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<正>大量的活性化合物具有作为药物治疗的潜力,但在临床应用上很少取得满意的效果,主要是因为它们在体内的生物利用度低[1]。这些复合物的生物活性主要取决于药物的输入方式和器官的生理代谢特征[2]。利用高分子化合物的疏水和  相似文献   

背景:新型缓释、控释制剂加速药物制剂的研究速度,使得药物剂型及制剂质量不断提高。 目的:分析了目前临床上常用的口服缓释、控释制剂的常用技术及临床应用情况。 方法:以“缓释,控释,生物制药,药物载体,高分子材料”或“delayed release,drug delivery carrier,polymer material;controlled release”为检索词,应用计算机检索CNKI和PubMed数据库中2000-02/2011-04关于口服缓释、控释药物的相关文章。选入文章内容与高分子药用材料及缓释、控释药物制剂技术及和临床应用有关,排除重复研究。 结果与结论:理想的剂型是指药物对靶部位选择性高,且能推迟必要的药效时间,迅速而完全地排泄,尽量不对其他脏器与组织产生不良反应。在缓释制剂的设计中,需要充分考虑药物的水溶性、油水分配系数、化学稳定性以及蛋白结合率等理化性质和生物学性质对缓释制剂释药行为的控制;生理因素对缓释制剂的设计,如给药部位、胃肠蠕动、首过效应、血流供应、患者疾病状态、药物作用的靶器官等也需考虑。  相似文献   

近年来美国更名委员会把雷帕霉素(Rapamycin)定名为西罗莫斯(Sirolimus,SRL),上市的商品名为雷帕明(Rapamune,RAPA)。SRL是一种含氮三烯32环的大环内酯类化合物,具有抗真菌、抗肿瘤和强免疫抑制活性。SRL虽发现于1975年,但作为免疫抑制剂进行研究。开始于1989年;美国FDA于1999年9月正式批准上市。  相似文献   

<正>为积极稳妥地推进国家基本药物制度,指导基层医务人员合理使用基本药物,按照国务院医改领导小组《关于2009年实施国家基本药物制度工作方案》的要求,卫生部、国家中医药管理局组织编写了《国家基本药物临床应用指南(基层部分)》  相似文献   

Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a common oral inflammatory disease with unknown etiology in which the immune system seems to have a role in oral tolerance. Interleukin (IL)-10 is a cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of IL10 gene could alter this cytokine production. The aim of this study was to investigate frequencies of IL10 alleles and genotypes in a group of individuals with RAS. Genomic DNA of 60 Iranian patients with RAS were typed for IL10 gene (C/A ?1082, C/T ?819, and C/A ?592), using PCR-SSP method. Frequency of each allele and genotype was compared to control group.

A significantly higher frequencies of the T allele at position ?819 (p?=?0.006) and the A allele at position of ?592 (p?<?0.001) were found in the patients with RAS group, when compared to the controls. IL10 GA genotype at position ?1082 (p?=?0.007), CA genotype at position ?592 (p?=?0.001), and CT genotype at position ?819 (p?=?0.001) were significantly higher in the RAS patients. The results of this study suggest that certain SNPs of IL10 gene have association with predisposition of individuals to RAS. However, further multicenter studies should be conducted to confirm the results of this study.  相似文献   


Background: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a common oral condition with a major impact on the quality of life. The condition is thought to be due to the overexpression of T helper-1(Th1)-related cytokines. Since interleukin-4 (IL-4) and its receptor (IL-4Rα) are antagonistic to Th-1 pathways, polymorphisms in their genes may also be involved in the pathogenesis of aphthous stomatitis.

Methods: Sixty-four patients diagnosed with minor RAS and 141 (age- and sex-matched) healthy controls were assessed for 3 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the promoter region of the IL-4 gene (?1098G/T, ?590C/T, and ?33C/T), and 1 SNP in IL-4Rα gene (+1902 A/G).

Results: No significant differences were detected between the patient and the control group regarding IL-4 allele frequencies. However, the patient group demonstrated a higher frequency of IL-4 ?590 CC genotype and a lower rate of IL-4 ?590 TC genotype.

The TCT, GTT, GCT, and GTC haplotypes of the IL-4 gene (?1098, ?590, ?33) were significantly more frequent in the patients and the GCC, and TTT haplotypes were more common in healthy controls. No significant differences were found in IL-4Rα gene polymorphism between the 2 groups.

Conclusions: Certain polymorphisms of IL4 gene could predispose individuals to RAS.  相似文献   

解脲支原体感染与精子形态改变相关性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨解脲支原体感染与精子畸形相关性探讨。方法对420例男性不育患者采用精子形态检测系统下人工修正方法分析精子形态,PCR—DNA荧光定量方法检测精液中解脲支原体。结果解脲支原体阴性组的精子畸形率明显低于解脲支原体阳性组,两组差异显著(P〈0.05)。结论解脲支原体感染可影响精子形态,导致男性不育。  相似文献   

Recent advances in diagnostic technologies have revealed that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause serious mucosal injury in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract (including the small intestine). A drug to treat NSAID-induced small-intestinal injury (SII) is lacking. Sodium alginate is a soluble dietary fiber extracted from brown seaweed and its solution has been used as a hemostatic agent to treat gastrointestinal bleeding due to gastric ulcers. Whether sodium alginate has therapeutic effects on NSAID-induced SII and its mechanism of action are not known. Here, we investigated if administration of two forms (high-molecular-weight (HMW) and low-molecular-weight (LMW)) of sodium alginate could ameliorate indomethacin-induced SII. Pretreatment with HMW sodium alginate or LMW sodium alginate before indomethacin administration improved ulceration and the resultant intestinal shortening was associated with reduced histological severity of mucosal injury and ameliorated mRNA expression of inflammation-related molecules in the small intestine. We found that mRNAs of secretory Muc2 and membrane-associated Muc1, Muc3 and Muc4 were expressed in the small intestine. mRNA expression of Muc1-4 was increased in indomethacin-induced SII, and these increases were prevented by sodium alginate. Thus, administration of sodium alginate could be a therapeutic approach to prevent indomethacin-induced SII.  相似文献   

E. Stevens  A. M. Kochiuyt 《Allergy》1984,39(3):179-182
Sodium cromoglycate formulated as a pressurised aerosol was compared with the conventional powder for a period of 12 weeks in a double-blind group comparison trial involving 48 patients. A double dummy technique was used; the dose of sodium cromoglycate was 2 mg four times daily by aerosol, and 20 mg four times daily by Spinhaler. Patients were able to use the correct technique for both aerosol and dry powder inhalation. Patients recorded the severity of their asthma symptoms, their morning and evening peak flow rate, and the amount of other asthma therapy used, on a daily diary card. They also attended the clinic every 4 weeks for assessment. A statistical comparison of the efficacy of the powder and aerosol forms found no significant differences in clinical assessment of severity, diary card symptom scores, morning and evening peak flow readings, or aerosol bronchodilator usage. Thirty-four patients considered that the aerosol was more convenient and easier to use than the dry powder inhaler.  相似文献   

Leptin长型受体与生长抑素共存于猪前脑内   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
樊明欣  雷治海  李庆梅  王红星 《解剖学杂志》2004,27(2):117-120,F003
目的:研究三元杂交猪和梅山猪仔猪前脑内Leptin长型受体(Ob-Rb)mRNA与生长抑素(SS)免疫反应阳性物质的共存关系。方法:用原位杂交与免疫组织化学相结合的方法。结果:Leptin长型受体mRNA和生长抑素免疫反应阳性神经元分布于下丘脑室周核、背内侧核、腹内侧核、室旁核、海马杏仁核及大脑皮质。上述结构内一些表达Leptin长型受体mRNA的神经元也含有生长抑素免疫反应阳性物质。结论:两种猪前脑内Ob-Rb mRNA与SS免疫反应阳性物质的共存情况无明显差异。Leptin可直接作用于下丘脑的生长抑素免疫反应阳性神经元调节动物的能量代谢生长和繁殖等活动。  相似文献   

The form of a biological cell nucleus can be characterized by the well-known circularity factor, which is derived from the area of an object and its circumference. More sophisticated form features are introduced, which are calculated from the curvature of an object (“bending energy”) or from invariant moments. To investigate the sensitivity of the various form features on controlled changes of form and the behaviour under rotation and scaling, algebraic curves similar to the form of real nucleus profiles are generated. Analysis of the shape characteristics of biological cells requires an extraction of the boundaries of the nuclei. This was performed by an edge detection algorithm using eight gradient masks followed by a contour tracing procedure with feedback. The suitability of the introduced form features for classification of different nucleus profiles on non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) was tested using a Bayes classifier.  相似文献   

Summary Ciliated cells were found in the gastric mucosa in close association with intestinal metaplasia, mainly in the pyloric mucosa, of Japanese patients. The occurrence of ciliated cells is believed to be an acquired phenomenon and is considered to be a type of metaplasia; the term ciliated metaplasia is used to describe this phenomenon. Ciliated cells are found in the basal part of the glands among normal-looking mucous cells, mucous neck cells and neuroendocrine cells, but never on the surface or in foveolar epithelium. In ciliated cellcontaining glands, mitoses were noted in the neck region and the ultrastructural features of these cells were identical to those of undifferentiated neck cells. However, cell metaplasia from undifferentiated cells to metaplastic ciliated cells has never been demonstrated previously. The small mucus-granule-containing ciliated cells found in our present study may arise subsequent to division of undifferentiated neck cells into mucous cells with some daughter cells then exhibiting differentiation characteristics specific to ciliated cells. Thus they contain a mixture of both small mucus granules and numerous basal bodies and cilia, at the same time as a transitional form.  相似文献   

BackgroundTo reduce physicians’ inappropriate laboratory requests for their patients, administrators have used methods such as modifying a laboratory request order form with an agreed requesting protocol for the most common diagnoses in primary health care.ObjectiveTo study the effects of removing the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and aspartate transaminase (AST) which are considered of limited clinical value for primary care clinical decision-making from a computerized laboratory test order form. These tests were removed to another new view from the electronic laboratory menu where the physicians, instead of just ticking the desired test from the list, had to do 4–8 s extra work by writing down the abbreviation to order the test.MethodsAn observational controlled prospective study based on a before-after design was performed by removing AST and ES from the laboratory test order form of the computerized laboratory system for all primary care in the city of Helsinki, Finland. The numbers of annual and monthly use of AST and ESR and their controls, alanine transaminase (ALT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) ordered by General practitioners (GPs) was recorded over an eight-year period: four years before and a four years after the removal of AST and ES.ResultsRemoving AST and ESR from the computerized laboratory test order form decreased their use by up to 90%, whereas the use of the control tests increased throughout the follow-up period. The variation in use of these removed tests also decreased.ConclusionRemoving a laboratory test from a computerized laboratory test order form may significantly reduce GPs’ use of the laboratory test. Further studies are needed, however, to ensure the safety of this type of intervention.  相似文献   

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