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Objective To determine if the type of service system affects the amount of service food waste (SFW) generated in dining areas of a continuing-care retirement community.Research design A waste stream analysis was conducted for 7 days to determine quantity of SFW generated in three service systems: health care tray service, health care dining room with wait-staff service, and ambulatory dining room with family style service. Weight and volume were determined.Setting Health care tray service and wait-staff service were provided to 70 residents in a health care unit. Family-style service was provided as an optional service for 130 residents in independent-living units. An average of 229 meals were served per day.Statistical analysis performed Analysis of variance and a multiple comparison method were used to compare mean weight and volume of SFW on a per meal, per day, and per week basis.Results During the 7-day period, 482.8 lb, or 83 gal, of SFW was disposed of. Health care tray service generated more SFW by weight for all three meals than either family-style service or wait-staff service, and it generated the greatest total volume of service waste. Residents eating in the dining room with family-style service disposed of significantly less SFW by weight at lunch and dinner than those receiving the other two service styles.Applications Changing the style of service can affect not only quantity of solid waste generated and associated disposal costs but also food and supply costs, meal acceptability, and quantity of natural resources required. The systems approach should be used to assess the feasibility of changing service system so that all costs are considered. J Am Diet Assoc. 1997;97:879-882.  相似文献   

对荆门市垃圾处理场新进场垃圾和已填埋垃圾成分分析过程和方法进行探究,对其结果进行检测和分析,并对新鲜垃圾的进场和已填埋垃圾的开采提出建议。  相似文献   

There have been increasing efforts in recent decades to divert institutional food waste into composting programs. As major producers of food waste who must increasingly demonstrate community benefit, hospitals have an incentive to develop such programs. In this article, we explain the emerging opportunity to link hospitals’ food services to local community gardens in order to implement robust composting programs. We describe a partnership model at our hospital in central Pennsylvania, share preliminary outcomes establishing feasibility, and offer guidance for future efforts. We also demonstrate that the integration of medical students in such efforts can foster systems thinking in the development of programs to manage hospital waste streams in more ecologically-friendly ways.  相似文献   

The purposes of the authors in this study were: (1) to determine whether published body mass index and bioelectrical impedance analysis equations agreed with dual energy x-ray absorptiometry body fat percentage measures and (2) to estimate new body mass index and bioelectrical impedance analysis equations in a sample of African American women. Linear regression was used to determine how well 10 body mass index and bioelectrical impedance analysis equations reflected dual energy x-ray absorptiometry body fat percentage measures in this sample of 74 African American women; new body mass index and bioelectrical impedance analysis equations were created using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry body fat percentage measures as the dependent variable. Participants (M = 47.6 years, SD = 7.7) were classified as overweight or obese (BMI Mean BF% = 35.4, SD = 8.2; BIA Mean BF% = 43.3, SD = 6.9; DXA Mean BF% = 41.5, SD = 6.1). R2 and SEE values indicated that all body mass index and bioelectrical impedance analysis equations were a poorer fit with less precision, and the new bioelectrical impedance analysis equation discussed in this article was a better fit and was more precise. All 10 body mass index and bioelectrical analysis equations inaccurately estimated dual energy x-ray absorptiometry body fat percentage measures in our sample. The new body mass index equation discussed in this article had less estimation bias and more precision than the published body mass index equations and may be a more accurate equation in African American women.  相似文献   

通过标准采样分析法对辽宁丹东市城市生活垃圾进行了为期1 a的调查研究,结果表明:垃圾各组分中可腐物含量占35.72%~54.12%,小于17 mm的筛下混合物12.25%~27.60%,无机物9.19%~39.35%,塑料7.12%~27.12%;垃圾的密度209.8~435.7 kg/m3,含水率39.97%~55.12%,高位热值为10 127.6~25 110.2 kJ/kg,低位热值4 812.2~14 794.2 kJ/kg;可腐物和筛下混合物中总N 0.588%~2.132%,总P(P2O5)为0.189%~0.816%,总K(K2O)0.977%~1.596%,重金属Cr 18.11~47.17 mg/kg,Cu 66.79~181.18 mg/kg,Pb 35.16~145.23 mg/kg,Zn 115.22~338.22mg/kg,As为9.32~23.55 mg/kg。并提出堆肥与填埋综合处理是当前丹东市城市生活垃圾最适宜的处理方案。  相似文献   

通过比较上海分类小区生活垃圾理化指标间的差异反映分类效果,提出垃圾分类对策和建议。  相似文献   

武汉市城市生活垃圾成份及产生量的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对武汉市城市生活垃圾成份做了较详细的调查,其中包括垃圾物理成份、容重、含水率、灰份等的调查分析,其次还对燃料结构和居民的人员结构、经济状况、年龄结构与职业状况等一些相关因素做了分析,认为这些因素对垃圾成份有一定的影响.  相似文献   

中德垃圾分类比较及中国垃圾分类的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了中德两国垃圾分类回收的状况,说明我国应采取健全的政策法规,对居民进行广泛深入的宣传教育,完善后续处理手段等措施实施垃圾分类回收。  相似文献   

采用热石灰和碳酸氢钠对垃圾焚烧厂的烟气进行干法药剂脱酸效果的实验研究,并通过药剂消耗计算、药剂消耗成本和飞灰处理成本比较及干法药剂选择综合分析可知:垃圾焚烧厂采用干法去除酸性气体,虽然碳酸氢钠的经济性较熟石灰差,但去除效率更高.焚烧厂若采用半干法+干法的脱酸工艺,干法药剂建议采用碳酸氢钠;若采用干法+湿法的脱酸工艺,干...  相似文献   

以上海市浦东新区生活垃圾分类居住区为研究对象,制定针对性方案对分类居住区垃圾物理组分进行测试,通过数据分析评价了垃圾分类管理路径的可行性、管理实效及不同居住区分类管理特征等.  相似文献   

Using data from "Retirement Plan Trends in Today's Healthcare Market-2003," a new report, this gatefold shows how hospitals can use retirement benefits to attract and retain staff, a matter of vital importance as the U.S. work force ages.  相似文献   

构建了建筑垃圾管理系统模型,并以建筑垃圾处理流程为纲,对比分析重庆市与深圳市建筑垃圾管理现状和政策差异。  相似文献   

从运行实际、经济性等方面考虑生活垃圾发电厂引风机的配置万案,开结管实例通行比较表明,王活理圾发电厂若仅考虑节省设备投资,可参照国内热电厂的运行实绩,采用成熟的国产变频引风机.为了提高烟气处理系统的运行稳定性同时兼顾运营的经济性,建议垃圾焚烧厂采用进口变频引风机.  相似文献   

目的 探讨淮北地区人居环境粉螨孳生情况,预防粉螨性变态反应性疾病的发生.方法 于2006年4-5月选取普通小区、宾馆和大学生集体宿舍采集样本,进行螨种的鉴定和种群多样性分析.结果 共检获粉螨15种,隶属于5科11属.丰富度指数和多样性指数最高的是普通小区,分别为1.36和2.16;最低的是宾馆,分别为0.45和1.21.均匀度指数和优势度指数最高的分别是大学生宿舍(均匀度指数为0.92)和宾馆(优势度指数为0.5).结论 淮北地区人居环境粉螨孳生密度较高.应加强防螨措施.  相似文献   

目的调查安徽省宣城地区居室环境中粉螨的群落组成和多样性。方法于2006年6—7月,选择100户家庭进行了样本采集,每居室环境中取4个采样点,分别采集地面灰尘、床面灰尘、家具灰尘及衣物灰尘,采用振筛分离、直接镜检等方法进行灰尘样本中粉螨的分离、鉴定及计数,并进行数据分析。结果共检获粉螨3 386只,隶属于6科12属,共14种。对4类居室灰尘中粉螨群落多样性分析表明:它们的丰富度指数为0.73~1.75,多样性指数为1.36~1.87,均匀度指数为0.70~0.92。结论粉螨群落的结构及多样性与其生境条件直接相关,人类活动的干扰也是不可忽视的影响因素。  相似文献   

<正>罗非鱼(Tilapia)原产地非洲,是我国主要养殖水产品,其主要特点为肉质鲜美,少刺,蛋白质含量高,深受消费者喜爱[1-2]。莫桑比克罗非鱼(Oreochromis mossambicus),上世纪五十年代称为越南鱼。1956、1957年分别由泰国和越南引入我国广东省试养,因其个体小、生长慢、体色黑,现已淘汰。荷那龙罗非鱼(O.hornorum),2001  相似文献   

针对社区环境市场化供给与社区管理的结合现状,通过生活垃圾典型管理模式分析,探讨不同模式运行的边界条件和推广的可能性,以及政府在促进社区力量生长、社区机制培育中应起的作用.  相似文献   

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