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Sensorineural hearing loss, characterized by damage to sensory hair cells and/or associated nerve fibers is a leading cause of hearing disorders throughout the world. To date, treatment options are limited and there is no cure for damaged inner ear cells. Because the inner ear is a tiny organ housed in bone deep within the skull, access to the inner ear is limited, making delivery of therapeutic agents difficult. In recent years scientists have investigated a number of growth factors that have the potential to regulate survival or recovery of auditory neurons. Coinciding with the focus on molecules that may restore function are efforts to develop novel delivery methods. Researchers have been investigating the use of mini osmotic pumps, viral vectors and stem cells as a means of providing direct application of growth factors to the inner ear. This review summarizes recent findings regarding the molecules that may be useful for restoring damaged spiral ganglion neurons, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various delivery systems.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by a progressive degeneration of selective neural populations. This selective hallmark pathology and the lack of effective treatment modalities make these diseases appropriate candidates for cell therapy. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are self-renewing precursors that reside in the bone marrow and may further be exploited for autologous transplantation. Autologous transplantation of MSCs entirely circumvents the problem of immune rejection, does not cause the formation of teratomas, and raises very few ethical or political concerns. More than a few studies showed that transplantation of MSCs resulted in clinical improvement. However, the exact mechanisms responsible for the beneficial outcome have yet to be defined. Possible rationalizations include cell replacement, trophic factors delivery, and immunomodulation. Cell replacement theory is based on the idea that replacement of degenerated neural cells with alternative functioning cells induces long-lasting clinical improvement. It is reasoned that the transplanted cells survive, integrate into the endogenous neural network, and lead to functional improvement. Trophic factor delivery presents a more practical short-term approach. According to this approach, MSC effectiveness may be credited to the production of neurotrophic factors that support neuronal cell survival, induce endogenous cell proliferation, and promote nerve fiber regeneration at sites of injury. The third potential mechanism of action is supported by the recent reports claiming that neuroinflammatory mechanisms play an important role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. Thus, inhibiting chronic inflammatory stress might explain the beneficial effects induced by MSC transplantation. Here, we assemble evidence that supports each theory and review the latest studies that have placed MSC transplantation into the spotlight of biomedical research.  相似文献   

Human adult skeletal stem cells, a.k.a. mesenchymal stem cells or marrow stromal cells (MSCs), have been identified as precursors of several different mesenchymal cellular lineages, including osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myoblasts, adipocytes, and fibroblasts, as well as non-mesenchymal lineages including neurons and glial cells. Adult stem cell transplantation is a promising strategy for the treatment of stroke. MSCs are also used as a platform for gene therapies and therapeutic agents. In this review, we discuss recent progress of human skeletal stem cell biology, in vitro differentiation of MSCs into neural stem cells and neurons, MSC therapy for stroke, MSC aging and the challenge of autologous cell therapy for stroke in elderly patients.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme is a primary malignancy of the central nervous system that is universally fatal due to its disseminated nature. Recent investigations have focused on the unique tumor-tropic properties of stem cells as a novel platform for targeted delivery of anticancer agents to the brain. Neural stem cells (NSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) both have the potential to function as cell carriers for targeted delivery of a glioma restricted oncolytic virus to disseminated tumor due to their reported tumor tropism. In this study, we evaluated NSCs and MSCs as cellular delivery vehicles for an oncolytic adenovirus in the context of human glioma. We report the first preclinical comparison of the two cell lines and show that, while both stem cell lines are able to support therapeutic adenoviral replication intracellularly, the amount of virus released from NSCs was a log higher than the MSC (p < 0.001). Moreover, only virus loaded NSCs that were administered intracranially in an orthotopic glioma model significantly prolonged the survival of tumor bearing animals (median survival for NSCs 68.5 days vs 44 days for MSCs, p < 0.002). Loading oncolytic adenovirus into NSCs and MSCs also led to expression of both pro- and anti-inflammatory genes and decreased vector-mediated neuroinflammation. Our results indicate that, despite possessing a comparable migratory capacity, NSCs display superior therapeutic efficacy in the context of intracranial tumors. Taken together, these findings argue in favor of NSCs as an effective cell carrier for antiglioma oncolytic virotherapy.  相似文献   

Inner ear drug delivery for auditory applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many inner ear disorders cannot be adequately treated by systemic drug delivery. A blood-cochlear barrier exists, similar physiologically to the blood-brain barrier, which limits the concentration and size of molecules able to leave the circulation and gain access to the cells of the inner ear. However, research in novel therapeutics and delivery systems has led to significant progress in the development of local methods of drug delivery to the inner ear. Intratympanic approaches, which deliver therapeutics to the middle ear, rely on permeation through tissue for access to the structures of the inner ear, whereas intracochlear methods are able to directly insert drugs into the inner ear. Innovative drug delivery systems to treat various inner ear ailments such as ototoxicity, sudden sensorineural hearing loss, autoimmune inner ear disease, and for preserving neurons and regenerating sensory cells are being explored.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are present not only in the developing nervous systems, but also in the adult human central nervous system (CNS). It is long thought that the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus are the main sources of human adult NSCs, which are considered to be a reservoir of new neural cells. Recently adult NSCs with potential neural capacity have been isolated from white matter and inferior prefrontal subcortex in the human brain. Rapid advances in the stem cell biology have raised appealing possibilities of replacing damaged or lost neural cells by transplantation of in vitro-expanded stem cells and/or their neuronal progeny. However, sources of stem cells, large scale expansion, control of the differentiations, and tracking in vivo represent formidable challenges. In this paper we review the characteristics of the adult human NSCs, their potentiality in terms of proliferation and differentiation capabilities, as well as their large scale expansion for clinical needs. This review focuses on the major advances in brain stem cell-based therapy from the clinical perspective, and summarizes our work in clinical phase I-II trials with autologuous transplantation of adult NSCs for patients with open brain trauma. It also describes multiple approaches to monitor adult human NSCs labeled superparamagnetic nanoparticles after transplantation and explores the intriguing possibility of stem cell transplantation.  相似文献   

Development of efficient local delivery systems for the auditory organ has an important role in clinical practice for the management of inner ear disorders using pharmacological means. Chitosan, a biodegradable polymer, is a good drug carrier with bioadhesive properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using chitosan to deliver drugs to the inner ear across the round window membrane (RWM).Three structurally different chitosans loaded with a tracer drug, neomycin, were injected into the middle ear cavity of albino guinea pigs (n = 35). After 7 days the effect of chitosans and neomycin was compared among the treatment groups. The hearing organ was analysed for hair cell loss and the RWM evaluated in term of thickness.All tested chitosan formulations successfully released the loaded neomycin which then diffused across the RWM, and exerted ototoxic effect on the cochlear hair cells in a degree depending on the concentrations used. Chitosans per se had no noxious effect on the cochlear hair cells. It is concluded that the chitosans, and especially glycosylated derivative, are safe and effective carriers for inner ear therapy.  相似文献   

Cell specific targeting is an emerging field in nanomedicine. Homing of the multifunctional nanoparticles (MFNPs) is achieved by the conjugation of targeting moieties on the nanoparticle surface. The inner ear is an attractive target for new drug delivery strategies as it is hard to access and hearing loss is a significant worldwide problem. In this work we investigated the utility of a Nerve Growth Factor-derived peptide (hNgf_EE) functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) to target cells of the inner ear. These functionalized NPs were introduced to organotypic explant cultures of the mouse inner ear and to PC-12 rat pheochromocytoma cells. The NPs did not show any signs of toxicity. Specific targeting and higher binding affinity to spiral ganglion neurons, Schwann cells and nerve fibers of the explant cultures were achieved through ligand mediated multivalent binding to tyrosine kinase receptors and to p75 neurotrophin receptors. Unspecific uptake of NPs was investigated using NPs conjugated with scrambled hNgf_EE peptide. Our results indicate a selective cochlear cell targeting by MFNPs, which may be a potential tool for cell specific drug and gene delivery to the inner ear.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a very severe traumatic disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Because of its high incidence rate in causing disabilities, it brings great burdens to patients and society. Both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medicine have been adopted to ameliorate SCI with promising outcomes. In TCM, the use of Governor Vessel electro-acupuncture has achieved remarkable results on the rehabilitation of patients with SCI. In the past decade, Governor Vessel electro-acupuncture has also been used in experimentally induced SCI and this has resulted in promising functional recovery. Both neural stem cells (NSCs) and bone marrow mesenchymal cells (MSCs) have been used extensively in recent years for improvement of functional recovery of CNS disorders. We have used a combined approach by integrating the basic and clinical research in SCI in recent years. In this connection, transplantation of NSCs or MSCs coupled with the Governor Vessel electro-acupuncture (GV-EA) has been adopted to improve the recovery of SCI. Our study suggests that GV-EA may activate the process of cell metabolism, and initiate synthesis and secretion of endogenous neurotrophic factors in the ambient tissues at the lesion site of spinal cord. It is proposed that the new combined strategy could promote a better structural and functional recovery of injured spinal cord.  相似文献   

曹津津  宋琼  邹春林 《天津医药》2022,50(4):428-433
帕金森病(PD)是一种以黑质多巴胺能神经元丢失为主要病理特征的神经退行性疾病,其病因不清且发病 机制复杂。目前药物和手术治疗还难以根治PD。细胞治疗为PD治疗提供了新的策略,通过移植胎儿腹侧中脑组织 至患者纹状体,可使患者运动功能得到一定程度的恢复,证实细胞移植具有治疗PD的作用;干细胞,包括多能干细 胞、神经干细胞和间充质干细胞通过定向分化为多巴胺能神经元,为临床应用提供了可再生的细胞来源,进一步拓 展了细胞治疗的前景;诱导神经元治疗PD避免了建立体外干细胞库的高成本,有望实现神经元原位再生。就基于 不同细胞来源的PD细胞移植治疗研究进展进行综述,以期为再生医学治疗PD提供新的方向。  相似文献   

Cell transplantation is a promising strategy for the treatment of neurodegenerative and muscle degenerative diseases. Many kinds of cells, including embryonic stem cells and tissue stem cells, have been considered as candidates for transplantation therapy. Bone marrow stromal cells (MSCs) have great potential as therapeutic agents since they are easy to isolate and can be expanded from patients without serious ethical or technical problems. We discovered a new method for the highly efficient and specific induction of functional Schwann cells, neurons and skeletal muscle lineage cells from both rat and human MSCs. These induced cells were transplanted into animal models of neurotraumatic injuries, Parkinson's disease, stroke and muscle dystrophies, resulting in the successful integration of transplanted cells and an improvement in behavior of the transplanted animals. Here we focus on the respective potentials of MSC-derived cells and discuss the possibility of clinical application in degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

目的:体外研究脑缺血促神经发生的机制。 方法: 体外培养神经干细胞(neural stem cells,NSCs)与海马神经元,并采用氧糖剥夺模型(oxygen and glucose deprivation, OGD)模拟在体缺血,通过RT-PCR、Western blot、免疫细胞化学、酶活性测定、亚硝酸盐/硝酸盐(nitrite/nitrate,NOx) 含量测定等多种方法研究神经干细胞的生物学行为以及介导这种效应的分子机制。结果: (1)OGD通过直接和间接(神经元)作用增加神经干细胞中BrdU+ 细胞比例。(2)OGD上调神经干细胞中神经元型一氧化氮合酶(neuronal nitric oxide synthase,nNOS)并下调神经元中nNOS,且都有利于神经干细胞增殖。(3)采用nNOS基因敲除小鼠来源的神经干细胞以及神经元(用于共培养)进行实验,发现OGD并不能升高神经干细胞中BrdU+ 细胞比例。 结论:神经干细胞和神经元中nNOS水平变化共同参与了OGD诱导的促神经干细胞增殖效应。  相似文献   

Regeneration and replacement in the vertebrate inner ear   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Deafness affects more than 40 million people in the UK and the USA, and many more world-wide. The primary cause of hearing loss is damage to or death of the sensory receptor cells in the inner ear, the hair cells. Birds can readily regenerate their cochlear hair cells but the mammalian cochlea has shown no ability to regenerate after damage. Current research efforts are focusing on gene manipulation, gene therapy and stem cell transplantation for repairing or replacing damaged mammalian cochlear hair cells, which could lead to therapies for treating deafness in humans.  相似文献   

The hair follicle is a skin appendage with a complex structure containing many cell types that produce highly specialised proteins. The hair follicle is in a continuous cycle: anagen is the hair growth phase, catagen the involution phase and telogen is the resting phase. The follicle offers many potential therapeutic targets. Hoffman and colleagues have pioneered hair-follicle-specific targeting using liposomes to deliver small and large molecules, including genes. They have also pioneered ex vivo hair-follicle targeting with continued expression of the introduced gene following transplantation. Recently, it has been discovered that hair follicle stem cells are highly pluripotent and can form neurons, glial cells and other cell types, and this has suggested that hair follicle stem cells may serve as gene therapy targets for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Ototoxicity: therapeutic opportunities   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Two major classes of drugs currently in clinical use can cause permanent hearing loss. Aminoglycoside antibiotics have a major role in the treatment of life-threatening infections and platinum-based chemotherapeutic agents are highly effective in the treatment of malignant disease. Both damage the hair cells of the inner ear, resulting in functional deficits. The mechanisms underlying these troublesome side effects are thought to involve the production of reactive oxygen species in the cochlea, which can trigger cell-death pathways. One strategy to protect the inner ear from ototoxicity is the administration of antioxidant drugs to provide upstream protection and block the activation of cell-death sequences. Downstream prevention involves the interruption of the cell-death cascade that has already been activated, to prevent apoptosis. Challenges and opportunities exist for appropriate drug delivery to the inner ear and for avoiding interference with the therapeutic efficacy of both categories of ototoxic drugs.  相似文献   

The hair follicle is a skin appendage with a complex structure containing many cell types that produce highly specialised proteins. The hair follicle is in a continuous cycle: anagen is the hair growth phase, catogen the involution phase and telogen is the resting phase. The follicle offers many potential therapeutic targets. Hoffman and colleagues have pioneered hair-follicle-specific targeting using liposomes to deliver small and large molecules, including genes. They have also pioneered ex vivo hair-follicle targeting with continued expression of the introduced gene following transplantation. Recently, it has been discovered that hair follicle stem cells are highly pluripotent and can form neurons, glial cells and other cell types, and this has suggested that hair follicle stem cells may serve as gene therapy targets for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine survival and differentiation of cultured neural stem cells (NSCs) into viable and functional neurons upon transplantation into mice brain of MPTP-induced Parkinson disease (PD). METHODS: Mouse model of PD was established with two subcutaneous (sc) injections of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP, 40 mg/kg) twice, 16h apart. NSCs isolated from rat embryo midbrain were cultured in clonal density. After labeled with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU), the NSCs were transplanted into the uni-or bi-lateral striatum of PD mouse. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunofluorescence was used to evaluate the toxicity of MPTP on the neural cells in the substantia nigra. Immunohistology and laser confocal microscope were used to detect the survival and differentiation of transplanted NSCs. RESULTS: The cultured NSCs generated neurospheres and differentiated into neuron and astrocyte. It indicated that the cultured NSCs were multipotent and self-renewal in vitro. TH-positive neural cells were  相似文献   

AIM: To determine survival and differentiation of cultured neural stem cells (NSCs) into viable and functional neurons upon transplantation into mice brain of MPTP-induced Parkinson disease (PD). METHODS: Mouse model of PD was established with two subcutaneous (sc) injections of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine(MPTP,40mg/kg) twice, 16h apart. NSCs isolated from rat embryo midbrain were cultured in clonal density.After labeled with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU), the NSCs were transplanted into the uni-or bi-lateral striatumof PD mouse. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunofluorescence was used to evaluate the toxicity of MPTP on the neural cells in the substantia nigra. Immunohistology and laser confocal microscope were used to detect the survival and differentiation of transplanted NSCs. RESULTS: The cultured NSCs generated neurospheres and differentiated into neuron and astrocyte. It indicated that the cultured NSCs were multipotent and self-renewal in vitro.TH-positive neural cells were significantly reduced in the substantia nigra. Immunohistology showed that the uni-or bi-lateral transplanted NSCs survived in the brain of PD model mouse. Laser confocal microscope indicated that some transplanted NSCs could properly differentiate into targeted TH-positive neural cells in vivo. CONCLUSION:The transplanted multipotent NSCs could survive and differentiate into functional dopamine neurons.  相似文献   

Cisplatin is a widely used anti-cancer drug. Ototoxicity is a major dose-limiting side-effect. A reproducible mammalian in-vitro model of cisplatin ototoxicity is required to screen and validate otoprotective drug candidates. We utilized a whole organ culture system of the postnatal mouse inner ear in a rotating wall vessel bioreactor under “simulated microgravity” culture conditions. As previously described this system allows whole organ culture of the inner ear and quantitative assessment of ototoxic effects of aminoglycoside induced hair cell loss. Here we demonstrate that this model is also applicable to the assessment of cisplatin induced ototoxicity. In this model cisplatin induced hair cell loss was dose and time dependent. Increasing exposure time of cisplatin led to decreasing EC50 concentrations. Outer hair cells were more susceptible than inner hair cells, and hair cells in the cochlear base were more susceptible than hair cells in the cochlear apex. Initial cisplatin dose determined the final extent of hair cell loss irrespective if the drug was withdrawn or continued. Dose dependant otoprotection was demonstrated by co-administration of the antioxidant agent N-acetyl l-cysteine. The results support the use of this inner ear organ culture system as an in vitro assay and validation platform for inner ear toxicology and the search for otoprotective compounds.  相似文献   

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