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Summary This paper reports the long term results of dynamic gracilis or semitendinosus transfer in chronic cruciate ligament instability of the knee. During the period 1968–1983, 76 dynamic reconstructions were performed. Sixty-one patients (63 knees) were evaluated. There were 42 males and 19 females. The mean age at operation was 29.5 years and the average time before operation was 3.7 years. The anterior cruciate ligament was reconstructed in 54 cases, the posterior in 7 and the anterior and posterior in 2. Altogether 32 ligaments (12 cruciates) had been repaired and 28 menisci removed at previous operations. A scoring system (up to 50 points, with 16 parameters) was used. An excellent result was achieved in 21 cases, good in 15, fair in 18 and poor in 19 cases at an average follow-up of 7.4 years. The average score was 33.2 points. Subjectively only 4 patients described the end result as poor. The anterior cruciate alone was reconstructed in 25 patients with an average score of 35.4 points. In 12 cases the operative delay was less than one year and in these the average score was 41.2. In 6 cases three ligaments were reconstructed and the average score was 24.0. There were advanced degenerative changes in 6 knees (average score 24.3).
Résumé Cet article rapporte les résultats éloignés du transfert du droit interne ou du demi-tendineux dans les instabilités chroniques du genou par lésion des ligaments croisés. De 1968 à 1983, 76 reconstructions dynamiques ont été réalisées. 61 patients, 42 hommes et 19 femmes, représentant 63 genoux, ont été examinés. L'âge moyen lors de l'opération était de 29,5 ans et le délai moyen entre l'accident et l'opération était de 3,7 ans. La reconstruction a porté 54 fois sur le ligament croisé antérieur, 7 fois sur le postérieur et 2 fois sur les deux. 32 ligaments (dont 12 croisés) avaient été réparés et 28 ménisques excisés préalablement à l'intervention. On a utilisé une évaluation chiffrée, allant jusqu'à 50 points et comportant 16 paramètres. Les résultats ont été jugés excellents dans 21 cas, bons dans 15, passables dans 18 et mauvais dans 9, avec un recul moyen de 7,4 ans. Le score moyen était de 33,2 points. Le résultat n'était subjectivement considéré comme mauvais que par 4 malades. Le ligament croisé antérieur a été le seul reconstruit chez 25 opérés avec un score moyen de 35,4. Dans 12 cas le délai entre l'accident et l'intervention était inférieur à un an, et dans ces cas le score moyen était de 41,2. Chez 6 malades trois ligaments ont été reconstruits et le score moyen était de 24. Il existait de notables lésions dégénératives au niveau de 6 genoux, avec un score moven de 23,3.

关节镜下重建膝十字韧带的临床现状   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
敖英芳 《中华骨科杂志》2001,21(10):588-588
前十字韧带ACL是膝关节重要的前向稳定结构,损伤后可以产生明显的膝关节前向不稳,严重影响膝关节功能,继发关节软骨、半月板等主要结构损害,导致关节退变和骨关节病的早期发生。临床与实验研究证明ACL断裂后应进行早期重建,尤其随着关节镜下微创手术重建的实现,人们已逐渐接受了这种较为积极的治疗观点。目前,在开展关节镜技术较早的先进国家镜下微创重建ACL手术已成为膝关节镜外科中常规、经典的治疗方法。因此,有条件者应放弃开放ACL重建手术。1993年以来我国陆续有关节镜下重建ACL的报道,从最初的对单纯陈旧…  相似文献   

The cruciate ligaments in knee replacement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The cruciate ligaments were resected with their bony insertions during total knee arthroplasty carried out in 12 patients with severe rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. The ligaments were examined histologically and biomechanically, using ten specimens from healthy adults as a control. A significant difference was found in the tensile stiffness and viscoelastic properties of the ligaments between the arthritic and the control group. The ligaments in the rheumatoid knees had a distinctly inferior tensile strength compared with the osteoarthritic knees. Total knee replacement, which also replaces ligament function, should therefore be considered in severely damaged rheumatoid knees.
Résumé Les ligaments croisés du genou ont été réséqués avec leurs insertions osseuses au cours d'arthroplasties totales du genou réalisées sur douze sujets atteints de graves lésions d'arthrose ou de polyarthrite rhumatoïde. Les ligaments ont été étudiés sur le plan histologique et biomécanique, et dix spécimens provenant d'adultes sains ont été utilisés comme contrôle. On a mis en évidence des différences significatives de la résistance et des propriétés visco-élastiques des ligaments entre ceux des patients arthrosiques et les autres. Les ligaments des genoux rhumatoïdes présentaient une résistance nettement plus faible comparativement à ceux des genoux arthrosiques. L'arthroplastie totale du genou qui remplace également la fonction ligamentaire, peut donc être efficace dans les genoux rhumatoïdes, grandement endommagés.

关节镜下双股半腱肌腱单端固定法重建膝交叉韧带   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的观察膝关节镜下双股半腱肌腱单端固定法重建膝前、后交叉韧带的方法及疗效,探讨其优缺点。方法应用双股半腱肌腱,单端固定,重建前交叉韧带损伤38例,后交叉韧带24例。结果所有患者术后随访6~36个月,平均18个月。按Lysholm膝关节评分标准,由术前43分提高到术后93分。结论双股半腱肌腱,单侧固定法重建前、后交叉韧带具有创伤小,操作简便,是重建前、后交叉韧带的理想方法之一。  相似文献   

The cruciate ligaments (and the intercondylar eminence of the tibia) should be removed when the knee is replaced. A mechanically unlinked prosthesis can be designed which will then be capable of restoring "cruciate" stability, i.e., anteroposterior stability of the tibia in the flexed knee. A knee replaced with such a prosthesis will only be stable if the prosthesis is inserted using the correct instruments and technique. Stability depends as much on precise surgical technique as it does on prosthetic design.  相似文献   

目的探讨一期关节镜下重建前交叉韧带(ACL)及后交叉韧带(PCL)的疗效。方法一期在关节镜下联合重建11例患者ACL及PCL,并修补其它膝关节结构。评估患者术后并发症、膝关节活动度,使用Lysholm评分评估膝关节功能情况。结果 11例均获随访,时间12~36个月。10例可满足日常生活,1例轻度关节僵硬并仍诉膝关节疼痛、不稳感。1例腓总神经损伤感觉运动基本恢复。主动关节活动度:术前平均78.6°±10.3°,术后平均121.0°±10.5°;膝关节Lysholm功能评分:术前平均37.5分±5.3分,术后平均82.5分±6.3分。结论一期在关节镜下联合重建ACL及PCL、修补其它膝关节结构治疗创伤性膝关节脱位是一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

The results of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in 26 patients, including 14 sportsmen, have been presented. The Jones method was used. The results of reconstruction were evaluated at 6-28 months after operation. Instability was diagnosed using the anterior drawer symptom and Lachman symptoms as well as the Jacobsen's radiological method. In evaluation of treatment results the 4-grade subjective evaluation scale and the Lysholm-Gillquist point test were used. The advantages of this method of reconstruction, consisting in removal of subjective pain, and the disadvantages, consisting in incomplete removal of instability symptoms of the joint, have been presented.  相似文献   

关节镜下深低温冷冻异体韧带重建后交叉韧带的疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨关节镜下深低温冷冻异体韧带重建后交叉韧带(PCL)的方法和疗效。方法2003年9月~2006年3月,采用深低温冷冻异体韧带重建方法治疗12例膝关节PCL断裂患者。术前及术后6个月用Lysholm和Gillquist评分评定膝关节功能及患肢运动水平。结果12例患者铁6~14个月(平均10个月)随访,术前Lysholm和Gillquist评分平均53分(40~65分),术后6个月Lysholm和Gillquist评分平均87分(60~95分),本组优7例,良4例,中1例,总优良率91.7%。临床症状消失,行走步态正常,关节活动度正常。结论膝关节镜下采用异体韧带重建PCL,可同时达到解剖重建和等长重建的双重目的,可有效改善膝关节稳定性,手术损伤小、康复快,疗效肯定。  相似文献   

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is performed routinely as an outpatient surgical procedure despite few studies of patient acceptance or postoperative patient analgesia. This study reports the first series of postoperative femoral nerve blocks as analgesia for outpatient anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The authors retrospectively reviewed 161 patients undergoing two incision arthroscopically assisted autograft middle 1/3 patellar tendon anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on an out-patient basis at the authors' institution during a period of 30 months. Hospital and anesthesia records were reviewed, and 83% of patients were contacted retrospectively to survey their perceptions of the procedure and its outcome. Ninety-eight percent of the patients were discharged from the ambulatory surgery center, with 51% discharged the same day as the surgery and 47% discharged by 7:00 AM the next day. As the study progressed, the number of patients staying overnight was reduced by 50%. Ninety-eight percent of patients surveyed found femoral nerve block to be beneficial, and the same percentage thought the discharge time was appropriate. However, 69% of patients staying overnight cited reasons other than pain as factors in their stay. No significant complications were reported. Based on these results, the administration of a femoral nerve block is recommended for patients undergoing outpatient anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction because it is a highly effective form of analgesia with an excellent degree of patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

射频汽化仪在前交叉韧带重建中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的: 探讨射频汽化仪在前交叉韧带重建中的应用。方法: 2001年 3月 ~2003年 3月, 在膝关节镜下利用自体骨-髌腱-骨复合体重建ACL30例。利用射频汽化仪在前交叉韧带重建中切除滑膜, 软组织清理, 髁间窝成形, 前交叉韧带紧缩。结果: 随访 1 ~3年,(平均 17个月), 关节活动度正常。Lysholim评分从术前平均 52分提高到 83分。膝关节主观与客观稳定性均明显改善。结论: 对功能不稳的ACL进行自体髌腱中 1 /3重建, 关节镜下骨道定位准确, 移植物固定牢固。同时应用射频汽化仪, 可以同时处理关节内合并损伤, 手术快, 出血少, 创伤减轻, 术后恢复快, 明显提高手术治疗效果。  相似文献   

Use of carbon fibers in the reconstruction of knee ligaments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbon fibers were used to reconstruct the anterior cruciate ligament and other knee ligaments in a consecutive series of 26 (mostly acute) patients who had suffered serious occupation-related injuries. After an average follow-up time of 52.4 months (one patient lost, one patient refused follow-up examination), the anterior drawer at 30 degrees was less than 5 mm (side-to-side difference) in 14 patients, 5-10 mm in six patients, and greater than 10 mm in four patients. Of 24 evaluatable patients, 22 returned to work, including 20 patients who work underground. Chronic pain, recurrent effusion, infection, and tender nodes did not occur in the series. Arthroscopic examination of five patients revealed minimal intraarticular debris.  相似文献   

We examined the macroscopic appearance of both cruciate ligaments in 52 knees during knee replacement. It was classsified as normal, abnormal or ruptured. The ligaments were also evaluated histologically: stage 0 (normal), stage 1 (degeneration of < 1/3 of the collagen fibers), stage 2 (degeneration of 1/3-2/3) and stage 3 (> 2/3). 17 anterior cruciate ligaments (ACL) were normal, 14 were abnormal and 21 ruptured. All the posterior cruciate ligaments (PCL) were normal. 14 ACL were stage 0, 6 stage 1, 8 stage 2 and 24 were stage 3. 22 PCL were stage 0, 14 stage 1, 13 stage 2 and 3 were stage 3. When the ACL was abnormal or ruptured, the PCL was stage 0 only in one fourth of the cases. The long-term results of TKR retaining the PCL should be better if the ligament is strong. The intraoperative assessment of the macroscopic appearance of the ACL reflects the histological state of the PCL.  相似文献   

We examined the macroscopic appearance of both cruciate ligaments in 52 knees during knee replacement. It was classsified as normal, abnormal or ruptured. The ligaments were also evaluated histologically: stage 0 (normal), stage I (degeneration of < 1/3 of the collagen fibers), stage 2 (degeneration of 1/3-2/3) and stage 3 (> 2/3). 17 anterior cruciate ligaments (ACL) were normal, 14 were abnormal and 21 ruptured. All the posterior cruciate ligaments (PCL) were normal. 14 ACL were stage 0, 6 stage 1, 8 stage 2 and 24 were stage 3. 22 PCL were stage 0, 14 stage 1, 13 stage 2 and 3 were stage 3. When the ACL was abnormal or ruptured, the PCL was stage 0 only in one fourth of the cases. The long-term results of TKR retaining the PCL should be better if the ligament is strong. The intraoperative assessment of the macroscopic appearance of the ACL reflects the histological state of the PCL.  相似文献   

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