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Collard greens, mustard greens, kale, okra, green onion, butter beans, butter peas, purple hull peas, rutabagas, and eggplant are frequently consumed by African Americans in the southeast United States. Sweet potato greens and purslane are two novel vegetables in this region. The objective of this study was to analyze total phenolics and antioxidant capacity in these indigenous vegetables. The total phenolic content was analyzed using the Folin–Ciocalteu method and ranged from 7.4 to 53.5 mg gallic acid equivalents per gram of dried sample. The antioxidant capacity was analyzed using the radical DPPH? scavenging capacity assay and oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay (ORAC). At a concentration of 10.0 mg dried vegetable equivalent/ml, the extract of these vegetables was able to quench 13.2–88.5% DPPH? radical in 30 min. The ORAC value ranged from 2.5 to 100.7 µmoles of trolox equivalents per gram of dried sample. The antioxidant capacity of the vegetable samples was highly related to their total phenolic content. The results suggest that these indigenous vegetables consumed by African Americans in the southeastern United States are good sources of the phenolic compounds, which might provide anti-oxidative protection against free radicals in the human body. Consumption of these vegetables might reduce the risk of chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Total phenolics and antioxidant capacities of heat-treated skins from Runner, Virginia and Spanish peanut types were evaluated. Peanut skin extracts were evaluated for total phenolics (TP), Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and peroxyl-radical trapping capacity (PRTC) assay. Factors studied were temperature (90, 112, 135, 158 and 180 °C), time (5, 15 and 25 min) and peanut types. Runners significantly (P < 0.05) contained more total phenolics and had higher TEAC and PRTC values than Virginia and Spanish types. Maximum values for total phenolics (280 mgGAE/g), TEAC value (2.56 mM TEAC/g) and PRTC value (31 μM Trolox/g) were obtained with Runners heated at 135 °C for 5 min. Regression analysis showed that temperature and time were not related to total phenolics in all three peanut types. TEAC values could be predicted by temperature and time for Runner, Virginia and Spanish, but PRTC values could be predicted for Runner and Virginia samples only. Generally, only mild heat treatments (<135 °C, 15 min) could further enhance the antioxidant capacity of peanut skins.  相似文献   



In 2006, the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges reported that the shortage (≥1,500) of public health veterinarians is expected to increase tenfold by 2020. In 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Preventive Medicine Fellows conducted a pilot project among CDC veterinarians to identify national veterinary public health workforce concerns and potential policy strategies.


Fellows surveyed a convenience sample (19/91) of public health veterinarians at CDC to identify veterinary workforce recruitment and retention problems faced by federal agencies; responses were categorized into themes. A focus group (20/91) of staff veterinarians subsequently prioritized the categorized themes from least to most important. Participants identified activities to address the three recruitment concerns with the highest combined weight.


Participants identified the following three highest prioritized problems faced by federal agencies when recruiting veterinarians to public health: (1) lack of awareness of veterinarians'' contributions to public health practice, (2) competitive salaries, and (3) employment and training opportunities. Similarly, key concerns identified regarding retention of public health practice veterinarians included: (1) lack of recognition of veterinary qualifications, (2) competitive salaries, and (3) seamless integration of veterinary and human public health.


Findings identified multiple barriers that can affect recruitment and retention of veterinarians engaged in public health practice. Next steps should include replicating project efforts among a national sample of public health veterinarians. A committed and determined long-term effort might be required to sustain initiatives and policy proposals to increase U.S. veterinary public health capacity.Effective public health systems require an interdisciplinary approach to public health disease surveillance, prevention, and control. Given that approximately 75% of emerging human infectious diseases are zoonosis-related,1 veterinarians are critical partners when addressing public health challenges, especially considering emerging pathogens that might have a zoonotic component (e.g., avian influenza, severe acute respiratory syndrome, and Ebola hemorrhagic fever).2,3 Veterinarians in state, federal, and uniformed services often fill these roles; in 2006, a total of 3,312 (3.9%) of 84,946 U.S. veterinarians were employed in public health (i.e., government and uniformed service employees).4Although veterinarians engaged in public health activities traditionally have worked in a regulatory capacity on animal health problems affecting agriculture, plant and animal health, human and animal food safety, biologic and homeland security, and wildlife and zoonotic disease prevention and control,3 others have sought to work in applied public health roles usually associated with medical doctors, nurses, and people trained in epidemiology. In addition, veterinarians in public health careers have not limited themselves to the zoonotic pathogens and often apply their population medicine knowledge to other roles of human disease or injury prevention and control, environmental health, and vaccine-preventable diseases.A 2006 report by the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) identified a shortage of ≥1,500 veterinarians fulfilling public health responsibilities; by 2020, this shortage is expected to increase tenfold.5 The 2007–2008 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Preventive Medicine Fellows (PMFs) conducted a veterinary public health workforce focus group project by using the community mobilization and group facilitation skills learned in the PMF training program.6 The objective of this project was to gain insight into key areas of recruitment and retention that might reduce the national shortage of public health veterinarians.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular risk prediction models based on classical risk factors identified in epidemiologic cohort studies are useful in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in individuals. This article briefly reviews aspects of cardiovascular risk prediction in the United States and efforts to evaluate novel risk factors. Even though many novel risk markers have been found to be associated with cardiovascular disease, few appear to improve risk prediction beyond the powerful, classical risk factors. A recent US consensus panel concluded that clinical measurement of certain novel markers for risk prediction was reasonable, namely, hemoglobin A1c (in all adults), microalbuminuria (in patients with hypertension or diabetes), and C-reactive protein, lipoprotein-associated phospholipase, coronary calcium, carotid intima-media thickness, and ankle/brachial index (in patients deemed to be at intermediate cardiovascular risk, based on traditional risk factors).Key words: risk factors, coronary disease, cardiovascular disease, epidemiology  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We compared the health statuses of the indigenous populations of New Zealand and the United States with those of the numerically dominant populations of these countries. METHODS: Health indicators compared included health outcome measures, preventive care measures, modifiable risk factor prevalence, and treatment measures. RESULTS: In the case of nearly every health status indicator assessed, disparities (both absolute and relative) were more pronounced for Maoris than for American Indians/Alaska Natives. Both indigenous populations suffered from disparities across a range of health indicators. However, no disparities were observed for American Indians/Alaska Natives in regard to immunization coverage. CONCLUSIONS: Ethnic health disparities appear to be more pronounced in New Zealand than in the United States. These disparities are not necessarily intractable. Although differences in national health sector responses exist, New Zealand may be well placed in the future to evaluate the effectiveness of new strategies to reduce these disparities given the extent and quality of Maori-specific health information available.  相似文献   

Objective: Choline is an essential nutrient and plays a critical role in brain development, cell signaling, nerve impulse transmission, and lipid transport and metabolism. This analysis aimed to assess usual intakes of choline and compare them with the dietary reference intakes for U.S. residents aged ≥2 years.

Methods: The National Cancer Institute method was used to assess usual intakes of choline from foods according to data for participants in the 2009–2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES; n = 16,809).

Results: Suboptimal intakes of choline are prevalent across many life-stage subpopulations in the United States. Only 10.8 ± 0.6% of 2009–2012 NHANES participants aged ≥2 years (15.6 ± 0.8% of males and 6.1 ± 0.6% of females) achieved the adequate intake (AI) for choline. Children aged 2–3 years were the most likely to exceed the AI (62.9 ± 3.1%), followed by children aged 4–8 years (45.4 ± 1.6%) and children aged 9–13 years (9.0 ± 1.0%), compared to adolescents aged 14–18 years (1.8 ± 0.4%) and adults aged ≥19 years (6.6 ± 0.5%). When comparing by age and gender, males consumed significantly more choline than females for all age groups.

Conclusions: These data indicate that there is a need to increase awareness among health professionals and consumers regarding potential suboptimal intakes of choline in the United States, as well as the critical role that choline plays in health maintenance throughout the lifespan. Food scientists and the food and dietary supplement industries should consider working collectively with government agencies to discuss strategies to help offset the percentage of the population that does not meet the AI. Revision of the dietary reference intakes for choline should include replacement of the AI with an estimated average requirement and a recommended dietary allowance, so that more accurate population estimates of inadequate intakes may be calculated.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to estimate the total dietary antioxidant capacity (TDAC) taken in by the Brazilian population. For analysis, the 36 most consumed foods in Brazil were evaluated. The foods were prepared according to their usual form of consumption and submitted to in vitro digestion. The daily intake of phenolics and flavonoids was estimated to be 2.31?±?0.12?g and 374.12?±?18.17?mg, respectively. The TDAC, evaluated as the ferric-reducing antioxidant power and as the trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity, was 10.3 and 9.4?mmol/d, respectively. The beverages, especially coffee, followed by beans, rice and salt bread were the most important sources of antioxidants. The average intake of phenolics and flavonoids of the Brazilian diet was comparatively higher than that estimated for several other countries. However, the contribution of fruits and vegetables to the phenolic intake and TDAC was minimal (4–6%).  相似文献   

Epidemiological evidence links high intake of ascorbic acid (AA) and other antioxidant micronutrients to health promotion. It would be useful to know the overall, or 'total' antioxidant capacity of foods, to establish the contribution of AA to this, and to assess how this information may translate into dietary intakes to meet the new US daily reference intake for AA. In this study, the total antioxidant capacity, as the ferric reducing-antioxidant power (FRAP) value, and AA content of thirty-four types of fruits and vegetables were measured using a modified version of the FRAP assay, known as FRASC. This measures AA (reduced form only) simultaneously with the FRAP value. Results covered a wide range: 880-15940 micromol/kg fresh wet weight and <20-540 mg/kg fresh wet weight respectively, for FRAP and AA, which comprised < 1-73 % and < 1-59 % total antioxidant capacity of fruits and vegetables respectively. We estimate that 100 mg AA is contained in one orange, a few strawberries, one kiwi fruit, 1-2 slices of pineapple, several florets of raw cauliflower or a handful of uncooked spinach leaves. Apples, bananas, pears and plums, the most commonly consumed fruits in the UK, contain very little AA. Results indicate also that the antioxidant capacity of vegetables decreases rapidly and significantly after fragmentation. Results of this, and future studies, using FRASC as a biomonitoring tool will be useful in food production, preparation, preservation, and aid dietary choices to increase antioxidant and AA intake. Furthermore, FRASC will facilitate bioavailability studies of antioxidants from different foods of known antioxidant capacity and AA content.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different methods of cooking on the concentration of polyphenols and antioxidant capacity found in vegetables. Squash, broccoli, carrots, kale, cabbage, green beans, and tomato were submitted to different cooking methods and then compared with their fresh form. Heat treatment was shown to have a significant effect on the antioxidant capacity and soluble and hydrolysable polyphenolic content of most vegetables analyzed, either increasing or decreasing the concentration of these compounds. The results suggest that the best cooking method for increasing the concentration of polyphenols and antioxidants was steaming, while microwave cooking was the least recommended method.  相似文献   

Asian Indians (AI) have a high risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The study investigated associations between discrimination and (1) cardiovascular risk and (2) self-rated health among AI. Higher discrimination scores were hypothesized to relate to a higher cardiovascular risk score (CRS) and poorer self-rated health. Asian Indians (n = 757) recruited between 2010 and 2013 answered discrimination and self-reported health questions. The CRS (0-8 points) included body-mass index, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose levels of AI. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to evaluate relationships between discrimination and the CRS and discrimination and self-rated health, adjusting for psychosocial and clinical factors. There were no significant relationships between discrimination and the CRS (p ≥ .05). Discrimination was related to poorer self-reported health, B = ?.41 (SE = .17), p = .02. Findings suggest perhaps there are important levels at which discrimination may harm health.  相似文献   

Researchers conducting phenomenological studies among indigenous peoples in the United States and Canada have identified a seamless link between phenomenology and indigenous oral tradition. Phenomenology is compatible with indigenous peoples, because it is synchronous with holistic indigenous cultural lifeway and values. Phenomenology, as a research method, assists indigenous people in reproducing, through narrative communication, features of the past, present, and future. In the narrative process, this method elicits significant implicit meaning of indigenous culture and assists with recording the essence of experiences and events of indigenous societies. A product of the telling of narrative stories is the capacity to reflect on change that will enhance health in a holistic and culturally acceptable manner.  相似文献   

Green leafy vegetables (GLV) offer a cheap but rich source of a number of micronutrients and other phytochemicals having antioxidant properties. The potential of 30 GLV in the raw and cooked form as natural antioxidant supplements for vegetarian diets was assessed. There was a large variability in the values of antioxidant activity of various GLV extracts in the lipid micelles (1.5-5.6 mM vitamin E/100 g for raw samples and 1.6-3.8 mM vitamin E/100 g for cooked samples). Similar to thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values, the super oxide scavenging ability values also exibited large variation (10.6-55.9), with significantly higher values in the raw state than the cooked state (P<0.001). Omum leaves, radish leaves and lettuce had high values for this index. The range of values for ferrous iron chelating activity was from 9.3 to 65.7 mM EDTA/100 g food material, indicating again a large variability in this assay. Leaves of coriander, amaranthus viridis, colcasia green and drumstick showed high values, while Amaranthus p. Colocasia black and amaranthus red exibited low values. Differences between raw and cooked values were highly significant for all the three indices (P<0.001).  相似文献   

Green leafy vegetables (GLV) offer a cheap but rich source of a number of micronutrients and other phytochemicals having antioxidant properties. The potential of 30 GLV in the raw and cooked form as natural antioxidant supplements for vegetarian diets was assessed. There was a large variability in the values of antioxidant activity of various GLV extracts in the lipid micelles (1.5–5.6 mM vitamin E/100 g for raw samples and 1.6–3.8 mM vitamin E/100 g for cooked samples). Similar to thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values, the super oxide scavenging ability values also exibited large variation (10.6–55.9), with significantly higher values in the raw state than the cooked state (P<0.001). Omum leaves, radish leaves and lettuce had high values for this index. The range of values for ferrous iron chelating activity was from 9.3 to 65.7 mM EDTA/100 g food material, indicating again a large variability in this assay. Leaves of coriander, amaranthus viridis, colcasia green and drumstick showed high values, while Amaranthus p. Colocasia black and amaranthus red exibited low values. Differences between raw and cooked values were highly significant for all the three indices (P<0.001).  相似文献   

As mutation causes many life-threatening diseases including cancer, a diet enriched with specific vegetables having potential to reduce mutagenesis possesses immense significance. In this study, 41 commonly used vegetables from diverse botanical taxa were evaluated and compared for their relative antimutagenic potential using standard assays [Escherichia coli RNA polymerase β (rpoB)-based RifS → RifR assay and Ames test] against known mutagens (UV, gamma radiation, 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide and ethylmethanesulphonate). Significant differences in antimutagenicity were observed even among the cultivars within the same species, as well as at other phylogenetic levels such as genus or family. The effect of cooking in terms of boiling (aquathermal treatment), on the antimutagenicity of these vegetables, was also investigated. In majority of the cases, aquathermal treatment did not affect the antimutagenic potential. The antimutagenicity of these vegetables was not found to correlate well with their antioxidant properties.  相似文献   



To examine the potential for reducing cardiovascular risk factors in the United States of America enough to cause age-adjusted coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality rates to drop by 20% (from 2000 baseline figures) by 2010, as targeted under the Healthy People 2010 initiative.


Using a previously validated, comprehensive CHD mortality model known as IMPACT that integrates trends in all the major cardiovascular risk factors, stratified by age and sex, we calculated how much CHD mortality would drop between 2000 and 2010 in the projected population of the United States aged 25–84 years (198 million). We did this for three assumed scenarios: (i) if recent risk factor trends were to continue to 2010; (ii) success in reaching all the Healthy People 2010 risk factor targets, and (iii) further drops in risk factors, to the levels already seen in the low-risk stratum.


If age-adjusted CHD mortality rates observed in 2000 remained unchanged, some 388 000 CHD deaths would occur in 2010. First scenario: if recent risk factor trends continued to 2010, there would be approximately 19 000 fewer deaths than in 2000. Although improved total cholesterol, lowered blood pressure in men, decreased smoking and increased physical activity would account for some 51 000 fewer deaths, these would be offset by approximately 32 000 additional deaths from adverse trends in obesity and diabetes and in blood pressure in women. Second scenario: If Healthy People 2010 cardiovascular risk factor targets were reached, approximately 188 000 CHD deaths would be prevented. Scenario three: If the cardiovascular risk levels of the low-risk stratum were reached, approximately 372 000 CHD deaths would be prevented.


Achievement of the Healthy People 2010 cardiovascular risk factor targets would almost halve the predicted CHD death rates. Additional reductions in major risk factors could prevent or postpone substantially more deaths from CHD.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the risk precursors to cardiovascular disease is thought to be a key component of health decision making. Many intervention programs have been aimed at increasing the nation's general knowledge of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, although the determinants of the level of cardiovascular disease knowledge are not thoroughly understood. We examined cardiovascular knowledge in a nationally representative sample of the United States population with data from the 1985 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention supplement of the National Health Interview Survey. Interviews with 12,551 white women, 770 Hispanic women, 2,547 black women, 9,832 white men, 576 Hispanic men, and 1,440 black men were used in this analysis. We constructed a seven-item index for cardiovascular disease knowledge. After adjustment for age and education, white men and women scored higher on the cardiovascular disease knowledge index than either their Hispanic or black counterparts. We also examined the relationships of age, education, income, marital status, access to medical care, geographic region, and seven self-reported cardiovascular disease risk factors to the levels of cardiovascular disease knowledge. Education was the strongest predictor of cardiovascular disease knowledge. The variables examined accounted for a small portion of the variance in knowledge. Levels of cardiovascular disease knowledge were lower among respondents with less education and income, those who were not married, those with less access to medical care, and those who were smokers or physically inactive. Therefore, efforts to improve levels of cardiovascular disease knowledge should be directed toward subgroups.  相似文献   



Physical activity is increasingly recognized as an important factor influencing health and disease status. Total energy expenditure, both low-intensity and high-intensity, contributes to maintenance of healthy body weight. This paper presents the results of a quantitative approach to determining the activities that contribute to total energy expenditure in the United States.  相似文献   

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