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目的 评价推进式双气囊电子小肠镜(double-balloon push enteroscopy,DBE)在小肠疾病诊断中的价值。方法 总结22例疑小肠疾病DBE检查的临床资料,上述患者均经胃镜、肠镜、X线钡餐、小肠钡剂灌肠和血管造影等检查未发现异常。结果 22例共行DBE检查26例次(15例次接受了口侧进镜,11例次接受了肛侧进镜),每侧进镜术程平均80min。DBE检查共发现异常14例,检出率为63.6%。其中不明原因消化道出血10例,DBE检出病变6例;腹痛和(或)呕吐待查7例,DBE检出病变5例;慢性腹泻待查4例,DBE检出病变2例;不明原因不完全性肠梗阻1例,DBE检出病变1例。口侧进镜患者,术中多数出现恶心、消化液自口经外套管口溢出,偶尔出现一过性轻微腹痛;肛侧进镜患者无明显不适及反应,未出现出血、穿孔等并发症。结论 DBE作为一种新型小肠疾病检查手段,明显优于传统的检查方法,可重复直视操作下观察病灶,通过活检对病变进行定性检查,具有安全、可控性、直视和图像清晰等优点,在诊断小肠疾病方面更具有优越性。  相似文献   



Before the introduction of double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE), it was impossible to visualize the entire small bowel. Its diagnostic yield has been assessed in adults, but not yet in children. The present retrospective study evaluated the diagnostic usefulness and safety of DBE in children with suspected small bowel disease.


Between June 2003 and June 2007, 31 patients (19 boys and 12 girls, age range three to 14 years) with suspected small bowel disease underwent DBE after receiving negative evaluations using other diagnostic modalities.


There were no severe complications. In two patients, the entire small bowel was viewed using oral and anal approaches, and for the remaining 29 patients, only one approach was used. The sites of disease in were identified in 25 of 31 cases (80.65%). The bleeding source was found in 21 of 27 patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (diagnostic rate of 77.78%). Different diseases were identified in four children with chronic diarrhea.


DBE is a safe and effective method to diagnose patients with suspected small bowel disorders.  相似文献   

推进式双气囊电子小肠镜在小肠疾病诊断中的应用   总被引:51,自引:7,他引:51  
目的 通过对不明原因小肠疾病患者行双气囊电子小肠镜检查 ,评价其安全性、检查范围、临床价值及耐受性。方法  2 0 0 3年 4月至 7月 ,30例多项常规检查阴性、疑患小肠疾病的患者接受检查 ,其中不明原因消化道出血 2 0例、腹痛待查 5例、腹泻待查 3例及不完全性小肠梗阻 2例。结果 双气囊电子小肠镜抵达空回肠交界部、回肠中下段和末端回肠的分别为 9、17和 4例 ,检查所用平均时间分别为 (40 .5± 12 .3)、(6 4 .3± 18.6 )和 (78.8± 11.5 )min ;绝大部分患者对检查的耐受性良好 ;2 5例患者检出阳性病灶 ,整体阳性率为 83.3% ;不明原因消化道出血的病因确诊率为 80 .0 % ,腹痛、腹泻阳性诊断分别为 4 / 5例和 1/ 3例 ,2例不完全小肠梗阻均获明确诊断 ;未见操作相关的严重不良反应和并发症。结论 双气囊电子小肠镜是一种安全、可靠、有较高临床诊断价值的小肠疾病检查手段。  相似文献   

双气囊内镜对小肠息肉的内镜诊治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨双气囊内镜(DBE)对小肠息肉镜下治疗的可行性及安全性.方法 回顾分析我院自2003年11月~2009年6月接受DBE检查并检出小肠息肉的所有病例,总结和分析小肠息肉的内镜诊断及治疗情况,并评价其安全性.结果 360例患者,共进行566例次DBE检查及治疗,其中检出小肠息肉患者66例(Peutz-Jeghers综合征患者50例,其他小肠息肉患者16例).66例患者共接受122例次DBE镜下治疗(经口 74次,经肛48次).镜下切除小肠息肉共计1 012枚(直径5~10 mm 95枚、1~30mm 599枚,直径31~50 mm 274枚,直径大于50 mm 44枚).66例患者在DBE检查及治疗前86例次有不同的临床症状(不完全肠梗阻36例、消化道出血32例、腹痛及腹部不适18例),其中78例次(90.7%)经内镜治疗后临床症状均明显缓解或消失,另有8例次因小肠息肉巨大(7例)或发现息肉恶变(2例)转外科手术治疗.发生较严重的并发症共6例次(小肠穿孔3例,术后有3例出现引起血红蛋白水平下降的消化道出血).结论 DBE能安全有效地切除小肠多发息肉,可在一定范围内代替外科手术治疗,为小肠息肉患者提供了一种安全有效的微创治疗方法,具有重要的临床应用价值.  相似文献   

双气囊内镜对小肠疾病的诊断及治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价双气囊内镜(DBE)对小肠疾病的诊断和治疗价值及其检查的安全性.方法 2005年12月~2007年7月,我院对37例疑诊小肠疾病的患者行DBE检查,其中不明原因消化道出血25例.结果 37例患者发现病灶29例,病灶包括小肠肿瘤、炎症性肠病、小肠血管畸形、小肠憩室和小肠重复畸形等.其中24例经病检、手术或治疗效果确诊,准确性为95.8%.1例并发急性胰腺炎.结论 DBE对小肠疾病的检出率高,并可开展内镜下治疗,具有较高的临床应用价值.  相似文献   

Small bowel adenocarcinomas are remarkable for their rarity, difficult diagnosis and poor prognosis. Here we report an unusual case of a 33-year-old patient in whom infiltrative adenocarcinoma of the small bowel was diagnosed after a 10-year history of Crohn's disease. In most previously reported cases, detection of Crohn's disease was subsequent to that of carcinoma of the small bowel or the patients involved had an even longer history of the disease. Our literature review suggests that the risk of small bowel adenocarcinoma is higher in patients with Crohn's disease than in the overall population. We present details on epidemiology as well as clinical and diagnostic aspects of this rare disease entity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Double-balloon enteroscopy is a newly developed endoscopic method allowing non-surgical full-length exploration of the small bowel, biopsies sample and endoscopic treatment of previously inaccessible lesions. AIM: To prospectively assess the diagnostic and therapeutical impact of double-balloon enteroscopy in patients with suspected or documented small bowel disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred consecutive patients referring to our centre for suspected small bowel disease underwent double-balloon enteroscopy. Starting insertion route (anal or oral) of double-balloon enteroscopy was chosen according to the estimated location of the suspected lesions basing on the clinical presentation and on the findings, when available, of previous endoscopic or radiological investigations. Major indications for the procedures were acute recurrent or chronic mid-gastrointestinal bleeding (n=71), suspected gastrointestinal tumours (n=10), suspected Crohn's disease (n=6), chronic abdominal pain and/or chronic diarrhoea (n=8), refractory celiac disease (n=5). RESULTS: One hundred and eighteen double-balloon enteroscopy procedures were carried out. Oral and anal route double-balloon enteroscopies were performed in 54 and 28 patients, respectively, while 18 patients underwent a combination of both approaches. Overall diagnostic yield of double-balloon enteroscopy resulted 69%. Most common pathological findings included angiodysplasias (n=39), ulcerations and erosions of various aetiologies (n=21), tumours (n=7) and ileal stenosis in patients with Crohn's disease suspicion (n=2). In the 65% of the patients examined, double-balloon enteroscopy findings influenced the subsequent clinical management (endoscopic, medical or surgical treatment). No major complications related to the procedure occurred. CONCLUSIONS: Our prospective analysis shows that double-balloon enteroscopy is a useful, safe and well-tolerated new method with a high diagnostic and therapeutic impact for the management of suspected or documented small bowel diseases.  相似文献   

双气囊电子镜在小肠疾病诊断与治疗中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨双气囊电子镜在小肠疾病诊断和治疗中的意义。方法对116例疑似小肠疾病患者采用双气囊电子镜,观察记录检查时间、检查阳性率、诊断结果等情况。结果116例患者共确诊111例,阳性率为95.6%,其中不明原因的小肠出血占49.1%(57/116),平均用时45min。5例进行了全胃肠检查,患者可以很好的耐受检查。5例因进镜困难而放弃检查。大多数器质性疾病(除了病变部位有活动性出血)患者均有病理诊断。1例胃大部切除患者发生肠扭转造成肠梗阻,在完成检查后,完全恢复。结论双气囊电子镜能够肉眼观察全小肠,并能够得到病理诊断,对病变进行大体定位。  相似文献   

目的 探讨胶囊内镜结合双气囊内镜检查在小肠疾病诊断中的作用.方法 连续调查299例因不明原因消化道出血或腹痛、腹泻等原因而行胶囊内镜检查者,对胶囊内镜阴性或诊断不确定者建议双气囊内镜检查.分析胶囊内镜后双气囊内镜检查者诊断和随访资料.结果 296例完成胶囊内镜检查,发现阳性138例(46.6%),可疑阳性68例(23.0%),阴性90例(30.4%).45例胶囊内镜可疑阳性者和7例阴性者接受双气囊内镜检查,分别检出31例和1例小肠病变.双气囊内镜可能存在假阴性结果8例,未发现假阳性者;胶囊内镜可能存在假阴性结果2例,并有8例假阳性.在胶囊内镜结果提示下,90.3%(28/31)患者经单侧双气囊内镜检查即发现病灶.平均随访期为17个月,93.5%的双气囊内镜明确诊断者得到有效治疗.二种检查方法耐受性好,无严重不良反应发生.结论 胶囊内镜对小肠病变检出率高,但其诊断不确定性也较高.双气囊内镜能明确大部分胶囊内镜可疑阳性者.胶囊内镜结合双气囊内镜检查的诊断策略能提高小肠疾病诊断率、指导治疗并改善患者预后.  相似文献   

双气囊电子小肠镜临床应用初探   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
目的探讨小肠疾病检查新方法——双气囊电子小肠镜的操作、诊断效果、适应证等问题。方法应用双气囊电子小肠镜对13例疑诊小肠疾病的患者进行双气囊小肠镜检查。分别从口侧或肛侧进镜,利用外套管、内镜前端的双气囊交替充气、放气和交替滑进,推进小肠镜进入小肠检查。记录检查范围、时间、耐受性及病变等。结果13例患者共行小肠镜检查19例次(11例次接受了口侧进镜,8例次接受了肛侧进镜),每侧进镜术程平均80min。从口侧进镜均达第3~6组小肠,从肛侧进镜达4~6组小肠。发现空肠良性问质瘤1例、空肠淋巴瘤1例、回肠溃疡狭窄及憩室2例、空肠息肉2例、空肠糜烂2例。口侧进镜患者,术中多数出现恶心、消化液自口及外滑管口溢出,偶尔出现一过性轻微腹痛;肛侧进镜患者无明显不适及反应;未出现出血、穿孔等并发症。结论双气囊小肠镜是一种新型小肠疾病检查手段,平均2~3h可检查完所有小肠,进镜迅速。于操作直视下观察病变,通过活检对病变进行定性检查。病变检出率明显优于小肠钡剂造影,具有安全、可控性、直视、图像清晰等优点,适用于无肠粘连及严重脏器功能不全的小肠疾病患者。  相似文献   

双气囊小肠镜在68例小肠疾病诊断中的价值   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的 评价双气囊小肠镜对小肠疾病的诊断价值及安全性和耐受性.方法 2003年5月至2005年7月,对68例经常规检查无异常发现、疑患小肠疾病患者进行双气囊小肠镜检查,其中不明原因反复消化道出血39例、不完全性小肠梗阻7例、慢性腹痛14例、慢性腹泻8例.结果 68例患者中,36例经口进镜,25例经肛进镜,7例患者分别经口及经肛进镜检查.除3例因肠腔狭窄中止进镜外,其余病例均能检查1/2-3/4的小肠,7例患者结合经口及经肛途径完成全小肠检查.68例患者中41例检出阳性病灶,总阳性率为60.3%;其中不明原因消化道出血阳性率为62.6%(26/39),不完全性小肠梗阻阳性5例,慢性腹痛阳性率为43%(6/14),慢性腹泻阳性4例.除11例经口进镜者行异丙芬静脉全身麻醉外,其他经口及经肛进镜患者均能耐受整个检查,未出现出血、穿孔等严重并发症.结论 双气囊小肠镜是一种对小肠疾病诊断价值较高、安全可靠的检查手段.  相似文献   

双气囊小肠镜鉴别诊断克罗恩病与小肠结核的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的: 探讨双气囊小肠镜在克罗恩病与小肠结核鉴别诊断中的价值.方法:对38例临床怀疑小肠克罗恩病、小肠结核的患者进行小肠镜检查. 内镜诊断与病理和临床随访相结合, 评价双气囊小肠镜在两种疾病鉴别诊断中的应用价值.结果: 在38例患者中, 经病理和临床随访确诊克罗恩病18例, 小肠结核20例. 经双气囊小肠镜检查诊断为小肠克罗恩病14例, 检出率36.8%(14/38), 符合率77.8%(14/18);小肠结核为18例检出率47.4%(18/38), 符合率90.0%(18/20).结论:双气囊小肠镜是小肠克罗恩病与小肠结核鉴别诊断较为理想的方法, 并能对病变范围和严重程度作出正确的判断.  相似文献   

目的探讨双气囊小肠镜对小肠出血的诊断价值及安全性。方法对2007年1月-2008年12月我院经常规检查怀疑为小肠出血的56例患者行双气囊小肠镜检查,分别接受经口或经肛双气囊小肠镜检查。主要分析检查时间、内镜插入深度、确诊情况和并发症发生率。结果所有患者无严重并发症,操作时间为35-150 min,平均(76±22)min;平均插入小肠长度经口和经肛分别为(254±126)cm和(182±103)cm。小肠病变中阳性发现46例(82.1%),主要包括血管畸形、小肠溃疡、克罗恩病、慢性非特异性炎症、肿瘤、息肉及憩室等。结论双气囊小肠镜检查安全有效,为小肠出血疾病的诊断提供了新的手段。  相似文献   

Introduction  It is estimated that 10–30% of patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) have small bowel (SB) involvement, but the exact frequency and clinical relevance of these findings is unknown. Double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) enables endoscopic visualization of the SB. In this study we evaluated whether DBE is a feasible technique for detection of CD localized in the SB in CD patients with clinical suspicion of SB lesions and whether these findings have clinical impact. Methods  Retrospectively we analyzed 52 DBE procedures in 40 CD patients (16 males, mean age 40 years, mean duration of CD 15 years). Included patients had clinical suspicion of small bowel CD activity, including persistent abdominal discomfort (n = 27), iron deficiency anemia (n = 9) and/or hypomagnesemia (n = 4). Results  Active small bowel CD was found in 24 (60%) patients, leading to a change in therapy in 18 patients (75%). After a mean follow-up of 13 months, 15 (83%) had persistent clinical improvement with a significant drop of mean CDAI from 178 to 90, after a mean follow-up of 13 months. Conclusions  DBE is a useful diagnostic tool for the evaluation of SB lesions in CD patients. The significance of these findings is emphasized by the fact that adjustment of therapy in the majority of these patients leads to significant and sustained clinical improvement.  相似文献   

双气囊小肠镜(double-balloon enteroscopy,DBE)的临床应用,能够到达传统内镜检查的盲区。相对于传统的检查手段,DBE在小肠常见疾病中有很高的诊断率,同时可行镜下取活体组织送检病理及治疗,高效安全。本文就DBE在小肠常见疾病中的临床应用价值研究方面的进展作一概述。  相似文献   

目的 初步评估通过计算外套管向体内的回缩距离以判断双气囊内镜插入深度的准确性.方法 入选对象均为双气囊内镜榆出小肠病灶并经手术证实的患者.在双气囊内镜操作过程中通过累计每次推拉内镜过程中镜身在肠腔中的前行长度或通过计算外套管向体内的回缩距离分别判断双气囊内镜插入深度.最终以手术结果评判两种方法的准确性.结果 通过41例经口和10例经肛检查,双气囊内镜在51例患者中检出病灶并经手术证实.根据传统的镜身前行长度判断法,在经口检查者中发现从屈氏韧带-病灶的平均距离为151(30~310)cm,在经肛检查者中自回盲瓣-病灶的平均距离为100(10~180)cm;而根据外套管向体内的回缩距离判断法,则分别为143(30~320)cm和98(10~200)cm.无论进镜方式如何,上述两种方法判断内镜插入深度与手术结果的平均差别分别为19(0~50)cm和17(0~60)cm,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 与传统方法相比,通过外套管向体内的回缩距离判断双气囊内镜插入深度的方法同样准确而更为简便,适合临床推广应用.  相似文献   

AIM: To analyze the clinical characteristics of small bowel tumors detected by double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) and to evaluate the diagnostic value of DBE in tumors. METHODS: Four hundred and forty consecutive DBE examinations were performed in 400 patients (250 males and 150 females, mean age 46.9 ± 16.3 years, range 14-86 years) between January 2007 and April 2012. Of these, 252 patients underwent the antegrade approach, and 188 patients underwent the retrograde approach. All the patients enrolled in our study were suspected of having small bowel diseases with a negative etiological diagnosis following other routine examinations, such as upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy and radiography tests. Data on tumors, such as clinical information, endoscopic findings and opera-tion results, were retrospectively collected. RESULTS: Small bowel tumors were diagnosed in 78 patients, of whom 67 were diagnosed using DBE, resulting in a diagnostic yield of 16.8% (67/400); the other 11 patients had negative DBE findings and were diagnosed through surgery or capsule endoscopy. Adenocarcinoma (29.5%, 23/78), gastrointestinal stromal tumor (24.4%, 19/78) and lymphoma (15.4%, 12/78) were the most common tumors. Among the 78 tumors, 60.3% (47/78) were located in the jejunum, and the overall number of malignant tumors was 74.4% (58/78). DBE examinations were frequently performed in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (47.4%) and abdominal pain (24.4%). The positive detection rate for DBE in the 78 patients with small bowel tumors was 85.9% (67/78), which was higher than that of a computed tomography scan (72.9%, 51/70). Based on the operation results, the accuracy rates of DBE for locating small bowel neoplasms, such as adenocarcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor and lymphoma, were 94.4%, 100% and 100%, respectively. The positive biopsy rates for adenocarcinoma and lymphoma were 71.4% and 60%, respectively. CONCLUSION: DBE is a useful diagnostic tool with high clinical practice value and should be consider  相似文献   

The investigation of small bowel morphology is often mandatory in many patients with Crohn's disease. Traditional radiological techniques (small bowel enteroclysis and small bowel follow-through) have long been the only suitable methods for this purpose. In recent years, several alternative imaging techniques have been proposed. To review the most recent advances in imaging studies of the small bowel, with particular reference to their possible application in Crohn's disease, we conducted a complete review of the most important studies in which traditional and newer imaging methods were performed and compared in patients with Crohn's disease. Several radiological and endoscopic techniques are now available for the study of the small bowel; each of them is characterized by a distinct profile of favourable and unfavourable features. In some cases, they may also be used as complementary rather than alternative techniques. In everyday practice, the choice of the technique to be used stands upon its availability and a careful evaluation of diagnostic accuracy, clinical usefulness, safety and cost. The recent development of innovative imaging techniques has opened a new and exciting area in the exploration of the small bowel in Crohn's disease patients.  相似文献   

胶囊内镜与双气囊小肠镜对小肠疾病诊断的荟萃分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的比较胶囊内镜和双气囊小肠镜对小肠疾病的阳性检出率。方法从Medline、Embase、Elsevier Science Direct和中国期刊全文数据库中检索比较胶囊内镜和双气囊小肠镜对小肠疾病阳性检出率的前瞻性研究。对各项研究中2种内镜的阳性检出率比数比(OR)行荟萃分析,经异质性检验后采用固定效应模型或随机效应模型进行统计分析。并根据可能产生异质性的原因进行分层分析。结果共有8项研究入选(n=277)。荟萃结果表明,胶囊内镜和双气囊小肠镜对小肠疾病阳性检出率没有显著差别[170/277比156/277,随机效应模式:OR为1.21(95%可信区间CI:0.64,2.29)]。分层分析提示:胶囊内镜的阳性率显著高于未采用经口和经肛这2种进镜方式相结合的双气囊小肠镜[137/219比110/219,固定效应模式:OR为1.67(95%CI:1.14,2.44),(P〈0.01)];而低于用这2种进镜方式相结合的双气囊小肠镜检查,但差异没有统计学意义[26/48比37/48,随机效应模式:OR0.33(95%CI:0.05,2.21),(P〉0.05)]。进一步对5项全文发表的关于对不明原因消化道出血诊断的研究进行荟萃,结果仍然提示胶囊内镜的阳性检出率明显高于未采用经口和经肛这2种进镜方式相结合的双气囊小肠镜[118/191比96/191,固定效应模式:OR1.61(95%CI:1.07,2.43),(P〈0.05)],但显著低于2种进镜方式相结合的双气囊小肠镜检查[11/24比21/24,固定效应模式:OR0.12(95%CI:0.03,0.52),(P〈0.01)]。结论双气囊小肠镜经口和经肛2种进镜方式联合应用的阳性率可能高于胶囊内镜,对这2种内镜的选择,应该取决于病人的一般状况及其意愿,医疗单位所具备的能力,以及病灶是否可能需要采取进一步的介入治疗。  相似文献   

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