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目的 探讨中、重度前臂缺血性肌肉挛缩晚期功能重建的手术方法及疗效。方法 对42例中、重度前臂缺血性肌肉挛缩的晚期患者,进行旋前畸形矫正和旋后对掌功能重建手术。其中6例行指浅、深屈肌腱交叉延长术,17例行肌腱转位术+骨间膜、旋前方肌松解术,19例行肌腱转位术+骨间膜、旋前方肌松解术+腕屈肌旋后功能重建术。结果 术后42例患者均获得6~34个月的随访。旋后功能恢复:优9例,良18例,可12例,差3例,优良率为64.3%。手功能恢复:优11例,良15例,可14例,差2例,优良率为61.9%。结论 对中、重度晚期缺血性肌肉挛缩的患者,应针对其不同的挛缩程度采用不同的手术方法进行治疗。  相似文献   

1995年4月我科收治了一例胫后肌腱脱位的16岁女体操运动员,报告如下。 1 临床资料 患者在入院前2周训练时突觉内踝疼痛,不能活动,同时发现内踝皮下有一从后上向前下的硬索,足跖屈位并以手推硬索可使之回纳于内蜾后方。以后该现象反复出现。入院体检发现右内踝后略肿胀,轻压痛,踝关节活动正常,当足跟内翻足背屈位时用力跖屈,则有一硬索样物从内踝后向前脱出,位于内踝皮下,将足置跖屈位,以手推可回纳。X线片检查未见异常。在该病例,我们采取了手术治疗。在跟骨阻滞麻醉下对患者做沿内踝后下缘的6cm长切口。逐层切开皮肤,皮下组织,见屈肌支持带撕裂,胫后肌腱紧贴内踝后下缘,将足内翻背屈时胫后肌腱可脱出,肌腱滑车较浅。于踝尖上2.5cm处的胫骨内侧面做一1.6cm×1.6cm,厚0.5cm的滑行骨瓣,肌腱复位后,将滑行骨瓣向后滑动0.5cm,挡于肌腱内侧(附图),以一枚松质骨螺丝钉固定骨瓣,而后于骨瓣外修复屈肌支持带,最后逐层缝合皮下组织及皮肤。术后在足跖屈位行膝下石膏托固定6周。石膏拆除后行功能锻炼。术后3个月随访,患者右踝活动范围如  相似文献   

先天性马蹄内翻足是小儿足部常见畸形 ,早期保守治疗虽可获得部分矫正 ,但复发率高。足部肌力不平衡是引起畸形复发的主要原因。我院采用手术治疗 3 2例 46足 ,经随访效果满意 ,报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组 3 2例 ,男 2 0例 ,女 12例 ,年龄 5个月~ 3岁 ,1.5岁以下 18例。左侧 8例 ,右侧 10例 ,双侧 14例 ,共 46足。1.2 手术方式及术后处理采用跟腱皮下切断 8例 11足 ,跟腱延长 2 4例 3 5足。胫前肌外移重新附丽于第 3楔状骨 3 4足 ,骰骨内侧 12足。行胫后肌、屈长肌、屈趾长肌腱延长术 3足。局部皮瓣转移术 2例。术后用长腿管…  相似文献   

指浅屈肌移位重建屈肘功能   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的介绍应用指浅屈肌移位治疗臂丛C5~7根性撕脱伤患者肘关节屈曲功能障碍的方法。方法在研究11具成人新鲜上肢标本屈肌腱局部解剖学基础上,对9例不可逆臂丛损伤施行指浅屈肌翻转移位术以重建屈肘功能。结果指浅屈肌76%的血液供应及69%的神经支配集中于指浅屈肌起点以远12cm的肌腹内。保护好这段肌腹的血供及神经,则肌肉的翻转移位是安全的。临床应用9例,术后平均随访15个月,肌力恢复到4级以上6例,3级2例,2级1例,满意率达89%。屈肌腱移位后对手指原有的屈曲功能无明显影响。结论在不可修复的臂丛上干损伤,同侧背阔肌、胸大肌及尺侧腕屈肌不具备移位条件时,用指浅屈肌腱翻转重建屈肘功能,为安全可靠、行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

足下垂通常继发于坐骨神经或腓总神经损伤,虽然经神经修复和神经移植,仍有64%坐骨神经,46%~54%腓总神经瘫痪不能恢复踝背伸功能。踝关节融合术或佩带支具往往不为患者所接受。自1937年Mayer首次提出通过骨间膜将胫后肌腱转位至足背以重建踝背伸功能以来,相继报道取得显著疗效。本文对12例胫后肌腱转位术的足下垂患者进行平均90个月(自24~300个月)的长期随访,并对结果进行分析。术前对各肌群力量进行仔细评估以决定肌腱远端附着点。如背伸不能超过中立位10°则首先行跟腱延长术。胫后肌腱通过骨间膜经  相似文献   

[目的]介绍隧道交通腱-骨锚定肌腱转移技术及其对痉挛性马蹄内翻足的初步临床结果。[方法]对20例痉挛性马蹄内翻足患者,行选择性胫神经肌支切断,并将胫后肌转移到骰骨或第三楔骨。在骨上制作相互交通的一个中央隧道和三个周围隧道,引入缝线并与肌腱末端缝合,将肌腱缝合固定在中央隧道内,缝合线末端在周围隧道外两两打结固定。术后随访半年,评定肌腱与骨愈合情况,踝关节屈伸活动度范围,Holden步行能力和6 min距离。[结果]胫后肌转移后愈合率为100%。所有患者马蹄内翻畸形均消失,行走功能明显改善。与术前相比,术后6个月小腿三头肌肌张力MAS评分、踝关节屈伸活动范围(range of motion, ROM),6 min步行距离和Holden步行能力评分均显著改善(P<0.05)。[结论]此隧道交通腱-骨固定胫后肌转移方法安全可靠,可有效矫正患肢马蹄内翻畸形,改善下肢负重行走功能。  相似文献   

目的探讨根据Johson-Strom分期采用不同手术方式治疗胫后肌腱功能不全的疗效和要点。方法回顾性分析自2015-08—2017-12采用手术治疗的32例胫后肌腱功能不全。Johson-StromⅠ期患者行胫后肌腱滑膜切除,或切除病变肌腱后屈趾长肌腱转位重建胫后肌腱功能;Ⅱ期患者采用软组织手术与截骨手术相结合的方法治疗,包括跟骨内移截骨、屈趾长肌腱转位;Ⅲ期患者行三关节融合术或距下关节与距舟关节融合术。结果 32例均获得随访,随访时间平均10.8(6~18)个月。1例ⅡB期女性患者因距舟关节明显不稳行距舟关节融合及跟骨截骨术,术后12个月X线片显示距舟关节融合处未愈合,其余患者截骨端愈合且关节融合。末次随访时AOFAS评分、疼痛VAS评分、跟骨外翻角、正位Meary角、侧位Meary角均较术前明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。结论根据术前准确的鉴别诊断与临床分期选择正确、合理的术式是胫后肌腱功能不全患者获得满意疗效的关键,同时也要重视术后康复训练。  相似文献   

经胸膈神经移位治疗臂丛神经损伤   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 观察经胸膈神经移位到上臂中下段正中神经后组神经束的手术效果。方法 选择10例经术前的体征、肌电检查,并经术中肌电及探查,明确诊断为早期全臂丛根性撕脱伤的患者。在对其行经胸膈神经移位到上臂中下段正中神经后组神经束(含前骨间神经、掌长肌支、指深屈肌近侧支)的同时也行其它神经移位;包括健侧C7后股、健侧胸前神经等移位术,以恢复病人肩、肘、腕、手的功能。结果 10例患者术后随访6-28个月,其中最早手术的3例于术后2年已比较满意地恢复了有关功能,其余7例由于术后时间较短尚在恢复之中。结论 经胸膈神经移位术能恢复手的部分功能。术中同时修复膈神经远断端已成为可能。  相似文献   

尺侧腕屈肌移位重建屈肘功能16例疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我院于1998年1月~2002年9月行尺侧腕屈肌移位重建屈肘功能16例,现将疗效分析如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料本组16例,男15例,女1例;年龄18~38岁,平均28.8岁。其中臂丛神经上、中干损伤13例,上干损伤3例。手术距受伤时间10个月~32个月,平均15个月,术前尺侧腕屈肌肌力均5级。2例术前曾行臂丛神经探查松解术,1例术后行肩外展功能重建术。1.2手术方法臂丛神经阻滞或全麻下,取仰卧位,前臂内侧直切口,掌横纹处切断尺侧腕屈肌腱,逆行游离远端2/3肌腱及肌腹;肘前横切口,经皮下隧道与前臂切口相通,将尺侧腕屈肌游离端抽出至…  相似文献   

Ⅱ、Ⅲ区陈旧性拇长屈肌腱损伤的重建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨重建Ⅱ、Ⅲ区陈旧性拇长屈肌腱损伤的手术疗效。方法对20例Ⅱ、Ⅲ区陈旧性拇长屈肌腱损伤的患者,根据手术方式分成两组:A组10例,采用环指指浅屈肌腱移位修复拇长屈肌腱;B组10例,采用掌长肌腱移植修复。结果术后随访10~18个月,平均12个月。按照屈肌腱术后评定标准(Kleinert)评定,A组优良率为90%,B组优良率30%。A组明显优于B组。结论对伤后时间超过8周的Ⅱ、Ⅲ区拇长屈肌腱损伤首选修复方法是行环指指浅屈肌腱移位术。  相似文献   

The interosseous route remains popular for tibialis posterior tendon transfer for drop-foot. It leaves a smaller range of movement than the circumtibial route, but lengthening the calcaneal tendon may improve this. The results of this present series indicate that, in order to predict a good functional result, the ankle must be held in at least 20 degrees of dorsiflexion at the time of tendon transfer.  相似文献   

This article summarises a prospective study to evaluate the long-term results produced by interosseous transfer of the tibialis posterior tendon for the correction of foot drop due to leprosy neuritis. The study was carried out in 120 feet in 69 patients. All patients had closed elongation of the tendo Achillis (ETA) before transfer of the bifurcated tibialis posterior tendon through the interosseous route to the tendons of tibialis anterior and peroneous tertius or brevis over the dorsum of feet. At final follow-up of average 24 months, all the patients with ETA had a significantly greater range of active dorsiflexion of more than 10° above 90°, which was not merely from the tenodesing effect. The results, in terms of improvement in gait and prevention of trophic changes, remained satisfactory. An interosseous route is preferred with split attachment to the tibialis anterior and to the peroneus brevis or tertius tendons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most techniques for posterior tibial tendon transfer attach the posterior tibial tendon somewhere at the dorsum of the foot. Inadequate tendon length and difficulties in securing the tendon to bone or tendon can complicate these procedures. Performing the tenodesis proximal to the ankle joint can prevent these problems. The present study is the first to describe the results of posterior tibial tendon transfer through the interosseous membrane attaching only the posterior tibial tendon to the extensor tendons proximal to the ankle joint. METHODS: We examined 13 feet in 12 patients with a foot-drop, equinovarus deformity, or both. The median (range) followup was 3.7 years (9 to 81 months) and the median age at surgery as 30 (13 to 59) years. Evaluation included recording patient satisfaction, use of ankle-foot orthoses (AFO), video-assisted gait analysis, physical examination, the Stanmore system, modified Ninkovi? method, and complications. RESULTS: At followup, patient satisfaction was excellent to good in nine feet. Ten of the 11 feet that needed an AFO preoperatively did not need one after surgery. Gait analysis demonstrated a good to fair gait in 10 patients. Median dorsiflexion was 0 (-25 to 12) degrees, with dorsiflexion to a neutral position or beyond in nine feet. The Stanmore system and modified Ninkovi? method showed excellent to good results in 10 feet. Three complications were recorded including one failed tendon transfer. CONCLUSIONS: Attachment of a split posterior tibial tendon to the extensor tendons proximal to the ankle joint provides results equivalent to other procedures and can be considered a viable operative alternative because it is less difficult and more straightforward than other techniques.  相似文献   

Surgical correction was performed on nine patients who had equinovarus deformity caused by severe crush injury of the leg sustained in an earthquake. The operative procedure used involved the transfer of the posterior tibial tendon to the dorsum of the foot by passing it through the interosseous membrane using a modified procedure as published in 1978. This procedure was combined with percutaneous Achilles tendon lengthening and tenotomy of toe flexors when needed. The average follow-up time after the operation was 21 months. The treatment improved the heel-toe steppage gait in all patients and all were able to walk in standard shoes. There were no complications in the postoperative period. Recurrence of varus deformity was not seen in any of the patients. They had active dorsiflexion of the foot, with a median active dorsiflexion of 5 degrees (0 to 10 degrees) and median active plantarflexion of 16.1 degrees (10 to 25 degrees) compared to the median active dorsiflexion and plantarflexion on the uninvolved side. The total range-of-motion was 21.1 degrees (10 to 35 degrees).  相似文献   

Posterior tendon transfer to the dorsum of the foot through the interosseous membrans is an effective procedure for spastic equinovarus deformity. The complications of excessive calcaneal or excessive valgus deformity can be avoided if the transfer is not inserted too tightly with the foot in dorsiflexion and if it is not transferred to a cuboid insertion. Electromyographic activity was demonstrated in some of the transferred muscles during the swing phase of gait. Tendo achillis lengthening in association with posterior tibial transfer must be done judiciously to avoid deformity of the calcaneus.  相似文献   

Hallux valgus is a common forefoot pathology often requiring surgical intervention for symptomatic relief. One complication of hallux valgus correction is flexible hallux varus. Iatrogenic flexible hallux varus often requires surgical repair; however, the most advantageous surgical procedure for repair of iatrogenic flexible hallux varus and their sustainability remains unclear. Therefore, we performed a systematic review to determine the sustainability of soft-tissue release with tendon transfer for the correction of iatrogenic flexible hallux varus. Studies were eligible for inclusion only if they involved failure of soft-tissue release with tendon transfer for flexible iatrogenic hallux varus. Eight studies met our inclusion criteria, seven of which were evidence-based medicine level IV studies and one was level V. A total of 52 patients, all female, involving 68 feet, were included. All studies included soft-tissue release of the first metatarsal-phalangeal joint capsule and 1 of the following procedures: Johnson transfer of the extensor hallucis longus tendon with arthrodesis of the hallux interphalangeal joint (41 feet); Hawkins transfer of the abductor hallucis tendon (9 feet); reverse Hawkins transfer (7 feet); Valtin transfer of the first dorsal interosseous tendon (7 feet); and Myerson transfer of the extensor hallucis brevis tendon (4 feet). The weighted mean age of the patients was 50.4 years, and the weighted mean follow-up was 30.2 months. A total of 11 complications (16.2%) occurred. Of note, only 3 cases (4.4%) of recurrent hallux varus deformity developed, all of which occurred after Johnson transfer of the extensor hallucis longus tendon, with arthrodesis of the hallux interphalangeal joint. Our results support that sustainable correction of iatrogenic flexible hallux varus can be achieved with soft-tissue release of the first metatarsal-phalangeal joint combined with a variety of tendon transfer procedures. However, given the limited data available, potential areas for additional prospective investigation remain.  相似文献   

The posterior tibial tendon transfer through the interosseous membrane, as popularized by Watkins in 1954, is a procedure for treating reducible eversion and dorsiflexory paresis used by lower extremity foot and ankle surgeons. The posterior tibial tendon has been transferred to various locations on the midfoot for equinus and equinovarus deformities. Dorsiflexory paresis is a common symptom in equinovarus deformity, clubfoot deformity, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, leprosy, mononeuropathy, trauma to the common peroneal nerve, cerebrovascular accident, and Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. The main difficulty with this procedure, often discussed by surgeons, is inadequate tendon length, making anchoring to the cuneiforms or cuboid difficult. The goal of our cadaveric study was threefold. First, we sought to determine whether the tendon length is sufficient when transferring the posterior tibial tendon to the dorsum of the foot through the interosseous membrane for a dynamic or a static transfer. Second, we wished to describe the surgical technique designed to obtain the maximal length. Finally, we sought to discuss the strategies used when the tendon length for transfer is insufficient.  相似文献   

Surgical repair of distal biceps tendon rupture is a technically challenging procedure that has the potential for devastating and permanently disabling complications. We report two cases of posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) injury following successful biceps tendon repair utilizing both the single-incision and two-incision approaches. We also describe our technique of posterior interosseous nerve repair using a medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve graft (MABC) and a new approach to the terminal branches of the posterior interosseous nerve that makes this reconstruction possible. Finally, we advocate consideration for identification of the posterior interosseous nerve prior to reattachment of the biceps tendon to the radial tuberosity.  相似文献   

Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD) is a progressive disorder and a common cause of adult acquired flatfoot deformity, and forefoot varus is a frequent component in advanced cases. The author proposes peroneus brevis-to-longus transfer as an additional step to correct the forefoot varus component of stage II-A posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. We have performed this dynamic correction of forefoot varus in 12 patients at our institution, and observed promising clinical and radiographic improvement. It is a soft tissue procedure that avoids additional incisions and represents a favorable alternative to more demanding techniques, such as osteotomy or arthrodesis.  相似文献   

Traumatic lesion of the deep branch of the radial nerve (posterior interosseous nerve) causes paralysis of the finger and thumb extension while wrist extension is maintained. There is no sensory disturbance. The lesion can be caused by knife injury, by Monteggia lesions and iatrogenically by procedures at the proximal radius. Traumatic disconnection of the posterior interosseous nerve is a good indication for early surgical exploration of the nerve; microsurgical reconstruction should then be carried out. When nerve repair has not been done or has been unsuccessful, finger and thumb extension can be achieved by various methods of tendon transfer. No transfer is necessary for the wrist. In two cases with fresh discission of the deep branch of the radial nerve (one after knife injury and one due to plate osteosynthesis of the radius) a microsurgical reconstruction was done. In two other cases with an old lesion after procedures on the proximal radius and unsuccessful nerve reconstruction a tendon transfer was done. In the two cases of acute microsurgical intervention the recovery was complete. In the two cases of tendon transfer good restoration of the finger and thumb extension was achieved.  相似文献   

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