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我国人体缩小膜壳绦虫病毛协仁,贾洪忠综述孙延昌审校山东省寄生虫病防治研究所(济宁272133)缩小膜壳绦虫病是一种人兽共患病。病原是缩小膜壳绦虫,又称长膜壳绦虫,是鼠类常见的寄生虫,偶寄生于人体。本虫由Olfers于1766年在南美洲的鼠体内首次检得... 相似文献
患者 ,男性 ,43岁。因腹胀及腹泻 1年余 ,有时腹泻 1日数次 ,连续 2~ 3d ,可自愈 ,自认为饮食不洁 ,消化不良 ,自购消炎药和助消化药服 ,可缓解 ,但反复发作 ,逐渐消瘦。曾在我院及其他医院就诊 ,作过血、尿、大便、B超及内窥镜检查未发现异常。曾诊断为“胆囊炎”和“胃肠植物神经功能紊乱”等 ,对症治疗 ,未见好转。于 1999年 4月腹痛、腹泻和腹胀加重 ,伴明显消瘦 ,头晕与失眠来院复诊。体检 :剑下脐周压痛 ,未扪及包块。查血 :Hb :90g L、RBC 3 4× 10 1 2 L、WBC 5 6× 10 9 L、N 0 6、L 0 35、E 0 0 5。粪检查… 相似文献
缩小膜壳绦虫的分布呈世界性,其终宿主主要为啮齿动物,但人如偶尔吃了有该虫感染的节肢动物时,则其似囊尾蚴可达到小肠而发生罕见的人体感染病例.作者报道在广东省茂名市的1例儿童病例. 相似文献
毛协仁 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》1989,(2)
我所于1965年11月~1985年9月收治缩小膜壳绦虫病患者6例,介绍如下。 临床资料 6例中男性1例,女性5例:年龄1.5~11岁5例,23岁1例。大便排节片4例,粪检时发现缩小膜壳绦虫卵2例。腹痛2例,腹泻4例,头晕、乏 相似文献
1. 一般情况 患儿,男,2周岁,15 kg,吉林省龙井人。因患儿家长在其粪便中多次发现白色带状虫体,而于2004年6月到延边大学医学院寄生虫学教研室就诊。该患儿于2004年5月首次被发现其稀便里有白色带状多节的细长虫体4个,在当地防疫站被诊断为小型绦虫病,即给患儿服用驱绦虫胶囊6粒。但在患儿粪便里未见虫体排出。患儿近2 d有轻度腹泻,且在粪便中又发现与上述形态相同的虫体2个。患儿食欲、情绪、睡眠均无异常。 相似文献
患者,男性,3岁,河南省来川县人。1985年春移居农村,7月大便中排有白色带状物,经县医院化验诊断为“绦虫”。服槟榔、乌梅、南瓜子等驱虫数次无效。患儿发病后有吃泥土及不规则腹泻。 相似文献
患儿2岁,近日因腹痛而哭闹,伴腹泻(日3~4次),并有恶心呕吐,食欲不振等。因粪便中发现白色节片而就医。体检:腹部膨隆,肝肋下1厘米,质软无压痛,脾未及。大便涂片查见蛔虫卵。 相似文献
1999年 10月 ,作者在菏泽地区东明县进行华支睾吸虫流行病学调查时 ,粪检中发现 5人感染缩小膜壳绦虫。其中男性 4例 ,女性 1例 ,均为 4~ 14岁少年儿童。经询问 5例感染者均有不同程度的自觉症状 ,其中腹部不适 5例 ,经常性腹痛、腹泻者4例 ,夜间说梦话、惊吓者 3例 ,上课时头痛、注意力不集中 3例 ,明显消瘦乏力者 3例。据初步调查 ,该乡镇农村近些年鼠密度居高不下 ,村内环境、农民家庭卫生状况较差。当地居民的主食加工 1次供多日食用 ,极有食入面粉甲虫和其它中间宿主的可能而感染。缩小膜壳绦虫为鼠类常见的寄生虫 ,人体偶有感染。但… 相似文献
1一般资料患儿,男性,1岁,体重10kg,云南省宣威市人。2005年11月15日,患儿腹泻5次,粪便呈蛋花样,每次都有白色虫体排出,虫体长短不一。将虫体标本先后送至宣威市、曲靖地区及云南省有关部门均未能确诊。之后送到昆明医学院寄生虫学教研室鉴定。患儿共排虫15~20条,腹泻伴发热,体温38~39.5℃,血常规检查未见明显异常。患儿家住农村,粮食堆放在家里,粮食中大黄粉虫和谷蛾等昆虫较多。住房周围鼠的密度高。患儿常在地上爬玩,喜欢吃生洋芋、生玉米等,时常捡拾地上东西吃。2标本鉴定与治疗送检标本为黄绿色蛋花样粪便和4条白色分节的扁形虫体。在… 相似文献
《The American journal of medicine》1965,38(6):951-953
A case of Hymenolepis diminuta (rat tapeworm) infection is described in a young boy residing in New York City.A brief resume of the epidemiology, clinical features, treatment and prevention of this disease is presented. 相似文献
Erin A McKenney Lauren Williamson Anne D Yoder John F Rawls Staci D Bilbo William Parker 《Gut microbes》2015,6(3):182-193
The microbiome is now widely recognized as being important in health and disease, and makes up a substantial subset of the biome within the ecosystem of the vertebrate body. At the same time, multicellular, eukaryotic organisms such as helminths are being recognized as an important component of the biome that shaped the evolution of our genes. The absence of these macroscopic organisms during the early development and life of humans in Western culture probably leads to a wide range of human immunological diseases. However, the interaction between the microbiome and macroscopic components of the biome remains poorly characterized. In this study, the microbiome of the cecum in rats colonized for 2 generations with the small intestinal helminth Hymenolepis diminuta was evaluated. The introduction of this benign helminth, which is of considerable therapeutic interest, led to several changes in the cecal microbiome. Most of the changes were within the Firmicutes phylum, involved about 20% of the total bacteria, and generally entailed a shift from Bacilli to Clostridia species in the presence of the helminth. The results point toward ecological relationships between various components of the biome, with the observed shifts in the microbiome suggesting potential mechanisms by which this helminth might exert therapeutic effects. 相似文献
《Gut microbes》2013,4(3):182-193
The microbiome is now widely recognized as being important in health and disease, and makes up a substantial subset of the biome within the ecosystem of the vertebrate body. At the same time, multicellular, eukaryotic organisms such as helminths are being recognized as an important component of the biome that shaped the evolution of our genes. The absence of these macroscopic organisms during the early development and life of humans in Western culture probably leads to a wide range of human immunological diseases. However, the interaction between the microbiome and macroscopic components of the biome remains poorly characterized. In this study, the microbiome of the cecum in rats colonized for 2 generations with the small intestinal helminth Hymenolepis diminuta was evaluated. The introduction of this benign helminth, which is of considerable therapeutic interest, led to several changes in the cecal microbiome. Most of the changes were within the Firmicutes phylum, involved about 20% of the total bacteria, and generally entailed a shift from Bacilli to Clostridia species in the presence of the helminth. The results point toward ecological relationships between various components of the biome, with the observed shifts in the microbiome suggesting potential mechanisms by which this helminth might exert therapeutic effects. 相似文献
寄生人体缩小膜壳绦虫成虫及虫卵的扫描电镜观察 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
服用槟榔(100g)煎剂和硫酸镁(30g),从1例感染者肠道驱出缩小膜壳绦虫41条。扫描电镜观察,成虫和虫卵的形态与鼠内虫体基本相似。但微毛仅见于头节和成节,乳突仅于幼节见到。顶突呈菜花样隆起,无微毛和乳突。吸盘附近发现2个长约6μm的三角形孔穴。结果提示,人类和鼠类的缩小膜壳绦虫之间可能存在不同的生理型。 相似文献
Triggering immunological memory against the tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta to protect against colitis 下载免费PDF全文
Infection with parasitic helminths can ameliorate the severity of concomitant inflammatory disease. To use the tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, and to extend this concept by assessing whether triggering a memory response against the worm inhibits dinitrobenzene sulphonic acid (DNBS)‐induced colitis in Balb/c mice. Initial studies revealed that oral infection with 1, 3 or 5 H. diminuta cysticercoids 8 days before intrarectal administration of DNBS (3 mg) resulted in less severe inflammation and that infected mice displayed an increased propensity for T helper‐2 immunity. A 1 mg dose of a PBS‐soluble extract of the worm (HdAg) delivered intraperitoneally concomitant with DNBS was anticolitic as determined by macroscopic and histological disease scores 72 hour post‐DNBS. Mice infected 28 days previously had a memory response as determined by HdAg‐evoked increases in interleukin (IL)‐4 and IL‐10 from in vitro stimulated splenocytes and serum anti‐H. diminuta IgG. Moreover, mice infected with 5 H. diminuta 28 days previously were protected from DNBS‐induced colitis by secondary infection or 100 μg HdAg (ip.) at the time of DNBS treatment. An additional approach to managing inflammatory disease could be infection with H. diminuta followed by eliciting antiworm recall responses. 相似文献