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Cystamine has demonstrated neuroprotective activity in a variety of studies, and is currently being evaluated in a human clinical trial in Huntington's disease (HD). Cystamine treatment of various genetic models of HD demonstrated protection against neurodegeneration and/or improvement in behavior. Given the need for a rapid screening tool for HD therapeutics, we assessed the potential therapeutic benefits of cystamine in a short-term acute toxicity murine model of striatal cell death. Cystamine did not provide neuroprotection against bilateral intrastriatal malonate injections in mice as measured by lesion size, loss of striatal volume, or decreased striatal neuronal counts. Similar results were obtained for treatment with another potential therapeutic agent that was protective in genetic mouse models of HD, the essential fatty acid ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid. Our findings suggest that this toxic model is not reflective or predictive of findings in genetic mouse models, and may not be useful as a preclinical screen for HD therapeutics.  相似文献   

Proper assessment of outcome in clinical trials of neural transplantation requires both biochemical and imaging indices of graft survival, and behavioural and physiological indices of graft function. For transplantation in Huntington's disease, a variety of ligands that are selective for striatal degeneration and graft-derived replacement are available, notably ligands of dopaminergic receptors on striatal neurons. However, the validity of such ligands is potentially compromised by adjunctive drug therapies (e.g. neuroleptics) given to patients in the course of normal clinical care. We review the present state of experimental and clinical understanding of the selectivity of available ligands for striatal imaging, their interaction with other drug treatments, and strategies for refining valid assessment protocols in patients.  相似文献   

A decline in motor performance and timing performance is evident not only in clinical patient groups, e.g. with Parkinson's or Huntington's disease but also in normal ageing. Common to the mentioned groups is a deterioration in dopaminergic function of fronto-striatal brain circuits. These areas belong to a distributed network in the brain playing an important role in time perception and timing behaviour. Therefore, we measured time estimation performance in five groups of healthy young and healthy old participants, of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), with presymptomatic and symptomatic Huntington's disease (HD). Participants were instructed to indicate by a precise button press when 1.2s had elapsed after stimulus onset. They received feedback after correct (within a specified time window) or incorrect responses. When compared to the young control group the performance in old participants, patients with Parkinson's, presymptomatic and symptomatic Huntington's disease was inferior, while differences were not noticed between the latter four groups. The data underline the importance of fronto-striatal circuits in the brain for time processing and time estimation. It is suggested that it is not the degree of dysfunction of the fronto-striatal dopamine system but rather the mere existence of a dysfunction, even if subtle, which is pivotal for a decline in timing performance. A time estimation task can serve as a useful tool to detect even faint changes in the integrity of the fronto-striatal dopamine system.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine if either of the two isoforms of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), PDGF-AA and PDGF-BB, exerts trophic effects in vitro on developing rat striatal neurons. Striatal neurons were identified using immunocytochemistry for dopamine- and adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-regulated phosphoprotein with a molecular weight of 32 kilodalton (DARPP-32). In control cultures without PDGF, the mean number of DARPP-32-positive neurons decreased by 47% at days 3 to 5 in vitro. PDGF-BB, but not PDGF-AA, significantly increased the number of DARPP-32-positive neurons both at day 3 (by 42%) and day 5 (by 149%). Total cell number was similar in control and PDGF BB-treated cultures, suggesting that, in striatal cultures, the action of PDGF-BB is relatively specific for DARPP-32-positive neurons. The DARPP-32-positive neurons in PDGF-BB-treated cultures had longer neurites and larger soma areas than those in control and in PDGF-AA-treated cultures. Our data provide evidence that PDGF-BB exerts a trophic action on striatal DARPP-32-positive neurons in vitro by promoting cell survival and morphological differentiation, although a stimulatory effect on intraneuronal DARPP-32 levels also is possible. The findings raise the possibility that PDGF-BB might also be involved in the development and maintenance of striatal neurons in vivo, and could be used to counteract striatal degeneration in models of Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

Summary Ibotenic acid was injected unilaterally into the baboon caudate-putamen (CP) to achieve a neural degeneration model in the primate, with a neuropathology similar to Huntington's disease. Four to six weeks later injections of cell suspensions of striatal precursor cells, obtained by dissection of the fetal rat striatal region (13–15 days gestational age), were made into the excitotoxically lesioned CP of 3 baboons immunosuppressed by Cyclosporin A. Morphological analysis indicated that in one of the baboons, which had the largest lesion of the CP and the shortest survival time (6 weeks after implantation), there was a surviving striatal implant. The implanted neurons grew in high densities in cellular aggregates within the host gliotic CP. These neurons had a neuronal size phenotypical for rat striatum, i.e. on average about a 25% smaller neuronal cell diameter than a similar population in the baboon caudate-putamen. Glial-fibrillary-acid-protein immunoreactivity was present on large astrocytes within the striatal implant, with a distinct border towards the lesion-induced astrogliosis of the host. Neuronal markers for acetylcholinesterase and Leu-enkephalin were distributed in a typical patchy manner in the striatal implants along with fiber staining for tyrosine-hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity (TH) possibly derived from afferent host dopaminergic axons. Some of these fibers in the implants came from intrinsic TH-positive neuronal somata, probably of neocortical fetal origin and transiently expressing the enzyme. In conclusion, the results indicate that neuronal replacement can be achieved by crossspecies implantation of fetal striatal precursor cells to the previously neuron depleted primate CP under immunosuppression but that the survival and growth of such implants may be variable and subject to unfavourable trophic conditions.  相似文献   

Population studies of Huntington''s disease in Wales   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Long-term surveillance of Huntington's disease families living in South Wales has been undertaken since 1973. We report the updated data on prevalence and births in 101 kindreds. The trend in the births at risk of Huntington's disease has been compared with a control population in North Wales.  相似文献   

Age of onset for Huntington's disease (HD) varies inversely with the length of the disease-causing CAG repeat expansion in the HD gene. A simple exponential regression model yielded adjusted R-squared values of 0.728 in a large set of Venezuelan kindreds and 0.642 in a North American, European, and Australian sample (the HD MAPS cohort). We present evidence that a two-segment exponential regression curve provides a significantly better fit than the simple exponential regression. A plot of natural log-transformed age of onset against CAG repeat length reveals this segmental relationship. This two-segment exponential regression on age of onset data increases the adjusted R-squared values by 0.012 in the Venezuelan kindreds and by 0.035 in the HD MAPS cohort. Although the amount of additional variance explained by the segmental regression approach is modest, the two slopes of the two-segment regression are significantly different from each other in both the Venezuelan kindreds [F(2, 439) = 11.13, P = 2 × 10−5] and in the HD MAPS cohort [F(2, 688) = 38.27, P = 2 × 10−16]. In both populations, the influence of each CAG repeat on age of onset appears to be stronger in the adult-onset range of CAG repeats than in the juvenile-onset range.  相似文献   

Metabolic Syndrome is a cluster of vascular risk factors which has been related to dementia and cognitive decline. The aim of this study was to describe the neuropsychological profile of metabolic syndrome patients. An extensive neuropsychological protocol was administered to 55 patients and 35 controls assessing memory, executive, visuoperceptual and visuoconstructive functions, language and speed of processing. There were differences between groups in speed of processing and some executive functions after controlling for the influences of education and gender. The results suggest that metabolic syndrome may be a prodromal state of vascular cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

Role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in Huntington's disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Neurotrophic factors are essential contributors to the survival of peripheral and central nervous system (CNS) neurons, and demonstration of their reduced availability in diseased brains indicates that they play a role in various neurological disorders. This paper will concentrate on the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the survival and activity of the neurons that die in Huntington's disease (HD) by reviewing the evidence indicating that it involves profound changes in BDNF levels and that attempts to restore these levels are therapeutically interesting.

BDNF is a small dimeric protein that is widely expressed in adult mammalian brain and has been shown to promote the survival of all major neuronal types affected in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). Furthermore, cortical BDNF production is required for the correct activity of the corticostriatal synapse and the survival of the GABA-ergic medium-sized spiny striatal neurons that die in HD. We will highlight the available data concerning changes in BDNF levels in HD cells, mice and human postmortem samples, describe the molecular evidence underlying this alteration, and review the data concerning the impact of the experimental manipulation of BDNF levels on HD progression. Such studies have revealed a major loss of BDNF protein in the striatum of HD patients which may contribute to the clinical manifestations of the disease. They have also opened up a molecular window into the underlying pathogenic mechanism and new therapeutic perspectives by raising the possibility that one of the mechanisms triggering the reduction in BDNF in HD may also affect the activity of many other neuronal proteins.  相似文献   

A Greek family is presented in which seven members suffered from benign hereditary chorea (a rare autosomal dominant non-progressive chorea without dementia). All patients and three informative healthy relatives were submitted to DNA analysis using probes from loci linked to Huntington's disease. The results confirm one previous suggestion that these two disorders are not allelic and that they should be considered as two distinct genetic entities.  相似文献   

Loss of function mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene predispose mice and humans to cancer, resulting in abbreviated life spans. A dominant mutation in the murine HD gene, similar to mutations that cause Huntington's disease in humans, reverses some of the effects of p53 mutations on longevity. We attribute this to the enhanced apoptotic effect of the expanded polyglutamine region in the HD protein on proliferating cells lacking p53.  相似文献   

We investigated the allele distribution of the polymorphic (CAG)n repeat in the IT15 gene in 96 normal subjects from the Mexican population and 83 unrelated patients with Huntington's disease. Our results show that the size distributions of normal and affected alleles do not overlap. Normal alleles range from 13 to 32 triplets, with 18 being the most frequent allele, while HD alleles contain 37 to 76 repeats with 42 being the most frequent. One allele in the range of intermediate alleles was found (32 repeats) in a normal subject. The juvenile onset cases in this study are associated with an expansion greater than 49 repeats. In the available parent-offspring pairs, paternal alleles show instability with an expansion of 28 repeats in one case.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is caused by expansions of more than 35 CAG repeats in the HD gene. These repeats are translated into a long polyglutamine tract that confers a deleterious gain-of-function on the mutant protein. Intraneuronal inclusions comprising mutant huntingtin are found in HD patient brains. Here we show that the bacterial chaperonin GroEL can reduce aggregation of mutant huntingtin in COS-7 cells and requires GroES for efficient activity, analogous to what has been described in bacteria. The reduction in aggregation of mutant huntingtin by GroEL/GroES was associated with protection against polyglutamine-induced cell death.  相似文献   

The central noradrenergic pathways with the mammalian brain are principally based on that group of nerve cells within the reticular substance of the upper pons known as the locus coeruleus. The physiological role of these nerve cells appears to be one of maintaining homeostasis within the central nervous system, whatever adverse conditions prevail in the rest of the body, through governing the flow of blood through, and degree of water permeability of, the capillary bed. The extensive ramifications of these noradrenergic terminals mean that the atrophy and loss of nerve cells from locus coeruleus that occurs in old age, and especially so in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system such as Alzheimer's disease and other conditions, will have widespread repercussions for brain function. The chain of physiological disturbances set up as a result of this cell loss may mean a progressive failure of homeostasis within the brain, which in the exterme may culminate in that pattern of mental breakdown which is usually termed dementia.  相似文献   

Robinson P  Lebel M  Cyr M 《Neuroscience》2008,153(3):762-772
Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by abnormal CAG repeat expansion in the IT15 gene encoding huntingtin protein (htt). Mutated htt is predicted to acquire toxic properties in specific brain regions. For instance, striatal neurons expressing dopamine receptors predominantly degenerate in HD patients. Although the basis of this specific vulnerability remains unclear, a great deal of evidence has documented the ability of the dopamine system to modulate the toxicity of expanded htt. To investigate the relationship between dopamine receptors and expanded htt, we transfected enhanced green fluorescent proteins (EGFP) tagged to normal (25 CAG) or mutant (103 CAG) htt in SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells that endogenously express D1 receptors. Forming nuclear and cytoplasmic aggregates, mutant htt-EGFP was toxic to cells beyond 24 h post-transfection. Remarkably, low doses of a selective D1 receptors agonist or forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase, accelerated the formation of mutant htt nuclear aggregates, whereas the number of cytoplasmic aggregates was decreased. These effects were associated with a minor increase in cell death. Understanding the functional bases of these effects may further elucidate the role of dopamine receptors signaling in the complex pathophysiology of HD.  相似文献   

When applied prior to excitotoxic lesions, ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) has been shown to be neuroprotective. However, data concerning the endogenous CNTF content of the intact rat striatum are rare and have not until now been available for the quinolinic acid (QA)-lesioned striatum. Therefore, we investigated the CNTF content in the QA-lesioned rat striatum for at least 1 month using immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. In lesioned striata a neuronal loss was observed by Nissl staining and by a reduction of NeuN-immunoreactive cells, whereas increased glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity showed a gliotic reaction. With CNTF immunohistochemistry we found that in the QA-lesioned striatum CNTF was increased over time, whereas it was not detectable in intact and sham-lesioned striata. CNTF-immunoreactive cells had the morphology of protoplasmatic astrocytes. Furthermore, quantitative Western blotting demonstrated that the content of CNTF protein from striatal lysates containing 1 mg of whole protein 1 month after QA lesioning (2.76 +/- 1.71 ng) was significantly increased (P < 0.05, U-test) compared with sham-lesioned hemispheres (0.68 +/- 0.25 ng) and intact controls (0.55 +/- 0.25 ng). We conclude that CNTF content is correlated with glial scar formation and suggest that our results may be of relevance to cell grafting strategies for the treatment of Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

Biological ageing is generally accompanied by a gradual loss of cellular functions and physiological integrity of organ systems, the consequential enhancement of vulnerability, senescence and finally death. Mechanisms which underlie ageing are primarily attributed to an array of diverse but related factors including free radical-induced damage, dysfunction of mitochondria, disruption of circadian rhythms, inflammaging, genomic instability, telomere attrition, loss of proteostasis, deregulated sensing of nutrients, epigenetic alterations, altered intercellular communication, and decreased capacity for tissue repair. Melatonin, a prime regulator of human chronobiological and endocrine physiology, is highly reputed as an antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative, oncostatic, and endocrine-modulatory molecule. Interestingly, several recent reports support melatonin as an anti-ageing agent whose multifaceted functions may lessen the consequences of ageing. This review depicts four categories of melatonin’s protective effects on ageing-induced molecular and structural alterations. We also summarize recent findings related to the function of melatonin during ageing in various tissues and organs.  相似文献   

Adjustment of plasmid copy number resulting from the balance between positive and negative impacts of borne synthetic genes, plays a critical role in the global efficiency of multistep metabolic engineering. Differential expression of co-expressed engineered genes is frequently observed depending on growth phases, metabolic status and triggered adjustments of plasmid copy numbers, constituting a dynamic process contributing to minimize global engineering burden. A yeast model involving plasmid based expression of phosphoribulokinase (PRKp), a key enzyme for the reconstruction of synthetic Calvin cycle, was designed to gain further insights into such a mechanism. A conditional PRK expression cassette was cloned either onto a low (ARS-CEN based) or a high (2-micron origin based) copy number plasmid using complementation of a trp1 genomic mutation as constant positive selection. Evolution of plasmid copy numbers, PRKp expressions, and cell growth rates were dynamically monitored following gene de-repression through external doxycycline concentration shifts. In the absence of RubisCO encoding gene permitting metabolic recycling, PRKp expression that led to depletion of ribulose phosphate, a critical metabolite for aromatic amino-acids biosynthesis, and accumulation of the dead-end diphosphate product contribute to toxicity. Triggered copy number adjustment was found to be a dynamic process depending both on plasmid types and levels of PRK induction. With the ARS-CEN plasmid, cell growth was abruptly affected only when level PRKp expression exceeded a threshold value. In contrast, a proportional relationship was observed with the 2-micron plasmid consistent with large copy number adjustments. Micro-compartment partitioning of bulk cultures by embedding individual cells into inverse culture medium/oil droplets, revealed the presence of slow and fast growing subpopulations that differ in relative proportions for low and high copy number plasmids.  相似文献   

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