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目的:探讨良性前列腺增生(BPH)患者并发膀胱结石的危险因素。方法:回顾性分析2016年4月~2017年9月我院就诊的321例BPH患者的资料,分别将其分为并发膀胱结石组(n=27)与无并发膀胱结石组(n=294),采用Logistic回归分析BPH患者并发膀胱结石的危险因素。结果:BPH患者的膀胱结石发生率为6.5%。多因素分析显示,年龄、前列腺尿道角(PUA)、前列腺突入膀胱程度(IPP)、前列腺移行带体积(TZV)是BPH患者并发膀胱结石的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:年龄、PUA、IPP和TZV较大的BPH患者易发生膀胱结石。 相似文献
Kopp RP Han M Partin AW Humphreys E Freedland SJ Parsons JK 《BJU international》2011,108(11):1750-1755
Study Type – Prevalence (retrospective cohort) Level of Evidence 2b What’s known on the subject? and What does the study add? Obesity is associated with prostate enlargement in men without prostate cancer. This study demonstrates an association between obesity and prostate enlargement in men with prostate cancer, and leads to possible implications for prostate cancer screening and diagnosis.
? To determine if obesity is associated with prostate size in men with prostate cancer.PATIENTS AND METHODS
? We examined preoperative body mass index (BMI) and whole prostate weight in a cohort of 16 325 patients undergoing radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer from 1975 to 2008 at a single institution. ? We used multivariable regression modelling adjusting for age, year of surgery, preoperative serum prostate‐specific antigen (PSA), pathological stage and Gleason grade.RESULTS
? Of the entire cohort, 13 343 (82%) patients had a prostate weight of at least 40 g. These men were older (P < 0.001), had a higher preoperative BMI (P < 0.002), higher preoperative PSA (P < 0.001), and were more likely to have pT2 disease (P < 0.001). ? In multivariable regression, preoperative BMI was associated with increased prostate weight: for each 1 kg/m2 increase in BMI, prostate weight increased by 0.45 g (95% CI 0.35–0.55, P‐trend < 0.001). ? Compared with men with BMI < 25 kg/m2, men with a BMI ≥35 kg/m2 had a 40% (odds ratio 1.40, 95% CI 1.01–1.95) increased risk of prostate weight of at least 40 g and a 70% (odds ratio 1.70, 95% CI 1.32–2.20) increased risk of prostate weight of at least 50 g.CONCLUSIONS
? In men with localized prostate cancer, obesity is associated with an increased risk of prostate enlargement. ? These data validate other observations linking obesity with prostate enlargement and may have important ramifications for prostate cancer diagnosis in obese men. 相似文献3.
良性前列腺增生与血管损害高危因素相关性分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的:探讨血管损害高危因素与良性前列腺增生(BPH)病变程度相关性。方法:877例BPH确诊患者,进行经直肠B超估算前列腺重量、国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)及尿流动力学检查评估梗阻程度。血管损害高危因素包括年龄、高血压、高血脂、2型糖尿病、吸烟。采用单因素和多因素分析对资料进行分析对比。结果:单因素资料分析,在病变程度不同的各组间比较,随高危因素程度或病例百分率增加,BPH病变程度随之增加。而多因素资料采用分级变量Logistic分析,显示2型糖尿病在前列腺大小、IPSS评分及梗阻程度中均为最显著的相关独立因素(OR分别为3.179、3.862、2.847,P均<0.01),血清甘油三脂在前列腺大小、IPSS评分及梗阻程度中均非显著的相关独立因素(P均>0.05),年龄、高血压、高血脂和吸烟均是上述BPH病变程度显著相关独立因素。结论:血管损害高危因素在BPH病变程度中发挥作用,其中糖尿病是BPH病变程度最显著的独立相关危险因素,其他血管损害高危因素在BPH病程中也起到不可忽视的作用。进一步证实局部血管损害与BPH之间存在密切关系。 相似文献
目的探讨前列腺结石与前列腺增生症患者前列腺体积的相关性。方法回顾性分析本院2012年1月至2013年12月出院诊断为良性前列腺增生的患者392例,根据经直肠前列腺彩超结果将患者分为前列腺结石阴性组与阳性组,比较两组的年龄、前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)、前列腺总体积、内腺体积以及各经线之间有无差别。结果结石阴性组与结石阳性组前列腺总体积(TPV)、总体积宽径(TPV-b)、内腺体积宽径(TZV-b)差别有统计学意义(P0.05);结石阴性组与结石阳性组的年龄、内腺体积(TZV)、血清总PSA(TPSA)密度以及其他各经线差别无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论前列腺结石与前列腺增生程度存在一定的内在关系,结石有可能促进前列腺组织的增生。 相似文献
Aim: To evaluate the effects of retrospective quality control on pressure-flow data with computer-based urodynamic systems from men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Methods: A total of 582 traces of pressure-flow study from 181 men with BPH was included in the study. For each trace, maximum urinary flow rate (Qmax) and detrusor pressure at Qmax (pdet.Qmax) were, respectively, read from manually smoothed and corrected uroflow and detrusor pressure curves from the computer print-outs. Obstruction coefficient, International Continence Society (ICS) and Schaefer nomograms were used to detect urethral resistance and to diagnose obstruction. The results obtained by manual reading were compared with those from computer-based systems. Results: After manual correction, Qmax underwent a consistently significant decrease by 1.2 mL/s on average (P 〈 0.001), and had a change range of 0.5-10.4 mL/s. However, pdet.Qmax underwent inconsistently intra-individual changes after correction. The obstruction coefficient increased significantly, by an average of 0.07 (P 〈 0.05). Using the ICS nomogram, the percentage of obstruction increased from 69.8% to 73.9%, and of the non-obstruction decreased from 8.8% to 5.3% (P 〈 0.05). There were 11% of traces that changed the classifications using the ICS nomogram, and 28.9% that changed the grades for the Schaefer nomogram. Conclusion: Systematically significant differences in parameters from pres- sure-flow study between manual readings and computer recordings were demonstrated. Manual correction resulted in a consistently lower Q a higher urethral resistance, and an aggravating obstruction. Manual readings can correct considerable false diagnoses for obstruction. Retrospective quality control of pressure-flow data with com- puter-based systems is necessary. 相似文献
目的:探讨前列腺癌与BPH患者血清细胞因子的差异,为前列腺癌的早期诊断提供血清蛋白质组学依据。方法:应用细胞因子抗体芯片技术,对12例PSA在灰度范围内、经穿刺活检证实的前列腺癌和BPH患者的血清进行细胞因子芯片检测。结果:筛选出19种有明显差异表达的蛋白质(差异>1.5倍),其中前列腺癌组表达明显上调的有IL-3、IL-6、IL-16等16个细胞因子,表达明显下调的有Fas/TNFRSF6、TRALR-3、IGFBP-6等3个细胞因子。其中多个蛋白与细胞的转录、增殖、信号转导和细胞凋亡等生物过程有关。结论:细胞因子抗体芯片技术能够对较小血清样本同时检测多个指标,能够筛选出与癌细胞生物学行为密切相关的"关键细胞因子",有助于寻找用于前列腺癌早期诊断、判断疗效和预后的分子标志物。 相似文献
【摘要】〓目的〓探讨经尿道前列腺分区剜除术治疗高危前列腺增生患者的临床疗效。方法〓经尿道等离子前列腺分区剜除术治疗高危前列腺增生患者89例,对其手术前后前列腺体积、残余尿量、国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)、生活质量评分(QoL)和最大尿流率(Qmax)等指标进行统计学分析。结果〓89例患者均顺利完成手术,术中、术后均无严重并反症发生,手术时间30~110 min,平均45±12.6 min;术中切除前列腺组织净重20~60 g,平均30.6±13.2 g;出血量50~300 mL,平均110±27 mL。平均随访3个月,患者国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)由21.6±3.9分降至11.8±5.1分,残余尿量由120.2±27.6 mL降至20.2±12.3 mL,最大尿流率由7.1±4.4 mL/s升至14.6±5.2 mL/s,与术前比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论〓经尿道等离子前列腺分区剜除术治疗高危前列腺增生安全、有效。充分的术前准备,以及个体化的手术方案是手术成功的关键。 相似文献
目的探讨选择性绿激光治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)的疗效和安全性。方法具有手术指征的BPH患者82例,随机分为两组。应用选择性绿激光(PVP)治疗41例,采用经尿道前列腺切除术(TURP)治疗41例。观察两组的治疗效果。结果PVP组术中出血量、手术时间、术后膀胱冲洗时间、置尿管时间、住院时间以及手术并发症与TURP组比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。两组治疗后在IPSS,QOL,Qmax、RU等方面比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论PVP治疗BPH手术操作简单安全,疗效确切,时间短,出血少,无大出血及液体吸收并发症,尤其对于高危患者,PVP术的优势更加明显。 相似文献
We aimed to investigate the difference in efficacy of medical treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) between normal and obese patients with BPH; obesity was determined by either body mass index (BMI) or waist circumference (WC). In this 12-week prospective observational study, a total of 175 patients aged ≥40 years with International Prostate Symptom Scores (IPSS) ≥12 points and prostate volume ≥20 ml were prospectively enrolled. The patients were divided into two groups according to BMI or WC. Patients received the doxazosin gastrointestinal therapeutic system (GITS) at a dose of 4 mg once per day for 12 weeks. The changes from baseline in the IPSS, maximal urinary flow rate (Qmax), post-void residual volume, quality of life (QoL) scores and adverse events (AEs) were analysed. Of the 175 enrolled patients, 132 completed the study. Sixty-seven patients had BMI >23 kg m−2, and 43 had WC >90 cm. Obese patients represented by WC >90 cm or BMI ≥23 kg m−2 had a significantly greater prostate volume compared with non-obese patients at baseline. Total IPSS was significantly higher in the WC >90 cm group compared to the WC ≤90 cm group. Total IPSS was positively correlated with prostate volume (P=0.031) and WC (P=0.045). All groups showed significant improvements in total IPSS and QoL at 12 weeks. However, the improvement of total IPSS was greater in the high-BMI and high-WC groups. The most frequent AE was dizziness (n=13), and it was significantly lower in the obese BPH patients. Obesity was associated with increased prostate volume and lower urinary tract symptoms. Alpha-blockers appear to be efficacious for controlling symptoms, especially in obese men. 相似文献
目的评估压力-流率测定在前列腺增生症(BPH)患者诊断中的价值。方法对280名伴有下尿路症状的BPH患者进行尿动力学检查和IPSS评分。结果根据膀胱出口梗阻指数(BOOI)将患者分为3组,分别为BOO组156例,轻度BOO组61例,无BOO组63例,其最大尿流率(Qmax)分别为(6.44±1.44)ml/s,(7.49±1.76) ml/s,(8.11±1.97)ml/s,BOO组与另二组统计学分析有显著性差异;最大尿流率时的逼尿肌压力(Pdet-Qmax)分别为(73.49±15.91)cmH2O,(49.90±6.82)cmH2O,(30.70±6.04)cmH2O,3组之间统计学分析有显著性差异;术前IPSS评分分别为(20.55±5.09),(17.51±4.46),(17.54±4.96),BOO组与另两组之间统计学分析有显著性差异;术前剩余尿量(PVR)分别为(104.53±37.14)ml,(106.66±41.70)ml,(104.29±40.75)ml, 3组之间差异无显著性意义。结论压力-流率测定可了解BPH患者BOO严重程度,对BPH治疗的选择和判断预后具有指导意义。 相似文献
目的:探讨经尿道等离子双极电切术(PKRP)治疗大体积良性前列腺增生(BPH)的疗效及安全性,并总结手术经验。方法:收集2008~2011年间39例在我院采用PKRP治疗的前列腺体积80ml的BPH患者的临床资料,分析手术时间、术中出血量、手术并发症以及手术前后最大尿流率(Qmax)、剩余尿量(RUV)、国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)以及生活质量评分(QOL)情况。结果:39例患者均一次手术成功,手术时间(98.1±17.6)min,术中出血(133.4±21.8)ml。1例患者因术中失血量较多行输血治疗,2例患者术后发生尿路感染,1例患者发生暂时性尿失禁,无电切综合症发生,无死亡病例。Qmax、RUV、IPSS及QOL评分较术前明显改善(P0.05)。结论:在做好围手术期准备、术者经验丰富的情况下,采用PKRP治疗80ml的BPH患者仍然安全有效。 相似文献
高危前列腺增生症经尿道隧道法电切的可行性 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的 探讨高危良性前列腺增生症经尿道隧道法电切术的可行性。方法 对 72 例高危前列腺增生症行经尿道隧道法切除部分前列腺,并观察术中、术后并发症及治疗效果。结果 72 例均手术成功,平均手术时间 40 min,无并发症。71 例症状改善,随访6~36月,排尿通畅;1例因膀胱逼尿肌功能减退,行永久性膀胱造瘘术。结论 经尿道隧道法前列腺部分切除术治疗高危前列腺增生症安全有效,是一种理想的治疗方法。 相似文献
Body size and serum levels of insulin and leptin in relation to the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Dahle SE Chokkalingam AP Gao YT Deng J Stanczyk FZ Hsing AW 《The Journal of urology》2002,168(2):599-604
PURPOSE: Obesity has been implicated in the etiology of benign and malignant prostatic growth due to its influence on metabolic and endocrine changes. Because obesity is an important determinant of serum levels of insulin and leptin (the product of the obesity gene Ob), we investigated the role of obesity and serum levels of insulin and leptin in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) etiology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fasting serum levels of insulin and leptin as well as the body mass index, a measure of overall obesity, and waist-to-hip ratio, an indicator of abdominal obesity, were determined in 200 men newly diagnosed with BPH who were hospitalized for surgery and in 302 randomly selected healthy male subjects from the population in Shanghai, China. RESULTS: A higher waist-to-hip ratio and higher serum insulin were significantly associated with an increased risk of BPH. Relative to men in the lowest waist-to-hip ratio quartile (less than 0.856) those in the highest quartile (greater than 0.923) were at 2.4-fold risk (odds ratio 2.42, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.34 to 4.37, test for trend p = 0.01). Similarly relative to men in the lowest quartile of insulin (less than 5.87 microU. per ml.) those in the highest quartile (greater than 9.76 microU. per ml.) were at significantly increased risk (odds ratio 2.47, 95% CI 1.35 to 4.54, test for trend p = 0.009). The effect of insulin on BPH risk was more pronounced in men in low and middle tertiles of the waist-to-hip ratio (odds ratios comparing high to low insulin tertiles 2.8 and 2.7, respectively), while among men in the highest waist-to-hip ratio tertile insulin was not significantly associated with BPH risk. In contrast, we found no significant odds ratio comparing the highest to lowest quartiles of leptin (odds ratio 0.62, 95% CI 0.33 to 1.17) or body mass index (odds ratio 1.64, 95% CI 0.96 to 2.81). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that abdominal obesity and increasing serum insulin, and possibly overall obesity but not serum leptin are associated with a higher risk of BPH. Further prospective and laboratory studies are needed to confirm these results and elucidate the underlying mechanisms. 相似文献
国人前列腺炎、前列腺增生与前列腺癌的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:探讨国人前列腺炎、前列腺增生与前列腺癌的关系,为预防决策提供依据.方法:分别以"前列腺炎"、"前列腺增生"、"前列腺癌"等为检索词,收集1979年1月~2007年6月国内公开发表的关于国人前列腺疾患与前列腺癌的研究文献,并用RevMan 4.2软件对这些文献进行Meta分析;根据固定效应模型和随机效应模型计算结果的一致程度进行敏感性分析.结果:纳入本次Meta分析的文献共有4篇,累计病例487例,对照1850例.前列腺炎、前列腺增生与前列腺癌发生的并发相对危险度(OR)值为4.69及95%可信区间(95%CI)为0.60~6.10(P<0.05).结论:前列腺炎,前列腺增生是国人前列腺癌发病的危险因素. 相似文献
The effectiveness of transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) for BPH has been confirmed. To identify the characteristics of the ideal candidate, retrospective analysis and morphometric study of prostatic tissue were performed. Forty-two patients with symptomatic BPH were included in the study; these comprised 10 patients treated for more than 3 months with anti-androgen pre-TUMT (group A) and 32 fresh cases (group B). Subjective and objective responses were evaluated at 2 months post TUMT. In 12 fresh cases who underwent pre-TUMT biopsy of the prostate, the stromal-to-epithelial ratio was determined via quantitative image analysis on a computer-assisted morphometry system. No significant differences in baseline patient characteristics were found between the two groups: age, prostate volume, peak flow rate (PFR), or International Prostate Symptom Score (I-PSS). However, significant differences in treatment outcome were found between the two groups (group A vs. group B, respectively): total energy delivered to the prostate: 96 kJ vs. 125 kJ; I-PSS decrease from baseline: 5.9 vs. 11.6; PFR increase from baseline: 1.1 vs. 4.7 ml/sec. There was a positive correlation between the I-PSS change from baseline and the stromal-to-epithelial ratio of the prostatic tissue (r = 0.4857). The results suggest that microwave interacts poorly with the prostate due to the artificially created “lack” of glandular tissue. The morphometric study also supports the contention that the histological composition of the prostatic tissue plays an important role in terms of microwave thermal interactions and treatment outcome. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献