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The complement system is a powerful bactericidal immune defence with the potential to damage self cells. Protection of self is provided by expression on cells of a battery of membrane regulators that inhibit activation of complement. Roles of complement in the rejection of transplanted organs have long been recognized, and are particularly relevant in xenotransplantation, where hyperacute rejection is complement-driven. Inhibiting complement was therefore considered early in the history of xenografting, and the use of membrane complement regulators to this end was proposed more than two decades ago. For each of the membrane regulators in humans, early studies implied a species-specificity of action, inhibiting human complement but not that from other species. The dogma of species-specificity dictated strategies for inhibiting complement in xenografts and drove the creation of donor transgenic pigs expressing human regulators. Here we critically evaluate the evidence for species-specificity in membrane complement regulators from humans and other animals. We challenge the dogma and show that there is considerable cross-species activity for each of the membrane regulators of complement. Acceptance of the fact that species selectivity is not a limitation will open new avenues for protection of the xenograft from complement damage.  相似文献   

A pig line transgenic for human membrane cofactor protein (hMCP) has been established. Offspring from the founder were produced by crossing the founder with pigs heterozygous for the human decay accelerating factor (hDAF) transgene. As a result, pigs transgenic for both hMCP and hDAF have been produced. Ribonuclease protection assay (RPA) indicated that hMCP was expressed in all the tissues analysed. In addition, immunohistochemical results indicated a high level of expression of hMCP on neural tissues and islets where hDAF was absent or weakly expressed. C3 fragment deposition and cytotoxicity assays indicated that hMCP expression alone on pig endothelial cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) provided protection against human complement mediated damage. However, we did not find that porcine endothelial cells expressing both hDAF and hMCP were better protected than those expressing hDAF alone. The expression of hMCP on tissues where hDAF is not expressed could provide these tissues with protection against human complement mediated lysis.  相似文献   

Inhibition of complement activation via human membrane-associated complement regulators is known to prevent hyperacute rejection in heart and kidney pig-to-primate transplantation. The protective effect of such strategies in pulmonary xenografts, however, seems to be insufficient. In an ex vivo perfusion, model lungs from donor pigs transgenic for human CD55 (n = 6) or human CD59 (n = 5) were perfused with fresh human blood and compared with nontransgenic organs (n = 6). In addition, a soluble complement component 1 esterase inhibitor (C1-Inh) was applied in h-CD55 transgenic lungs (n = 3). In the h-CD55 transgenic group, survival was prolonged (P < 0.05), quality and maximal time of oxygenation significantly improved and pulmonary vascular resistance reduced compared with the control group. There was a decreased sequestration of platelets, less parenchymal injury and reduced deposition of C(5b-9) in the h-CD55 transgenic group. Additional soluble complement inhibition (C1-Inh) did not prolong survival of h-CD55 transgenic lungs. Survival and pulmonary function in lungs expressing h-CD59 was not significantly different from parameters observed in nontransgenic lungs. In this ex vivo model of pig-to-primate lung transplantation, membrane-based complement inhibition resulted in significantly improved pulmonary function. However, minor histopathological injuries observed in these transgenic xenografts suggested only partial protection from pulmonary dysfunction by complement inhibition alone.  相似文献   

Abstract: Background: Hyperacute rejection (HAR) and early graft failure (EGF) have been described in a minority of pig‐to‐baboon heart transplants using organs transgenic for human complement regulatory proteins (hCRP). Here we investigate the role of coagulation cascade activation in the pathogenesis of HAR and EGF in a consecutive series where a high incidence of these outcomes was observed. Methods: Twenty‐eight naïve wild‐caught Papio anubis baboons received heterotopic heart transplants from pigs transgenic for hDAF (n = 23) or hMCP (n = 5). Immunosuppression consisted of cyclosporine A, cyclophosphamide and MMF (n = 18) or anti‐CD154 mAb (IDEC‐131) and ATG (n = 10). Eleven received anti‐Gal carbohydrates (GAS914, n = 8, or NEX1285, n = 3), of which four also underwent extracorporeal immunoadsorption (EIA), and 12 also received pharmacologic complement inhibitors (C1 INH, n = 9, or APT070, n = 3). Results: Excluding one technical failure, 14 of 27 transplants (11 hDAF, 3 hMCP) exhibited either HAR (n = 10) or EGF (n = 4). Surprisingly, neither complement inhibition (with C1 INH or APT070) nor anti‐Gal antibody depletion with GAS914, NEX1285, or additional EIA consistently prevented HAR or EGF despite low or undetectable complement deposition. Strikingly, most grafts with HAR/EGF exhibited prominent fibrinogen and platelet deposition associated with systemic coagulation cascade activation, consistent with non‐physiologic intravascular coagulation, in many instances despite little evidence for antibody‐mediated complement activation. Conclusion: We conclude that dysregulated coagulation correlates closely with and probably causes primary failure of pig hearts transgenic for hCRP. These data support efforts to define effective strategies to prevent dysregulated coagulation in pig organ xenografts.  相似文献   

Human membrane cofactor protein (CD46) controls complement activation and when expressed sufficiently as a transgene protects xenografts against complement-mediated rejection, as shown here using non-immunosuppressed baboons and heterotopic CD46 transgenic pig kidney xenografts. This report is of a carefully engineered transgene that enables high-level CD46 expression. A novel CD46 minigene was validated by transfection and production of a transgenic pig line. Pig lymphocytes were tested for resistance to antibody and complement-mediated lysis, transgenic tissues were characterized for CD46 expression, and kidneys were transplanted to baboons without immunosuppression. Absorption of anti-Galalpha(1,3)Gal epitope (anti-GAL) serum antibodies was measured. Transgenic pigs expressed high levels of CD46 in all tissues, especially vascular endothelium, with stable expression through three generations that was readily monitored by flow cytometry of transgenic peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Transgenic PBMC pre-sensitized with antibody were highly resistant to human complement-mediated lysis which readily lysed normal pig PBMC. Normal pig kidneys transplanted without cold ischemia into non-immunosuppressed adult baboons survived a median of 3.5 h (n = 7) whereas transgenic grafts (n = 9), harvested at approximately 24-h intervals, were either macroscopically normal (at 29, 48 and 68 h) or showed limited macroscopic damage (median > 50 h). Microscopic assessment of transplanted transgenic kidneys showed only focal tubular infarcts with viable renal tissue elsewhere, no endothelial swelling or polymorph adherence and infiltration by lymphocytes beginning at 3 days. Coagulopathy was not a feature of the histology in four kidneys not rejected and assessed at 48 h or later after transplantation. Baboon anti-GAL serum antibody titers were high before transplantation and, in one extensively analyzed recipient, reduced approximately 8-fold within 5.5 h. The data demonstrate that a single CD46 transgene controls hyperacute kidney graft rejection in untreated baboons despite the presence of antibody and complement deposition. The expression levels, tissue distribution and in vitro functional tests indicate highly efficient CD46 function, controlling both classical and alternative pathway complement activation, which suggests it might be the complement regulator of choice to protect xenografts.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe complement cascade and regulatory proteins are involved in the pathogenesis of the Sjögren’s syndrome and other autoimmune diseases. The complement activation via the alternative pathway was recognized as a major pathogenic mechanism in autoimmune conditions. The aim of this study was to assess expression of complement cascade components and regulatory proteins in minor salivary glands in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS).Materials and methodsThe expression of C1q and C5b-9 – membrane attack complex and regulatory proteins such as: membrane cofactor protein (MCP), decay-accelerating factor (DAF) and protectin were examined using immunochemistry method in specimens from biopsy of minor salivary glands in pSS patients. The biopsy material was obtained from 20 pSS patients, 5 patients with non-specific sialadenitis and from 5 patients with suspicion of dryness syndrome without sialadenitis confirmation.ResultsNone of the examined samples showed the expression of C1q or the effector C5b-9. Membrane cofactor protein expression was lower in pSS group than in both non-specific sialadenitis and noninflamed salivary glands. The inflammatory cells in pSS samples partially expressed MCP. There were differences in the sites and intensity of membrane protectin expression exclusively on the luminal surfaces in pSS; on the luminal and, partially, antiluminal surface in non-specific inflammation, and on the entire cell surface in unaffected salivary glands. There were no DAF expression in salivary gland tissue in biopsy specimens in all studied subjects.ConclusionsThe study demonstrated the absence of complement-cascade proteins (C1q, MAC) in the salivary glands of pSS patients, which may indicated a lack of local complement activation via the classical pathway and the observed gland tissue damage being due to a mechanism other than MAC-induced cytolysis. The differences in the expression of complement regulatory proteins between pSS, non-specific sialadenitis, and normal salivary glands may indicate that alternative functions of these regulatory proteins may be of greater significance in pSS. Low MCP expression in pSS in comparison with non-specific sialadenitis and normal salivary glands, may suggest altered modulation of cell-mediated immunity in pSS. The differences in the location and intensity of protectin (CD59) expression indicates a possibility of reducing the proinflammatory effect of protectin in pSS.  相似文献   

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