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The influence of early relational experience on later social understanding has evoked rich theoretical discussion but relatively little empirical inquiry. Enlisting data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, measures of the security of attachment in infancy, toddlerhood, and early childhood, together with measures of parenting quality (maternal sensitivity and depressive symptoms) gathered longitudinally throughout infancy and early childhood, were used to predict differences in children's thoughts and feelings about peers (i.e., social problem solving, negative attributional biases, aggressive solutions to ambiguous social situations, and self-reported loneliness) when children were 54 months and in first grade. Relational experiences, especially before 36 months, were significantly predictive of later peer-related representations. Attachment security at 24 and 36 months was associated with enhanced social problem-solving skills and less loneliness, but security of attachment at 15 months was nonpredictive. Early maternal sensitivity was positively associated with later social problem-solving and negatively with aggressive responses, and early maternal depressive symptoms were positively associated with children's negative attributions. Concurrent parenting quality was also associated with children's thoughts and feelings about peers, but less consistently. These findings shed new light on how early relational experiences may contribute to social information processing with peers at the end of the preschool years, and that the timing of relational influences may be crucial.  相似文献   

Study ObjectivesTo examine associations of social isolation and loneliness with sleep in older adults and whether associations differ for survey and actigraph sleep measures.MethodsThis study used data from the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project (NSHAP), a nationally representative study of community-dwelling older adults born 1920–1947. A random one-third of participants in 2010–2011 were invited to participate in a sleep study (N = 759) that included survey questions, 72 hours of wrist actigraphy, and a sleep log. Perceived loneliness was measured using three questions from the UCLA Loneliness Scale. An index of social isolation was constructed from nine items that queried social network characteristics and social interactions. We used ordinary least squares and ordinal logistic regression to examine whether sleep measures were associated with loneliness and social isolation adjusted for potential sociodemographic confounders.ResultsSocial isolation and loneliness had a low correlation (Spearman’s correlation = 0.20). Both loneliness and social isolation were associated with actigraphy measures of more disrupted sleep: wake after sleep onset and percent sleep. Neither was associated with actigraph total sleep time. Increased loneliness was strongly associated with more insomnia symptoms and with shorter sleep duration assessed by a single question, but social isolation was not. More isolated individuals spent a longer time in bed.ConclusionsWe found that both loneliness and social isolation were associated with worse actigraph sleep quality, but their associations with self-reported sleep differed. Only loneliness was associated with worse and shorter self-reported sleep.  相似文献   

Introduction: Cognitive and functional compromise, as frequently observed in Alzheimer's disease (AD), hinders communication and social interactions. One consequence of this hindrance may be a feeling of loneliness. Moreover, emptiness and boredom, as observed in social isolation and loneliness, may thus be compensated for by creating imagined stimuli. Conditions of loneliness may be viewed as potentially generating hallucinatory experiences. To assess this assumption, the present study explored the relationship between social isolation, loneliness, and hallucinations in a sample of 22 mild AD participants and 24 elderly, healthy controls. Methods: Participants were assessed using the Launay–Slade Hallucination Scale, the UCLA Loneliness Scale, and a scale exploring contact with others and social participation. Results: More hallucinatory experiences, social isolation, and loneliness were found in the AD group than in the healthy control group. Moreover, significant correlations were observed between hallucinations and loneliness and between hallucinations and social isolation in both groups. Finally, hallucinations were predicted by social isolation. Discussion: Hallucinations may constitute a compensatory mechanism that aims to fulfil communication needs in lonely, elderly participants. Hallucinations may also be regarded as experiences that allow certain participants to escape the cycle of boredom, emptiness, and affective deprivation caused by social isolation.  相似文献   

Purpose: Recent reports indicate that prenatal levels of the neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) are inversely related to depressive symptomatology and positively associated with more optimal interactive behaviors in mothers with high levels of cumulative psychosocial adversity (CPA). In the present pilot study, we aimed to identify factors associated with high versus low levels of OT in pregnant women with high levels of CPA. We hypothesized that insecurely attached women, and those who recently experienced stressful life events (SLE), would have lower levels of prenatal OT. Methods: Thirty pregnant women with mood and anxiety disorders and high levels of CPA were recruited from the perinatal mental health service of a general hospital. Participants completed self-report measures of psychosocial stress and adult attachment style, and blood was then drawn to assess OT. Results and conclusions: Lower OT levels were found among those who were insecurely attached, and among those who experienced SLE within the last year. In a multiple linear regression, both attachment security and SLE significantly contributed to a model of prenatal OT levels. These individual difference factors explained 38% of the variance in prenatal OT, which may in turn predict poorer maternal mental health and caregiving outcomes during the postpartum period.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine associations between observations of the quality of family relationships and problem-solving skills and reported adherence to medical treatments for older children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis (CF). METHODS: Reports of adherence were obtained from 96 youth with CF and their parents recruited from six CF centers in the Midwest and southeastern United States. Videotaped observations of family discussions of high conflict issues were used to assess quality of relationships and problem-solving skills. RESULTS: Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that observed family relationship quality (RQ) was related to parent and child reports of adherence to airway clearance and aerosolized medications after controlling for demographic variables and illness severity. Observed family problem solving was not a significant predictor after controlling for RQ. CONCLUSIONS: Older children and adolescents who come from families experiencing unhappy and conflicted relationships may be at greater risk for poor adherence to treatments; thus, family relationships are appropriate targets for interventions aimed at improving adherence.  相似文献   

Both the attachment system and sleep are considered to be important biopsychosocial regulators of development and of adaptive functioning in children, and there is a substantial literature suggesting that the two systems may be mutually influencing. To date, however, the bulk of research attempting to link these systems has focused on infancy and the results of empirical studies are mixed. Thirty-nine preschool children participated in this study (valid sleep data for 34 cases). Attachment representations were assessed using the Attachment Story Completion Task (ASCT) and sleep was assessed using objective (i.e., actigraphy) measures. Analyses revealed that the coherence of child narratives and security scored from the ASCT were related to sleep quality indices (e.g., Sleep Activity, Wake Minutes after Sleep Onset, Sleep Efficiency). Additional analyses examined external correlates of attachment representations and tested possible interactions of attachment and sleep. No significant mediated interactions across attachment and sleep domains were found. Although the direction of effects cannot be determined, the results suggest that parent–child relationship and sleep organization are intertwined for preschool age children and the joint effects of these biopsychosocial regulators should be studied further.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the potential mediating role of self‐esteem and affect balance on the relationship between social support and loneliness. Respondents were 426 substabce use disorders from the Shifosi and Dalianshan rehab facilities in China who had completed the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale, Positive and Negative Affect Scales, and UCLA Loneliness Scale. The results indicated that self‐esteem and affect balance fully mediated the relationship between perceived social support and loneliness and all the paths, ranging from social support through self‐esteem and affect balance to loneliness, were significant. Finally, we analyzed possible approaches to decreasing individuals with substance use disorders' loneliness.  相似文献   



A 3-month videoconference interaction program with family members has been shown to decrease depression and loneliness in nursing home residents. However, little is known about the long-term effects on residents’ depressive symptoms, social support, and loneliness.


The purpose of this longitudinal quasi-experimental study was to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of a videoconference intervention in improving nursing home residents’ social support, loneliness, and depressive status over 1 year.


We purposively sampled 16 nursing homes in various areas of Taiwan. Elderly residents (N = 90) of these nursing homes meeting our inclusion criteria were divided into an experimental (n = 40) and a comparison (n = 50) group. The experimental group received at least 5 minutes/week for 3 months of videoconference interaction with their family members in addition to usual family visits, and the comparison group received regular family visits only. Data were collected in face-to face interviews on social support, loneliness, and depressive status using the Social Support Behaviors Scale, University of California Los Angeles Loneliness Scale, and Geriatric Depression Scale, respectively, at four times (baseline, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after baseline). Data were analyzed using the generalized estimating equation approach.


After the videoconferencing program, participants in the experimental group had significantly lower mean change in instrumental social support scores at 6 months (–0.42, P = .03) and 12 months (–0.41, P = .03), and higher mean change in emotional social support at 3 (0.74, P < .001) and 12 months (0.61, P = .02), and in appraisal support at 3 months (0.74, P = .001) after adjusting for confounding variables. Participants in the experimental group also had significantly lower mean loneliness and depressive status scores at 3 months (–5.40, P < .001; –2.64, P < .001, respectively), 6 months (–6.47, P < .001; –4.33, P < .001), and 12 months (–6.27, P = .001; –4.40, P < .001) compared with baseline than those in the comparison group.


Our videoconference program had a long-term effect in alleviating depressive symptoms and loneliness for elderly residents in nursing homes. This intervention also improved long-term emotional social support and short-term appraisal support, and decreased residents’ instrumental social support. However, this intervention had no effect on informational social support.  相似文献   

This study examined relationships among maternal reflective functioning, parenting, infant attachment, and demographic risk in a relatively large (N = 83) socioeconomically diverse sample of women with and without a history of childhood maltreatment and their infants. Most prior research on parental reflective functioning has utilized small homogenous samples. Reflective functioning was assessed with the Parent Development Interview, parenting was coded from videotaped mother–child interactions, and infant attachment was evaluated in Ainsworth’s Strange Situation by independent teams of reliable coders masked to maternal history. Reflective functioning was associated with parenting sensitivity and secure attachment, and inversely associated with demographic risk and parenting negativity; however, it was not associated with maternal maltreatment history or PTSD. Parenting sensitivity mediated the relationship between reflective functioning and infant attachment, controlling for demographic risk. Findings are discussed in the context of prior research on reflective functioning and the importance of targeting reflective functioning in interventions.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that sleep quality may interact with some other predictors of depression, such that poor sleep could strengthen the association between these factors and depression. We aimed to determine the presence of statistical interactions between sleep quality and loneliness, risky alcohol use, perfectionistic concerns and/or physical inactivity in relation to depressive symptoms. Further, we aimed to describe the functional form of the statistical interactions and associations. We used a cross-sectional design and included 4262 Swedish university students. All measures were self-reported, sleep quality was measured with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and depressive symptoms with the short-form Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. Regression models of increasing complexity (linear and non-linear, with and without interactions) were compared to determine the presence of associations and statistical interactions, and to explore the best functional form for these associations and interactions. Out-of-sample R2 from repeated cross-validation was used to select the final models. We found that sleep quality was associated with depressive symptoms in all final models. Sleep quality showed a linear interaction with perfectionistic concerns in relation to depressive symptoms, such that perfectionistic concerns were more strongly associated with depressive symptoms when sleep quality was poor. Loneliness, risky alcohol use and physical inactivity were non-linearly associated with depressive symptoms but did not interact with sleep quality. We concluded that out of the four examined variables, only perfectionistic concerns interacted with sleep quality in relation to depressive symptoms. This interaction was weak and explained little of the overall variance in depressive symptoms.  相似文献   


A diverse sample of 239 primarily low-income couples participated in a random controlled trial of the Supporting Father Involvement couples group intervention. In this report, we examined the value of adding measures of fathers’ attachment style and parenting to mothers’ measures in order to explain variations in children’s behavior problems. We also tested the hypothesis that the link between intervention-induced reductions in couple conflict and reductions in anxious/harsh parenting can be explained by intervention effects on parents’ attachment insecurity or on anxiety and depression. Fathers’ attachment security and parenting behavior added significantly to mothers’ in accounting for children’s internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors. Fathers’ anxious attachment style and anxiety/depression mediated the link between post-intervention reductions in parental conflict and anxious/harsh parenting. For mothers, only improvements in attachment security accounted for those links. The findings support the need for attachment researchers to consider the contributions of both parents to their children’s development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine psychosocial correlates of adjustment to HIV/AIDS in a sample of 137 HIV-positive persons (78 men and 59 women). Multiple regression analysis was used to examine relationships between perceived quality of general social support, three attachment styles, and three coping styles with total score on Positive States of Mind Scale (PSOMS), our measure of adjustment. The influence of demographic and medical status variables was also accounted for. PSOMS total score was significantly associated with greater satisfaction with social support related to HIV/AIDS, more secure attachment style, and less use of behavioral disengagement in coping with HIV/AIDS. These results indicate that for people with HIV or AIDS, those individuals who are more satisfied with their relationships, securely engaged with others, and more directly engaged with their illness are more likely to experience positive adjustment. Implications for physical health outcome and opportunities for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

In a sample of eighty-five 15-month-old infants, salivary cortisol was obtained prior to and following a potentially stressful episode in which the child was confronted with a stranger and with a frightening robot. Infant characteristics such as anger proneness, cognitive competence, and attachment security were expected to be related to cortisol reactivity during the stressful event. The results showed higher cortisol reactivity in more anger-prone infants and in infants with higher levels of cognitive development as assessed with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (N. Bayley, 1969). Attachment security, assessed with the Attachment Q-Set (AQS; E. Waters, 1995), was found to moderate the relation between cognitive level and cortisol reactivity; the positive relation between cognitive development and cortisol response was found in only infants with low AQS security scores. The findings may have important implications for research in the development of self-regulation in humans as well as in studies with animals.  相似文献   

目的:考察自我隐瞒、自我表露、应对方式及社会支持等因素对大学生孤独感的影响。方法:采用UCLA孤独量表、自我隐瞒量表、自我表露指数量表、简易应对方式量表及领悟社会支持量表等测量工具对482名大学生的孤独感及其影响因素进行评定,并通过路径分析考察变量间的关系。结果:大学生的孤独感水平并不高(36.5±7.4),男生的孤独感得分高于女生(37.4±7.5/35.4±7.3,F=8.25,P<0.01),年级差异不显著(P>0.05)。回归分析显示,自我隐瞒、积极应对、消极应对和社会支持能有效预测孤独感(β=0.207、-0.218、0.157、-0.380),可解释总变异的37.3%。中介效应检验表明,自我隐瞒既直接影响孤独感,又通过消极应对和社会支持间接影响孤独感,自我表露仅通过积极应对和社会支持间接影响孤独感。结论:自我隐瞒、自我表露、应对方式和社会支持是影响孤独感的重要因素,对大学生孤独感的干预可以从这些方面入手。  相似文献   


Between 10% and 15% of couples in western society are affected by infertility. As a major source of psychological distress, infertility may be accompanied by a substantial decline in well-being, and mental symptoms including those of depression and anxiety. This study aimed to quantify impairments in life satisfaction in infertile couples and to identify psychosocial variables moderating these impairments. For this purpose, 228 infertile couples completed the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (LSQ), Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ), Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), Partnership Questionnaire (PQ), Social Support Questionnaire, (SSQ) and Questionnaire on the Desire to Have a Child (QDC). Our sample scored below the norm of the general population on the LSQ sum score and various subscales, including those assessing social relationships, health, sexuality, leisure activities, and self-evaluation. Correlation and regression analysis revealed an inverse association of life satisfaction (LSQ) with stress (PSQ), negative affect (PANAS), and worry (PSWQ), and positive associations with positive affect (PANAS), partnership quality (PQ), social support (SSQ), and the strength of the desire to have a child (QDC). These findings support the notion of markedly reduced satisfaction with numerous life areas in the context of infertility. Psychosocial factors such as increased stress related to infertility treatment, affective impairments, partnership problems, lack of social support or social exclusion may contribute to this reduction. Psychological interventions aimed at controlling stress, strengthening partnerships, and improving social inclusion may be helpful in reducing the burden of infertility and improving the life satisfaction of affected couples.  相似文献   

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