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Most cochlear implants (CIs) activate their electrodes non-simultaneously in order to eliminate electrical field interactions. However, the membrane of auditory nerve fibers needs time to return to its resting state, causing the probability of firing to a pulse to be affected by previous pulses. Here, we provide new evidence on the effect of pulse polarity and current level on these interactions. In experiment 1, detection thresholds and most comfortable levels (MCLs) were measured in CI users for 100-Hz pulse trains consisting of two consecutive biphasic pulses of the same or of opposite polarity. All combinations of polarities were studied: anodic-cathodic-anodic-cathodic (ACAC), CACA, ACCA, and CAAC. Thresholds were lower when the adjacent phases of the two pulses had the same polarity (ACCA and CAAC) than when they were different (ACAC and CACA). Some subjects showed a lower threshold for ACCA than for CAAC while others showed the opposite trend demonstrating that polarity sensitivity at threshold is genuine and subject- or electrode-dependent. In contrast, anodic (CAAC) pulses always showed a lower MCL than cathodic (ACCA) pulses, confirming previous reports. In experiments 2 and 3, the subjects compared the loudness of several pulse trains differing in current level separately for ACCA and CAAC. For 40 % of the electrodes tested, loudness grew non-monotonically as a function of current level for ACCA but never for CAAC. This finding may relate to a conduction block of the action potentials along the fibers induced by a strong hyperpolarization of their central processes. Further analysis showed that the electrodes showing a lower threshold for ACCA than for CAAC were more likely to yield a non-monotonic loudness growth. It is proposed that polarity sensitivity at threshold reflects the local neural health and that anodic asymmetric pulses should preferably be used to convey sound information while avoiding abnormal loudness percepts.  相似文献   

Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology - Cochlear implants (CIs) convey the amplitude envelope of speech by modulating high-rate pulse trains. However, not all of the envelope...  相似文献   

The relation between speech recognition and within-channel or across-channel (i.e., spectral tilt) intensity discrimination was measured in nine CI users (11 ears). Within-channel intensity difference limens (IDLs) were measured at four electrode locations across the electrode array. Spectral tilt difference limens were measured with (XIDL-J) and without (XIDL) level jitter. Only three subjects could perform the XIDL-J task with the amount of jitter required to limit use of within-channel cues. XIDLs (normalized to %DR) were correlated with speech recognition (r?=?0.67, P?=?0.019) and were highly correlated with IDLs. XIDLs were on average nearly 3 times larger than IDLs and did not vary consistently with the spatial separation of the two component electrodes. The overall pattern of results was consistent with a common underlying subject-dependent limitation in the two difference limen tasks, hypothesized to be perceptual variance (how the perception of a sound differs on different presentations), which may also underlie the correlation of XIDLs with speech recognition. Evidence that spectral tilt discrimination is more important for speech recognition than within-channel intensity discrimination was not unequivocally shown in this study. However, the results tended to support this proposition, with XIDLs more correlated with speech performance than IDLs, and the ratio XIDL/IDL also being correlated with speech recognition. If supported by further research, the importance of perceptual variance as a limiting factor in speech understanding for CI users has important implications for efforts to improve outcomes for those with poor speech recognition.  相似文献   

To further understand the response of the human brainstem to electrical stimulation, a series of experiments compared the effect of pulse rate and polarity on detection thresholds between auditory brainstem implant (ABI) and cochlear implant (CI) patients. Experiment 1 showed that for 400-ms pulse trains, ABI users’ thresholds dropped by about 2 dB as pulse rate was increased from 71 to 500 pps, but only by an average of 0.6 dB as rate was increased further to 3500 pps. This latter decrease was much smaller than the 7.7-dB observed for CI users. A similar result was obtained for pulse trains with a 40-ms duration. Furthermore, experiment 2 showed that the threshold difference between 500- and 3500-pps pulse trains remained much smaller for ABI than for CI users, even for durations as short as 2 ms, indicating the effect of a fast-acting mechanism. Experiment 3 showed that ABI users’ thresholds were lower for alternating-polarity than for fixed-polarity pulse trains, and that this difference was greater at 3500 pps than at 500 pps, consistent with the effect of pulse rate on ABI users’ thresholds being influenced by charge interactions between successive biphasic pulses. Experiment 4 compared thresholds and loudness between trains of asymmetric pulses of opposite polarity, in monopolar mode, and showed that in both cases less current was needed when the anodic, rather than the cathodic, current was concentrated into a short time interval. This finding is similar to that previously observed for CI users and is consistent with ABI users being more sensitive to anodic than cathodic current. We argue that our results constrain potential explanations for the differences in the perception of electrical stimulation by CI and ABI users, and have potential implications for future ABI stimulation strategies.  相似文献   

Previous psychophysical and modeling studies suggest that cathodic stimulation by a cochlear implant (CI) may preferentially activate the peripheral processes of the auditory nerve, whereas anodic stimulation may preferentially activate the central axons. Because neural degeneration typically starts with loss of the peripheral processes, lower thresholds for cathodic than for anodic stimulation may indicate good local neural survival. We measured thresholds for 99-pulse-per-second trains of triphasic (TP) pulses where the central high-amplitude phase was either anodic (TP-A) or cathodic (TP-C). Thresholds were obtained in monopolar mode from four or five electrodes and a total of eight ears from subjects implanted with the Advanced Bionics CI. When between-subject differences were removed, there was a modest but significant correlation between the polarity effect (TP-C threshold minus TP-A threshold) and the average of TP-C and TP-A thresholds, consistent with the hypothesis that a large polarity effect corresponds to good neural survival. When data were averaged across electrodes for each subject, relatively low thresholds for TP-C correlated with a high “upper limit” (the pulse rate up to which pitch continues to increase) from a previous study (Cosentino et al. J Assoc Otolaryngol 17:371–382). Overall, the results provide modest indirect support for the hypothesis that the polarity effect provides an estimate of local neural survival.  相似文献   

Electrical interaural time delay (ITD) discrimination was measured using 300-ms bursts applied to binaural pitch matched electrodes at basal, mid, and apical locations in each ear. Six bilateral implant users, who had previously shown good ITD sensitivity at a pulse rate of 100 pulses per second (pps), were assessed. Thresholds were measured as a function of pulse rate between 100 and 1,000 Hz, as well as modulation rate over that same range for high-rate pulse trains at 6,000 pps. Results were similar for all three places of stimulation and showed decreasing ITD sensitivity as either pulse rate or modulation rate increased, although the extent of that effect varied across subjects. The results support a model comprising a common ITD mechanism for high- and low-frequency places of stimulation, which, for electrical stimulation, is rate-limited in the same way across electrodes because peripheral temporal responses are largely place invariant. Overall, ITD sensitivity was somewhat better with unmodulated pulse trains than with high-rate pulse trains modulated at matched rates, although comparisons at individual rates showed that difference to be significant only at 300 Hz. Electrodes presenting with the lowest thresholds at 600 Hz were further assessed using bursts with a ramped onset of 10 ms. The slower rise time resulted in decreased performance in four of the listeners, but not in the two best performers, indicating that those two could use ongoing cues at 600 Hz. Performance at each place was also measured using single-pulse stimuli. Comparison of those data with the unmodulated 300-ms burst thresholds showed that on average, the addition of ongoing cues beyond the onset enhanced overall ITD sensitivity at 100 and 300 Hz, but not at 600 Hz. At 1,000 Hz, the added ongoing cues actually decreased performance. That result is attributed to the introduction of ambiguous cues within the physiologically relevant range and increased dichotic firing.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were (1) to develop a new test of environmental sound perception, the Environmental Sounds Perception Test (EST), (2) to compare the performance of experienced cochlear implant (CI) recipients with that of age-equivalent normally hearing (NH) listeners using this new test, and (3) to pilot test its clinical use as a pre-to-post assessment tool. The closed-set EST consisted of 45 different sounds classified into 9 categories, with each sound being represented by 2 different tokens. The results showed that the NH participants scored significantly higher than the experienced CI users (p < 0.001). For the pre-to-post CI group, higher scores were obtained post-surgery with the CI; this difference was approaching significance (p = 0.068). Overall these results suggest that CI recipients perform poorer than NH participants on the EST but better than hearing-aid users with a similar level of hearing loss.  相似文献   

对人工耳蜗植入者各层面音乐感知能力进行合理检测与评估,是了解其音乐感知特征、探索其感知规律、进而提升其感知能力的前提。本文以音乐自身特点及其对应的物理属性为线索,对当前国内外有关人工耳蜗植入者音乐感知能力评估的相关研究加以梳理与总结。在现行评估体系简介、测试材料制作、与乐音属性(音高、音色、时长)相关的研究成果等几方面加以阐述,分析了当前研究的成功经验与不足之处,并在此基础上,针对当前研究所存在的问题提出进一步研究设想。  相似文献   

Bimodal stimulation, or stimulation of a cochlear implant (CI) together with a contralateral hearing aid (HA), can improve speech perception in noise However, this benefit is variable, and some individuals even experience interference with bimodal stimulation. One contributing factor to this variability may be differences in binaural spectral integration (BSI) due to abnormal auditory experience. CI programming introduces interaural pitch mismatches, in which the frequencies allocated to the electrodes (and contralateral HA) differ from the electrically stimulated cochlear frequencies. Previous studies have shown that some, but not all, CI users adapt pitch perception to reduce this mismatch. The purpose of this study was to determine whether broadened BSI may also reduce the perception of mismatch. Interaural pitch mismatches and dichotic pitch fusion ranges were measured in 21 bimodal CI users. Seventeen subjects with wide fusion ranges also conducted a task to pitch match various fused electrode–tone pairs. All subjects showed abnormally wide dichotic fusion frequency ranges of 1–4 octaves. The fusion range size was weakly correlated with the interaural pitch mismatch, suggesting a link between broad binaural pitch fusion and large interaural pitch mismatch. Dichotic pitch averaging was also observed, in which a new binaural pitch resulted from the fusion of the original monaural pitches, even when the pitches differed by as much as 3–4 octaves. These findings suggest that abnormal BSI, indicated by broadened fusion ranges and spectral averaging between ears, may account for speech perception interference and nonoptimal integration observed with bimodal compared with monaural hearing device use.  相似文献   

In normal hearing (NH), the perception of the gender of a speaker is strongly affected by two anatomically related vocal characteristics: the fundamental frequency (F0), related to vocal pitch, and the vocal tract length (VTL), related to the height of the speaker. Previous studies on gender categorization in cochlear implant (CI) users found that performance was variable, with few CI users performing at the level of NH listeners. Data collected with recorded speech produced by multiple talkers suggests that CI users might rely more on F0 and less on VTL than NH listeners. However, because VTL cannot be accurately estimated from recordings, it is difficult to know how VTL contributes to gender categorization. In the present study, speech was synthesized to systematically vary F0, VTL, or both. Gender categorization was measured in CI users, as well as in NH participants listening to unprocessed (only synthesized) and vocoded (and synthesized) speech. Perceptual weights for F0 and VTL were derived from the performance data. With unprocessed speech, NH listeners used both cues (normalized perceptual weight: F0 = 3.76, VTL = 5.56). With vocoded speech, NH listeners still made use of both cues but less efficiently (normalized perceptual weight: F0 = 1.68, VTL = 0.63). CI users relied almost exclusively on F0 while VTL perception was profoundly impaired (normalized perceptual weight: F0 = 6.88, VTL = 0.59). As a result, CI users’ gender categorization was abnormal compared to NH listeners. Future CI signal processing should aim to improve the transmission of both F0 cues and VTL cues, as a normal gender categorization may benefit speech understanding in competing talker situations.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of auditory nerve fibers using cochlear implants (CI) shows psychophysical forward masking (pFM) up to several hundreds of milliseconds. By contrast, recovery of electrically evoked compound action potentials (eCAPs) from forward masking (eFM) was shown to be more rapid, with time constants no greater than a few milliseconds. These discrepancies suggested two main contributors to pFM: a rapid-recovery process due to refractory properties of the auditory nerve and a slow-recovery process arising from more central structures. In the present study, we investigate whether the use of different maskers between eCAP and psychophysical measures, specifically single-pulse versus pulse train maskers, may have been a source of confound.In experiment 1, we measured eFM using the following: a single-pulse masker, a 300-ms low-rate pulse train masker (LTM, 250 pps), and a 300-ms high-rate pulse train masker (HTM, 5000 pps). The maskers were presented either at same physical current (Φ) or at same perceptual (Ψ) level corresponding to comfortable loudness. Responses to a single-pulse probe were measured for masker-probe intervals ranging from 1 to 512 ms. Recovery from masking was much slower for pulse trains than for the single-pulse masker. When presented at Φ level, HTM produced more and longer-lasting masking than LTM. However, results were inconsistent when LTM and HTM were compared at Ψ level. In experiment 2, masked detection thresholds of single-pulse probes were measured using the same pulse train masker conditions. In line with our eFM findings, masked thresholds for HTM were higher than those for LTM at Φ level. However, the opposite result was found when the pulse trains were presented at Ψ level.Our results confirm the presence of slow-recovery phenomena at the level of the auditory nerve in CI users, as previously shown in animal studies. Inconsistencies between eFM and pFM results, despite using the same masking conditions, further underline the importance of comparing electrophysiological and psychophysical measures with identical stimulation paradigms.  相似文献   

In cochlear implant (CI) patients, temporal processing is often poorest at low listening levels, making perception difficult for low-amplitude temporal cues that are important for consonant recognition and/or speech perception in noise. It remains unclear how speech processor parameters such as stimulation rate and stimulation mode may affect temporal processing, especially at low listening levels. The present study investigated the effects of these parameters on modulation detection by six CI users. Modulation detection thresholds (MDTs) were measured as functions of stimulation rate, mode, and level. Results show that for all stimulation rate and mode conditions, modulation sensitivity was poorest at quiet listening levels, consistent with results from previous studies. MDTs were better with the lower stimulation rate, especially for quiet-to-medium listening levels. Stimulation mode had no significant effect on MDTs. These results suggest that, although high stimulation rates may better encode temporal information and widen the electrode dynamic range, CI patients may not be able to access these enhanced temporal cues, especially at the lower portions of the dynamic range. Lower stimulation rates may provide better recognition of weak acoustic envelope information.  相似文献   

目的:评价语后聋成年人工耳蜗植入者对音乐音色的识别能力,探讨人工耳蜗植入者与听力正常者在音乐音色感知中的差异及可能的机制。方法实验组为人工耳蜗植入时间≥0.5年的成年语后聋患者30例,对照组为30例听力正常成人。使用人工耳蜗音乐评估软件(M u .S .I .C )对两组受试者进行不同音色(包括来自不同乐器家族且具有代表性的六种乐器以及男高音、女高音)识别能力的测试,记录并比较两组的识别正确率。结果①实验组音色识别正确率49.23%±18.93%,对照组90.23%±12.28%,后者高于前者( P<0.001);实验组识别正确率:男高音(76.7%)最高、钢琴(73.3%)次之,吉他(23.3%)最低。②实验组对每种音色的错选率均高于对照组,且选择更为分散,其中将吉他误选为钢琴的错选率最高(66.7%);其次为长笛错选为小号(33.3%)。结论人工耳蜗植入者对音乐音色的识别能力低于听力正常者,并且容易造成弦乐器之间、管乐器之间的混淆。  相似文献   

目的探讨语后聋成人人工耳蜗使用者感知音乐音调的能力。方法使用慕尼黑音乐经验问卷(Munich music questionnaire,MUMU)评估12例听力正常受试者(听力正常组,男5例,女7例)与12例人工耳蜗使用者(人工耳蜗组,男5例,女7例)的年龄与音乐经验的匹配程度。使用Fitzgerald等开发的人工耳蜗音乐评估软件(MuSIC)中的音调辨差阈值测试、旋律辨别与和弦辨别测试评估人工耳蜗使用者的音乐音调感知能力。结果听力正常组与人工耳蜗组的年龄与音乐经验相匹配。人工耳蜗组F3调的音调辨差阈值平均为16.2个1/4音,C4调的音调辨差阈值平均为6.2个1/4音,均显著高于听力正常组(P<0.05)。人工耳蜗组的旋律辨别测试平均正确率为69.8%,和弦辨别测试的平均正确率为72.4%,与听力正常组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。人工耳蜗组耳蜗植入前助听器使用时间与其植入后聆听音乐的经验均与其音调辨差阈值显著相关(P<0.05)。结论语后聋成人人工耳蜗使用者的音调辨差阈值显著高于听力正常人,但个体差异较大,其音乐音调感知能力与人工耳蜗植入前助听器佩戴时间以及植入后聆听音乐的经验相关。  相似文献   

Cochlear implantation is a well-accepted method of aural rehabilitation in deaf or severely hearing-impaired adults and children. A majority of patients not only suffer from hearing impairment but from tinnitus. The high rate of preoperative tinnitus in adults (68.1%) stands in contrast to assumed lower rates in children. Unknown are such factors as how tinnitus develops in children, how they realize what tinnitus is, and whether the mechanism of development of tinnitus differs from that in adults, respectively. Electrical stimulation of the auditory pathway is followed by loss, or at least reduction, of tinnitus in most cases (75%). Also, the insertional trauma alone is able to stop tinnitus in some patients. Attention must be paid to the low risk of developing tinnitus postoperatively. No reports are available regarding tinnitus in children. Though younger children may not be able to report, some adolescent patients report preoperative or postoperative tinnitus (or both) that is reduced by electrical stimulation at the rates seen in adults. Further investigations are needed to define the mechanism of tinnitus development in children and to define optimal stimulation modes and rates for tinnitus reduction with best auditory performance.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests that bilateral cochlear implant users are sensitive to interaural cues if experimental speech processors are used to preserve accurate interaural information in the electrical stimulation pattern. Binaural unmasking occurs in adults and children when an interaural delay is applied to the envelope of a high-rate pulse train. Nevertheless, for speech perception, binaural unmasking benefits have not been demonstrated consistently, even with coordinated stimulation at both ears. The present study aimed at bridging the gap between basic psychophysical performance on binaural signal detection tasks on the one hand and binaural perception of speech in noise on the other hand. Therefore, binaural signal detection was expanded to multi-channel stimulation and biologically relevant interaural delays. A harmonic complex, consisting of three sinusoids (125, 250, and 375 Hz), was added to three 125-Hz-wide noise bands centered on the sinusoids. When an interaural delay of 700 μs was introduced, an average BMLD of 3 dB was established. Outcomes are promising in view of real-life benefits. Future research should investigate the generalization of the observed benefits for signal detection to speech perception in everyday listening situations and determine the importance of coordination of bilateral speech processors and accentuation of envelope cues.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relative importance of temporal and spectral cues in voice gender discrimination and vowel recognition by normal-hearing subjects listening to an acoustic simulation of cochlear implant speech processing and by cochlear implant users. In the simulation, the number of speech processing channels ranged from 4 to 32, thereby varying the spectral resolution; the cutoff frequencies of the channels envelope filters ranged from 20 to 320 Hz, thereby manipulating the available temporal cues. For normal-hearing subjects, results showed that both voice gender discrimination and vowel recognition scores improved as the number of spectral channels was increased. When only 4 spectral channels were available, voice gender discrimination significantly improved as the envelope filter cutoff frequency was increased from 20 to 320 Hz. For all spectral conditions, increasing the amount of temporal information had no significant effect on vowel recognition. Both voice gender discrimination and vowel recognition scores were highly variable among implant users. The performance of cochlear implant listeners was similar to that of normal-hearing subjects listening to comparable speech processing (4–8 spectral channels). The results suggest that both spectral and temporal cues contribute to voice gender discrimination and that temporal cues are especially important for cochlear implant users to identify the voice gender when there is reduced spectral resolution.  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(2):262-265
This study examined two possible reasons underlying longitudinal increases in vowel identification by cochlear implant users: improved labeling of vowel sounds and improved electrode discrimination. The Multidimensional Phoneme Identification (MPI) model was used to obtain ceiling estimates of vowel identification for each subject, given his/her electrode discrimination skills. Vowel identification scores were initially lower than the ceiling estimates, but they gradually approached them over the first few months post-implant. Taken together, the present results suggest that improved labeling is the main mechanism explaining post-implant increases in vowel identification.  相似文献   

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