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The main objective of the present study was to determine alterations of calcium handling in the diabetic rat heart during the transition from adaptive to maladaptive phase of cardiomyopathy. By inhibiting the nuclear enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), we also investigated the possible role of this enzyme in the sequence of pathological events. Six weeks after induction of type I diabetes by injection of streptozotocin in rats, the hearts were perfused according to Langendorff. Intracellular-free calcium (Ca(2+)(i)) levels were measured by surface fluorometry using Indo-1 AM. Cyclic changes in Ca(2+)(i) concentrations and hemodynamic parameters were measured simultaneously. The hearts were challenged by infusion of isoproterenol. Six weeks of diabetes resulted in reduced inotropy and lusitropy. The diabetic hearts (DM) expressed a significantly elevated end-diastolic Ca(2+)(i) level (control, 111-/+20 vs DM, 221-/+35 nM). The maximal transport capacity of SERCA2a and conductance of RyR2 were reduced. These changes were not accompanied by major alterations in the tissue content of SERCA2a, RyR2, phospholamban and Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger. In response to beta-adrenergic activation, SERCA2a transport capacity and RyR2 conductance were stunted in the DM hearts. Inhibition of PARP induced minor changes in the mechanical function and calcium handling of the DM hearts. In conclusion, the observed changes in contractility and in Ca(2+)(i) handling are most likely attributable to functional disturbances of SERCA2a and RyR2 in this transitional phase of diabetes. At this stage of diabetes, PARP does not appear to play a significant pathogenetic role in the alterations in contractile function and calcium handling.  相似文献   

Acceleration of cardiac relaxation upon beta adrenergic stimulation is due, in part, to enhancement in the rate of Ca2+ sequestration by the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ pump resulting from cAMP-mediated phosphorylation of the SR protein phospholamban. Our previous studies have shown that in rat myocardium, beta adrenergic activation of adenylate cyclase and the Ca2+ pump activity of SR decline with aging (Mech. Ageing Dev., 19 (1982) 127-139; 38 (1987) 127-143). In the present study, the effect of aging on phospholamban phosphorylation and consequent changes in SR Ca2+ pump activity were evaluated using cardiac SR from 6 (young adult), 12 (adult) and 28 (aged) months old rats. No age-related differences were observed in the rate or maximum level of phospholamban phosphorylation by exogenous cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The rates of ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake by SR from young adult and aged rats were stimulated upon phospholamban phosphorylation, the percentage stimulation of Ca2+ uptake at varying Ca2+ concentrations (0.24-11.9 microM) was not diminished with aging. However, the rates of Ca2+ uptake by phosphorylated and unphosphorylated SR were remarkably lower (35-50%) in the aged. Regardless of the age of rats, the stimulatory effect of phosphorylation on Ca2+ uptake by SR was due to increase in Vmax of Ca2+ transport with no appreciable changes in K0.5 for Ca2+. These findings imply that in spite of the age-associated decline in SR Ca2+ pump activity, the ability of phospholamban to undergo cAMP-mediated phosphorylation and the relative responsiveness of the SR Ca2+ pump to phospholamban phosphorylation are not diminished in the aging heart.  相似文献   

Summary To study the physiological aspects of the excitation-contraction cycle, saponin (10–100g ml–1) was used as a skinning agent on muscle and sarcotubular vesicles derived from fast muscles (sartorius and tibialis anterior) ofRana esculenta.The vesicles showed similar Ca2+-ATPase activity and similar protein profiles carried out by SDS-PAGE. Calcium transport in untreated vesicles and those treated with different concentrations of saponin seemed to have the same quantitative and qualitative parameters if the saponin was used in a range between 10 and 50g ml–1.Our results confirm that saponin may be considered to be a valid skinning agent for the external membranes of fast skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

A-7-year-old boy was found to have histidinuria without histidinemia. Low concentrations of histidine in plasma were consistent with impaired intestinal and renal tubular absorption of histidine. The patient was developmentally delayed and had some minor anomalies. Only 4 other patients in 3 families have been reported. Each had abnormality of the central nervous system. All were male. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Defective lysosomal arginine transport in juvenile Batten disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mutations in the CLN3 gene, which encodes a lysosomal membrane protein, are responsible for the neurodegenerative disorder juvenile Batten disease. A previous study on the yeast homolog to CLN3, designated Btn1p, revealed a potential role for CLN3 in the transport of arginine into the yeast vacuole, the equivalent organelle to the mammalian lysosome. Lysosomes isolated from lymphoblast cell lines, established from individuals with juvenile Batten disease-bearing mutations in CLN3, but not age-matched controls, demonstrate defective transport of arginine. Furthermore, we show that there is a depletion of arginine in cells derived from individuals with juvenile Batten disease. We have, therefore, characterized lysosomal arginine transport in normal lysosomes and show that it is ATP-, v-ATPase- and cationic-dependent. This and previous studies have shown that both arginine and lysine are transported by the same transport system, designated system c. However, we report that lysosomes isolated from juvenile Batten disease lymphoblasts are only defective for arginine transport. These results suggest that the CLN3 defect in juvenile Batten disease may affect how intracellular levels of arginine are regulated or distributed throughout the cell. This assertion is supported by two other experimental approaches. First, an antibody to CLN3 can block lysosomal arginine transport and second, expression of CLN3 in JNCL cells using a lentiviral vector can restore lysosomal arginine transport. CLN3 may have a role in regulating intracellular levels of arginine possibly through control of the transport of this amino acid into lysosomes.  相似文献   

糖尿病心肌病的组织病理学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨糖尿病心肌病的病理形态学特点、诊断、鉴别诊断及其发生机制.方法 对40例糖尿病及40例非糖尿病尸检心肌进行临床、组织形态学及测微观察.结果 40例糖尿病中36例(90.0%)有微小心肌细胞坏死,37例(92.5%)有微小心肌间纤维瘢痕灶形成;40例非糖尿病仅8例(20.0%)有微小心肌细胞坏死,9例(22.5%)有微小心肌间纤维瘢痕灶形成;二组相比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).糖尿病组心肌间微小血管壁明显增厚[(20.6±4.2)μm],与对照组[(7.2±5.2)μm]比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).糖尿病组心肌病变与非糖尿病组高血压性心肌病变相似.结论 糖尿病心肌病的病理诊断应首先排除引起心肌病变的其他疾病,再根据有长期糖尿病病史及前述心肌的病理组织形态学特征进行诊断;糖尿病心肌细胞微小坏死可能和心肌间微小血管壁明显增厚、缺血、缺氧有关.  相似文献   

内皮细胞激活、损伤、凋亡时,会向细胞外释放内皮微粒,其作为反映内皮细胞功能的新型标记物,在多种病理状态时都有增加.糖尿病心肌病的病理过程中,内皮损伤、血管再生、氧化应激与炎症反应以及肾素血管紧张素系统激活等过程都与内皮微粒存在紧密联系.  相似文献   

目的:检测含F框/WD重复域蛋白7(FBXW7)在1型糖尿病大鼠心肌中的表达,探究其在糖尿病心肌病发生发展中的作用。方法:实验将大鼠分为非糖尿病组(ND组)及糖尿病4、8和12周模型组(DM组),采用链脲佐菌素(60 mg/kg)一次性腹腔注射建立1型糖尿病大鼠模型。HE染色法观察心肌病理结构变化,Western blot和免疫组化法检测心肌中FBXW7蛋白的表达变化。结果:显微镜下可见糖尿病组大鼠心肌局灶性心肌细胞变性、坏死。Western blot和免疫组化结果均显示,4周、8周及12周DM组大鼠心肌中的FBXW7表达相对于ND组显著增加(P 0. 01),但是相比于4周和8周DM组,12周DM组大鼠心肌中的FBXW7表达相对下降(P 0. 05)。结论:随着糖尿病病程的延长,FBXW7在糖尿病心肌病大鼠心肌组织中的表达呈现先升高后降低的趋势,提示其在糖尿病心肌病发生发展中发挥了一定的作用。  相似文献   

The regulation by calcium of the ryanodine receptor/SR calcium release channel (RyR) from rat skeletal muscle was studied under isolated conditions and in situ. RyRs were either solubilized and incorporated into lipid bilayers or single fibres were mounted into a Vaseline gap voltage clamp. Single channel data were compared to parameters determined from the calculated calcium release flux. With K+ (250 mM) being the charge carrier the single channel conductance was 529 pS at 50 M Ca2+ cis and trans, and decreased with increasing cis [Ca2+]. Open probability showed a bell shaped calcium dependence revealing an activatory and an inhibitory Ca2+ binding site (Hill coefficients of 1.18 and 1.28, respectively) with half activatory and inhibitory concentrations of 9.4 and 298 M. The parameters of the inhibitory site agreed with the calcium dependence of channel inactivation deduced from the decline in SR calcium release in isolated fibres. Mean open time showed slight [Ca2+] dependence following a single exponential at every Ca2+ concentration tested. Closed time histograms, at high [Ca2+], were fitted with three exponentials, from which the longest was calcium independent, and resembled the recovery time constant of SR inactivation (115 ± 15 ms) obtained in isolated fibres. The data are in agreement with a model where calcium binding to the inhibitory site on RyR would be responsible for the calcium dependent inactivation in situ.  相似文献   

 To study the effects of changes in sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) intraluminal Ca2+ on the Ca2+ release mechanism, we correlated the activity of single cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR) channels, monitored in planar bilayers, with the properties of spontaneous elementary Ca2+ release events (sparks) in intact ventricular myocytes, monitored by scanning confocal microfluorimetry. Under both normal conditions and Ca2+ overload, induced by elevation of extracellular [Ca2+], Ca2+ sparks represented single populations of events. During Ca2+ overload, the frequency of sparks increased from 0.8 to 3.1 events per second per 100 μm line scanned, and their amplitude increased from 100 nM to 400 nM. The duration of the Ca2+ sparks, however, was not altered. Changes in the properties of Ca2+ sparks were accompanied by only an ≈ 30% increase in the SR Ca2+ content, as determined by emptying the intracellular Ca2+ stores using caffeine. When single Ca2+ release channels were incorporated into lipid bilayers and activated by cytoplasmic Ca2+ (≈ 100 nM) and ATP (3 mM), elevation of Ca2+ on the luminal side from 20 μM to 0.2–20 mM resulted in a 1.2-fold to 7-fold increase, respectively, in open probability (P o). This potentiation of P o was due to an increase in mean open time and frequency of events. The relative effect of luminal Ca2+ was greater at low levels of cytoplasmic [Ca2+] than at high levels of cytoplasmic [Ca2+], and no effect of luminal Ca2+ was observed to occur in channels activated by 0.5–50 μM cytoplasmic Ca2+ in the absence of ATP. Our results suggest that SR Ca2+ release channels are modulated by SR intraluminal Ca2+. These alterations in properties of release channels may account for, or contribute to, the mechanism of spontaneous Ca2+ release in cardiac myocytes Received: 15 May 1996 / Received after revision: 5 June 1996 / Accepted: 8 July 1996  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on purified sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from myotonic goats, an animal model of heritable myotonia. When compared to sarcoplasmic reticulum from normal goats, fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum from the myotonic goat had (1) increased levels of calcium, (2) increased rates of calcium uptake and efflux, (3) an increased sialic acid content, and (4) an increased content of saturated fatty acids. These differences support the concept of a structural and functional defect as a basis for the abnormal contraction-relaxation characteristics of myotonia.  相似文献   

Cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function and SR levels of long-chain (LC) acylcarnitines were determined in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with insulin or D,L-carnitine. ATP-dependent calcium transport was significantly depressed in cardiac SR isolated from untreated diabetic rats compared with control rats. Diabetic rat cardiac SR levels of LC acylcarnitines were also significantly elevated. Various parameters of heart function (left ventricular developed pressure, +dP/dT, and -dP/dT), as determined on an isolated working heart apparatus, were found to be depressed in untreated diabetic rats. Cardiac SR isolated from diabetic rats treated throughout the study period with insulin or D,L-carnitine did not have elevated levels of LC acylcarnitines associated with SR membrane nor was SR calcium transport activity depressed. Heart function in the diabetic rats treated with insulin was similar to control rat hearts but heart function remained depressed in diabetic rats treated with D,L-carnitine. The data suggest that the LC acylcarnitines are involved in the observed impairment of cardiac SR function in diabetic rats. Other factors, however, must be contributing to the depression in heart function noted in these animals.  相似文献   

Association of diabetes with an elevated risk of cardiac failure has been clinically evident. Diabetes potentiates diastolic and systolic cardiac failure following the myocardial infarction that produces the cardiac muscle-specific microvascular complication, clinically termed as diabetic cardiomyopathy. Elevated susceptibility of diabetic cardiomyopathy is primarily caused by the generation of free radicals in the hyperglycemic milieu, compromising the myocardial contractility and normal cardiac functions with increasing redox insult, impaired mitochondria, damaged organelles, apoptosis, and cardiomyocytes fibrosis. Autophagy is essentially involved in the recycling/clearing the damaged organelles, cytoplasmic contents, and aggregates, which are frequently produced in cardiomyocytes. Although autophagy plays a vital role in maintaining the cellular homeostasis in diligent cardiac tissues, this process is frequently impaired in the diabetic heart. Given its clinical significance, accumulating evidence largely showed the functional aspects of autophagy in diabetic cardiomyopathy, elucidating its intricate protective and pathogenic outcomes. However, etiology and molecular readouts of these contrary autophagy activities in diabetic cardiomyopathy are not yet comprehensively assessed and translated. In this review, we attempted to assess the role of autophagy and its adaptations in the diabetic heart. To delineate the molecular consequences of these events, we provided detailed insights into the autophagy regulation pieces of machinery including the mTOR/AMPK, TFEB/ZNSCAN3, FOXOs, SIRTs, PINK1/Parkin, Nrf2, miRNAs, and others in the diabetic cardiomyopathy. Given the clinical significance of autophagy in the diabetic heart, we further discussed the potential pharmacotherapeutic strategies towards targeting autophagy. Taken together, the present report meticulously assessed autophagy, its adaptations, and molecular regulations in diabetic cardiomyopathy and reviewed the current autophagy-targeting strategies.  相似文献   

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