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Ponseti法治疗先天性马蹄内翻足疗效分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]评价采用Ponseti法治疗1岁以内先天性马蹄内翻足的疗效。[方法]2005年4月~2008年10月,本院骨科共收治先天性马蹄内翻足病例125例138足,男98例106足,女27例32足,年龄7 d~12个月。按年龄分为新生儿期(7~28 d)、小婴儿期(29 d~6个月)、婴儿期(6~12个月)三组,均按D im eglio评分系统进行评分,应用Ponseti法(手法矫正+石膏固定+经皮跟腱切断+足外展支具)治疗。[结果]病例随访13~42个月,平均25.3个月。按D im eglio评分系统评价疗效,120例132足矫形效果满意,5例6足残余部分畸形行手术治疗。各年龄组治疗优良率无显著差异(P0.05)。[结论]Ponseti法治疗先天性马蹄内翻足疗效确切,是一种很好的保守治疗方法。对于1岁以内先天性马蹄足均可取得优良效果。  相似文献   



To investigate both volume and length of the three muscle compartments of the normal and the affected leg in unilateral congenital clubfoot.


Volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (VMRI) of the anterior, lateral and postero-medial muscular compartments of both the normal and the clubfoot leg was obtained in three groups of seven patients each, whose mean age was, respectively, 4.8 months, 11.1 months and 4.7 years. At diagnosis, all the unilateral congenital clubfeet had a Pirani score ranging from 4.5 to 5.5 points, and all of them had been treated according to a strict Ponseti protocol. All the feet had percutaneous lengthening of the Achilles tendon.


A mean difference in both volume and length was found between the three muscular compartments of the leg, with the muscles of the clubfoot side being thinner and shorter than those of the normal side. The distal tendon of the tibialis anterior, peroneus longus and triceps surae (Achilles tendon) were longer than normal on the clubfoot side.


Our study shows that the three muscle compartments of the clubfoot leg are thinner and shorter than normal in the patients of the three groups. The difference in the musculature volume of the postero-medial compartment between the normal and the affected side increased nine-fold from age group 2 to 3, while the difference in length increased by 20 %, thus, showing that the muscles of the postero-medial compartment tend to grow in both thickness and length much less than the muscles of the other leg compartments.  相似文献   

先天性马蹄内翻足经皮跟腱切断手术时机的选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的应用Ponseti方法早期治疗先天性马蹄内翻足(先天性马蹄内翻足),探讨经皮跟腱切断手术时机的选择。方法60例(91足)先天性马蹄内翻足患儿,随机分为A、B两组,每组30例,治疗初评分≥4分(僵硬型)。A组患足矫形外展至70°、背屈〈15°、同时HS〉1、MS〈1和距骨被覆盖;B组患足矫形至前足内收纠正但无法背屈,同时HS〉1、MS≤1,行跟腱切断术;以Pirani评分标准比较两组治疗结果。结果患儿均得到随访,时间6~30(15±5)个月。A、B两组手术前石膏矫形次数分别为(5.1±0.91)次、(2.42±0.56)次(P〈0.05),治疗时间分别为(36.8±4.98)d、(19.3±5.09)d(P〈0.01),差异有统计学意义。两组跟腱均获得愈合,跖屈有力,术后患足背屈活动度差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论在Ponseti方法矫正僵硬型马蹄足过程中,畸形愈严重跟腱挛缩愈严重,早期行经皮跟腱切断手术可明显减少石膏矫形次数、缩短疗程,不影响疗效。  相似文献   

《Acta orthopaedica》2013,84(6):847-852
Background?Idiopathic clubfoot is one of the most common congenital orthopedic problems. Nationwide studies of the incidence are scarce. We performed a prospective multicenter study in order to assess the cumulative incidence in Sweden over 2 consecutive years.

Patients and methods?44 clinics identified as treating clubfoot reported new cases prospectively. The medical records of 280 children with clubfoot born during 1995– 1996 were collected and analyzed with special reference to gender, regional distribution and seasonal variation.

Results?The average cumulative incidence of clubfoot during the study period was 1.4/103 (95% CI 1.2– 1.6). Three-quarters of the cases were boys. In half of the cases both feet were affected. There was significant regional heterogeneity, but no seasonal variation in occurrence of clubfoot.

Interpretation?The cumulative incidence was higher than in earlier Scandinavian studies. Gender distribution and laterality were similar to those in previous reports. We found significant regional differences in incidence, but the cause of this observation must be investigated in greater depth.  相似文献   

先天性马蹄内翻足Ponseti治疗初跟腱手术的预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨先天性马蹄内翻足(CCF)患儿治疗前预测患儿行跟腱手术的可行性。方法96例CCF(148足)患儿,均依据Ponseti方法治疗,平均(5.7±1.3)次石膏矫正后,背屈活动≤15°或Pirani评分HS(后足评分)≥1,MS(中足评分)〈1的患足需行跟腱切断手术。石膏去除后需佩戴外展支具。结果经过系列石膏矫正后,148足中125足(84.5%)行跟腱切断术,23足(15.5%)未行跟腱手术。在治疗初有102足(68.9%)Pirani评分≥5分,其中93足(91.2%)经系列石膏矫正后行跟腱手术。手术组跟腱愈合佳,跖屈有力。结论在治疗初Pirani评分≥5分时91.2%患儿需要跟腱手术,CCF患儿初次来诊时,对患足行Pirani评分,即可预测其是否需行跟腱手术。在治疗初预先判断患儿是否需行跟腱手术则既有利于医师了解治疗进展,又能更好地与家长沟通配合治疗进程。  相似文献   

有限矫形手术与Ilizarov技术治疗青少年先天性马蹄内翻足   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察应用有限矫形手术与Ilizarov技术治疗青少年先天性马蹄内翻足(congenital clubfoot,CCF)的临床疗效,探讨CCF外科矫正与功能重建新技术、新理念。方法 2003年9月-2010年7月,收治25例40足青少年CCF。男14例20足,女11例20足;年龄12~25岁,平均15.7岁。左足4例,右足6例,双足15例。根据秦氏马蹄内翻足畸形分度:Ⅰ度9足,Ⅱ度17足,Ⅲ度14足。合并小腿内旋畸形9足,右侧髋关节半脱位1例。采用有限软组织松解与骨性截骨手术后,9足Ⅰ度畸形者安装组合式外固定器,31足残留畸形安装Ilizarov外固定牵伸器。术后5~7 d开始矫正,以0.5~1.0 mm/d为宜;待踝关节矫正至过伸5~10°,足呈轻度外翻后停止牵伸,矫正位携带外固定架并负重行走4~6周。双足畸形患者分两期进行手术,手术间隔3~6个月,平均4个月。结果 9足术后佩戴组合式外固定器6~12周,平均8周;31足佩戴Ilizarov外固定牵伸器6~17周,平均13周。患者均获随访,随访时间8个月~6年,平均37个月。牵拉矫形期间6例6足发生针道轻度感染,均经对症处理后感染消失。术后2年1例1足畸形部分复发,经再次安装Ilizarov外固定牵伸器负重行走4周,矫正满意;其余畸形足在随访期内均获得满意矫正和全足底持重。末次随访时根据国际马蹄足畸形研究会(ICFSG)的评分系统,获优28足,良10足,可2足,优良率95%。结论有限矫形手术结合Ilizarov技术矫治青少年CCF,符合生物学原理和微创外科原则,安全、微创、疗效确切。该马蹄内翻足手术矫形策略遵循骨科自然重建理念,尤其适用于传统矫形骨科手术难以治疗的Ⅲ度CCF。  相似文献   

目的探讨联合手术方法治疗小儿先天性马蹄内翻足。方法18例33足先天性马蹄内翻足患儿。采用联合手术方法包括跟腱冠状位延长、胫前肌移位、足内侧短缩软组织切开、跖筋膜切断和骰骨内“V”形截骨。结果14例25足获得随访。随访时间6~18月,平均7月。优良13例24足,1例1足手术效果差。结论联合手术方法治疗儿童先天性马蹄内翻足具有减少手术次数、短期无复发的优点。  相似文献   

目的改良Ponseti方法治疗早期先天性马蹄内翻足(CCF)的神经电生理研究。方法应用改良Ponseti方法治疗年龄7天~12个月先天性马蹄内翻足25例31足,应用Nicolet公司VikingIV肌电图诱发电位仪对每期石膏矫形后的CCF患儿进行检测。检测包括双下肢胫神经、腓总神经、腓肠神经及H反射。分析比较运动神经传导速度(MCV)、感觉波(SCV)、传导波幅的变化情况。依据Dimeglio法分型和Pirani评分判定疗效。随访时间为12—36个月,平均15个月。结果31足在石膏矫形前神经电生理异常的有23足f74.19%)。神经电图检测显示21个病足结果异常(67.74哟,H反射异常15足(48.39%。第1~Ⅲ期石膏矫形后的神经电生理变化不明显,第4期石膏矫形后改变明显。28足神经电生理检测达到或接近正常后停止石膏矫形,带足部支具巩固治疗,3足神经电生理检测未接近正常,停止石膏矫形后3个月复发。再行石膏矫形后治愈。结论神经电生理检测可以直接、客观地判断改良Ponseti方法治疗早期先天性马蹄内翻足的治愈标准及预后。  相似文献   

跗外侧血管蒂骰骨瓣移位术的临床应用   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
目的 为寻求和解决踝足部骨缺损,骨不连,距骨骨折脱位和距骨体缺血性坏死等疑难病例的有效疗法,方法 通过30侧下肢标本解剖观测了供应骰骨背侧血管的来源,走行,分支和吻合。设计以跗外侧血管为蒂的骰骨瓣移位植骨术治疗有关疾患共29例,结果 临床实践证实疗效满意,有7例经1~8年随访,其中优良率达96%,结论 带跗外侧血管骰骨瓣具有解剖位置表浅,手术操作简便,效果可靠等优点,为修复踝骨部病组损提供一定好供  相似文献   

先天性马蹄内翻足的实验及临床初步观察   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Du SX  Ji SJ  Sun KL 《中华外科杂志》2005,43(8):505-508
目的在动物模型和临床电生理检测基础上,探索先天性马蹄内翻足的病理与临床病变间的可能联系。方法83只大白鼠从怀孕第10天起,将维甲酸石蜡油混悬液经胃管单次注入,以建立马蹄内翻足动物模型;应用躯体感觉诱发电位等电生理检测方法,对48例(63足)先天性马蹄内翻足患儿的神经功能进行检测。结果动物模型的马蹄内翻足发病率为53.7%。距骨持续停滞在胚胎阶段,距骨、跟骨间重叠不良和跟骨内翻,脊髓前角细胞有凋亡现象;68.3%的患儿电生理检测异常,明确病变位点位于腰骶脊髓占48.8%。结论先天性马蹄内翻足在胚胎发育期即有足的马蹄内翻,且畸形程度随生长发育而逐步加重。脊髓前角细胞凋亡可能同时诱发脊柱裂、肛门直肠畸形、先天性马蹄内翻足等疾患。  相似文献   



Conservatism is well recognised after Ponseti''s method in the treatment of congenital clubfoot; however, this is not applicable to the complex and resistant arthrogrypotic type which challenges the orthopaedic surgeon. In such a type, soft tissue releases as fasciotomies, tenotomies, and capsulotomies, as well as osteotomies are insufficient, and joint fusions are not suitable in early childhood before skeletal maturity.


Twelve children (15 feet) with residual resistant arthrogrypotic clubfeet between 2-4 years of age were analysed clinically and radiographically. All of the cases received previous conservative Ponseti''s method of treatment in their first year of life followed by soft tissue releases (plantar fasciotomy, posteromedial tenotomies, capsulotomies, and abductor hallucis release) before treatment by decancellation of the cuboid, the calcaneus, and the talus to correct the complex adduction, supination, varus, and equinus deformities. Pre-operative measurements of certain foot angles were compared with their corresponding postoperative values.


A grading scheme for evaluation of the results using a point scoring system was suggested to evaluate accurately both clinical and radiographic results after a follow-up period of an average of 3.3 years. Six feet (40%) had excellent, six (40%) good, three (20%) fair, and no poor (0%) outcome. There was no major complication. There was significant improvement in the result (P > 0.035).


Tarsal decancellation is particularly applicable to residual resistant clubfoot such as the arthrogrypotic type at an early age. It shortens the period of disability, improves the range of foot motion, and does not interfere with the foot bone growth.  相似文献   

大鼠先天性马蹄内翻足患肢及脊髓的病理观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 在建立先天性马蹄内翻足(CCF)的动物模型基础上,探讨其病因、发病机制及病变特点。方法 应用83只雌性Wistar大白鼠从孕第10天起,将维甲酸(120mg/kg体重)石蜡油混悬液(0.04g/L)经胃管单次注入,建立胎鼠CCF动物模型。结果 动物模型的CCF发病率为53.7%,单足为79.4%,双足为20.6%。距骨持续停滞在胚胎阶段,距骨、跟骨间重叠不良和跟骨内翻,踝角随胎鼠发育而逐渐增大。脊髓前角细胞有凋亡现象。结论 CCF在胚胎期即有足的马蹄内翻且畸形随生长发育而加重,其病因可能与脊髓病变相关。  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) provides important three-dimensional anatomic details in congenital dislocation of the hip that are useful for total hip arthroplasty (THR) and are not obtainable with conventional radiographic evaluation. In this study, 84 patients (119 hips) with congenital dislocation of the hip were evaluated with CT before surgery. Specifically, both the acetabulum and the femur were analyzed to make the best selection of the prosthesis. The average anteversion of the acetabulum was 23°, with an opening of 30.9 mm and a depth of 14.7 mm. The bone stock of the true acetabulum was calculated and the average available diameter for the acetabular implant was 44.9 mm. The CT topogram revealed the true leg-length discrepancy (average, 0.5–1.9 cm), and the amount of a shortening osteotomy when necessary was determined. Finally, to determine the stem with optimum fit and fill, a three-dimensional reconstruction of the femoral canal using CT data and computer-aided design (CAD) was matched with a three-dimensional geometry of several stem designs and sizes obtained from a CAD system.  相似文献   

Purpose  To investigate whether atrophy of the leg muscles present in congenital clubfoot (CCF) is primitive or secondary to treatment of the deformity. Methods  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of both legs was taken in three cohorts of patients with unilateral congenital clubfoot (UCCF): eight untreated newborns (age range 10 days to 2 weeks); eight children who had been treated with the Ponseti method (age range 2–4 years); eight adults whose deformity had been corrected by manipulation and casting according to Ponseti, followed by a limited posterior release performed at age 2–3 months (age range 19–23 years). All of the treated patients wore a brace until 3 years of age. Muscles were measured on transverse MRI scans of both legs taken midway between the articular surface of the knee and the articular surface of the ankle, using a computer program (AutoCAD 2002 LT). The same program was used to measure leg muscles in the histologic cross sections of the legs of two fetuses with UCCF, spontaneously aborted at 13 and 19 weeks of gestation, respectively. Measurements of the whole cross section of the leg (total leg volume: TLV), of the muscular tissue (muscular tissue volume: MTV), and of the adipose tissue (adipose tissue volume: ATV) of the tibia, fibula, and of the other soft tissues (tendons, nerves, and vessels) were taken by using an interactive image analyzer (IAS 2000, Delta System, Milan, Italy). Results  Marked atrophy of the leg muscles on the clubfoot side was found in both fetuses and untreated newborns, with a percentage ratio of MTV between the normal and the affected leg of 1.3 and 1.5, respectively. Leg muscle atrophy increased with growth, and the percentage ratio of MTV between the normal and the affected leg was, respectively, 1.8 and 2 in treated children and adults. On the other hand, fatty tissue tended to increase relatively from birth to adulthood, but it could not compensate for the progressive muscular atrophy. As a result, the difference in TLV tended to increase from childhood to adulthood. Conclusions  Our study shows that leg muscular atrophy is a primitive pathological component of CCF which is already present in the early stages of fetal CCF development and in newborns before starting treatment. Muscular atrophy increases with the patient’s age, suggesting a mechanism of muscle growth impairment as a possible pathogenic factor of CCF. The authors certify that their institution has approved the reporting of this study, that all the investigations were conducted in conformity with ethical principles of research, and informed consent was obtained.  相似文献   

PurposeTo determine the availability and readability of online patient information (OPI) provided by paediatric hospitals in the United States using clubfoot as a model conditionMethodsThe websites of the top 95 paediatric hospitals identified using US News & World Report were included. The names of paediatric hospitals and the terms “clubfoot”, “clubfeet” and “talipes equinovarus” were entered into the Google search engine. Readability was assessed using five validated metrics and the composite grade level (CGL). The number of unpaid monthly visits was calculated with the Ahrefs Organic Traffic Score (OTS) tool. Data for paediatric hospitals were compared with the same metrics for the top ten Google search results.ResultsOf 95 paediatric hospitals, 29 (30.5%) did not have at least one web page dedicated to clubfoot. The 128 web pages representing 66 paediatric hospitals had an average CGL of 9.4, representing a readability level requiring some high school education. The mean OTS for all paediatric hospitals was 116 estimated visits per month, which was significantly less than that for the top ten Google clubfoot search results (3035.1; p < 0.0001).ConclusionPaediatric hospital web pages on clubfoot were visited much less frequently than those from the top ten Google search results. Only two web pages (1.6%) from paediatric hospitals offered OPI on clubfoot that met the American Medical Association recommended reading level (sixth-grade level). Paediatric hospitals should create OPI on clubfoot with appropriate readability and accessibility for patient families.Level of EvidenceN/A  相似文献   

目的 探讨肢体发育不同时段综合多基因相互作用条件下最终导致先天性马蹄内翻足(CCF)发生的原因.方法 70只大白鼠从怀孕第10天起,将维甲酸石蜡油混悬液经胃管单次注入,以建立马蹄足动物模型;应用评分系统将畸形子鼠筛选出来,光镜、电镜及分子生物学的方法检测畸形鼠后肢芽(后肢)、软骨及脊髓.结果 经评分系统矫正后的动物模型CCF发病率为61.8%.后肢芽及脊髓前角细胞均有凋亡现象,软骨发育明显延迟于对照组竟高达1.5 d,并且这种差异在孕14~17 d间表现得非常明显.结论 在胚胎早期后肢芽及脊髓前角细胞凋亡及软骨发育明显延迟与CCF发病相关.  相似文献   

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