喜食甜食、水果 ,最讨厌的食物是绿叶蔬菜类。结论 对儿童膳食提出建议如下 :(1)食品多样化、粗细粮搭配 ,适当增加膳食中动物性食品的供给比例 ;(2 )每日饮奶 2 0 0~ 30 0ml;(3)多吃动物肝脏和深色蔬菜 ;(4)多吃杂粮、豆类和根茎类 ;(5 )纠正偏食现象 ;(6 )注意不同季节儿童膳食的搭配 ,尤其防止春季多种营养素供给不足 ;(7)儿童的膳食中宜少放盐。要针对儿童家长广泛宣传相应的营养知识 ,主要途径是书籍和电视  相似文献   

Background/ObjectiveLiterature shows that there is a circular relationship between children’s ADHD-related behaviors and parenting stress. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to understand if mindfulness parent trainings have benefits for both parenting stress and the problem behaviors in children with ADHD.MethodsFive databases, CINAHL, Embase, PsycINFO, PubMED, and Web of Science, were searched. Within-group effects at post-treatment and follow-up assessment, and between-group effects at post-treatment were analyzed. Effect sizes (Hedges’ g) were also calculated.ResultsTen studies (5 RCTs and 5 non-RCTs) met the selection criteria and were selected for systematic review, and nine of them were included for meta-analysis. Among these 10 studies, five studies involved mindfulness training for both parents and children, while the other five studies involved mindfulness training for parents only. Within-group effects at post-treatment were small-to-large for all outcomes. Hedges’ g ranged between −0.17 [95% CI (−0.98, 0.64)] and 4.70 [95% CI (3.59, 5.81)] for parenting stress; 0.17 [95% CI (−0.03, 0.37)] and 4.03 [95% CI (2.97, 5.09)] for children’s problem behaviors; and 0.20 [95% CI (−0.10, 0.50)] and 2.98 [95% CI (2.16, 3.80)] for children’s ADHD symptoms. Between-group comparisons showed mindfulness parent training was superior to other active controls on all outcomes.ConclusionFindings suggest that mindfulness parent training may be beneficial for parenting stress and children’s ADHD-related behaviors, and due to the small number of studies reviewed, cautions should be taken when interpreting the results.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to examine the ways in which parents engage in play with their children within the family context and to establish which parental play behaviour predicts the play behaviour of their children during interactive play with toys. The sample included 58 children from 2;6 to 6 years old and their parents. The parent–child dyads were videotaped in the home setting during a 30-minute interactive play period with both structured and unstructured toys, chosen by the researchers. The interactive play was analysed using the Scale for Observing Child–Adult Play [Marjanovi?-Umek, L., &; Fekonja-Peklaj, U. (2012). Lestvica za opazovanje otroka in star?a med igro [Scale for Observing Child–Adult Play]. Ljubljana: Oddelek za psihologijo, Filozofska fakulteta], which consists of five categories for assessing the adult's play and four categories for assessing the child's play. The results obtained showed positive correlations between parents' and children's play behaviour. The regression analysis showed that the parental use of mental transformations was the strongest predictor of a child's play behaviour; namely, the development of the play content and play frame as well as the child's use of mental transformations. The findings provide important possible implications, especially in the sense of scaffolding children's symbolic play.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨对学习困难(learning disability,LD)儿童进行结构式集体游戏治疗(play therapy,PT)的疗效,为LD儿童的干预治疗提供依据。【方法】从小学4年级学生中筛出83例LD儿童,随机分为实验组(42例)和对照组(41例),另外设立正常组(50例),对实验组儿童进行结构式集体PT。采用儿少主观生活质量问卷(Inventory of Subjective Life Quanlity,ISLQ)、艾森克人格问卷(儿童)(Eysenck Personality Questionaire,EPQJunior)、心理健康诊断测验(Mental Health Test,MHT)和学习成绩进行疗效评估。【结果】游戏治疗后,实验组儿童在家庭生活、同伴交往、学校生活、自我认识和抑郁体验方面的生活质量优于对照组(P<0.01);在情绪稳定性方面优于对照组(P<0.05);在对人焦虑、自责倾向、学习焦虑、孤独倾向和冲动倾向方面的心理健康状况优于对照组(P<0.05)。【结论】结构式集体PT对10~11岁LD儿童的近期疗效肯定。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a unique experiential teaching method in the context of training for art psychotherapists and raises issues relevant to teaching for all workers in health and social care. The art therapy large experiential group of all the students and all the staff (80+), which is held six times a year on the 2-year full-time/3-year part-time programme, is identified with three educational components: learning about art therapy processes, learning about the educational process of becoming a professional, and learning about institutional and political issues relevant for the work-place. This educational method engages the unconscious dynamics of both students and staff and brings this together, through creative activity, with a critical engagement in social and political issues. The group has implications for all health workers in its attention to non-verbal communication, activity as a means to learning and agency in institutional issues in the work-place. The paper brings together a case example in which students were able to process the impact of a nationwide, union strike in the university, with relevant literature from large group theory, small art therapy group theory and performance art. Discussion is given to the process by which the art therapy large group meets its learning objectives.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨结构式游戏治疗对注意缺陷多动障碍(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,ADHD)儿童的生活质量的干预效果,为临床治疗提供参考依据。【方法】对24例ADHD儿童进行评估后,制定结构式游戏治疗方案并进行干预,治疗前后及半年后随访时分别用儿少主观生活质量问卷(ISLQ)和Conners′量表父母症状问卷进行效果评估。【结果】24例ADHD儿童在治疗后生活质量的总分明显提高(P0.01),体现在家庭生活、学校生活、自我认识、抑郁体验、焦虑体验等维度,半年后随访时与治疗后比较差异无显著性;Conners′量表各因子分治疗后明显降低(P0.05或0.01)。【结论】结构式游戏治疗能有效提高ADHD儿童的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨对社交焦虑儿童进行短程结构式游戏治疗的疗效,为社交焦虑儿童的干预提供依据。方法 将23名社交焦虑儿童随机分为实验组(n=12)和对照组(n=11),对实验组儿童给予10次短程结构式游戏治疗进行干预,采用儿童社交焦虑量表(Social Anxiety Scale for Children,SASC)、心理健康诊断测验(Mental Health Test ,MHT)、儿少主观生活质量问卷(Inventory of Subjective Life Quality,ISLQ)进行疗效评估。 结果 治疗后,实验组儿童在SASC量表各因子分和总分均明显低于对照组儿童(P<0.01);在MHT量表的学习焦虑、对人焦虑、孤独倾向、自责倾向、过敏倾向、身体症状、冲动倾向得分和总分均低于对照组(P<0.01或<0.05);在ISLQ的同伴交往、学校生活、焦虑体验维度得分和总分均高于对照组(P<0.01或<0.05)。 结论 短程结构式游戏治疗对社交焦虑儿童的近期疗效肯定。  相似文献   

农村留守儿童是问题行为的高发群体,在不同父母迁移模式下,留守儿童在问题行为表现上存在差异.通过综述近年来农村留守儿童问题行为的研究,发现相较于非留守儿童,父母均迁移儿童的问题行为总体发生率显著较高;在父亲或母亲一方迁移情况下,母亲迁移儿童的问题行为发生率显著高于父亲迁移.本综述为进一步深入研究农村留守儿童问题行为提供参...  相似文献   

目的 探索由沙盘治疗、感统训练和父母培训相结合的综合心理治疗对儿童多动症的疗效。方法 在唐山市三家医院选取69名符合DSM-Ⅳ中儿童多动症标准的儿童,随机分为两组,实验组34人,对照组35人。实验组进行综合心理治疗,包括沙盘游戏治疗1次/周,共20次;感觉统合训练3次/周,共60次,3个疗程;对其家长进行培训1次/2周,共8次。对照组不干预。干预前后使用Conners父母用症状问卷(Parent Symptom Questionnaire,PSQ)和简式育儿压力量表(Parenting Stress Index-Short Form,PSI-SF)进行疗效评定。结果 综合性心理治疗后实验组PSQ量表除心身问题外,其余各因子较干预前差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),父母育儿压力各因子较干预前显著,差异也有统计学意义(P<0.05)。对照组在两个量表上差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 由沙盘治疗、感统训练和父母培训相结合的综合心理治疗模式可以有效改善ADHD患儿的多种症状,有效缓解其父母的育儿压力。  相似文献   

刘玉路  李新影 《中国公共卫生》2015,31(12):1655-1657
目的 了解父母教养方式对青少年问题行为及性别差异的影响。方法 采用随机整群抽样方法,于2007年9月-2008年4月,在北京市18个区随机抽取1387名青少年进行一般情况、父母教养方式、问题行为的问卷调查。结果 男生问题行为水平为(13.29±11.39)分,明显高于女生的(11.86±9.91)分,差异有统计学意义(t=2.92,P<0.01);父母教养方式的4个维度得分依次为母亲温暖(25.12±5.91)分、母亲监管(23.37±6.65)分、父亲温暖(25.37±4.91)分、父亲监管(22.33±6.54)分,均高于男生的(23.86±6.11)、(22.30±6.78)、(23.53±5.40)、(20.81±6.50)分,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);问题行为与父母教养方式中的母亲温暖(r=-0.27,P<0.01)、母亲监管(r=-0.31,P<0.01)、父亲温暖(r=-0.28,P<0.01)、父亲监管(r=-0.30,P<0.01)4个维度均呈明显负相关;性别在父母教养方式与问题行为之间无调节作用(P>0.05)。结论 男生应该得到与女生同样的父母关注和关心,以减少问题行为的发生。  相似文献   

Externalizing behaviors are prevalent among children with intellectual disability (ID). This study was conducted to identify the effectiveness of painting therapy program in alleviating the externalizing behaviors of male children with ID. In a randomized clinical trial, 60 children with ID were separated into intervention group and control group. The intervention group received the painting therapy program (12 weeks; two sessions per week), while the control group did not receive any program. The questionnaires were completed by their parents in order to evaluate the externalizing behaviors of children at the beginning and at the end of the painting therapy program. A two-way repeated-measure Analysis of Variance showed that the mean levels of externalizing behaviors in the intervention group decreased after the painting therapy program. In addition, the analysis showed that the mean levels of externalizing behaviors between the intervention group and the control group were significantly different. The findings revealed that painting therapy program could alleviate the externalizing behaviors of children with ID.  相似文献   

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