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Objective: Immediate and early loading of dental implants can simplify treatment and increase overall patient satisfaction. The purpose of this 3‐year prospective randomized‐controlled multicenter study was to assess the differences in survival rates and bone level changes between immediately and early‐loaded implants with a new chemically modified surface (SLActive). This investigation shows interim results obtained after 5 months. Material and methods: Patients ≥18 years of age missing at least one tooth in the posterior maxilla or mandible were enrolled in the study. Following implant placement, patients received a temporary restoration either on the day of surgery (immediate loading) or 28–34 days after surgery (early loading); restorations consisted of single crowns or two to four unit fixed dental prostheses. Permanent restorations were placed 20–23 weeks following surgery. The primary efficacy variable was change in bone level (assessed by standardized radiographs) from baseline to 5 months; secondary variables included implant survival and success rates. Results: A total of 266 patients were enrolled (118 males and 148 females), and a total of 383 implants were placed (197 and 186 in the immediate and early loading groups, respectively). Mean patient age was 46.3±12.8 years. After 5 months, implant survival rates were 98% in the immediate group and 97% in the early group. Mean bone level change from baseline was 0.81±0.89 mm in the immediate group and 0.56±0.73 mm in the early group (P<0.05). Statistical analysis revealed a significant center effect (P<0.0001) and a significant treatment × center interaction (P=0.008). Conclusions: The results suggested that Straumann implants with an SLActive can be used predictably in time‐critical (early or immediate) loading treatment protocols when appropriate patient selection criteria are observed. The mean bone level changes observed from baseline to 5 months (0.56 and 0.81 mm) corresponded to physiological observations from other studies, i.e., were not clinically significant. The presence of a significant center effect and treatment × center interaction indicated that the differences in bone level changes between the two groups were center dependent.  相似文献   

Background: There is a lack of well‐designed prospective, randomized clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of immediate and early loading of implants placed in the partially edentulous posterior maxilla or mandible. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate crestal bone level changes over 3 years following immediate or early loading of Straumann implants with a chemically modified surface (SLActive®, Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland) placed in the posterior maxilla and mandible. Materials and Methods: Subjects received temporary restorations immediately or 28 to 34 days after surgery, with permanent restorations placed at 20 to 23 weeks. Bone level changes were measured by comparison of standardized radiographs taken on the day of implant placement and 5, 12, 24, and 36 months thereafter. Results: Two hundred thirty‐nine of two hundred sixty‐six patients (89.9%) completed the trial. Implant survival rates were 97.4% and 96.7% in the immediate and early loading groups, respectively (p = not significant). Over 36 months, the mean bone level change for immediately loaded implants was 0.88 ± 0.81 mm versus 0.57 ± 0.83 mm for the early‐loaded group (p < .001). After adjusting for a slight difference in initial placement depth, the time of loading had no significant influence on bone level change. Conclusions: Changes in crestal bone level occurred mostly during the first 5 months postloading. After this bone remodeling period, crestal bone level was stable up to 36 months. Implants with a chemically modified surface are safe and predictable for immediate and early loading in the posterior maxilla and mandible.  相似文献   

Objective: Multiple experimental and animal studies have shown that topographic, mechanical and chemical properties of implant surfaces lead to in vivo responses such as increased bone formation, increased bone anchorage and reduced healing time. A fluoride modification of the titanium implant surface also seems to positively influence bone anchorage as compared with unmodified titanium implants. Using implant survival and marginal bone loss as primary outcome parameters, the purpose of the present prospective study was to investigate whether a fluoride modification of the titanium implant surface has positive clinical effects. Materials and methods: The 17 patients included in this study received 49 Astra Tech OsseoSpeed? implants for various indications in the maxilla and mandible. Implants were either loaded immediately or after a mean healing period of 9.56 weeks. Fifteen patients were followed up clinically including radiographic examination for 5 years. Forty‐two implants were assessed for implant survival, marginal bone loss, surgical and/or prosthetic complications, presence or absence of plaque, signs of inflammation and size of the papilla. Results: Of the original 17 patients, 15 patients were available for the full 60‐month follow‐up. One early implant failure occurred, leading to an implant survival rate of 97%. Radiographic analyses demonstrated stable bone conditions with a mean marginal bone loss of 0.1 mm (SD 0.4 mm, min ?0.7 mm, max 1.7 mm) after 5 years of function. Immediately loaded implants did not show a different mean marginal bone loss as compared with implants that were not loaded immediately. Repeated soft‐tissue examinations revealed healthy conditions in terms of 6.1% plaque and 4.2% of the implants with signs of inflammation at the 5‐year control. Discussion: Implants used in this study had high survival and success rates after 5 years. Marginal bone was well maintained, irrespective of the loading regime. To cite this article:
Mertens C, Steveling HG. Early and immediate loading of titanium implants with fluoride‐modified surfaces: results of 5‐year prospective study.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. xx , 2011; 000–000.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aims of this prospective study were to assess the treatment outcome of immediately loaded full-arch fixed bridges anchored to both tilted and axially placed implants for the rehabilitation of fully edentulous maxillae and to compare the outcome of axial vs. tilted implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty-one patients with edentulous maxillae were included in the study. Each patient received a full-arch fixed bridge supported by four axial implants and two distal tilted implants. Loading was applied within 48 h from surgery. Patients were scheduled for follow-up at 6 months, 1 year and annually up to 5 years. Radiographic evaluation of marginal bone-level change was performed at 1 year. RESULTS: One patient died 4 months after surgery. Thirty patients were followed for a minimum of 1 year (range 3-42 months, mean 22.1 months). Three failures were recorded at 1-year follow-up (two axial implants and one tilted). Two more implants (one tilted and one axially placed) were lost within 18 months of loading. The 1-year implant survival rate was 98.8% for both axial and tilted implants. Prosthesis success rate was 100% at 1 year. Marginal bone loss around axial and tilted implants at 12-month evaluation was similar, being, respectively, 0.9+/-0.4 (standard deviation) mm and 0.8+/-0.5 mm. CONCLUSIONS: The present preliminary data suggest that immediate loading associated with tilted implants could be considered to be a viable treatment modality for the atrophic maxilla and that there does not seem to be a different clinical outcome between tilted and axial implants.  相似文献   

Objectives: Chemically modified surfaces were introduced during the last decade to improve indications for implant treatment. The fluoride‐modified implant (Osseospeed®) was launched in 2004 and clinical studies suggest a more rapid bone formation and stronger bone to implant contact. However, limited clinical data are available on marginal bone loss and the outcome after >1 year under immediate loading conditions is not fully understood. Hence, the purpose of this prospective study was to present implant survival and marginal bone level data when fluoride‐modified implants are supporting a fully functional rehabilitation from the day after surgery in the completely edentulous mandible. Materials and methods: Twenty‐five patients, completely edentulous in the mandible, were consecutively treated with five fluoride‐modified implants that were functionally loaded with a provisional screw retained restoration. Marginal bone loss was measured from day of surgery to 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. Implants were considered successful after 24 months if radiographic bone loss did not exceed 1 mm and no pain or mobility was caused under a torque of 20 N cm. Statistical analysis was carried out on both patient and implant levels. Results: All implants survived and mean bone loss on implant level after 3, 6, 12 and 24 months was 0.14, 0.13, 0.11 and 0.11 mm, respectively. Bone loss was only statistically significant between baseline and 3 months (P<0.001) and remained unchanged afterward. None of the implants lost >1 mm of bone after 2 years. On the patient level, the mean bone loss after 2 years was 0.12 mm (SD 0.14; range ?0.06 to 0.55) with probing pocket depth 2.45 mm (SD 0.43; range 1.3–3.1) and bleeding index 0.55% (SD 0.34; range 0–1). Conclusion: Immediate loading of fluoride‐modified implants is a predictable treatment yielding a high survival and success rate after 2 years. To cite this article:
Collaert B, Wijnen L, De Bruyn H. A 2‐year prospective study on immediate loading with fluoride‐modified implants in the edentulous mandible.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22 , 2011; 1111–1116.
doi: 10.1111/j.1600‐0501.2010.02077.x  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the success rate of immediately loaded single-tooth ITI solid plasma-sprayed (TPS) implants in the maxilla. Eight implants were loaded immediately after placement in eight different patients, and were followed for five years. Temporary acrylic resin restorations, which were fabricated from impressions that were taken immediately after implant placement, were connected one week later. These temporary restorations were adjusted in order to avoid any direct occlusive contacts. After six months, the provisional crowns were replaced by definitive ceramic crowns. Regular follow-ups were performed during the investigation period. No implants were lost, and the mean marginal bone level for the eight implants increased by 0.53 mm (range - 0.83 to + 1.54 mm) from placement to the final examination. Only minor complications were noted, and overall patient satisfaction was high.  相似文献   

Background: At present, only some studies have dealt with immediate loading of unsplinted implants supporting mandibular overdentures. The aim of this prospective study is to evaluate treatment outcomes of mandibular overdentures supported by four one‐piece, unsplinted, immediately loaded, direct laser metal‐forming (DLMF) implants by assessing implant survival rate, implant success, marginal bone loss, and prosthetic complications. Methods: A total of 96 one‐piece DLMF implants were inserted in the edentulous mandible of 24 patients. Four implants were placed in each edentulous mandible. Immediately after implant placement, a mandibular overdenture was connected to the implants. At 1‐year follow‐up, clinical, radiographic, and prosthetic parameters were assessed. Success criteria included absence of pain, suppuration, and implant mobility; absence of continuous peri‐implant radiolucency; and distance between the implant shoulder and the first visible bone contact <1.5 mm. Results: After a 1‐year loading time, the overall implant survival rate was 98.9%, with only one implant lost. Among the surviving 95 implants, two did not fulfill the success criteria; therefore, the implant success rate was 97.8%. The mean distance between the implant shoulder and the first visible bone contact was 0.28 ± 0.30 mm (95% confidence interval, 0.24 to 0.32). Some prosthetic complications were reported. Conclusion: Based on the present results and within the limits of this study, the immediate loading of four unsplinted DLMF implants by means of ball attachment–supported mandibular overdentures seems to represent a safe and successful procedure.  相似文献   

According to the standard protocol, a load-free healing period is one of the most emphasized requirements for implant integration. Recent studies have encouraged a progressive shortening of the healing period for single-tooth implants and immediate loading has been proposed for the aesthetic zone in the maxilla. The present study evaluated clinical outcomes of immediately loaded FRIALIT-2 Synchro implants 12 months after placement in the maxillary incisal region. In the course of our investigation, nine patients have been treated following an immediate loading protocol. The stepped-screw type implants were inserted with an increasing torque up to 45 Ncm, thus measuring the primary stability of the implants. All implants were immediately restored with unsplinted acrylic resin provisional crowns and the patients provided with occlusal splints. Regular controls were performed at monthly intervals, intraoral radiographs were taken directly after implant placement, 6 and 12 months post insertion. The survival rate, clinical stability (Periotest) and radiographic coronal bone defects (CBD) were evaluated at delivery of the definitive superstructures (CBD 6) and 6 months later (CBD 12). Twelve FRIALIT-2 Synchro stepped screws of 3.8, 4.5 and 5.5 mm diameter and 13 and 15 mm length were placed in the incisal maxillary region. The median Periotest value 6 months post insertion was -2 with a minimum of -5 and a maximum of +2. The mean coronal bone level changes (CBD) at 6 and 12 months were 0.45 and 0.75 mm. No implant failed up to 12 months after insertion, resulting in a 100% survival rate. The presented results showed promising data for immediately loaded single-tooth implants in the anterior maxilla. Periotest values were within the range published for submerged implants. The radiographic coronal bone resorption after 6 and 12 months was even less than evaluated for implants placed in a standard two-stage procedure. It is evident that successful immediate loading protocols require a careful and strict patient selection aimed at achieving the best primary stability and avoiding any excessive functional or non-functional loading. Additional research needs to be done to provide data in situations where problems of poor bone quality, multiple implants or augmentation procedures must be overcome.  相似文献   

In 10 patients, 68 endosseous implants were inserted in the augmented edentulous maxilla using a one-stage implant placement technique. Three months before implant insertion, the width and height of the alveolar crest were augmented with autologous bone grafts from the iliac crest. In all cases, the resulting bone volume was sufficient for implant insertion. According to an early loading protocol, the implant-supported overdenture was fabricated 2 months after insertion of the implants. Evaluation was performed according to a standardised protocol immediately and 1 year after fabrication of the prosthetic construction. The protocol included assessment of both clinical (bleeding score, pocket depth, implant mobility) and radiographic (marginal bone level on standardised radiographs) parameters. Three implants in two patients in the upper jaw were lost (survival rate: 95.6%). The peri-implant tissues had a healthy appearance and bone loss was minimal. Overall, the patients were very satisfied with the prosthetic construction. From this preliminary study, it is concluded that in selected cases, early loading of implants may develop into a predictable treatment modality after augmentation of the maxilla.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the outcome of immediate functional loading of implants in single-tooth replacement using two different installation procedures.
Material and Methods: One hundred and fifty-one subjects, who required single-tooth rehabilitation in the area of 15–25 and 35–45, were enrolled in eight private clinics in Italy. The implant sites were randomly allocated to one of the following treatment groups. In the control group, in which a standard preparation procedure for implant placement and submerged healing of the implant was used, abutment connection and loading of the implants were performed 3 months after installation. In the test group 1, a standard preparation procedure for the implant placement and immediate functional loading of implant was carried out. In the test 2 group, however, a modified implant installation procedure (osteotome technique) was used followed by immediate functional loading of the implant. Clinical and radiographic examinations were performed at 3 and 12 months of follow-up at all sites.
Results: Three implants (5.5%) from the test 2 group (osteotome preparation) and one (2%) from the test 1 group (conventional drill preparation) failed to integrate and were removed one and three months after implant installation. The mean marginal bone loss assessed at 12 months was 0.31 mm (test 1), 0.25 mm (test 2) and 0.38 mm (control) (no statistically significant differences were found between the three treatment groups.)
Conclusion: It is suggested that immediate functional loading of implants that are placed with a conventional installation technique and with sufficient primary stability may be considered as a valid treatment alternative in a single-tooth replacement.  相似文献   

Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of atrophic maxillae remains a challenging problem. The aim of this paper is to describe a novel treatment for functional rehabilitation of the atrophic maxilla and to discuss preliminary results of this treatment protocol. A prospective pilot study was carried out in 10 patients who underwent bony reconstruction of atrophic maxillae under general anaesthesia, with autologous calvarial bone grafts and simultaneous placement of six provisional implants. The provisional implants were loaded with a provisional acrylic bridge 1 day after surgery. After 6 months, the provisional implants were removed and final implants were placed under local anaesthesia, again in an immediate loading concept with a provisional bridge, followed by a final bridge after another 6 months of healing. The bone grafts integrated well in all 10 patients without infectious complications. The prosthetic survival of the provisional bridge at the time of placing the implants was 100%. All final implants could be placed and immediately loaded with a second provisional bridge. Patient satisfaction was high due to limited postoperative inconvenience and immediate fixed prosthetic rehabilitation. The preliminary results of this pilot study demonstrate that this treatment protocol is a well tolerated treatment for patients with maxillary atrophy desiring dental rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Introduction: Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of the completely edentulous mandible has evolved to a simplified procedure with shorter treatment time and survival rates of 95–100% depending on the implant system used.
Purpose: The aim was to evaluate the 3-year clinical success of Astra Tech TiOblast implants, functionally loaded on the day of surgery with a fixed full-arch bridge in the mandible.
Materials and methods: One hundred and twenty-five implants of 3.5–4 mm width and 11–17 mm length were installed in 25 edentulous mandibles of 15 female and 10 male patients. Implants were functionally loaded on the day of surgery with a provisional, acrylic, glassfibre reinforced, 10 unit bridge. After 3–4 months, the final 12-unit bridge was constructed. Radiographical bone loss was measured on peri-apical radiographs after 3, 12, 24 and 36 months.
Results: All implants were functional during the whole study period yielding a survival rate of 100%. None of the fixtures showed pain or mobility after manual torque with 20 N cm at the 3-month control. Mean radiographical bone loss after 3 months and 1, 2 and 3 years was 0.6 mm (SD 0.7), 0.8 mm (SD 0.8), 1 mm (SD 0.8) and 1.3 (SD 1) respectively, which was statistically significantly increasing up to 1 year.
Conclusion: Immediate loading of full-arch mandibular bridgework on five TiOblast implants offers a long-lasting clinical result with 100% fixture survival and stable bone-to-implant contact up to 3 years.  相似文献   

Objective: The functional, esthetic, and psychological problems of 3–6 months of edentulousness and also discomfort of two‐stage surgery might cause many patients to avoid implant‐supported restorations. Therefore, the immediate non‐functional loading protocol might be of value. Methods: Twenty Astra Tech implants, 11–13 mm in length and 3.5–4 mm in diameter, were placed in maxillary and mandibular posterior sites of 10 healthy patients (two for each) with adequate alveolar bone. Temporary prostheses were relieved of all centric and eccentric contacts. Functional permanent prostheses were fabricated 13 weeks postoperatively. Clinical and radiographic examinations (including the implant stability quotient [ISQ]) were carried out immediately after implantation and 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. Results: A 100% success rate was observed within 1 year. The plaque and bleeding indices, and pocket‐probing depths did not show a significant change throughout the study. The ISQ values after implant insertion, and 3, 6, and 12 months later were respectively 76.6 ± 6.57, 77.6 ± 10.54, 81.8 ± 6.8, and 82.43 ± 3.7. The increase was statistically significant (P=0.004) according to the Freidman test. The ISQ values measured after the implant insertion were significantly different from those measured in the sixth and 12th postoperative months (P<0.008) according to the Wilcoxon signed‐ranks test. The mean crestal alveolar bone resorption values in the third, sixth, and 12th postoperative months were 0.4 ± 0.55, 0.48 ± 0.37, and 0.48 ± 0.21 mm, respectively; and the change in marginal alveolar bone loss was not significant according to the Freidman test. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this pilot study, non‐functional immediate loading might meet the expectations of both the patients and clinicians. To cite this article:
Rismanchian M, Fazel A, Rakhshan V, Eblaghian G. One‐year clinical and radiographic assessment of fluoride‐enhanced implants on immediate non‐functional loading in posterior maxilla and mandible: a pilot prospective clinical series study.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. xx , 2011; 000–000.
doi: 10.1111/j.1600‐0501.2010.02134.x  相似文献   

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