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随着我国医疗改革的发展,农村乡镇卫生院和城市社区卫生服务中心将成为我国人口医疗和保健的基层服务机构。最近国家卫生部计划拨出专款为我国农村乡镇卫生院和城市口腔卫生服务中心配备牙科设备,我国社区口腔卫生服务面临着发展机遇。我国各地职业技术院校和卫生学校中的大部分均设有牙科护理、口腔技工工艺、口腔设备管理、口腔医学等口腔医学专业,为我国培养了大量的口腔医疗和保健的初级人才。如何培养口腔医学初级人才社区口腔卫生服务能力,如何使口腔医学专业初级人员服务于基层,这些问题都是我国在培养和管理口腔医疗和保健初级人才方面急需解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

由中华口腔医学会老年口腔医学专业委员会主办,云南省口腔医学会、昆明医学院附属口腔医院及解放军总医院口腔医学中心联合承办的全国第六次老年口腔医学学术年会于2011年4月27至30日在美丽的春城云南省昆明市召开.出席会议的有来自全国各地大专院校、综合医院及社区、民营诊所从事口腔医疗、教学、科研和保健的工作人员共计二百余人.中华口腔医学会王兴会长、栾文民副会长出席了会议.开幕式由中华口腔医学会老年口腔医学专业委员会候任主任委员吴补领教授主持,中华口腔医学会副秘书长、中华口腔医学会老年口腔医学专业委员会主任委员刘洪臣教授致开幕词,昆明医学院附属口腔医院院长丁仲鹃教授致欢迎辞,云南省卫生厅徐和平副厅长、昆明医学院副校长杨达宽教授出席会议并发表了热情洋溢的讲话.  相似文献   

目的 :探索口腔医学生社区口腔卫生服务能力的培养方法。方法 :以同济大学2010级、2011级口腔医学本科生为研究对象,将研究性教学模式引入口腔医学生的口腔预防医学教学中。通过开学初学生自主择题开兴趣小组方式,由教师引导其围绕议题自主寻找答案讨论并撰写科普小论文的方式,开展《口腔预防医学》的教学。以提高医学生社区口腔卫生服务能力为中心,将研究型教学模式的多种教学方式整合进行教学改革。结果:该研究性教学方式提高了教学质量及学生的综合能力,增强了学生的口腔疾病预防观念和口腔保健意识。结论:研究性学习教学模式有利于口腔医学生社区口腔卫生服务能力的培养。  相似文献   

目的:对预防口腔医学的教学方法进行改革,以提高口腔专业本科生的口腔健康教育能力.方法:对昆明医学院口腔学院2006级54名本科生的预防口腔医学实验课进行教学改革和实践,将预防口腔医学教学与学生社会实践、科普写作、科普展板制作、科普演讲、自主学习活动、研究项目、临床见习等相结合,并应用问卷调查对教学效果进行评价.结果:54名学生中有94%的学生认为该授课方式提高了自身的口腔健康教育能力.结论:该教学改革有利于提高口腔本科生口腔健康教育的能力,适应我国口腔医疗服务的需要.  相似文献   

在过去的几十年,我国的口腔医学教育为国家培养了大批口腔专业人才,促进了我国口腔卫生事业的发展,为全民口腔卫生保健工作做出了贡献。然后,由于历史原因,这几十年的口腔医学教育存在许多弊端,主要问题是忽视了口腔医学自身的特点,忽视了口腔医学与其它医学的差异,偏离了培养口腔专业人才的内涵与规律。表现在教学体系上是医疗系培养模式加口腔专业内容,在教学结构上是医疗系大专加牙医学大专,结果影响了从口腔基础到口腔临床教学的深度、广度和高度。在教学按排上存在前松后紧现象,前期教学中存在课程设置针对性不强,口腔基础内容少,甚至空白等问题,结果出现这样的怪现象:口腔系的学生在进入不到二年的口腔专业学习时,对口腔医学毫无感性认识,因此,口腔专业前期基础课程设置亟待改革。  相似文献   

目的:评价在口腔预防医学的教学中将小组教学与社区实践结合起来的教学效果。方法对69名口腔医学生完成社区口腔健康讲座,讲座完成后填写问卷。结果口腔医学生对本项目可行性的评价,以及对项目中团队合作的自我评价两部分得分最高。47.76%的学生认为该项目完全达到了树立以预防为主的观念的目的(评分达85分及以上)。结论该教学方法改革符合教学发展的趋势,有利于提高医学生综合素质,适应中国社区综合医疗服务的需要。  相似文献   

中国高等口腔医学教育的现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
口腔医学教育的机构设置 目前全国共有36所医学院校设有口腔医学专业,至今已有14所院校成立了口腔医学院,22所院校建立了口腔医学系(不包括香港特别行政区、澳门及台湾).口腔医学教育机构内的组成是院长-副院长-教学办公室-各基础和临床学科教研室.此外,国内已建立口腔医学教育硕士点65个、博士点25个.各院系目前分别承担着不同层次的教学任务,包括:研究生、大学本科、大专、中专、高职、进修生的教育和职工的继续教育等. 口腔医学教育的需求与现状 1 当前口腔医学教育的市场需求 1.1 口腔病中常见病和多发病较多,国内口腔医师与人口比例严重失调(发达国家1:1000、中国:全国1∶50000、城市1∶10000、农村1∶100000),口腔医疗保健任务相当艰巨.因此,社会对普通口腔医师的实际需求量很大.但是,毕业生追求高学历、大城市、大医院;口腔医学教育盲目发展对高层次口腔专门人才的培养等,均干扰了口腔全科医师与口腔专科医师的平衡,不但造成了口腔医学专业毕业生的分配困难,更不利于医患比例的调整,会加重口腔医疗的贫富两极分化.  相似文献   

中国、日本、美国的医疗科技发展在很大程度上得益于其教育培养体系,口腔医学专业人才培养不仅要满足社会公共医疗需求,同时还需满足科技强国的战略需求.本文通过比较中、日、美之间高等口腔医学教育模式及课程异同,结合笔者的学习工作经历,介绍中、日、美有代表的口腔(牙)医学院在培养人才科研能力上采取的措施,以期为我国口腔医学人才培...  相似文献   

口腔医师与病人沟通的技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李刚  贺周 《北京口腔医学》2002,10(3):153-155
在我国实行医疗保险制度之后,使病人有了更多的选择权、自主权,对口腔医疗和修复质量提出了更高的要求,也使口腔医疗市场的竞争更趋激烈.口腔医师与病人的沟通是人际关系的一门艺术,也是口腔医疗过程中一个重要组成部分,口腔医师不但要掌握口腔医学科学技术,而且要注意与病人沟通的技巧,从而使病人及其家属达到更好的合作.这有助提高口腔医疗效果,也是口腔医师必须具有的执业能力.在对口腔医学生进行专业教育的同时,应该加强"沟通技巧"的训练.  相似文献   

随着电子计算机技术的发展,人工智能(AI)这门新型学科在医学等各个领域得到广泛应用,口腔医学AI的应用也已起步.AI有望改变现有的口腔医疗模式,为口腔医学的进一步发展引导新的方向.本文将对现阶段AI在口腔疾病预测及诊疗、口腔教学和口腔健康管理中的应用进行综述,并对未来AI在口腔医学领域的应用进行展望.  相似文献   

Intraligamentary dental analgesia by dental therapists   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Surveys were conducted to (1) investigate how and why dental hygienists choose to become dentists, (2) evaluate their success in dental school, (3) assess the experience of those who had entered dental school, and (4) gauge the level of interest among dental hygienists and currently enrolled dental hygiene students in applying to dental school. Records of former dental hygienists who had earned a dental degree indicated that the majority performed above class averages and that none withdrew or were dismissed from school. Those enrolled in dental school agreed that prior dental hygiene experience was an asset in laboratory and clinical work; they were less certain about any academic advantage. Registered and student dental hygienists generally agreed on the attractive and unattractive aspects of becoming a dentist. Major attractions cited were increased earnings and independence; major drawbacks were the costs of dental education and stress associated with being a dentist. Those with baccalaureate degrees showed more interest in becoming dentists than did those with associate degrees. Dental schools should give dental hygienists positive consideration as applicants and advanced placement as students. In view of the observed interest in career change, dental hygiene and dental programs are encouraged to develop more sensitive career counseling.  相似文献   

Two hundred and ten 10-11-year-olds were selected at random from those attending schools in the Tameside and Glossop Health District. One hundred and eighty-eight were examined for caries, and the mothers of 177 of these children completed a questionnaire on their own and their child's dental attendance. Claimed attendance was subsequently checked with the dentist concerned. Sixty-one percent of mothers had attended a general dental practitioner during the previous 12 months and 89% of these mothers took their children with them. Of the non-attending mothers, 38% took their child to the GDS, 36% to the CDS, while 26% did not take their child to a dentist. The DMFT of the children was 1.72, and the differences in DMFT between the three attendance groups were not significant. However, there were significant differences in the decayed and missing components. The study demonstrates that the CDS and the GDS treat different populations of children by virtue of the mothers' attendance patterns. The methods developed for this study provide a basis for ongoing evaluation within a district of the implementation of the Department of Health's policy for the provision of dental treatment by the CDS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Educational programs play an important role in preparing a qualified dental work force. This article reviews the current status and trends in dental, advanced dental and allied dental education programs in the United States and examines their impact on the dental work force. OVERVIEW: This analysis focuses on survey data collected by the American Dental Association during the past 10 to 15 years and compares recent patterns in applications, enrollment and graduation with previous trends. The numbers of educational programs, applicants, enrollees and graduates have increased in dentistry, dental hygiene and dental assisting, while dental laboratory technology has declined in all measures. The proportion of women in dentistry has increased, while the ethnic profile of dental and allied personnel has shown little change. Both the cost of dental education and student debt continue to increase. CONCLUSIONS: Despite increases in the number of educational programs and overall numbers of graduates from dental and allied dental education programs, the proportion of underrepresented groups still lags behind their representation in the overall population, and the number of allied personnel falls short of practice needs. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Patterns in applications, enrollment and graduation are important determinants of the dental and allied dental work force. The cost and funding of education significantly affect the attractiveness of dental careers and the sustainability of educational programs and should be monitored carefully by the profession.  相似文献   

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