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Because there has been relatively little communication and cross-fertilization between the two major lines of research on adult attachment, one based on coded narrative assessments of defensive processes, the other on simple self-reports of 'attachment style' in close relationships, we here explain and review recent work based on a combination of self-report and other kinds of method, including behavioral observations and unconscious priming techniques. The review indicates that considerable progress has been made in testing central hypotheses derived from attachment theory and in exploring unconscious, psychodynamic processes related to affect-regulation and attachment-system activation. The combination of self-report assessment of attachment style and experimental manipulation of other theoretically pertinent variables allows researchers to test causal hypotheses. We present a model of normative and individual-difference processes related to attachment and identify areas in which further research is needed and likely to be successful. One long-range goal is to create a more complete theory of personality built on attachment theory and other object relations theories.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生成人依恋和人格特点之间的关系。方法:采用成人依恋量表(AAS)和人格形容词检测表(PACL)对392名大学生进行调查。采用典型相关分析、聚类分析、方差分析等对数据进行分析。结果:对成人依恋维度和PACL的二阶人格因子进行典型相关分析,共得到3个典型变式。对不同成人依恋类型的大学生人格特点进行方差分析发现,不同依恋类型的个体在内向的、抑制的、合作的、社会化的、敏感的以及实验量表这几个人格分量表上都存在显著差异。结论:大学生的成人依恋与人格特点之间存在着显著的对应关系。  相似文献   

Mental representations and attachment in a sample of adults with Borderline Personality Disorder were assessed using the George, Kaplan and Main (1985) Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Eighty subjects participated in the study: 40 nonclinical and 40 with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The results obtained showed a specific distribution of attachment patterns in the clinical sample: free/autonomous subjects (F) represented only 7%, dismissing classifications (Ds) reached about 20%, entangled/preoccupied (E) 23% and unresolved with traumatic experiences (U) 50%. The two samples differed in their attachment patterns distribution by two (secure vs. insecure status), three (F, Ds and E) and four-way (F, Ds, E and U) categories comparisons. In order to identify more specific protective or risk factors of BPD, 25 one-way ANOVAs with clinical status as variable (clinical vs. nonclinical) were conducted on each scale of the coding system of the interview. Results support the hypothesis that some developmental relational experiences seem to constitute pivotal risk factors underlying this disorder. Results demonstrated potential benefits in using AAI scales in addition to the traditional categories. Implications for research and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

神经症患者的防御机制与个性特质及症状表现的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨神经症患者的防御机制特点与症状及个性间的关系。方法使用防御方式问卷(DSQ)、艾森克人格测定(EPQ)和90项症状自评量表(SCL-90),对43例神经症患者和33倒正常对照者进行评估,比较两组间DSQ评分的差异,分析神经症患者DSQ评分与SCL-90和EQP评分间的相关性。结果神经症患者DSQ因子1分显著高于正常对照者.其中投射、被动攻击、潜意显现、退缩机制、幻想、躯体化分显著增高;DSQ因子2分显著低正常对照组,其中压抑和幽默分显著减低。相关分析显示DSQ因子1分与SCL-90各因子分呈正相关,与EPQ神经质因子分显著正相关,而与精神质因子分显著负相关;DSQ因子2分与EPQ精神质呈负相关。结论神经症患者较多地采用不成熟的防御机制,这种不成熟防御机制可能与患者的某种个性特质和精神症状表现有关。  相似文献   

初中生与其母亲依恋类型的一致性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
英国精神病学家J.Bowlby于 196 9年最早提出了依恋这一概念 ,他认为依恋指的是抚养者 (主要是母亲 )与孩子之间一种特殊的情感上的联结。在这基础上 ,Main 1985年提出了成人依恋这一概念 ,所谓成人依恋指的是成人当前对早年与父母依恋经历的心理表征。并在“陌生人情境”程序的基础上设计出了“成人依恋访谈 (AAI)”这一成人依恋测量工具。AAI方法的使用 ,使得人们能够在父母依恋模式与子女依恋模式的联系、父母依恋模式与子女行为问题、依恋模式与心理健康等方面进行广泛且深入的研究。根据依恋研究者的假设 ,依恋现象应该存在着代际传…  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生人格障碍症状水平与早期亲子依恋之间的关系。方法:随机整群抽取320名大学生被试,采用人格障碍诊断问卷第四版(PDQ-4 )和中文版依恋问卷(AAQ3.1)作为测量工具。结果:大学生在人格障碍诊断问卷某些分量表(如:反社会型、分裂样型、被动攻击型、抑郁型)上的得分与依恋问卷某些因子(如:母爱缺失、父爱缺失)得分之间存在显著相关。人格障碍筛查阳性组在依恋问卷的母爱缺失、父爱缺失等因子上得分显著高于阴性组。结论:不良的早期亲子依恋关系可能是人格障碍形成的因素之一。  相似文献   

人格障碍倾向与依恋的关系   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
目的:初步考察人格障碍倾向与依恋的关系。方法:用成人依恋问卷(AAQ3.1)、关系问卷(RQ)、亲密关系经历量表(ECR)、人格障碍筛查问卷(PDQ 4)测量成年早期学生390名。结果:依恋各因子与人格障碍显著相关,相关系数在-0.359~0.555之间;回归分析显示,依恋对人格障碍有显著的预测作用,三个依恋量表所测量的依恋因子共解释人格障碍总变异的46.3%。结论:人格障碍与依恋显著相关,不良依恋经验对人格障碍症状有显著预测作用。  相似文献   

婚恋依恋研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来依恋研究已由亲子依恋、依恋表征拓展到婚恋依恋.婚恋依恋是成人与情侣间的依恋情感联结。该文介绍了婚恋依恋提出的背景和主要观点、婚恋依恋类型及测量方法、有关婚恋依恋的主要研究成果、最后探讨了婚恋依恋领域有待深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the development of and our preliminary work to empirically validate the Adult Attachment Projective (AAP), a new adult attachment classification system that is based on the analysis of individuals' responses to a set of seven attachment-related drawings. The AAP classification system uses evaluations of three dimensions (Discourse, Content and Defensive Processing) to designate four major adult classification groups: Secure, Dismissing, Preoccupied, and Unresolved. Preliminary validation of the AAP is based on 75 participants drawn from three separate samples. The results indicate strong interjudge reliability and convergent agreement between the AAP and Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) classifications. The AAP,thus, appears to be a promising developmental measure for assessing the representation of attachment in adults. Contributions of the AAP to attachment theory and research are discussed. The similarities and differences between AAP stories and other child and adult representational measures are also discussed.  相似文献   


Attachment theory is well-recognised for understanding and treating adult love relationships. Neuroscientific research highlights the implicit process of attachment and the unconscious, nonverbal, bodily-based, and affect-regulating interactions of the right brain hemispheres in attachment development. Effective couple therapy ought to consider the implicit processes between infants and caregivers as a model to develop secure attachment in romantic partners, which makes dance/movement therapy (D/MT) a valuable treatment modality. Mirroring is a staple D/MT intervention that involves imitation of a client’s movement by the therapist to enhance attunement and empathy. In this paper, the author explores the overlap between attachment theory, neuroscience, dance/movement therapy, and couple therapy. A theoretical model is proposed for the use of mirroring with couples to foster secure attachment by means of attunement on a bodily-based level. Future research is suggested in order to measure the effectiveness of mirroring on couples’ attachment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the intergenerational transmission of attachment, utilizing the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI), the Strange Situation Procedure (SSP), and the Maternal Behavioral Q-Set (MBQS). We revisited fundamental questions in attachment theory and research by examining: (1) the level of intergenerational agreement between maternal attachment representations and infant attachment security, and (2) whether maternal sensitivity serves as an intergenerational mediator between adult and infant attachment security. Significant categorical matches between the AAI and the SSP as well as mean differences for MBQS scores between adult attachment secure-insecure groups were found. Consistent with earlier intergenerational research, maternal sensitivity only partially mediated the AAI-SSP link, indicating the transmission gap remains. Consistent with recent mediation studies, using more contemporary analytical techniques, it was confirmed that maternal sensitivity did mediate the direct pathway between AAI security and SSP security. Thus, the transmission gap appears somewhat different depending on the statistical method used to measure mediation. Post hoc analyses considered mothers’ childhood experiences of separation/divorce and this helped make sense of intergenerational mismatches.  相似文献   

Although the supervisory relationship is thought to be critical in training clinical psychologists, little is known about factors affecting the supervisory alliance. We conducted an Internet survey of British clinical doctoral trainees (N = 259) in which participants rated their supervisory working alliance, parental style during childhood, pathological adult attachment behaviours and attachment style for themselves and their supervisors. Trainees' ratings of the working alliance were associated with perceptions of supervisors' attachment style, but not with perceptions of trainees' own attachment styles. Path analysis supported a causal chain linking parental indifference, compulsive self‐reliance, insecure supervisor attachment style and lower ratings of the working alliance. Our results broadly replicate data from a US sample and suggest that attachment theory is helpful in understanding clinical supervisory processes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Key Practitioner Message: ? The attachment theory is helpful in understanding clinical supervisory processes. ? Perceptions of supervisors' attachment style are associated with quality of the supervisory working alliance. ? Compulsive self‐reliance in trainees may present particular difficulties for the supervisory working alliance.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生的成人依恋与人际交往效能感的关系。方法:采用亲密关系经历量表(ECR)和人际交往效能感量表对280名大学生进行测试。结果:1大学生依恋类型分布不均衡,其中比例最高的是恐惧型(44.6%),其次是冷漠型(26.1%),安全型(15%)和专注型(14.3%)比例较低;2城镇学生的依恋回避分数显著低于农村学生(t=-2.304,P0.05),独生子女的依恋回避分数显著低于非独生子女(t=-3.492,P0.01);城镇学生的人际交往效能感显著高于农村学生(t=2.408,P0.05),独生子女的人际交往效能感显著高于非独生子女(t=2.393,P0.01);3依恋回避与亲合效能、自我印象效能、利他效能、沟通效能、自我价值感、情绪控制效能负相关(r=-0.251,-0.326,-0.160,-0.381,-0.229,-0.214;P0.01),依恋焦虑与自我印象效能、自我价值感效能和情绪控制效能负相关(r=-0.279,-0.249,-0.347,P0.01),与亲合效能、利他效能和沟通效能不相关(r=-0.103,-0.076,-0.078;P0.05);4不同依恋类型的大学生人际交往效能感存在显著差异(F=15.431,P0.01),其中安全型高于恐惧型、专注型和冷漠型,冷漠型高于恐惧型(P0.01);5依恋焦虑和依恋回避能够预测人际交往效能感(R2=0.221,P0.001)。结论:成人依恋影响大学生的人际交往效能感。  相似文献   

目的 考察大学生的抑郁情绪与成人依恋的关系.方法 采用流调中心用抑郁量表和成人依恋量表,对河南某高校随机抽取的288名大一至大四的学生进行了调查.结果 ①大学生的抑郁情绪在性别与年级的交互作用上差异显著.②大学生成人依恋的不同类型对其抑郁情绪有影响,其中,拒绝型和恐惧型的大学生在抑郁情绪上有显著差异.结论 成人依恋的类型对大学生的抑郁情绪有显著影响.  相似文献   

目的探讨大学生的自尊在其成人依恋和人际信任关系中的调节作用。方法采用大学生成人依恋、自尊与人际信任问卷对1048名大学生进行调查,使用SPSS 13.0进行数据分析。结果①大学生成人依恋中的依恋回避与人际信任呈正相关(r=0.126,P〈0.01),与自尊呈正相关(r=0.192,P〈0.01);大学生成人依恋中的依恋焦虑与人际信任呈正相关(r=0.168,P〈0.01),与自尊呈正相关(r=0.230,P〈0.01);②依恋焦虑*自尊对人际信任的回归效果(F=41.747,P〈0.01)达到了显著水平,依恋焦虑*自尊对人际信任有显著的预测作用。结论自尊在大学生的成人依恋和人际信任间具有调节作用。  相似文献   

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