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This report represents the conclusions of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee convened to evaluate the safety of various food additives, with a view to recommending acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) and to preparing specifications for identity and purity. The first part of the report contains a general discussion of the principles governing the toxicological evaluation and assessment of intake of food additives. A summary follows of the Committee's evaluations of technical, toxicological and intake data for certain food additives: branching glycosyltransferase from Rhodothermus obamensis expressed in Bacillus subtilis, cassia gum, cyclamic acid and its salts (dietary exposure assessment), cyclotetraglucose and cyclotetraglucose syrup, ferrous ammonium phosphate, glycerol ester of gum rosin, glycerol ester of tall oil rosin, lycopene from all sources, lycopene extract from tomato, mineral oil (low and medium viscosity) class II and class III, octenyl succinic acid modified gum arabic, sodium hydrogen sulfate and sucrose oligoesters type I and type II. Specifications for the following food additives were revised: diacetyltartaric acid and fatty acid esters of glycerol, ethyl lauroyl arginate, glycerol ester of wood rosin, nisin preparation, nitrous oxide, pectins, starch sodium octenyl succinate, tannic acid, titanium dioxide and triethyl citrate. Annexed to the report are tables summarizing the Committee's recommendations for intakes and toxicological evaluations of the food additives considered.  相似文献   

This report represents the conclusions of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee convened to evaluate the safety of residues of certain veterinary drugs in food and to recommend maximum levels for such residues in food. The first part of the report considers general principles regarding the evaluation of residues of veterinary drugs within the terms of reference of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), including comments on documents under elaboration for the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF), information on registration/approval status of veterinary drugs, extrapolation of maximum residue limits (MRLs), dietary exposure assessment methodologies, the decision-tree approach to the evaluation of residues of veterinary drugs and guidance for JECFA experts. Summaries follow of the Committee's evaluations of toxicological and residue data on a variety of veterinary drugs: two antimicrobial agents (amoxicillin, apramycin), four anthelminthics (derquantel, ivermectin, monepantel, triclabendazole) and two antimicrobial agents and production aids (monensin and narasin). Annexed to the report is a summary of the Committee's recommendations on these drugs, including acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) and proposed MRLs.  相似文献   

The 1981 FAO/WHO/UNU report on protein and energy requirements makes significant advances in the application of science. Here it is summarized and reviewed with emphasis on areas of uncertainty and differences in approach since 1971. The convenient procedures for making estimates of energy requirements leave out some important minor factors, thus allowing debate and reconsideration of when and how they can be accounted for properly. Judgements are made when appropriate data is unavailable, for example protein requirements in the elderly. A controversial issue may be a health judgement, which could be interpreted to mean that increased physical activity rather than low-calorie diets is the route to lowering the prevalence of obesity and improving long-term health.  相似文献   

This report presents the recommendations of an international group of experts convened by the World Health Organization to consider matters concerning the quality assurance of pharmaceuticals and specifications for drug substances and dosage forms. The report is complemented by a number of annexes. These include: guidance notes on related substances tests concerning the dosage form monographs of The International Pharmacopoeia; a list of available International Chemical Reference Substances and International Infrared Reference Spectra; a revision of the general guidelines for the establishment, maintenance and distribution of chemical reference substances; the procedure for assessing the acceptability, in principle, of pharmaceutical products for purchase by United Nations agencies; the procedure for assessing the acceptability, in principle, of quality control laboratories for use by United Nations agencies; and guidance on variations to a prequalified product dossier.  相似文献   

The disease burden attributable to alcohol consumption is significant and, in many countries, public health problems caused by harmful use of alcohol represent a substantial health, social and economic burden. Reduction of the alcohol-attributable burden is becoming a priority area for international public health. Alcohol-related harm can be reduced through the implementation of proven alcohol strategies, including at a global level. This report of a WHO Expert Committee reviews the health and social consequences of alcohol consumption and disease burden attributable to alcohol in the context of alcohol-related harm and recent trends in alcohol consumption worldwide. Based on the reviews of available evidence, including the latest data on the contribution of alcohol consumption to the global disease burden, the Committee makes several recommendations emphasizing WHO's role in coordinating a global response, and the need for global action to reduce alcohol-related harm through effective mechanisms of international action and country support. The Committee recommends a range of strategies and policy options that have a sound evidence base and global relevance for reducing alcohol-related harm, emphasizing that their adaptation and implementation at the national and sub-national levels should take into account specific cultural and legal contexts and the local configuration of alcohol problems. The Committee also recommends that WHO should support governments, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, in developing, implementing and evaluating national and sub-national evidence-based policies, action plans and programmes. The Committee's conclusions and recommendations have significant implications for future developments in this area.  相似文献   

An assessment of the food-safety and nutritional aspects of lactic acid fermentation for the preparation of weaning food at the household level was carried out during a Joint FAO/WHO Workshop held in Pretoria, South Africa, in December 1995. In particular, lactic acid fermentation was evaluated as a part of food preparation processes involving other operations such as soaking, cooking, and the germination of cereal grains. The use of germinated cereals is of particular interest since they can be used to prepare semi-liquid porridges of high nutrient density. After reviewing the present state of knowledge concerning the antimicrobial effects of the lactic acid in fermented foods, and the nutritional benefits of fermentation and the use of germinated cereals, the Workshop made an inventory of gaps in current knowledge and priorities for further research. High priority areas for research include the following: the effect of lactic acid fermentation on viruses, parasites, certain bacteria, and mycotoxins; certain physiological and nutritional effects of the consumption of fermented foods; the characterization and optimization of fermentation processes and the development of appropriate fermentation starters; and risk mitigation using the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system, the health education of food handlers, and efforts to change the consumer perception of fermented foods.  相似文献   

An Expert Committee met in World Health Organization Headquarters in Geneva in November 1982 to discuss Smoking Control Strategies in Developing Countries. They reviewed the harmful health effects of different types of tobacco which characterized developing countries and the adverse effects of tobacco use on their economics due to smoking related diseases and higher smokers' work absenteeism. It advised on the objectives of smoking control programs, including data collection; education and information; legislation; smoking cessation; the role of medical, political, social, and religious leaders; the role of WHO, UN agencies, and nongovernmental organizations; research on smoking behavior; and evaluation of program efficacy. In addition, the Committee provided guidance on how to counteract tobacco industry arguments. More than a million people worldwide die prematurely each year because of cigarette smoking. In developed countries smoking is generally understood to cause lung cancer, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders. Major campaigns have been launched to reduce the rate of smoking. The public in most developing countries are unaware of the dangers, and no educational, legislative, or other measures are being taken to combat the smoking epidemic. The Committee called for firm steps to be taken to prevent this unnecessary modern epidemic. The incidence of tobacco related diseases is increasing in developing countries. Many of the developing countries have cigarettes on sale with high yields of tar and nicotine. Tobacco cultivation has spread to about 120 countries, becoming a substantial source of employment and creating new vested interests. Overall, the costs outweigh the "benefits." Tobacco taxes may be Politically comfortable," that is, easy to administer and generally acceptable to smokers, but these taxes do not contribute to national wealth but merely redistribute wealth. They cannot offset the economic losses caused by tobacco production and use: health service expenditures on smoking related diseases, disablement and work absenteeism, domestic and forest fires, use of scarce fule to cure tobacco, and reduced food production. Action against smoking can be inexpensive yet effective. Health warnings can be placed on cigarette packets, and legislation can be enacted to put an end to the double standards in marketing practices, whereby cigarettes of the same brand carrying health warnings in developed countries are marketed without these warnings in developing countries. Recommendations issued to governments and public health authorities in developing countries are listed.  相似文献   

In the light of issues discussed during 24th Session of Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling that was held in Budapest, 18-22 November 2002, the current activity of this Committee is presented. More detailed information about some of the most advanced or interesting documents is included, i. e. Proposed Draft General Guidelines On Sampling, Harmonized IUPAC Guidelines for Single-Laboratory Validation of Methods of Analysis, Consideration of methods for the detection and identification of food derived from biotechnology.  相似文献   

目的 了解烟台市动物源性食品中违禁药物及兽药残留膳食暴露水平。方法 随机采集烟台市售动物源性食品806份,按照《山东省居民膳食营养与健康状况》给定的膳食消费量计算日膳食暴露量(EDI),对比相关药物的ADI值进行食品安全评估。结果 检测的806份样品中,违禁药物及兽药残留总体检出率为2.61%(21/806),总超标率为1.61%(13/806)。禽肉来源的喹诺酮类药物EDI均值和最大值分别为0.0079 μg/kg·bw·d和0.14 μg/kg·bw·d。食品安全指数(IFS)均值和最大值分别为0.00040和0.0087。禽肉来源的四环素类药物残留EDI均值和最大值分别为0.0011 μg/kg·bw·d和0.014 μg/kg·bw·d,IFS均值和最大值分别为0.00029和0.0037。蛋类来源的四环素类药物残留EDI均值和最大值分别为0.0018 μg/kg·bw·d和0.027 μg/kg·bw·d,IFS均值和最大值分别为0.00059和0.0091。水产品来源的硝基呋喃残留EDI均值和最大值分别为0.0011 μg/kg·bw·d和0.040 μg/kg·bw·d。畜肉(包括内脏)来源的β-受体激动剂EDI均值和最大值分别为0.00028 μg/kg·bw·d和0.0052 μg/kg·bw·d,IFS均值和最大值分别为0.024和最大值为0.38。结论 烟台市售动物性食品中存在一定程度兽药污染,但其健康危害风险处在可接受的水平。  相似文献   

人群营养素摄入量范围的目标人群营养素摄入目标代表平均摄入量,认为此平均摄入量是与人群健康保持一致的。在此背景下,人群健康是以膳食有关的疾病在该人群中的流行率低作为标准(或标记)。对这样的目标很少有单一的最佳值。而与个体营养素摄入量安全范围一致。常有与保持健康一致的人群平均范围。如果现有人群平均在此范围外。或摄入量趋势  相似文献   

建议的行动建议:通过有关的合作伙伴追踪慢性病全球负担的增加;WHO考虑制定全球膳食营养和预防慢性病的箫略。  相似文献   

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