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目的 应用双能CT分析关节周围尿酸盐结晶沉积特点,预测与痛风性关节炎急性发作相关的解剖和形态学特征.方法 选择近期足踝部发作过关节肿和(或)痛患者84例(其中确诊痛风患者68例,无症状高尿酸血症患者1 1例,单纯其他类型关节炎患者5例),入选患者均完成足踝部双能CT检查.应用x2检验及Logistic回归模型分析尿酸盐结晶沉积的解剖、形态学特征与关节炎症急性发作的关系.结果 痛风组共发现278处尿酸盐结晶,最常出现结晶沉积的部位依次为第一趾中远端(18.2%)、第一跖趾关节(16.8%)、跟骨(17.5%)、胫骨下端(11.8%),无症状高尿酸血症组发现34处尿酸盐结晶沉积,分布趋势与痛风组相似.对患者结晶沉积部位与关节炎症急性发作情况进行分析后发现,第一跖趾关节(x2=8.47,P<0.01)及胫骨下端(x2=3.93,P<0.05)出现结晶沉积的患者临床上更易出现相应部位关节炎的急性发作.且第一跖趾关节附近的尿酸盐结晶如果沉积于肌腱(x2=5.03,P<0.05)或软组织(x2=5.19,P<0.05)中,更易引起痛风性关节炎;而对于踝关节周围的尿酸盐结晶,如果其沉积于踝关节伸面(x2=4.42,P<0.05)或呈点状(x2=4.76,P<0.05)或为多个(x2=4.97,P<0.05)则更易出现关节炎症发作.并且Logistic多元回归分析结果也提示,痛风性关节炎急性发作有潜在的危险因素.结论 双能CT可以清晰显示尿酸盐结晶,有助于痛风的诊断及随防研究.尿酸盐结晶沉积的部位、形状、大小、数量以及受累部位是否伴有软组织肿胀、骨侵蚀等因素,对痛风性关节炎的急性发作有影响.  相似文献   

A 50-year-old Japanese fish dealer presented with painful and swollen fingers. Infectious flexor tenosynovitis with Mycobacterium marinum was suspected. Range of motion was restored after tenosynovectomy and after ofloxacin and clarithromycin were administered. Two years after the operation, the patient presented again with acute inflammation in the same fingers. Histopathological examination revealed gouty tenosynovitis. The preconception that mycobacterial infection occurs often in fish dealers caused us to miss the correct diagnosis of gouty tenosynovitis.  相似文献   


A 50-year-old Japanese fish dealer presented with painful and swollen fingers. Infectious flexor tenosynovitis with Mycobacterium marinum was suspected. Range of motion was restored after tenosynovectomy and after ofloxacin and clarithromycin were administered. Two years after the operation, the patient presented again with acute inflammation in the same fingers. Histopathological examination revealed gouty tenosynovitis. The preconception that mycobacterial infection occurs often in fish dealers caused us to miss the correct diagnosis of gouty tenosynovitis.  相似文献   

目的 评价双能量CT对痛风的诊断价值.方法 对试验组的25例痛风患者双侧足部、踝关节、膝关节、手部、腕关节及肘关节行双能量CT扫描成像,统计尿酸盐结晶沉积病灶数,对出现临床症状的关节行X线检查.对患者四肢关节进行临床体检,统计临床病灶数目及部位.对照组的20例类风湿关节炎(RA)患者的受累关节及对侧关节行双能量CT扫描成像.同时检测所有患者的血尿酸、血肌酐、总胆固醇及甘油三酯水平.对比2组患者双能量CT检查结果与X线及临床体检之间的差异.统计学处理采用t检验和x2检验.结果 双能量CT检查中各关节发现病灶的病例数及比例分别为足部及踝关节23例(92%),膝关节17例(68%)、手与腕关节3例(12%)及肘关节1例(4%),足部及踝关节受累患者最多(P<0.05).尿酸盐沉积病灶共184处,其中足与踝关节、膝关节、手与腕关节及肘关节的病灶数分别为107处(58.2%)、72处(39.1%)、4处(2.2%)、1处(0.5%),足部及踝关节中尿酸盐沉积病灶数最多(P<0.01).临床统计病灶数为64处,仅占双能量CT发现病灶数的34.8%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01).而X线检查仅6例患者发现骨质破坏等非特异性改变.试验组患者血尿酸、血肌酐及甘油三酯水平较对照组明显增高,差异具有统计学意义(P值分别为<0.01,<0.05,<0.05).结论 双能量CT对痛风的诊断有重要的临床价值.  相似文献   

Rasburicase treatment in severe tophaceous gout: a novel therapeutic option   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We recently encountered a destructive case of tophaceous gout in a 57-year-old patient. Despite perfect therapy compliance, the patient failed in the conventional urate-lowering treatment, accounting for the ongoing urate retention and accumulation with progressive tophaceous bulky disease. Application of an experimental scheme of uricolytical therapy on this patient was able to reduce bulky disease significantly. In modern medicine, potent urate-debulking medication with urate oxidase (uricase) derivatives is at our disposal, and it is a challenge for rheumatologists to install the right strategy including innovative approaches with potent uricolytic therapy on the right patient at the right time.The presented case has been published before in a local Dutch mailing for rheumatologists.  相似文献   

The purpose of gout treatment is to alleviate symptoms of flares, prevent flares from recurring by lowering serum urate, and minimize structural joint damage and functional impairment. In recent years, several new medications to treat gout have been developed, and novel agents continue to be investigated, in addition to several long-established treatments. Although a number of effective therapies are available, optimal management and outcomes are frequently not achieved due to physician under prescribing of urate-lowering therapy (ULT) and poor adherence with therapy when it is prescribed. This article reviews recent developments in the management of gout with reference to recently published clinical guidelines, outlines some important questions regarding the safety and efficacy of particular agents, and remaining gaps in our knowledge about the most effective strategies for using currently available treatments.  相似文献   

Increasing therapeutic options are available for gout management. Anti-inflammatory agents are used in the acute management of gout flares, and interleukin-1 inhibitors are effective for those unable to take conventional anti-inflammatory treatments. Lowering of serum urate remains the cornerstone of effective long-term management. Allopurinol is the first-line urate-lowering therapy, and a gradual dose-escalation strategy to serum urate target is recommended. Febuxostat and lesinurad have been approved more recently. In a large cardiovascular outcomes trial, higher all-cause and cardiovascular mortality was observed with febuxostat than with allopurinol. Lesinurad should be co-prescribed with a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, and close monitoring of kidney function is required. Evidence for non-pharmacological management is limited, but personalised lifestyle modification may reduce associated cardiovascular risk. In this review, we discuss current principles in the gout management paradigm, consider strategies for managing complex, clinical scenarios, and review emerging therapies.  相似文献   

The number of patients with gout and hyperuricemia is increasing in Japan. Urolithiasis is one of the important complications in this disease and early diagnosis of urolithiasis is necessary in disease management. Therefore, we expected to find an exact incidence of urolithiasis in Japanese gouty and hyperuricemic patients in our study. We examined 208 patients using ultrasonography (US) of the abdomen at our hospital (171 primary gout and 37 asymptomatic hyperuricemia). We examined the incidence of urolithiasis in US of the abdomen, past history and urine occult blood reaction in gouty and hyperuricemic patients. We also examined the duration of the current illness. The total number of ‘positive findings’ in US of the abdomen was 64 among 208 cases (30.8%). For these 64 with ‘positive findings’, 51.6% had ‘calcification’ or ‘stone formation’ in bilateral kidneys and 48.4% showed ‘positive findings’ before the onset of gouty arthritis. Among the 208 cases, 16.3% had a history of urolithiasis. Of the 59 cases with ‘stone formation’ among the 64 with ‘positive findings’ in US of the abdomen, 10.2% showed a positive urine occult blood reaction. The frequency of detecting a ‘positive findings’ was evidently proportional to the detection of this illness. In conclusion, the incidence of urolithiasis in gouty and hyperuricemic patients was examined by US of the abdomen. The value of this diagnostic modality was highly appreciated in this instance. The following were suggested as important approaches for the management of gouty or hyperuricemic patients: correction of the serum uric acid levels, early diagnoses of urolithiasis by US of the abdomen, proper alkalization of urine and sufficient diuresis.  相似文献   

《Reumatología clinica》2014,10(3):160-163
BackgroundImaging may be useful for monitoring response to therapy. Within the OMERACT proposal for the core set domains for outcome measures in chronic gout, serum urate levels, recurrence of gouty flares, tophus regression, and joint damage imaging have been included, among other proposed issues.ObjectivesTo perform a systematic literature review of the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound (US) on assessment of treatment response in patients with gout.MethodsMEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library (up to February 2012), and abstracts presented at the 2010 and 2011 meetings of the American College of Rheumatology and European League Against Rheumatism, were searched for treatment studies of any duration and therapeutic options, examining the ability of MRI/US to assess treatment response in gouty patients. Meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomized clinical trials, cohort and case-control studies and validation studies were included. Quality was appraised using validated scales.ResultsThere were only 3 US published studies in the literature that analysed US utility on assessment of response to treatment in patients with gout. All of them were prospective case studies with a small number of patients and they were reviewed in detailed. A total of 36 patients with gout were examined with US. All of them had a baseline serum urate > 6 mg/dL. US features of gout (double contour sign, hyperechoic spots in synovial fluid, hyperechoic cloudy areas, tophus diameter and volume) achieved significant reduction in patients who reached the objective of uricemia ≤ 6 mg/dL in all the studies; however, patients in whom levels did not drop below 6 mg/dL had no change of US features of gout. Other parameters evaluated in one study included ESR, CRP, number of tender joints (TRN), number of swollen joints, and pain score (SP). All of them decreased with uricemia reduction, but only TRN and SP were statistically significant. No data was found on the value of MRI on treatment response assessment in patients with gout.ConclusionsThe improvement in ultrasound features shows concurrent validity with uric acid reduction. According to the published evidence, US can be a useful tool for monitoring treatment of gouty patients, although more research is needed. The value of MRI on treatment response assessment in patients with gout remains to be determined.  相似文献   



The prevalence and consequences (articular and extra-articular) of hyperuricemia in type 2 diabetes, especially when asymptomatic (ASH), are incompletely understood. The aim of this study was to use ultrasonography to assess pathology associated with monosodium urate deposition in the joints of well-characterized hyperuricemic patients with type 2 diabetes.


A subset of 101 participants (mean age 70.4?years, 59.8% males, median diabetes duration 14.6?years) with hyperuricemia (fasting serum uric acid ≥0.42?mmol/L) from the community-based observational Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II were assessed by ultrasound for signs of intra-articular urate deposition and inflammation in 14 joints at increased risk of involvement in patients with gout.


Most participants had evidence of crystal deposition comprising aggregates (59.4%), tophi (19.8%) or a double contour sign (27.7%), and 37% had a power Doppler signal indicative of inflammation in at least one joint. There was no difference between the prevalence of these abnormalities in those with ASH (n?=?60) versus participants with a history of gout (n?=?41; P?≥?0.15). There was no association between a history of ischemic heart disease (reported by 17.8% of participants) and either any abnormality on joint ultrasound or inflammatory changes assessed by power Doppler (P?≥?0.41).


Joint inflammation and/or urate deposition were present in the majority of community-based patients with type 2 diabetes and hyperuricemia regardless of whether there was a history of gout. Given the potential consequences of chronic inflammation for joint damage and extra-articular complications such as cardiovascular disease, these data have potential clinical implications.  相似文献   

In observational studies, high serum urate levels are associated with adverse outcomes, including mortality. However, the hypothesis that urate-lowering may improve nongout outcomes has not been confirmed by placebo-controlled clinical trials. On the contrary, 7 recent placebo-controlled trials of urate-lowering drugs with different mechanisms of action (uricosuric: lesinurad; xanthine oxidase inhibition: febuxostat; uricase: pegloticase) have observed higher mortality or trends to higher mortality in gout patients, with the largest decreases in serum urate. Because all urate-lowering mechanisms were implicated, this raises safety concerns about urate-lowering itself. Far from unexpected, the higher mortality associated with more intense urate-lowering is in line with the U-shaped association of urate with mortality in some observational studies. Urate accounts for most of the antioxidant capacity of plasma, and strategies to increase urate are undergoing clinical trials in neurological disease. Post hoc analysis of recent trials should explore whether the magnitude of urate-lowering is associated with adverse outcomes, and safety trials are needed before guidelines recommend lowering serum urate below certain thresholds.  相似文献   

目的探讨普罗布考防治痛风性关节炎的可行性及机制。方法于大鼠单侧踝关节腔内注射尿酸钠晶体建立急性痛风性关节炎模型,观察普罗布考干预后关节炎症、肿胀指数及关节液白细胞计数和白细胞介素1β的变化。用尿酸盐晶体刺激人单核细胞,普罗布考干预18h后检测培养液中白细胞介素1β的浓度。结果普罗布考各剂量组关节炎症肿胀指数下降幅度由低剂量向高剂量依次增加,与模型组比较,72h时中高剂量组下降程度较明显(P<0.05),关节液白细胞计数和白细胞介素1β的含量均有不同程度的下降。普罗布考中高剂量组关节液白细胞计数较模型组下降明显(P<0.01,P<0.001),普罗布考高剂量组白细胞介素1β较模型组下降明显(P<0.05)。普罗布考各剂量组对单核细胞分泌白细胞介素1β无抑制作用。结论中高剂量的普罗布考可以有效的控制大鼠急性痛风性关节炎的发作,其疗效具有一定的剂量依赖性,但其不是通过直接抑制单核细胞摄取尿酸盐晶体分泌白细胞介素1β来起作用。  相似文献   

Circulation of urate levels is determined by the balance between urate production and excretion, homeostasis regulated by the function of urate transporters in key epithelial tissues and cell types. Our understanding of these physiological processes and identification of the genes encoding the urate transporters has advanced significantly, leading to a greater ability to predict risk for urate-associated diseases and identify new therapeutics that directly target urate transport. Here, we review the identified urate transporters and their organization and function in the renal tubule, the intestinal enterocytes, and other important cell types to provide a fuller understanding of the complicated process of urate homeostasis and its role in human diseases. Furthermore, we review the genetic tools that provide an unbiased catalyst for transporter identification as well as discuss the role of transporters in determining the observed significant gender differences in urate-associated disease risk.  相似文献   

Detection of adult Wuchereria bancrofti by ultrasonography of the scrotal region in men is a suitable diagnostic tool for lymphatic filariasis, whereas there are only a few case reports of adult filariae observed by ultrasonography in women. We examined 35 microfilaraemic women ultrasonographically in sites of the body suspected as locations for worm nests. In 15 women the 'filaria dance sign' (FDS) was detected in various locations, some being novel, such as adult worms within lymphatic vessels between muscular fibres of the thighs. The surprisingly high number of worm nests detectable in microfilaraemic women recommends ultrasonography for diagnosis and treatment efficacy monitoring of female patients infected with W. bancrofti.  相似文献   

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