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Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (VVS) is a perplexing disease involving pain limited to the vulvar vestibule without objective clinical findings to explain the symptoms. The condition impairs sexual function and creates significant psychological distress. Its cause is unknown, and few randomized studies exist on the efficacy of interventions. This article reviews disease characteristics, possible etiologies, and approaches to management.  相似文献   

Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome: a clinico-pathological study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty four patients with the vulvar vestibulitis syndrome formed the basis of this clinicopathological study. Entry dyspareunia was the constant presenting complaint and vestibular erythema with acute superficial tenderness the invariable clinical finding. In our series there was a marked predominance of Caucasians, patients were most often of social classes I and II and most frequently in the third decade. The results of laboratory investigation revealed that this syndrome has a diverse range of potential aetiologies including vulval infections, dysplasia and in one instance acute vasculitis.  相似文献   

Summary. Twenty four patients with the vulvar vestibulitis sydrome formed the basis of this clinicopathological study. Entry dyspareunia was the constant presenting complaint and vestibular erythema with acute superficial tenderness the invariable clinical finding. In our series there was a marked predominance of Caucasians, patients were most often of social classes I and II and most frequently in the third decade. The results of laboratory investigation revealed that this syndrome has a diverse range of potential aetiologies including vulval infections, dysplasia and in one instance acute vasculitis.  相似文献   

Clinical problems of etiology and therapy vulvovaginitis syndrome were shown.  相似文献   

In the more than 40 years since the combined oral contraceptive pill was first marketed, much information has been obtained as to its risks. Considerably less publicity has been given to the balancing benefits that have also emerged. There has been an increasing realization that the risks are focused in those women with recognised risk factors, meaning that the remainder can use the product with increasing reassurance. The doses of both hormones have also been lowered considerably since the early years. Thus, it can be a rational decision by a fully informed woman to use this form of contraception.  相似文献   

Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (VVS) is an easily identifiable cause of entry dyspareunia. The aetiology is unknown although there is a strong association with Candida infection. The condition represents a focal area of hyperaesthesia within the vulvar vestibule. A management protocol for patients with this condition is presented; 230 patients with VVS were managed and followed-up over a 5-year period. Spontaneous resolution or improvement occurred in 21% of patients following initial explanation and use of simple local measures. In 21%, there were positive Candida cultures and long-term antifungal therapy resulted in a 71% cure. In Candida-negative patients, low-dose amitriptyline was used (up to 75 mg daily) with a 60% positive response rate. Carbamazepine was of little benefit (13% response). Surgical vestibulectomy was offered when conservative measures failed and this was performed in 22 patients (10%) with a beneficial result in 20 patients (91%).  相似文献   

Conception delay after oral contraceptive use: the effect of estrogen dose   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
A significant delay was observed in conception among 248 former oral contraceptive (OC) users compared with women discontinuing other methods of contraception (n = 1,365). The mean time to conception was 5.88 cycles (95% confidence interval [CI] 5.38, 6.38) for former OC users and 3.64 cycles (95% CI 3.49, 3.79) after other contraceptives. Women discontinuing OCs with higher doses of estrogen (greater than or equal to 50 micrograms) had greater conception delays than those on lower estrogen doses who, in turn, had longer delays than other method users. Oral contraceptive use was associated with significant reductions in conception for each of the first six cycles after discontinuation. This study provides further evidence for a direct effect of oral contraception on delayed conception, suggests that the delay lasts longer than previously thought, and finds that the probability of conception after OC discontinuation depends on the estrogen dose of the OC.  相似文献   

Massive colonic bleeding and oral contraceptive "pills".   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two patients on oral contraceptives who developed massive colonic bleeding have been presented. The clinical course and various studies suggest the mesenteric insufficiency syndrome as being a possible result of oral contraceptive effect on mesenteric vasculature. Although no definite histologic confirmation is available, the onset, course, and follow-up of these patients suggest contraceptive-induced massive colonic bleeding. The spectrum of oral contraceptive-induced colonic bleeding may vary from mucosal injury with massive colonic bleeding to transmural infarction. Only the clinical follow-up would determine the severity of the involvement and that would determine whether surgical intervention will be necessary.  相似文献   

Modern oral contraceptive pills are safe for the majority of American women. The most important contraindications to oral contraceptive pill use are a history of thrombophlebitis or thromboembolism while on the pill or during pregnancy, smoking over 15 cigarettes daily if over 35 years of age, active liver disease, hypertension, diabetes, a lipid disorder, or breast cancer. A history of gestational diabetes is not an absolute contraindication to oral contraceptive pill use, but women with such a history must be encouraged to exercise and eat properly to reduce the high risk of developing overt diabetes. Couples should be encouraged to use condoms to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Most antibiotics do not decrease the effectiveness of the pill. Nonuse of contraception among adolescents and older couples is the most common reason for failure. Postcoital contraceptive pills are available but are not completely effective. The use of modern contraceptives is almost always safer than nonuse.  相似文献   

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by a heterogeneous phenotype including chronic anovulation, hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries. The use of oral contraceptive pills (OCP) alters features characteristic for the syndrome. In the present study, PCOS features were compared between women using or not using OCP at the time of the study. One hundred and one women diagnosed with normogonadotrophic anovulatory infertility were included. A total of 81 (80%) women were diagnosed with PCOS (revised 2003 criteria). From these women, a total of 54 did not use OCP, whereas 27 women did. Corrected for age, women taking OCP had increased serum concentrations of sex hormone-binding globulin (P < 0.001). Serum concentrations of testosterone (P = 0.04) and androstenedione (P = 0.01) were decreased. These differences resulted in a decreased free androgen index for women currently taking OCP compared with women without (P < 0.001). The mean ovarian volume/ovary and the mean follicle number/ovary were not different. Use of OCP influences phenotype expression (the observable trait) of individual women known to suffer from PCOS by reducing hyperandrogenism. Despite taking OCP, women still fulfilled the revised 2003 criteria for the syndrome, as PCO morphology was still present. Hence, OCP use does not appreciably affect the PCOS phenotype.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the reliability of the diagnosis of vulvar vestibulitis as defined by Friedrich and to evaluate the usefulness of Friedrich's criteria in the diagnostic process. METHODS: In a university hospital, 146 women with dyspareunia had two sets of gynecologic examinations involving vulvar pain ratings, took part in structured interviews, and completed the McGill-Melzack Pain Questionnaire. RESULTS: Kappa values for the vulvar vestibulitis diagnosis ranged from 0.66 to 0.68 for inter-rater agreement and from 0.49 to 0.54 for test-retest reliability. Mean vestibular pain ratings ranged from 2.45 at the 12 o'clock site to 7.58 at the 9-12 o'clock site; ratings for all sites correlated significantly between gynecologists. Pain in the labia majora and labia minora was minimal for both sets of examinations, with mean participant pain ratings ranging from 0 to 1.49. Gynecologists' erythema ratings did not correlate significantly with respect to either inter-rater agreement or test-retest reliability. Of Friedrich's three diagnostic criteria, only tenderness to pressure within the vulvar vestibule differentiated dyspareunia patients with and without vulvar vestibulitis. In reference to their coital pain, 88.1% of women with vulvar vestibulitis chose adjectives from the McGill-Melzack Pain Questionnaire describing a thermal quality, and 86.6% chose adjectives describing an incisive pressure sensation. CONCLUSION: Vulvar vestibulitis can be reliably diagnosed in women with dyspareunia. Pain is limited to the vulvar vestibule and can be rated and described in a consistent fashion by these women. Erythema does not appear to be a useful diagnostic criterion.  相似文献   

Possible effects of a combined oral contraceptive (femenal) on blood triglycerides and high-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-Chol) were studied in 25 women who had opted for hormonal contraception. Total serum triglycerides of 64.60 +/- 12.39 mg/dl (mean +/- SD) obtained prior to the commencement of hormonal contraception, did not reveal any statistical difference from the value of 65.49 +/- 7.96 mg/dl obtained after 9 months contraception. Similarly, precontraception HDL-Chol value of 58.05 +/- 6.58 mg/dl was also not statistically different from the treatment value of 58.82 +/- 5.42 mg/dl. Regression analysis of the values between control (precontraception) and treatment (9 months contraception) showed high correlation coefficients: (1) serum triglycerides, R2 = 0.5201; P less than 0.001; (2) serum HDL-Chol, R2 = 0.6590; P less than 0.001. Both the mean body weight and blood pressure of the study subjects remained unchanged after 9 months continuous use of femenal for contraception.  相似文献   

A case-control study has been made on the use of oral contraceptives before pregnancy and the birth of an infant with Down's syndrome. Controls were matched for age and parity and selected from the Medical Birth Register. Information on Pill usage was obtained from the Swedish standardized maternity health record which contains dates for when the women stopped using the Pill and for last menstrual period. There was no indication of any relation between the use of oral contraceptives and Down's syndrome.  相似文献   

The UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) has conducted research on the safety of the pill since the Programme's inception. One project, which began in 1986, examined the risk of cardiovascular problems in oral contraceptive users. A large number of women of different ages from both developed and developing countries participated. Results available during the last 12 months do demonstrate slight increases in risk for both stroke and thromboembolism; however, most of the risk was concentrated in certain subgroups of users (older women, smokers, and those with high blood pressure). Another project reanalyzed more than 50 studies, involving over 150,000 women, with regard to a possible link between oral contraceptive use and breast cancer; it found that young women using hormonal contraceptives such as the pill did not have "an appreciably increased risk of breast cancer, and the small increase in risk disappears completely 10 years after stopping the use of hormonal contraceptives." Since the pill is not suitable for every woman, potential users should be screened. 70 million women worldwide, including 38 million in developing countries, currently use the pill.  相似文献   

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