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The sensitivities of three skin sensitization tests such as the Guinea pig maximization test (GPMT), Adjuvant and patch test (APT) and Buehler test (BT), were quantitatively compared with reference to induction and challenge concentrations. Four chemical which had different physico-chemical properties (octanol-water partition coefficient (logP) and reactivity with NH2-group) were used in order to clarify the effect of the physico-chemical properties of chemicals on the sensitivity of the different methods. The induction concentrations inducing a 50% positive response (IC50) demonstrated extreme variation with the three methods. For example, the BT/GPMT ratio of IC50 values for 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene was 33, whereas that for maleic anhydride was 300,000. The results were thought to be caused by difference properties such as the logP and reactivity of chemicals. This correlation was confirmed by using 2-dodecen-1-yl succinic anhydride, which had the same reactivity but higher logP than that of maleic anhydride. On the other hand, the challenge concentrations inducing 50% positive responses (CC50) were less affected by the methods and the BT/GPMT ratios for CC50 values were all within a 10-fold range. These results suggest that the sensitivity might be strongly different with reference to induction concentration, but not challenge concentration among the three methods.  相似文献   

A risk assessment process for allergic contact sensitization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review describes an approach that has been used to assess the skin sensitization risk of new chemicals and product formulations prior to launching the new chemical or product on the market. The risk assessment process utilizes a comparative toxicological approach, in which data on the inherent toxicity of a material, and the exposure to it through manufacturing or consumer use or foreseeable misuse, are integrated and compared with data generated by 'benchmark' materials of similar chemistry or product application, or both. This approach has been valuable in providing an accurate assessment of the skin sensitization potential for a wide range of consumer products and pharmaceuticals, ranging from products with a very transient skin exposure (e.g. some paper products), to cosmetics, to products whose ingredients may be deposited on fabrics and thus result in chronic skin exposure. The risk assessment process described includes both guinea-pig (Buehler) and human skin sensitization test methodologies to evaluate inherent toxicity under relevant epicutaneous exposure conditions. Alternative guinea-pig test methods have been reported to be more sensitive than the Buehler method, particularly those employing intradermal injection of the test material in Freund's complete adjuvant (e.g. maximization test). However, by bypassing the skin barrier at induction, these methods can overstate the sensitization risk of epicutaneous exposure to weak sensitizers (Andersen and Hamann, 1983 and 1984; Matsushita et al., 1975a,b), and can understate the risk to very strong sensitizers possibly through tolerance induction (Buehler, 1985). In addition, materials are tested and classified at concentrations that may not be relevant to anticipated human exposure. The Buehler guinea-pig test data are important in assessing skin sensitization risk in the early phases of product development, where human exposure can be limited, controlled and monitored (e.g. manufacturing employees). The Buehler test can often define consumer skin sensitization risk; however, the ultimate consumer skin safety assessment should in general be developed through a series of controlled human tests; the human repeat insult patch test and, when necessary, the provocative or extended product use tests. Post-market monitoring of skin-related consumer comments is the final phase of the data gathering process. These results can be used to assess further each product and to provide valuable feedback to confirm the validity of the overall risk assessment process. Risk assessment for skin sensitization potential is seldom a simple process.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a quantitative risk assessment methodology for skin sensitization aiming at the derivation of 'safe' exposure levels for sensitizing chemicals, used e.g., as ingredients in consumer products. Given the limited number of sensitizers tested in human sensitization tests, such as the human repeat-insult patch test (HRIPT) or the human maximization test (HMT), we used EC3 values from the local lymph node assay (LLNA) in mice because they provide the best quantitative measure of the skin sensitizing potency of a chemical. A comparison of LLNA EC3 values with HRIPT and HMT LOEL, and NOEL values was carried out and revealed that the EC3, expressed as area dose, can be used as a surrogate value for the human NOEL in risk assessment. The uncertainty/extrapolation factor approach was used to derive (a) an 'acceptable non-sensitizing area dose' (ANSAD) to protect non-allergic individuals against skin sensitization and (b) an 'acceptable non-eliciting area dose' (ANEAD) to protect allergic individuals against elicitation of allergic contact dermatitis. For ANSAD derivation, interspecies, intraspecies and time extrapolation factors are applied to the LLNA EC3. For ANEAD derivation, additional application of a variable sensitization-elicitation extrapolation factor is proposed. Values for extrapolation factors are derived and discussed, the proposed methodology is applied to the sensitizers methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone, cinnamic aldehyde and nickel and results are compared to published risk assessments.  相似文献   

Both human and animal skin in vitro models are used to predict percutaneous penetration in humans. The objective of this review is a quantitative comparison of permeability and lag time measurements between human and animal skin, including an evaluation of the intra and inter species variability. We limit our focus to domestic pig and rodent guinea pig skin as surrogates for human skin, and consider only studies in which both animal and human penetration of a given chemical were measured jointly in the same lab. When the in vitro permeability of pig and human skin were compared, the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r) was 0.88 (P < 0.0001), with an intra species average coefficient of variation of skin permeability of 21% for pig and 35% for human, and an inter species average coefficient of variation of 37% for the set of studied compounds (n = 41). The lag times of pig skin and human skin did not correlate (r = 0.35, P = 0.26). When the in vitro permeability of guinea pig and human skin were compared, r = 0.96 (P < 0.0001), with an average intra species coefficient of variation of 19% for guinea pig and 24% for human, and an inter species coefficient of variation of permeability of 41% for the set of studied compounds (n = 15). Lag times of guinea pig and human skin correlated (r = 0.90, P < 0.0001, n = 12). When permeability data was not reported a factor of difference (FOD) of animal to human skin was calculated for pig skin (n = 50) and guinea pig skin (n = 25). For pig skin, 80% of measurements fell within the range 0.3 < FOD < 3. For guinea pig skin, 65% fell within that range. Both pig and guinea pig are good models for human skin permeability and have less variability than the human skin model. The skin model of choice will depend on the final purpose of the study and the compound under investigation.  相似文献   

A scheme for the performance of positive control studies within a coordinated group of laboratories was proposed (joint positive control testing). The procedure has been described, as well as the first results of the validation phase of this joint positive control testing project. Adoption of this proposal within the participating six laboratories would lead to a reduction in the number of guinea pigs required for reliability and sensitivity checks from current approximate 12 studies per year down to 2 studies, i.e., 150-300 fewer animals per year. Another benefit would be the use of a harmonized, and therefore more comparable, method to perform guinea pig tests and interpret the data. In the validation phase of joint reading of the positive control studies, the congruency of reading could clearly be demonstrated. From the experience gained up to now, it was possible to draw the conclusion that a coordinated interlaboratory approach for positive control testing was fully acceptable and an improvement with regard to animal welfare.  相似文献   

Diphoterine is an active eye/skin chemical splash decontamination solution. It was evaluated for sensitization potential in the guinea pig with primary induction (day 1, intradermal injection), sensitization (day 9, topical application), and challenge (day 22, topical application). Allergenicity degree at 24 and 48 hours was based on the percentage of animals showing a reaction. Under these conditions, no irritation was noted at 24 and 48 hours in negative controls and in animals treated with Diphoterine during the challenge phase. Diphoterine showed no allergenicity at 24 and 48 hours. In this study, Diphoterine lacked sensitizing capacity in the guinea pig.  相似文献   

Sensitization to chemicals resulting in an allergy is an important health issue. The current gold‐standard method for identification and characterization of skin‐sensitizing chemicals was the mouse local lymph node assay (LLNA). However, for a number of reasons there has been an increasing imperative to develop alternative approaches to hazard identification that do not require the use of animals. Here we describe a human in‐vitro skin explant test for identification of sensitization hazards and the assessment of relative skin sensitizing potency. This method measures histological damage in human skin as a readout of the immune response induced by the test material. Using this approach we have measured responses to 44 chemicals including skin sensitizers, pre/pro‐haptens, respiratory sensitizers, non‐sensitizing chemicals (including skin‐irritants) and previously misclassified compounds. Based on comparisons with the LLNA, the skin explant test gave 95% specificity, 95% sensitivity, 95% concordance with a correlation coefficient of 0.9. The same specificity and sensitivity were achieved for comparison of results with published human sensitization data with a correlation coefficient of 0.91. The test also successfully identified nickel sulphate as a human skin sensitizer, which was misclassified as negative in the LLNA. In addition, sensitizers and non‐sensitizers identified as positive or negative by the skin explant test have induced high/low T cell proliferation and IFNγ production, respectively. Collectively, the data suggests the human in‐vitro skin explant test could provide the basis for a novel approach for characterization of the sensitizing activity as a first step in the risk assessment process. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The allergenicity of various compounds was tested by means of the optimization procedure in the guinea-pig. Results with antibiotics, preservatives, fragrance raw materials and miscellaneous contactants are reported. Their relevance is critically discussed in relation to other animal sensitization methods (Draize, Bühler, open epicutaneous and maximization tests). Predictive animal tests are compared with those used in human allergy (Shelanski & Shelanski; maximization test). The importance of animal methods entailing the use of adjuvants is underlined.  相似文献   

Recently, to study an in vitro evaluation method of skin irritation and acute toxicity, many three-dimensional human skin models consisting of normal human keratinocytes and fibroblasts have been used. However, these skin models did not have any dendritic cells so were difficult to apply to an in vitro skin sensitization test. On the other hand, a single cell-culture model using normal human dendritic cells was recently studied for an in vitro evaluation method of immune-sensitizing compounds. However, these models have various problems: 1) the life span of dendritic cells is short(within 1 week) and 2) it is difficult to apply water-insoluble samples to these models. To study an alternative to animal testing using immune-sensitizing compounds, we therefore constructed a three-dimensional human skin model consisting of three different cells, dendritic cells (keratinocytes, and fibroblasts) then exposed immune-sensitizing compounds and non-sensitizers to the new skin model for 1 h and investigated the effect of these compounds on cytokine release and expression of CD86. Due to immune-sensitizing compounds, the new skin model significantly released cytokine and significantly expressed CD86. On the other hand, non-sensitizers did not induce IL-1alpha, IL-2, and IL- 4 release and expression of CD86. These results suggest that the new skin model is suitable for study as an alternative to animal testing using immune-sensitizing compounds.  相似文献   

Toxicological risk assessment informs exposure limits, so the potential for adverse effects to human health are minimised or avoided. For skin sensitisers, the situation is complicated by asymptomatic induction of contact allergy, a necessary prerequisite for expression of the disease allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). For fragrance skin sensitisers, the development of quantitative risk assessment (QRA) arose from the need to improve the extent to which contact allergy occurred. However, the perceived impact has been less than anticipated. Accordingly, the science and assumptions upon which QRA was founded have been scrutinised and proposals for refinement have been made. In addition, areas of uncertainty have been made explicit, e.g. inter-individual variability and the impact of concomitant disease, clarifying where numerical safety assessment factors are based on expert judgement. Also, the relatively small contribution of factors eg. age, gender, ethnic origin, vehicle matrix and skin permeability are highlighted by reference to the (now controversial) human experiments carried out in the second half of the last century. Adoption and widespread implementation of the current recommendations for QRA, taken in concert with improved assessment of aggregate exposure from multiple sources, should ensure that the frequency of contact allergy will decrease over the coming years.  相似文献   

Current European Community (Annex V) guidelines recommend the use of 20 test animals in the guinea pig maximisation test for skin sensitisation. The suitability, for classification and labelling purposes, of reducing the number of test animals has been examined by analysing the results of 40 studies submitted to the Health and Safety Executive, and by the use of a mathematical model. Our results suggest that in most cases an experiment with ten test animals can be used to determine satisfactorily whether a substance should be labelled with the risk phrase may cause sensitisation by skin contact. However, serious consideration should be given to the need for additional investigation if two or three of the ten test animals show a sensitisation response. The highest nonirritant concentration of a substance should be used at challenge. Clearer guidance in Annex V on evaluating challenge responses would be beneficial.  相似文献   

For over half a century, guinea pig methods have dominated the field of toxicology concerned with the identification of skin sensitizers. Specific protocols, for example the guinea pig maximization test (GPMT), have been pre-eminent in the identification of skin sensitization hazard for regulatory purposes. However, there are increasingly several forces driving change, not least animal use/welfare considerations. In response to this and to address the need for a rapid screen for chemical allergens, an alternative strategy has been developed. In the first instance, a chemical is assessed by a computer-based expert system. This system is constructed from some 50 rules describing the key chemically reactive substructures of known skin sensitizers. The output from the expert system is also evaluated in the light of the understanding of the skin penetration characteristics of the chemical. In this way, and without use of animals, the likelihood that a chemical represents a skin sensitization hazard is assessed based on the two key characteristics of a skin sensitizer: (1) its direct or indirect ability to react with skin protein (i.e. does it contain a structural alert?); and (2) the ability of the chemical to partition into the appropriate epidermal compartment. When the chemical does possess a structural alert and has the capacity to penetrate skin sufficiently, then it may be regarded as a potential skin sensitizer. Subsequent to this screening phase, if necessary the chemical may be assessed in the murine local lymph node assay. This assay is quicker and cheaper than traditional guinea pig assays and importantly is less stressful to the fewer animals that it requires. The assay is well validated and produces objective results which are equivalent to the GPMT in terms of identifying significant skin sensitization hazard. In this paper, the above strategy is described in more detail, focusing on its relevance to hazard identification and its value in animal welfare terms. It is concluded that the strategy provides an important opportunity for both substantial reduction and refinement of animal use in a manner which will not compromise the existing standard of classification and labelling of skin sensitization hazard in the European Union.  相似文献   

Allergic contact dermatitis is the serious unwanted effect arising from the use of consumer products such as cosmetics. Isoeugenol is a fragrance chemical with spicy, carnation-like scent, is used in many kinds of cosmetics and is a well-known moderate human sensitizer. It was previously reported that the dimerization of eugenol yielded two types of dimer possessing different sensitization potencies. This study reports the differences in skin sensitization potencies for isoeugenol and two types of dimer, beta-O-4-dilignol and dehydrodiisoeugenol (DIEG), as evaluated by the non-radioisotopic local lymph node assay (non-RI LLNA) and guinea pig maximization test. In the guinea pig maximization test, isoeugenol, beta-O-4-dilignol and DIEG were classified as extreme, weak and moderate sensitizers, respectively. As for the results of non-RI LLNA, the EC3 for isoeugenol, beta-O-4-dilignol and DIEG were calculated as 12.7%, >30% and 9.4%, respectively. The two types of isoeugenol dimer showed different sensitizing activities similar to the case for eugenol dimers. A reduction of sensitization potency achieved by dimerization may lead to developing safer cosmetic ingredients. Isoeugenol dimers are not currently used for fragrance chemicals. However, the dimerization of isoeugenol may yield a promising candidate as a cosmetic ingredient with low sensitization risk. The data may also provide useful information for the structure-activity relationship (SAR) in skin sensitization.  相似文献   

The exposure of the skin to medical drugs, skin care products, cosmetics, and other chemicals renders information on xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes (XME) in the skin highly interesting. Since the use of freshly excised human skin for experimental investigations meets with ethical and practical limitations, information on XME in models comes in the focus including non-human mammalian species and in vitro skin models. This review attempts to summarize the information available in the open scientific literature on XME in the skin of human, rat, mouse, guinea pig, and pig as well as human primary skin cells, human cell lines, and reconstructed human skin models. The most salient outcome is that much more research on cutaneous XME is needed for solid metabolism-dependent efficacy and safety predictions, and the cutaneous metabolism comparisons have to be viewed with caution. Keeping this fully in mind at least with respect to some cutaneous XME, some models may tentatively be considered to approximate reasonable closeness to human skin. For dermal absorption and for skin irritation among many contributing XME, esterase activity is of special importance, which in pig skin, some human cell lines, and reconstructed skin models appears reasonably close to human skin. With respect to genotoxicity and sensitization, activating XME are not yet judgeable, but reactive metabolite-reducing XME in primary human keratinocytes and several reconstructed human skin models appear reasonably close to human skin. For a more detailed delineation and discussion of the severe limitations see the “Overview and Conclusions” section in the end of this review.  相似文献   

A Bayesian integrated testing strategy (ITS) approach, aiming to assess skin sensitization potency, has been presented, in which data from various types of in vitro assays are integrated and assessed in combination for their ability to predict in vivo skin sensitization data. Here we discuss this approach and compare it to our quantitative mechanistic modeling (QMM) approach based on physical organic chemistry. The main findings of the Bayesian study are consistent with our chemistry‐based approach and our previously published assessment of the key determinants of sensitization potency, in particular the relatively high predictive value found for chemical reactivity data and the relatively low predictive value for bioavailability parameters. As it stands at present the Bayesian approach does not utilize the full range of predictive capability that is already available, and aims only to assign potency categories rather than numerical potency values per se. In contrast, for many chemicals the QMM approach can already provide numerical potency predictions. However, the Bayesian approach may have potential for those chemicals where a chemistry modeling approach cannot provide a complete answer (e.g. pro‐electrophiles whose in cutaneo activation cannot currently be modeled confidently). Nonetheless, our main message is of the importance of leveraging chemistry insights and read‐across approaches to the fullest extent possible. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Use of quantitative risk assessment (QRA) for assessing the skin sensitization potential of chemicals present in consumer products requires an understanding of hazard and product exposure. In the absence of data, consumer exposure is based on relevant habits and practices and assumes 100% skin uptake of the applied dose. To confirm and refine the exposure, a novel design for in vitro skin exposure measurements was conducted with the preservative, methylisothiazolinone (MI), in beauty care (BC) and household care (HHC) products using realistic consumer exposure conditions. A difference between measured exposure levels (MELs) for MI in leave-on versus rinse-off BC products, and lower MELs for MI in HHC rinse-off compared to BC products was demonstrated. For repeated product applications, the measured exposure was lower than estimations based on summation of applied amounts. Compared to rinse-off products, leave-on applications resulted in higher MELs, correlating with the higher incidences of allergic contact dermatitis associated with those product types. Lower MELs for MI in rinse-off products indicate a lower likelihood to induce skin sensitization, also after multiple daily applications. These in vitro skin exposure measurements indicate conservatism of default exposure estimates applied in skin sensitization QRA and might be helpful in future risk assessments.  相似文献   

An interspecies sensitization assessment factor (SAF) is used in the quantitative risk assessment (QRA) for skin sensitization when a murine-based NESIL (No Expected Sensitization Induction Level) is taken as point of departure. Several studies showed that, on average, the murine sensitization threshold is in good correspondence with that determined in humans. However, on an individual level, the murine and human sensitization thresholds may differ considerably. In this study, the interspecies SAF was quantified by using a probabilistic approach, to be able to take these cases into account. As expected, the geometric means of the probability distributions of murine and human sensitization threshold ratios were close to one, but taking the 95 th percentile of these distributions resulted in an interspecies SAF of 15. By using this value, one is sure that with 95% probability, the sensitization threshold determined in mice does not underestimate the human threshold. It can be concluded that a murine-based NESIL requires the use of an interspecies SAF (of 15) in the QRA for skin sensitization, to correct for the differences between mice and humans. This empirically derived interspecies SAF contributes to refinement of the risk assessment methodology.  相似文献   

Stress myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) plays an important role in the diagnostic and prognostic assessment of coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients of all age groups who are undergoing assessment prior to non-cardiac surgery. MPI may utilise exercise treadmill or pharmacological stress testing. While MPI has been evaluated in a wide variety of patient subpopulations, there are very limited data on its prognostic value in the elderly population, particularly those >75 years of age, who are making up an ever increasing proportion of the patient population. Because of the higher prevalence and greater severity of CAD in older patients, the sensitivity of noninvasive MPI increases with age, whereas specificity tends to decline. In addition, maximal aerobic exercise capacity tends to decrease with age, making it common practice for elderly patients being assessed for CAD to undergo pharmacological MPI to evaluate their cardiovascular risk. In this article, we review the literature with respect to cardiac risk estimation in elderly patients undergoing MPI, particularly with respect to making prognostic assessments prior to undergoing surgery. Current data allow for the proper application of stress MPI in the elderly population. Use of MPI facilitates identification of the severity and extent of ischaemia as well as left ventricular dilatation and systolic function in elderly patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery.  相似文献   

Assessment of skin sensitization potential is a mandatory requirement for the registration or notification of most types of chemicals and products. Until recently, two methods using the guinea pig as test model were the most widely accepted; the guinea pig maximisation test and the Buehler test. In the case of agrochemical formulations, which constitute the final end use product in contact with operators, industry and also some regulatory authorities consider the Buehler method more appropriate as the methodology is more relevant to likely exposure in the field. However, certain European regulatory authorities have become concerned about the sensitivity of the Buehler test for this purpose and have requested that a modified method is used in which additional applications of test materials are used during the induction phase of the protocol (a total of 9 rather than the normal 3). This study was designed to assess whether this modification was justified. Six reference substances (formaldehyde, alpha-hexylcinnamaldehyde, fragrance mix, thimerosal, mercaptobenzothiazole and phthalic anhydride); all mild to moderate skin sensitizing chemicals, were assessed in a study, which compared the use of 3 and 9 induction applications. The results of this study demonstrated that, although most of these sensitisers were detected by both protocols, the modified method (9 induction applications) was no more sensitive than the standard method (3 induction applications). As the modified protocol is also potentially more stressful to the animals, it is concluded that the use of additional induction applications in the Buehler test cannot be justified from either a scientific or an animal welfare perspective.  相似文献   

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