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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Burn injuries still produce a significant morbidity and mortality in Iran. A 3-year retrospective review of burn victims hospitalized at a major burn center was conducted to determine the etiology and outcome of patients in Tabriz. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two thousand nine hundred sixty + three patients were identified and stratified by age, sex, burn size, presence or absence of inhalation injury, cause of burn. There is one burn center in the East Azarbygan province serving 3.3 million people over an area of 47,830 sq.km. RESULTS: The overall incidence rates of hospitalization and death were 30.5% and 5.6% per 100000 person years. The mean patient age was 22 years, and the male: female ratio was 1.275. There were 555 deaths altogether (18.7%). The highest incidence of burns was in the 1-9 age group (29.2%). Patients with less than 40 percent of burned surface constituted 79.8% of injuries. The most common cause of burns was kerosene accident in adults and scald injuries in children. The mean length of hospitalization was 13 days. The mean body surface area burned was larger with higher mortality in females than in males (p < 0.001). Inhalation injuries were strongly associated with large burns and were present in all flame-burn fatalities. CONCLUSION: In our opinion, social factors are the main drive leading to an unacceptably high rate of burn injuries in our societies. Most of the burn injuries were caused by domestic accidents and were, therefore, preventable; educational programs might reduce the incidence of burn injuries.  相似文献   

From 20 March 1998 through 20 March 2002, a total of 412 cases of self-burning were admitted to the burn center of East Azarbaijan, located in the city of Tabriz, Iran. The average age was 25.5 years; 99% of self-burning cases were female. A total of 76.5% of those patients were in the 15-19 and 20-29 year age groups. Most cases were married, housekeepers and illiterate and poor. Seventy-five percent of the patients had impulsive suicidal intention. The major motive was marital conflict. The mortality rate was 79.6%. The mean burned surface area was 65.5%. Kerosene was used by 77% of the patients as a burning agent.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Self-inflicted burns represent a small number of total admissions to a burns unit, yet they constitute a major workload. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of self-inflicted burns admitted between 1998 and 2002. RESULTS: One thousand six hundred and fifty six patients were admitted with acute burn injuries, of these 56 were self-inflicted. 24 patients had a previous history of self-harming and 22 were unemployed. History of a psychiatric illness was found in 46 patients. Flames caused 46 out of 56 injuries. Mean total body surface area (TBSA) was 27%. Approximately 39% needed admission to intensive care unit (ICU). The mortality rate was 25%. On discharge, 29% of the patients re-self harmed. CONCLUSION: Self-inflicted burns have a poorer outcome. Improving the psychiatric and social support can reduce the incidence of self-harming behaviour, its repetitiveness and subsequently the cost of burn care.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of minor burns is not well defined worldwide. The aim of this study was to examine epidemiological features of minor and moderate burn events that could be beneficial for prevention purposes. The study was conducted in Ardabil province in north-west Iran in 2005–2006. A total of 1700 minor and moderate burns were studied using a pretested questionnaire. Using the SAS 9.1 statistical program analyses were made. Females comprised the majority of cases (n = 1000, 58.8%) and children, aged six and younger, made up 36.4% of burn victims. The majority of burns were caused by hot water and tea with the primary containers being kettles in 37.8%, cups or glasses in 24.2%, pots in 13.6% and samovars in 7.9%. Samovars, gas stoves, valors and picnic gas stoves were the primary heating devices involved in burns. In 56% of the cases, overturning of liquid containers was the primary injury mechanism of scalds. 43% had a second-degree burn with a mean total body surface area of 1.3%. This study provides possible beneficial information for burn prevention in the Ardabil area and other similar settings.  相似文献   

邹翀 《中国美容医学》2012,21(15):2093-2096
先天性上睑下垂在人群中发病率为0.12%,是一种常见的眼部畸形。在平视前方时,上睑覆盖角膜上缘超过2mm,可诊断为上睑下垂。因提上睑肌功能部分或全部丧失,患侧上眼睑遮盖部分或全部瞳孔,使患眼视力受损。先天性上睑下垂的患者,由于上睑部分或全部遮盖视野,患者往往养成视物时的仰头、蹙额、扬眉等习惯,长期可导致额部皱纹增多,  相似文献   

A Multivariate analysis was done in all patients who developed post operative ARF, during the period 1990-1995 to determine the etiological spectrum and to identify various variables affecting the outcome. Of 140 patients (110 operated at SGPGI and 30 operated outside) 116 underwent elective surgery. The different types of surgery leading to ARF were urosurgery (3.5%), open heart surgery (32.9%), gastrosurgery (16.4%), pancreatic surgery (9.3%), obstetrical surgery (3.6%) and others (2.8%). The incidence of ARF in SGPGI patients was highest in pancreatic surgery group (8.2%) followed by open heart surgery (3%). The different etiological factors responsible for ARF were perioperative hypotension (67.1%), sepsis (63.6%) and exposure to nephrotoxic drugs (29.3%). Sixty-four patients (45.7%) required dialysis. The overall mortality was 45%. The mortality was highest in patients who underwent open heart surgery (89.1%) followed by pancreatic surgery (84.6%). The factors associated with high mortality, other than the type of surgery, were preoperative hypotension (p < 0.05), oliguria (p < 0.01), need for dialysis (p < 0.05) and multiorgan failure (p < 0.001). AM following emergency surgery had poor outcome, though not statistically significant. Perioperative sepsis (p < 0.05) and preoperative use of aminoglycoside (p < 0.05) were significantly higher in patients operated outside SGPGI. This was associated with higher incidence of ARF. Thus we conclude that presence of multiorgan failure, oligoanuria, preoperative hypotension and need far dialysis are poor prognostic markers in ARF following surgery.  相似文献   

Background: The reported prevalence rates and etiologies of acute kidney injury (AKI) are quite variable in different regions of the world. The current study was planned to determine the etiology, clinical profile, and short-term outcome of pediatric AKI at our hospital.

Methods: A prospective, observational study was carried out from April 2014 to March 2015. All pediatric patients (1 month to?≤15 years) diagnosed as AKI using modified pRIFLE criteria were studied and followed for 3 months to document short-term outcome.

Results: AKI was diagnosed in 116 children. The mean age was 7.5?±?4.4 years and males were predominant (60.3%). At presentation, 83.6% had oliguria/anuria, 37.1% hypertension and 17.2% severe anemia. Etiology included primary renal (74/116; 63.8%), postrenal (28/116; 24.1%) and prerenal (11/116; 9.5%) causes. Postinfectious glomerulonephritis (PIGN) and crescentic glomerulonephritis in primary renal, obstructive urolithiasis in postrenal and sepsis in prerenal, were the most common etiologies. At presentation, 89/116 (76.7%) patients were in pRIFLE Failure category. Regarding outcome, 68 (58.6%) patients recovered, six (5.2%) died, 18 (15.5%) developed chronic kidney disease (CKD) and 22 (19%) end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Comparison of recovered and unrecovered AKI showed that characteristics such as hypertension, severe anemia, edema, volume overload, requirement of mechanical ventilation, initiation of dialysis and need of >5 sessions of dialysis had statistically significant (p?<0.05) association with nonrecovery.

Conclusion: Glomerulonephritides (PIGN and crescentic) and obstructive urolithiasis are major causes of pediatric AKI at our center. A fairly high percentage of cases recovered and these mainly comprised of PIGN and obstructive urolithiasis.  相似文献   



Burns are a major public health issue in Afghanistan, at least in terms of morbidity and long term disability. Little data exists to document the extent of the problem. This study reports the epidemiology and outcome of burns seen in Esteqlal Hospital of Kabul, a regional referral and teaching hospital run jointly by the Afghan Ministry of Public Health and the Italian Cooperation. It furthermore aims to investigate the underlying conditions which lead to this dramatically widespread event in order to develop effective burn prevention programmes.


A total of 532 patients admitted for burns between March 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008 in Esteqlal Hospital were studied retrospectively through the review of medical records.


Male to female ratio was 0.7:1 and the median age at presentation was 19 years. The mean total body surface area (TBSA) burned was 36.5%. Overall mortality rate was 28% with a prevalence of death among females (68%). The most common cause of burn was flame (46.2%), followed by gas cylinder explosion (36.4%). Self-immolation was reported in 21 patients, 76% of whom resulted in death.


A large number of burn injuries occur in domestic settings and are preventable. Strategies might include implementation of educational programs through mass communications and development of policies for the commerce of unadulterated petroleum products. Other goals such as disability prevention and mortality reduction might be achieved building burns centres and training healthcare professionals working at the peripheral level.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: This retrospective study, analyses aetiology and factors affecting the outcome of burns in patients over 65 years of age. METHODS: Sixty-three consecutive patients, over 65 years of age, were admitted to a Burns Unit over a period of 3 years. Retrospective data was analyzed, taking into account aetiology, burn thickness and area, co-morbid factors. Also, surgery as a factor-affecting outcome was examined. RESULTS: There was a significant difference of total body surface area burn (TBSA), Abbreviated Burn Severity Index (ABSI), Baux score and the number of pre-existing co-morbid factors between survivors and non-survivors. Age and surgery were not significant to the outcome. Patients undergoing surgery had increased hospital stay without any difference in mortality. The timing of surgery did not have any impact on hospital stay or survival. CONCLUSION: This study shows a positive correlation between the number of co-morbid conditions and mortality. Early surgery after careful patient selection does not have any negative impact on patient survival.  相似文献   

Empyema in pediatric patients in Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A retrospective study was conducted on 3341 burn patients hospitalized in a burn care center in Tehran, Iran during 1995-98. The mean age was 20.4 years, and 43.5% of patients were children under 15 years old. The mean body surface area burned was 30.6%. There were statistically significant correlations between age groups and total burn surface area (TBSA) burned with mortality rate (p<0.006). Flame was the most common etiology of burns. There was also significant correlation between age groups and causes of burns (p<0.0001). The mean hospital stay was 16.7 days. The overall mortality rate was 19.6. Most of the injuries requiring hospital admission occurred during the winter months. Parents can play an important role in prevention of burns in children who are most susceptible to burns. People with causes identified could be educated in burn prevention, through news and other media.  相似文献   

IntroductionBurn injuries can present with catastrophic physical and psychiatric harm with extensive, long-term sequelae. The pediatric population may especially be at-risk given this population’s early neurocognitive and behavioral state of development. Innovations in treatment modalities and the development of evidence-based guidelines have helped mitigate burn morbidity and mortality in the pediatric population. Unfortunately, a surprising dearth of literature identifies risk-factors, epidemiological data, injury mechanisms, and prognostic factors within the pediatric population in the setting of craniofacial burns.MethodsAn analysis of emergency department visits under the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System was conducted for the most recent 5-year period available (2014–2018). Available information includes demographical data, such as age and sex, mechanism of injury, visit circumstances, as well as visit disposition. Additionally, details surrounding the injury, including type of burn and anatomical location of injury, were compared.ResultsAfter a review of results, a total of 2599 patients were included for analysis. Our study shows that infants and young children are at increased risk for grave injury 27.3% and 13% of infants and toddlers transferred or admitted, respectively, p < 0.05). 59.8% of infant burns in particular were caused by liquid or kitchen products, while 44.5% of burns in toddlers were caused by chemical products (p < 0.05 for both). Conversely, adolescents are at greater risk of burns in the setting of occupational and hobby-based activities (20.4% of adolescent burns).ConclusionsCraniofacial burns in the pediatric population may present with complex pathology and sometimes necessitate advanced care. Presentations and prognoses are different dependent upon age and injury mechanism. These findings may serve as important framework in the establishment of guidelines for medical and legislative reform.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 1493 burn patients attending the Ghotbeddin emergency burn center in Shiraz, South Iran during the 1 year period 2001-2002 was undertaken in order to describe the epidemiological features of burns in Shiraz. The following results were obtained: the mean age of attendees was 21.84+/-19.05 with an overall male to female ratio of 1.12. 41.2% of patients were children under 15 years with a M/F ratio of 1.36. The main causes of burns were scalds (53%) followed by flame (25%). The frequency of scalds was much higher among children (70%). The majority of accidents (81%) occurred at home, 5.2% occurred in workplace and domestic accidents were more frequent among women. The mean total body surface area (TBSA) burned was 7.4+/-14.3%. Extensive TBSA had a significant association with flame burns and sex, showing that female patients have higher risk for more extensive burns. Finally, there was a significant seasonal variation for burns, with most burns occurring in winter months.  相似文献   

Burn injuries still produce a significant morbidity and mortality in Iran. This study was carried out to analyze the epidemiology, mortality, and current etiological factors of 2043 burn patients who were admitted to the burn centers in the Fars province during 4 years (1994-1998). There were two burn centers in the Fars province serving 3817036 people over an area of 124,000 km(2). The overall incidence rates of hospitalization and death were 13.4 and 4.6 per 100000 person-years. The mean age was 21.9 years, and 51% of patients were children under 19-years-old. The highest rates of hospitalization and death were observed in the elderly (80 years). Also young females (20-29 years) had a high rate of hospitalization. Thus, 55% of the patients had BBS less than 40%. Burn injuries were more frequent and larger with higher mortality in females than in males (P<0.0001). There was also statistically significant correlation between age groups, gender, and BBS with mortality rate (P<0.0001). Flame was the most common etiology of burns. There was also significant correlation between age groups and type of burns (P<0.0001). Suicide attempts for all the patients > or = 11 years were the cause of 41.3% (256/620) of the burns involving women and of 10.3% (40/388) of the burns involving men. The overall case fatality rate was 34.4%. The mortality rate was significantly higher for self-inflicted burns (78%) than for accidental burns (26.7%). Most of the lesions requiring hospital admission occurred during the winter months. Factors associated with an increase in mortality were suicidal burns, burn size, age, and flame burns. Most of the burn injuries were caused by domestic accidents and were, therefore, preventable.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF STUDY: Burns are one of the leading causes of injury-related deaths in Iran. We conducted a study to investigate features of burns in rural areas of Ardabil Province from October 2004 through March 2005, with an aim to providing content for effective prevention programs. BASIC PROCEDURES: This study employed longitudinal prospective methodology. The study population included all patients presenting with burns to local health care facilities during the study period. MAIN FINDINGS: A total of 1179 cases were studied. Most of the cases (59.4%) were females. Mean of age of victims was 22.3+/-19 years in females and 13.6+/-17 years in males. The vast majority (91.2%) of burns occurred at home. More than two-thirds of burns were because of hot liquids or steam. The majority of scald burns resulted during use of heating devices such as samovars, gas stoves, valors and picnic gas stoves. Overturning and spilling of hot liquids were the most common injury mechanisms. PRINCIPLE CONCLUSIONS: Prevention programs should focus on children and adult women. Prevention efforts should target home environments and focus on prevention of scalding burns.  相似文献   

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