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Cross sectional studies were conducted in five towns in Japan before and after the introduction of the Long-term Care Insurance System (LTCIS), in order to evaluate the factors relating to depression among family caregivers for the frail elderly. Depressive caregivers were more likely to consult with their doctors, to be in poor health, to care for demented elderly with behavioral disturbances than the non-depressive caregivers both before and after the LTCIS. Before LTCIS, depressive caregivers were more likely to attend to the elderly for more than 16 hours per day than their counterparts. After the LTCIS, depressive caregivers were more likely to be a spouse, to care for a frail elderly male, and less likely to be able to go out without accompanying the elderly than their counterparts. Even after the introduction of LTCIS, half of the caregivers were depressive. It is suggested that a government agency should be created to support not only the frail elderly but also their caregivers.  相似文献   


The escalating demand for trained direct long-term care (DLTC) workers, those individuals with the most sustained direct contact with vulnerable older adults in homes and facilities, is a consequence of our rapidly aging population. Research documents the present and projected shortages of DLTC workers, and developed nations are increasingly turning to immigrant women to fulfill these workforce needs. The authors identify international trends that influence the availability of these workers. Following a broad overview of the DLTC workforce, they turn to a specific examination of immigrants working in long-term care settings in the United States. The authors raise a number of questions about this changing workforce profile. They outline four ways that institutes of higher education can help improve the DLTC workforce in the United States and suggest that colleges and universities work in partnership with policy makers and the long-term care industry to this end.  相似文献   

Randomized controlled trials are considered the most rigorous research design in efficacy and effectiveness research; however, such trials present numerous challenges that limit their applicability in real-world settings. As a consequence, pragmatic trials are increasingly viewed as a research design that overcomes some of these barriers with the potential to produce findings that are more reproducible. Although pragmatic methodology in long-term care is receiving increasing attention as an approach to improve successful dissemination and implementation, pragmatic trials present complexities of their own. To address these complexities and related issues, experts with experience conducting pragmatic trials, developing nursing home policy, participating in advocacy efforts, and providing clinical care in long-term care settings participated in a virtual consensus conference funded by the National Institute on Aging in Spring 2021. Participants identified 4 cross-cutting principles key to dissemination and implementation of pragmatic trial interventions: (1) stakeholder engagement, (2) diversity and inclusion, (3) organizational strain and readiness, and (4) learn from adaptations. Participants emphasized that implementation processes must be grounded in the perspectives of the people who will ultimately be responsible for implementing the intervention once it is proven to be effective. In addition, messaging must speak to long-term care staff and all others who have a stake in its outcomes. Although our understanding of dissemination and implementation strategies remains underdeveloped, this article is designed to guide long-term care researchers and community providers who are increasingly aware of the need for pragmatism in disseminating and implementing evidence-based care interventions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To identify resident, treatment, and facility characteristics associated with pressure ulcer (PU) development in long-term care residents. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study with convenience sampling. SETTING: Ninety-five long-term care facilities participating in the National Pressure Ulcer Long-Term Care Study throughout the United States. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 1,524 residents aged 18 and older, with length of stay of 14 days or longer, who did not have an existing PU but were at risk of developing a PU, as defined by a Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk score of 17 or less, on study entry. MEASUREMENTS: Data collected for each resident over a 12-week period included resident characteristics (e.g., demographics, medical history, severity of illness using the Comprehensive Severity Index, Braden Scale scores, nutritional factors), treatment characteristics (nutritional interventions, pressure management strategies, incontinence treatments, medications), staffing ratios and other facility characteristics, and outcome (PU development during study period). Data were obtained from medical records, Minimum Data Set, and other written records (e.g., physician orders, medication logs). RESULTS: Seventy-one percent of subjects (n=1,081) did not develop a PU during the 12-week study period; the remaining 29% of residents (n=443) developed a new PU. Resident, treatment, and facility characteristics associated with greater likelihood of developing a Stage I to IV PU included higher initial severity of illness, history of recent PU, significant weight loss, oral eating problems, use of catheters, and use of positioning devices. Characteristics associated with decreased likelihood of developing a Stage I to IV PU included new resident, nutritional intervention (e.g., use of oral medical nutritional supplements and tube feeding for >21 days), antidepressant use, use of disposable briefs for more than 14 days, registered nurse hours of 0.25 hours per resident per day or more, nurses' aide hours of 2 hours per resident per day or more, and licensed practical nurse turnover rate of less than 25%. When Stage I PUs were excluded from the analyses, the same variables were significant, with the addition of fluid orders associated with decreased likelihood of developing a PU. CONCLUSION: A broad range of factors, including nutritional interventions, fluid orders, medications, and staffing patterns, are associated with prevention of PUs in long-term care residents. Research-based PU prevention protocols need to be developed that include these factors and target interventions for reducing risk factors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To identify resident, wound, and treatment characteristics associated with pressure ulcer (PrU) healing in long-term care residents. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study with convenience sampling. SETTING: Ninety-five long-term care facilities participating in the National Pressure Ulcer Long-Term Care Study throughout the United States. PARTICIPANTS: Eight hundred eighty-two residents, aged 18 and older, with length of stay of 14 days or longer, who had at least one Stage II to IV PrU. MEASUREMENTS: Data collected for each resident over a 12-week period included resident characteristics, treatment characteristics, and change in PrU area. Data were obtained from medical records, Minimum Data Set, and other records. RESULTS: Two multiple regression models, one for each stage grouping (Stage II, Stage III and IV), were completed. The area of Stage II PrU was reduced more with moist (F=21.91, P<.001) than with dry (F=13.41, P<.001) dressings. PrUs cleaned with saline or soap showed less decrease in area (F=12.34, P<.001) than PrUs cleaned with other cleansers such as antiseptic, antibiotic, or commercial cleansers. Change in area of Stage III and IV PrUs was related to sufficient enteral feeding (F=5.23, P=.02), enteral feeding without higher acuity levels (F=3.94, P=.048), size of PrU (very large (F=120.89, P=.001) and large (F=27.82, P=.001)), and type of dressing (moist (F=14.70, P<.001) and dry (F=5.88, P=.02)). Stage III and IV PrUs increased in area when debrided (F=5.97, P=.02). The overall models were significant (Stage III and IV, F=20.30, coefficient of determination (R2)=0.06, P<.001; Stage II, F=40.28, R2=0.13, P<.001) but explained little of the variation in change in PrU area. CONCLUSION: In this sample of nursing facility residents, use of moist dressings (Stage II, Stage III and IV) and adequate nutritional support (Stage III and IV) are strong predictors of PrU healing.  相似文献   

Myanmar is one of the poorest and least healthy countries in Southeast Asia. As elsewhere in the region, population aging is occurring. Yet the government welfare and health systems have done little to address the long-term care (LTC) needs of the increasing number of older persons thus leaving families to cope on their own. Our study, based on the 2012 Myanmar Aging Survey, documents the LTC needs of persons aged 60 and older and how they are met within the context of the family. Nearly 40% of persons in their early 60s and 90% of those 80 and older reported at least one physical difficulty. Spouses and children constitute the mainstay of the financial and instrumental support of elderly including those with LTC needs. Nearly two-thirds of older persons reported receiving assistance with daily living activities. More than three quarters coreside with children, a living arrangement that in turn is strongly associated with receiving regular assistance in daily living. Daughters represent almost half and spouses, primarily wives, one-fourth of primary caregivers. Unmet need for care as well as inadequate care decline almost linearly with increased household wealth. Thus elderly in the poorest households are most likely to experience gaps in LTC. Given mounting concerns regarding health disparities among Myanmar’s population, this pattern of inequality clearly needs to be recognized and addressed. This needs attention now rather than later given that reduced family size and increased migration pose additional challenges for family caregiving of frail elderly in the coming decades.  相似文献   

Objectives: Depression rates are substantially higher among older adults in long-term care when compared with older adults in the community. Furthermore, the needs of older adults in long-term care are increasingly complex, and risk factors that contribute to depression in this population are unclear. This limits not only the identification of those at risk for depression but also the development of therapeutic interventions. This review summarizes the evidence on risk factors for depression.

Methods: Searches were performed using CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Ovid Medline, PsycINFO and Scopus for research published 1980–2017. Data were reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement.

Results: Eleven studies met the inclusion criteria, representing a total of 11,703 participants, with a mean sample size of 1,064. The most consistently supported risk factor was cognitive impairment, followed by functional impairment and baseline depression score.

Conclusions: The studies lacked a systematic approach to investigating risk factors for depression, and the research remains largely atheoretical. Few risk factors were consistently studied, with over 20 risk factors examined no more than once each. Psychological and environmental risk factors, which may be modifiable and have the potential to inform therapeutic interventions and preventative strategies, remain under-studied.

Clinical Implications: The most consistently supported risk factors—cognitive impairment, functional disability and baseline depression score—have the potential to inform screening protocols and should be monitored longitudinally. When developing psychotherapeutic interventions, close consideration should be given to cognitive and functional impairment as barriers to implementation and uptake.  相似文献   

Residents in long-term care report high rates of emotional loneliness. The following pilot study examined an intervention to address these feelings. A sample of eight residents used videoconferencing (Skype) to communicate with very close family/friends one or more times each week for two months. Wilcoxon matched pairs tests suggested that the intervention was not associated with significant changes in affective well-being. However, desirable changes in various aspects of social support were evident and should be explored in future research that includes a larger sample size. The logistics of implementing this videoconferencing study were extensive and increasing the sample size would necessitate changes in research methods. Most notably, choice of the hardware as well as the availability of assistance to operate the hardware and software are aspects that need to be altered. Specific recommendations are made to facilitate future research and practice.  相似文献   

There are surprising paralles between aged care developments in Japan and Australia This paper outlines the Japanese system and contrasts it with the situation in Australia. It also describes recent reforms and current policy issues in Japanese aged care.  相似文献   

Approximately two‐thirds of the world's older adults live in developing nations. By 2050, as many as 80% of such older people will live in low‐ and middle‐income countries. In sub‐Saharan Africa alone, the number of individuals aged 60 and older is projected to reach 163 million. Despite this demographic wave, the majority of Africa has limited access to qualified geriatric health care.3 Although foreign aid and capacity‐building efforts can help to close this gap over time, it is likely that failure to understand the unique context of Africa's older adults, many of whom are marginalized, will lead to inadequacies in service delivery and poor health outcomes.4 As the need for culturally competent care of older adults gains recognition in the developed world, research in geriatric care in developing countries should progress in tandem.4 By examining the multidimensional challenges that an older woman with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in rural Uganda faces, this article makes contextualized policy recommendations for older adults in Africa and provides lessons for the developing world.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a growing interest in psychological problems in people with diabetes and a concomitant increasing concern that these often go unreported and, thus, unidentified and treated. This has serious implications for both the self-management of diabetes and the individual’s quality of life. In this review article we consider the question of screening for depression in people with diabetes within a national health service in the UK. The inadequacies of psychological care for patients with diabetes are discussed, in particular with regard to the importance of distinguishing between depressive symptoms and emotional distress related to having diabetes. Criteria for assessing the validity of screening for depression are discussed, together with national and international recommendations, with particular emphasis on current practice. The screening strategy currently recommended for implementation in primary care in the UK is outlined. The need for rigorous evaluation of screening initiatives is highlighted and a key conclusion is that case-finding alone is unlikely to be effective in terms of improving patient outcomes unless considered and applied in the context of overall case management. This review highlights the barriers and challenges to optimizing care for patients with co-morbid diabetes and depression, and outlines the therapies currently available in the UK, which might be disseminated in other countries.  相似文献   

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