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BackgroundNo epidemiological information is available of the number of burns treated in the past 30 years in Romania. The aim of the present study is to investigate the extent of burn injuries in Romania, as well as to detect and analyze the essential epidemiological characteristics.MethodsA comprehensive retrospective study was conducted over a period of 10 years (1.01.2006 to 31.12.2015). Patient-related data were obtained from the Diagnosis-related group (DRG) Center of National School of Public Health, Management and Professional Development, which is the only official national structure that collects and manages data concerning all the hospitalized patients in Romania.ResultsIncluded in this study were all 92,333 patients with burn injury as the main International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) code of discharge from Romanian hospitals. The data was analyzed using SPSS V.24, IBM Statistics Package. The annual number of burns decreased gradually from 10,547 in 2006 to 7313 in 2015, reaching statistical significance (p = 0.001). The incidence decreased from 47 cases per 100,000 in 2006 to 36.93 per 100,000 in 2015. The seasonal evolution showed that the number of burns increases in July–August (8.8% and 9.1% of annual burns). The mean length of stay (LoS) was 10.59 days, with the highest value in 2012 (11.00) and the lowest in 2014 (10.30). The median LoS and the mean LoS values during the 10 years period have a plateau-type evolution, with no tendency for improvement. We found a significant correlation (r = 0.708, p = 0.0118) between increased mortality and the year of study.ConclusionsThis is the first nationwide epidemiological study concerning hospitalized burns in Romania. It provides insight in demographical characteristics but also uncovers a worrying trend of increasing mortality rates, which requires further investigation.This study cannot make any reference to the severity of burns (surface and depth) or towards major burns events which unfolded during the studied period, due to lack of data.Consequently, it should raise awareness towards policymakers and caregivers that for a durable burns management strategy in Romania, it would be extremely useful to implement a national burn registry.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe aim of the study is to understand the incidence of burns among outpatients and inpatients of Taiwan in 2010. Characteristics of the burned patients were also studied in terms of gender, age, burn sites, burn degree, reconstructive surgical treatment, as well as which specialty and medical facility they are treated in.MethodsBurned patients were identified from the 1,000,000-person cohort dataset sampled from the Taiwan National Health Insurance database. Ones who had been hospitalized with discharge diagnoses related to burns were categorized as inpatients and others who had only ambulatory visits and emergency room visits were classified as outpatients.Results7630 burn-injury patients were found, presenting an annual incidence of burns as 670.8/105in males (n = 3303) and 852.5/105in females (n = 4327). Only 3.4% (156 males and 107 females) of them were hospitalized. Higher incidence of burns were found in females and young children, while males and the elderly tended to have more severe burns, based on high-degree burns, admission rate, and incidence of hospitalizations for burns.ConclusionThis is a population-based study demonstrating the epidemiology of burns among outpatients and inpatients in Taiwan, leading us closer to the reality of burns treated in different settings of medical facilities.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of burns in Kuwait   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A prospective study of 765 burns cases treated as inpatients at the Burns Unit, IBN Sina Hospital and the Plastic Surgery Unit, Mubarak Al Kabeer Hospital from January 1984 to December 1986 is presented. Hot water scalds were the commonest type of injury. Most of the burns occurred at home but coinciding with standard working hours. Children up to 5 years old were commonly affected, but most of the fatal burns were among adults. The overall mortality rate was 7.2 per cent with a male to female ratio of 1.1:1. Our survival rate from burn injuries is improving due to advances in treatment, but prevention remains the best cure. We consider our epidemiological survey to be important as the basis for a preventive programme in Kuwait's extremely heterogeneous society.  相似文献   

As with most traumas, the epidemiology of the "burn" health-event has long been neglected by public health doctors and rarely considered by burns specialists. There were therefore few verified data and many approximations and preconceived ideas. The gathering of information recently undertaken in France enables the reliability of the data to be improved and the diagnostic and demographic elements relating to hospitalised patients with burns to be established.  相似文献   

A total of 377 patients with chemical burns from all over Guangdong province were admitted to the Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital during the period from January 1987 to December 2001. There were 296 males and 81 females with a male to female ratio of 3.65:1. The mean age of the patients was 26 years. The majority of patients (89.2%) were in the age range of 15-60 years. Professionally, 244 patients (64.7%) were workers, of whom, 232 (95%) of patients were peasant workers. Most of the chemical burns occurred at places away from home (94.4%), especially in the working environment (67.8%). Only 20 patients (5.5%) were injured at home. Chemical burns by accident and by criminal assault were 337 (88.5%) and 40 (10.5%). Strong acids (60.8%), mainly sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid, alkali (33.9%), mainly lime and sodium hydroxide were common causative agents. There was a relationship between the incidence of chemical burns and the season, with more patients in July-September and October-December. There were 215 (57.1%) patients who washed the burnsite with water immediately, but the volumes of water and time of washing were not adequate. Patients with total burn surface area (TBSA) of less than 10% comprised the majority of patients (72.7%), with 188 (65.7%) deep partial thickness burns, 116 (40.6%) with full thickness burns, and 60 (21%) with superficial burns. Extremities (lower limb 56.6% and upper limb 51.4%) were the most frequent area of injury. Ocular burns were the most common accompanying injury (14.7%). Operations of autografts and conjunctival flap were carried out on 159 (42.2%) patients. The average period of hospitalization was 22 days. Only 2 (0.7%) deaths occurred in this study. Counter measures to improve this situation must include safety productive education and professional training, use of protective clothing at work, enhancing the concept of legal responsibility, and restricting management and use of corrosive chemicals. Irrigation of the burnsite promptly with substantial volumes of water and an adequately long time will help reduce the morbidity from chemical burns.  相似文献   

This survey analyses data from 17 French burn units with respect to age, severity of injury and survival of patients admitted to hospital during 1985. Of the 2398 patients treated, more than half were between 15 and 50 years old. About 90 per cent of the patients had burns covering less than 50 per cent of the body surface area. The overall mortality rate was 11.8 per cent. The LD50 for the 2398 patients was a burned surface area of approximately 60 per cent of the total body surface area. The LD50 for patients less than 30 years old was a burn covering just over 80 per cent of the total body surface. The survival rate as a function of the Baux index was also analysed.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of industrial burns in Brisbane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A retrospective epidemiological study of industrial burns admitted to the Royal Brisbane Hospital was conducted over a period of 7 years. A total of 182 patients were included in this survey--173 males (95 per cent) and 9 females (5 per cent). The proportion of industrial burns has decreased from 31.5 per cent to 18.5 per cent of total admissions to the burns unit over the past 10 years. Fifty per cent of the burns occurred in males less than 30 years old. The average age was 31 years. Two-thirds of the burns covered less than 10 per cent of the body and 84 per cent covered less than 20 per cent. While scalds were the commonest cause of industrial burns in our study (19.4 per cent), flame burns with clothing ignited caused the most extensive burns. Face and hands were the most common sites involved. Burns to these regions were mainly caused by flame and electrical burns. Eye burns comprised 5.5 per cent of the sample and were due to chemicals, gas explosions and electric flash. Twenty-six patients (14 per cent) suffered respiratory injury. Only one patient out of our series of 182 died. Progress has been made in industrial safety in the past few years but carelessness and human error still take their toll.  相似文献   

This report is based on a survey of 1576 patients with burn injuries admitted to the Burns Unit of the University of Garyounis, Benghazi, Libya between January 1975 and December 1978. Each year approximately 400 patients are admitted with severe burns. The treatment and results obtained in our Burns Unit are discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo retrospectively analyze the epidemiological characteristics of pediatric bedside stove burns (PBSB) in China and to explore prevention and control measures.MethodsData on pediatric burns from three hospitals located in the epidemic area were collected from January 1996 to December 2010 and were divided into the PBSB group and the control group. The epidemiological characteristics and related information for each patient were analyzed.ResultsA total of 16,595 pediatric burns were found, including 5089 PBSB and 11,506 other types of burns. The two groups differed significantly in terms of age, gender, body parts burned, degree of burn, delay of hospitalization, and treatment measures (Ps all < 0.05). Risk factors for PBSB included being younger than 3 years old, living in a rural area, low literacy level of guardians, not receiving health education, and lack of a protective fence protection (Ps all < 0.05). Furthermore, meal time and winter and spring seasons were high risk periods for PBSB.ConclusionThe risk factors for PBSB include age, region, time of occurrence, and literacy level of guardians. Health education and installation of a protective fence between the stove and the bed could reduce the incidence of PBSB.  相似文献   



The epidemiological pattern of burns varies widely in different parts of the world. To suggest effective preventive measures, an insight into the pattern of injury is desirable. However, data on burn victims and outcome is limited from this part of the world.


This study was conducted in the Department of Surgery, from April 2006 to April 2007. All consecutive patients with major burns admitted for in-hospital treatment during the study period were included in the study. The data collected included age, gender, cause and mode of burns, presence or absence of inhalational injury, facial burns, time delay from burn injury to admission in the hospital, burns depth, total body surface area distribution of burns, associated injuries and co-morbid illness, microbiological profile and outcome. Inhalational injury was assessed by clinical examination as bronchoscopy was not available.


A total of 222 consecutive patients admitted for in-hospital treatment of burn injury were included in the study. 177 patients were adults and 45 were <13 years of age. The female:male ratio was 1.7:1. In adults, 52.5% of burns were due to non-intentional injury and 43.9% were due to self-immolation. In patients <13 years of age, 95.6% of cases were due to non-intentional injury. The mean TBSA was 48.75% and 30.18% of patients had predominantly deep burns. The overall mortality was 60.8%. The predominant organisms colonizing the burn wound were Pseudomonas aeruginosa (81.1%) followed by Acinetobacter species and MRSA. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of factors predicting survival in patients with burn injury showed that TBSA > 30%, age > 20 years, female gender and presence of facial injury were statistically significant as predictors of risk of death.


In patients with burns, total body surface area involvement more than 30%, age more than 20 years, female gender and presence of facial injury are statistically significant, as predictors of poor outcome and risk of death. The strongest association was seen with facial injury, which increased the risk of death by fourfold.  相似文献   

The authors reviewed the domestic chemical injury experience in two major government hospitals in Saudi Arabia to determine the most common causative agents and the circumstances of the injury in order to give recommendations for their prevention and reduction of their morbidity. A total of 59 cases were included. The mean age was 25 years and the male to female ratio was 3:1. Alkali drain cleaners were the major cause of chemical burns in the series and this was seen in 75% of the total study population. The remaining 25% of cases resulted from concentrated sulfuric acid, car battery acid and topical application of medical herbs by non-professionals. Unfortunately, immediate water lavage was not done in the majority of alkali and acid burns and hence skin grafting was required in most patients. It was concluded that efforts for prevention of chemical burns in Saudi Arabia should be directed towards education of the population regarding the proper use of alkali cleaners for clogged drains. These cleaners and battery acid containers should also be kept in a safe place away from the reach of children. Furthermore, a warning to the public regarding the non-professional use of medical herbs should be given. Finally, increased awareness among the Saudi population as to the need for prompt water irrigation of chemical burns should help reduce the morbidity from these injuries.  相似文献   

We organised a prospective series to study, the epidemiology and causes of burns in the city of Bergen, Norway. We included 361 patients treated during one year at the casualty centre or at the burn centre at the hospital. Thirty-six per cent (n = 131) of the patients were less than 15 years old, and 9% (n = 33) were over 60. The incidence of burns was 17/10,000 inhabitants, 0.7 for patients who were admitted and 17 for outpatients. Burns were most common among male subjects aged 40 years or less, while women were more at risk in the older age groups. Almost half the injuries were caused by scalds, and 92 (26%) were from contact with hot surface. Scalds were more common among women than among men, while firework and flame burns were more common among men. Burns occurred at home in 227 patients (63%), at work in 58 (16%), and during leisure activities in 76 (21%). The mean surface area burned was 3.5% total body surface area (TBSA); patients who were admitted had a TBSA of 18% compared with 1.8% among those treated as outpatients.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was carried out based on 110 paediatric burns (0-14 years) seen at the Burn unit, Choithram Hospital & Research Centre, Indore over a period of 7 years (1993-1999). Epidemiological data included age, sex, seasonal variation, place of burn and the cause and mode of burn. Hospitalised paediatric burns constituted 13.5% of total burn accidents. These children were categorised into three groups, the infants and toddlers (0-2 years), early childhood (>2-6 years) and late childhood (>6-14 years). In the first two groups scalding was the predominant cause of injury while in late childhood there were many more flame and electric burns. Males were mainly affected. Most of the burns (53.6%) occurred in the winter season between October and February. Ninety-five percent of accidents occurred at home. The overall mortality rate was 21.8%. An intense campaign to make people aware of the risk factors and their avoidance is required to reduce the number of burn accidents in children.  相似文献   

Of 4357 home accidents in a 1-year period related to products, a total of 338 burn injuries were prospectively studied with respect to age, sex, the time and cause of the burn accident and the product involved in the burn injury. The survey showed the highest incidence (26 per cent) in the age group 0-5 years and that most burns were caused by scalds or contact. The male to female ratio was 1:1. Activities related to cooking and making/drinking hot beverages constitute the majority of the domestic burns. A trend of more burns occurring during the weekends and the dark winter was found, but monthly or seasonal differences were not significant (0.10 less than P less than 0.20 and 0.20 less than P less than 0.30).  相似文献   

A total of 1063 acute burn patients were admitted to the Burns Unit of Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong between March 1993 and February 1999. There were 678 males and 385 females with a male to female ratio of 1.76:1. The median age was 13.1 year-old and the median burn size was 6% total body surface area (TBSA). Pediatric patients under the age of 15 year-old accounted for 550 (51.7%) admissions and 235 (42.7%) of them were toddlers <2 year-old, while adult patients of age above 15 year-old accounted for the other 513 (48.3%) admissions. There was no seasonal variation in admission. Domestic burns resulted in 756 (71.1%) injuries followed by industrial burns that caused 175 (16.5%) admissions. The median hospital stay was 9 days and 54 patients (5.1%) had inhalation injury requiring intubation and ventilatory support. Twenty-four patients died in this series which yielded a mortality rate of 2.3%. The median age for this mortality group was 46.6 year-olds with a median extent of burns of 68% TBSA. There were 16 males and 8 females with a male to female ratio of 2:1. Eighteen (75%) patients had flame burns and 15 (83.3%) of them had inhalation injury. The mortality group had significantly larger burn size (P<0.001), higher incidence of inhalation injury (P<0.001) and older age (P<0.001) compared to the survivors.  相似文献   

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