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本科护理教育的概况及发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进入新世纪,经济一体化将使我国医疗市场逐步接近国际惯例,护理专业亦是如此。从世界范围看,对护士的文化程度要求越来越高。基于我国的基本国情,我国的护理教育,尤其是本科及更高学历的护理教育更是不健全,不完善。高等教育在发展规模、办学条件、教学结构、摸式及临床实践中仍面临着许多问题:越来越多的业内人士认识到:我国传统的护理教学观念、模式已不能满足现代护理的需求,为了更好的适应临床、更好的促进发展,护理教育改革势在必行。由此,大力发展高等护理教育具有现实性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

从中美护理教育现状分析中国护理本科教育面临的挑战   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:11  
吴蓓雯  曹伟新 《护理研究》2006,20(13):1202-1204
随着护理实践日趋外延、教育被列入服务贸易的范畴和中国加入WTO,对我国高等护理教育提出了新的挑战。从中美护理教育现状的比较分析中发现,目前国内护理教育,无论是教育层次、模式,还是教学理念、课程设置、教学方法和手段及评估体系都亟待继续改革。  相似文献   

从中美护理教育现状分析中国护理本科教育面临的挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴蓓雯  曹伟新 《护理研究》2006,20(5):1202-1204
随着护理实践日趋外延、教育被列入服务贸易的范畴和中国加入WTO。对我国高等护理教育提出了新的挑战。从中美护理教育现状的比较分析中发现,目前国内护理教育,无论是教育层次、模式,还是教学理念、课程设置、教学方法和手段及评估体系都亟待继续改革。  相似文献   

我国护理本科临床教育发展及展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
方芳  刘慧珠 《护理学报》2005,12(3):14-16
新世纪的社会进步和科学发展为高等护理教育的发展创造了机遇随着新的医学护理模式的形。、成现代护理观对护士的素质知识能力提出了更,、、高的要求发展高等护理教育提高护士队伍学历层。,次成为护理教育的发展方向[1]我国护理本科教育。自1983年正式恢复以来[2]已逐步发展并不断完善,,护理本科生将在未来承担起特殊的使命和角色为,促进护理专业的发展提高和增强护理专业地位发,挥不容忽视的作用目前许多教学医院为了体现本。科教学特点适应本科生高标准知识需求不断探索,,适合本科临床实践的模式现将其综述如下。。1护理本科临床实践模式…  相似文献   

笔者于2012年2月-2012年7月在澳大利亚西悉尼大学护理学院学习期间了解到其护理本科教育特点,将我国与澳大利亚护理本科教育特点进行对比.现以华中科技大学(HUST)和西悉尼大学(UWS)两所护理学院为例,通过对两者本科护理教育现状的对比,为内地各护理院校本科教育的改革提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

世纪之交我国高等护理教育面临的三大机遇和挑战   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
高等护理教育对促进一个国家护理学科的发展、护理水平的提高有着举足轻重的作用。作者对我国高等护理教育面临的三大机遇和挑战进行了论述:①分析了国际市场经济对促进高等护理教育发展的经验,提出发展我国高等护理教育是市场经济的需要;②论述了护理素质教育的内涵及途径;③分析了知识经济的主要特征,提出了知识经济时代对培养护理人才的要求及建议。  相似文献   

课程是各级各类学校为实现教育目标而规定的教育内容及其进程。它是实施教育,达到培养目标的载体和手段,也是教育理念的具体体现。课程直接影响人才结构的形成和人才培养的规格、质量[1]。本文通过对中日两国护理本科专业课程护理教育理念、培养目标、课程设置模式的比较,探索我国护理教育理念及护理本科人才培养模式,为我国护理本科教育教学改革提供参考依据。  相似文献   

新世纪我国护理教育发展面临的挑战和发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶岚岚 《现代护理》2005,11(16):1301-1302
21世纪是生命科学的世纪,人类健康观念的转变,为护理事业的发展提供了机遇和挑战。今天,我国护理教育事业的发展比过去任何时候都令人瞩目,同样,也比任何时候都面临更大的挑战。为此,新世纪护理教育所肩负的使命和作用,必须站在战略的高度,以广阔的视野、辩证的思维、长远的设想重新审视和探讨新形式下护理教育的发展策略。构建具有中国特色的多层次、多轨道的护理教育体系,已成为护理教育界的共识。  相似文献   

我国本科护理教育培养目标的调查   总被引:114,自引:7,他引:114  
本研究采用问卷的方法,调查了全国1987年以前成立的十一所医学院校护理系教师对本科护理教育应达到的具体目标的意见,以便使总的培养目标更加具体和可操作。调查结果显示,本科护生应具备的能力是:临床护理,护理科研,护理教育;应争取具备的能力是护理管理和社区护理。在具体分解的101项能力中有34项被70%以上的护理教师认为是本科生毕业时必须具备的能力,应作为本科护理教育的最基本目标。另外有33项能力是50%~70%的被调查的教师认为学生毕业前应争取达到的,可以作为较高层次的教育目标。根据此次调查结果,归纳提出了我国本科护理教育应达到的12项专业培养目标  相似文献   

随着医学模式的转变、健康观念的更新、疾病谱的变化、卫生保健体制的改革,特别是经济全球化进程的推动,现代护理专业人才功能角色日趋丰富,这对护理人才培养的质量提出了更高的要求。本文在综观国内外护理教育发展现状和趋势的基础上,展望了护理教育面临的挑战和机遇,提出了本世纪我国护理教育发展的主要方向和策略。  相似文献   

DEBOUT C., CHEVALLIER‐DARCHEN F., PETIT DIT DARIEL O. & ROTHAN‐TONDEUR M. (2012) Undergraduate nursing education reform in France: from vocational to academic programmes. International Nursing Review Background: France is currently implementing a number of reforms to the healthcare and education systems. Within this context, a comprehensive reform of undergraduate nurse education was launched in 2009, bringing nurse education closer to the higher education environment. It is likely in future to move from being vocational towards becoming an academic educational programme. Aim: In this paper, the 2009 reform of the French pre‐registration nursing curriculum will be analysed in light of the European framework. Process: The pedagogical approach, methods and content of nursing education in France are undergoing an in‐depth reorganization. The main innovation that the reforms introduce is a competency‐based approach. France is joining the group of countries that require first degree‐level entry to the nursing profession. Conclusion: There are still many unanswered questions regarding the competencies and qualifications required by both the academic and clinical educators many of whom have not been previously involved in research or publications. The future status of nursing science is unclear, as is the way in which the nursing profession will be able to retain control over its educational mechanisms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There has been extensive damage to nursing education and training in Iraq over the last two decades through three international wars, counterinsurgency struggles in the north and south, 13 years of economic sanctions, dictatorship and foreign occupation. Fortunately, there is wide agreement that nursing is a key area for further attention. Many nursing leaders have emigrated and the numbers of nurses working in professional roles in Iraq declined sharply after 1990. ISSUES: The number of nurses per population has always been low in Iraq, and fell off precipitously after foreign workers left. There is less than one nursing staff of any kind for physician today. Few of the nursing staff are qualified to what would be minimal standards of professional practice in many countries. There is a strong educational base for nursing education in three Iraqi universities, but it relates little to other schools or hospitals. Military nurses, now being integrated into the public system of hospital care, are considered to have far more technical skill levels than non-military nurses. ACTIONS: Iraq needs a new generation of well trained nurses to develop primary care and health education activities. Programmes in nursing administration and community health nursing need to be developed. The World Health Organization has supported the development of training centres and short courses for nursing leaders. The former six levels of entry to nursing practice have been streamlined to three. Nursing salaries since the 2003 invasion have been greatly increased. These are good beginnings, and much more remains to be done to restore nursing in Iraq.  相似文献   

注重素质和实践能力培养的护理学本科教育模式研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
介绍我校护理学专业本科教育模式的改革实践。主要举措:加强人文素质和护理理念教育;改革教学方法与课程评价方法;构建实验教学立体模式;实施临床护理能力、教学、管理、科研能力的全程培养;加强教学管理。倡导适应中国国情的护理教育模式;借鉴西方教育理念和教学方法,加强学生研究性、创新性学习和动手能力的培养;保持我国教育注重系统的理论教学、临床护理和技术操作训练的优点;形成综合素质与能力全程、全面培养的特色。  相似文献   

该文介绍了英国考文垂大学成人护理专业方向本科课程设置,包括课程设置目标、课程设置的结构和内容、课程安排,并对其课程设置特色进行分析,以期为我国护理本科人才培养和课程改革提供参考。  相似文献   

探讨开设《社会护理学》课程的必要性、可行性、教学方法和课程评价等,以提高本科护理专业学生的社会护理能力,积极拓展社会护理实践,以满足人民群众日益增长的健康需求,适应21世纪护理教育发展的需要。  相似文献   

DONKOR N.T. & ANDREWS L.D. (2011) 21st century nursing practice in Ghana: challenges and opportunities. International Nursing Review 58 , 218–224 Aim: This article is intended to stimulate critical thinking and generate fruitful discussion on nursing practice in Ghana as experienced by the authors. Its rationale is to promote exchange of ideas and creative partnerships to ensure that right decisions are made in preparing competent, adaptable and resourceful nurses who can contribute to health for all in the 21st century. The problem: The challenges of nursing education, practice and migration in Ghana seem grim. There is inadequate capacity of training institutions, low staff morale, poor distribution and serious workforce shortages. Methods: Government reports and policy documents on nursing were sourced from official websites and reviewed and discussed in the context of the international scholarly published literature. Opportunities: The authors note that despite the severe crises, a number of opportunities such as improved home‐based training, international nursing education partnerships and welfare and human resource development could foster effective nurse retention and managed migration. Conclusions: To address the issues with nursing health service delivery and nursing shortages in Ghana requires all stakeholders to move beyond the traditional stereotypes and be flexible and forward‐looking. Needed policy options include expansion of local nursing education and training capacity, collaborative training opportunities, improving the welfare and retention rates of current staff and international exchange of nurse resources that is mutually beneficial to both source and sink countries.  相似文献   

The inclusion of the social, behavioural and bio-sciences is acknowledged as essential to the development of the art and science of nursing. Nonetheless, the literature highlights on-going debate about the content and delivery of these subject areas in undergraduate nursing education. The bio-sciences and social sciences in particular have received much attention but more recently the inclusion of psychology in nursing curricula is gaining momentum. Studies conducted on nursing students' views of these supporting sciences have also highlighted problems with their understanding, relevance and application to nursing practice.Although broad guidelines are given as to what should be included, no detail is given as to how much detail or at what level these subjects should be taught. Subsequently, approved institutions are responsible for their own course content. This has resulted in inconsistent and varied approaches to integrating the sciences in undergraduate nursing curricula.Following a recent review of the undergraduate nursing curriculum in one university in the Republic of Ireland a decision was made to combine the teaching, learning and assessment of Applied Psychology with Interpersonal Communication skills. This paper will describe the developmental process and evaluation of the integrated module.  相似文献   

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